Angelica, who had poured all her magic power into the Escape Sword (EA) in her hand in mid-air, also noticed the sword arrow under her body, and the diamond-shaped mirror appeared from beside her again.

However, she had no chance to escape again.


"Illusion collapse——!"

Miyu's brother, who was standing on the ground with his back to Angelica in the air, spoke softly.

The next second, the entire space suddenly froze.

Behind Brother Miyu, the red air flow suddenly turned into the most violent wind pressure, filling the entire world in an instant.


The whole sky suddenly collapsed amid the trembling sound.

The red wind pressure swept through everything, and the space seemed to burst open, as if it had been bitten down by an invisible bloody mouth, creating jagged black space faults.

There was a sudden silence between heaven and earth.


The next second. The terrifying impact that cannot be described in words exploded in mid-air, carrying some red air currents and sweeping away in all directions.

"Crack, click, click!"

Under this shock wave, the entire night sky made cracking sounds, and the sky was filled with cracks like holes.

The sword that was still speeding in the air was caught in the terrifying explosion and was instantly annihilated into nothingness.

In the end, the sky was only scarlet————


At this moment, a figure fell straight to the ground in mid-air, causing an extremely fierce thud.


Amidst the roaring sound, Miyu stepped on the air and quickly came to the side of the sound.

On the ground, in the snowy field soaked in blood, Angelica was lying in tatters. Her body was covered with numerous scars, large and small, and stained with red blood. A class card floated in front of her.

"Dead, dead?"

Looking at Angelica who was lying motionless on the ground, Miyu carefully leaned over, stretched out her hand, and grabbed the class card in mid-air.

"You're still breathing, you should be alive -"

Sapphire looked at Angelica whose chest was still rising and falling and made a slight sound.

Chapter 1068: The Spiritual Peak Steps on the Tao of Hades

"Is this really something that humans can do?"

Looking at the dilapidated world in front of him, Ishtar's pupils couldn't stop trembling while flying in mid-air.

What did she see?

An existence that should not be recognized by the world has become a part of this world.

She didn't understand how the other party did it, but there was no time for her to understand everything in front of her.


Countless Noble Phantasms blasted toward the Bull of Heaven and Ishtar from the black ocean, from the suspended islands, and from the broken golden cracks like a tide.

The intense aura stirred up caused even the atmosphere to tremble. These Noble Phantasms, whether in terms of quantity, speed or quality, were far superior to those controlled by Brother Illya and Brother Miyu.

In other words, if there were no golden ripples, if the swords were not the main treasures in this world, Ishtar would think that this world is the inside of the King's Treasure.

The precious phantoms she could see in the King's Treasure are basically available here, even if they are made by gods.


With a terrifying roar, the Heavenly Bull's limbs tightened, and strong electric light erupted all over his body, just like the god of thunder who came to the world, erupting with power that mortals could not bear.


With the sound of tearing everything apart, countless sword arrows surged like a tide, covering the entire sky, pouring down from the sky like a world-destroying tsunami.

The violent thunder surged wantonly.

The air flow whined as if it had been cut off.

Countless swords and arrows were shattered, destroyed, and knocked down by the thunder.

A furious storm swept over everything.

The sky seemed to be distorted and vibrated frequently.

The rushing ocean was blocked, blocked, blocked by this storm.

The golden hooves trample forward.

The rock pan was easily destroyed.

The indestructible treasure was destroyed, broken, and shattered by the ox's hoof.

The chains that bound the Bull of Heaven were broken one by one amidst the roars.

“Bang bang bang bang bang—!”

Countless explosions occurred one after another from the Bull of Heaven.

Almost the entire body of the Bull of Heaven was shrouded in the sea of ​​swords, as if it was attacked by fierce artillery fire, constantly impacting, setting off strong winds and impacts, ruthlessly destroying everything.

The sound of thunder mixed with the sound of breaking the sky.

The sound of the storm mixed with the sound of explosions.

Roaring sounds interspersed with tearing sounds.

Under the pouring of the tsunami that seemed to destroy the world, in the locks of the sky that were tightly bound, and on the black ocean that was constantly climbing up the body, the body of the bull of the sky had been soaked in blood, and the thunder, storm and sword The arrows are intertwined and look extremely spectacular.

"This is not the way to go!"

Although Emiya Shirou's main target was the Bull of Heaven, she couldn't get rid of even if only part of the sword arrows were hurtling toward Ishtar.

On the one hand, those swords and arrows are all kinds of Noble Phantasms. It is difficult to shoot them down with ordinary attacks, and a considerable amount of energy must be expended.

But even if it is shot down, it is just a drop in the ocean for this endless treasure.

On the other hand, in the Unlimited Sword System, all sword arrows can be regarded as Akhara hounds, which bite Ishtar tightly, and the dodge is only temporary.

At this very moment————

"Mjölnir, the hammer that can crush everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Where Emiya Shirou and Ishtar fought, there were more than just Ishtar and the Bull of Heaven!


Amidst the deafening roar, there was a burst of violent thunder and lightning that tore apart the space and crazily crushed it in the direction of Emiya Shirou.

Wherever the violent thunder and lightning passed, the ground was shattered like extremely fragile tofu, and pieces of gravel exploded, as if they were attacked by artillery fire, attacking the surroundings, and the terrifying shock wave also expanded. open.

Shirou Emiya just looked at Beatrix under the dark Rubik's Cube with cold eyes, and the cherry blossom-shaped shield appeared in front of her without any warning.

Immediately, an extremely terrifying energy suddenly exploded from the cherry blossom-shaped shield.


Earth-shattering roars resounded across the sky. It turned into sound waves and vibrated out like a shock wave.

In front of Shirou Emiya, the electric shock that was enough to tear everything apart once again shattered the ground.

"Then, now-!!!"

At this moment, a huge and sparkling gemstone crown appeared above Ishtar's head.

"Clang clang clang clang!!!!!!"

Countless collisions sounded in front of Ishtar. Under the shining of the bright gemstone crown, Ishtar seemed to have a transparent barrier around him, blocking the sword that was chasing him like rain. arrow.

It can also be seen with the naked eye that the dazzling gemstone crown has begun to shatter, and the defensive effect it imparts cannot withstand these treasures for too long.

“Limited expansion—Lancer!!!”

"Although it's annoying, I'll just borrow your Noble Phantasm!!!"

The moment she finished speaking, the class card in Ishtar's hand turned into starlight and condensed in the palm of her hand. A scarlet, twisted spear, as if born from the underworld, burning with blazing flames, emerged from her left hand. appear.

The limited expansion allows the power of the Noble Phantasm held by the heroic spirit to be embodied in an instant.

The Noble Phantasms of some Heroic Spirits themselves have special abilities that can be released under limited deployment conditions.

For example, the limited expansion of Cú Chulainn's class card is the "Gáe Bolg" which is sure to hit the heart once released, and the "Gáe Bolg" which is used for throwing.

For example, the Altria class card is limited to the holy sword "Excalibur".

However, the Noble Phantasms of some heroic spirits are deeply connected to their own legends, and the Noble Phantasms in their hands really only represent the weapons they use.

For example, the Heroic Spirit Emiya's class card is limited to unfolding into a bow, which has no other abilities except shooting sword arrows.

For example, Medusa's class card can only be expanded into an iron spike, which also has no other effect except the toughness and specialness of the weapon itself.

The spear held by Ereshkigal should belong to the second type. Under normal circumstances, even if the restriction is deployed, it is impossible to release the Noble Phantasm belonging to Ereshkigal.


Ishtar and Ereshkigal. Perhaps these two gods are the same existence,

Or a divinity divided into two parts by one god.

The vast starry sky unfolds behind Ma Anna on Ishtar's right, and various formations shine like diamonds embedded in the dark night.

Mysterious and dark clouds emerged next to the scarlet spear on Ishtar's left hand, and the breath of death continued to emerge from it, swallowing away all around, filling the air with deathly silence.

"Kur Kigal Irkalla (Lingfeng Stepping on the Underworld)!!!!!!"

“Mountain Shock Star Salary (An Gal Ta Kigal She)!!!!!”

Chapter 1069: Understanding the Thing of "The Planet that Was a Hell Before the Creation of the World"


Amidst the trembling sound of the air, the scarlet spear in Ishtar's left hand seemed to turn into a whirlpool, rolling up crazily around Fan Xinglu's body.

The intensity of its magic power even makes the space slightly distorted.

“See the underworld——!!!”

"Kur Kigal Irkalla!!!!"

As Ishtar finished speaking, the spear in his hand was thrown downwards without hesitation, sinking deeply into the ground.

The next second————


The earth trembled, the ground began to break, the rock began to collapse, and clods of earth and stones flew all over the sky, like a raging sandstorm, and the terrifying impact instantly spread to the entire battlefield.

Kur Kigal Irkalla, the spiritual peak that embraces Hades


Type: Anti-Mountain Noble Phantasm

Valid range: 10~999

Maximum capture: 1,000 people

It is the same as Ishtar's Noble Phantasm, Mountain-Shaking Star's Firewood.

However, this Noble Phantasm is not thrown from the sky to the earth, but is launched from the ground along the endless earth, the Iron Hammer of the Mistress of the Underworld.

The earth tremors that cause Mount Ebifu to collapse through earthquakes and crustal movements.

Although the power is not as strong as Ishtar's Venus Explosion,

the essence of this Noble Phantasm is to "transform the terrain into the underworld."

Ereshkigal, who has great power as long as he is in the underworld

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