"Yes, abandon Xiao Hei!"

The moment the sonorous and powerful words fell, the entire golden barrier became silent.

"We have done everything we can do. If we continue to stay here, we can do nothing more than witness the destruction of this world-"

Tohsaka Rin's words echoed in everyone's hearts like ringing a bell, and even Illya couldn't help but lower her head.

As a child, Illya's wishes were naturally pure. She hoped that everyone would be happy and that everyone could go back safely and return to that carefree life.

But Tohsaka Rin understood that this was something that could not be done no matter what.

The situation at this time was as if Illya had no way to get past Beatrix's divine thunder and reach Xiao Hei's side.

The reality is this. Everyone present does not have the ability to safely travel through the black mud that is enough to swallow the world, and will only be wiped out the moment they leave the barrier.

This is not a fact that can be changed by the so-called will. If it can be reversed by will alone, then the Endsworth family does not need the Holy Grail that can grant all wishes to save the world.

Emiya Kiritsugu would not let Miyu's brother treat Miyu like a tool.

They do not have the power to open up new options on their own.


Illya wanted to say something, but it seemed like something was stuck in her throat. She looked at everyone present and didn't know what to say.

For some reason, Illya thought of a word at this time - willfulness.

If he wants to stay, then his father, mother, brother, Sierra, Liz and others will definitely not abandon him, but will choose to stay with him.

Miyu will also stay with her. Miyu's brother will sacrifice everything for Miyu's happiness and will not leave. Matou Sakura will also follow Miyu's brother.

The only one who can stop the black mud is Shirou Emiya's Avalon. In order to prevent them from being swallowed by the black mud, they will definitely stay.

As for Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, if they insist on staying, they will not just leave them alone. After all, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia themselves are not greedy for life and fear of death.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have traveled across the world to save himself and Xiao Hei.

Tohsaka Rin's proposal is only for the current situation.


What can I do if I decide to stay? Can Xiao Hei be rescued? Can it save the world?


cannot! !

cannot! ! !

She couldn't do any of this. She could only watch Xiao Hei disappear and the world be destroyed.

Since there is nothing you can do, what is the purpose of staying?

Are you witnessing all this as a witness?

Kotomine Kirei, who was also shrouded in a golden barrier, smiled slightly.

At this moment, Illya could only think of one word to describe her thoughts - willful.

Obviously there is nothing he can do, but he insists on keeping everyone here.


She is not willing to give in!

Not willing to give in! !

In the Endsworth family castle, it was Xiao Hei who awakened his depressed will.

It was Xiao Hei who went to great lengths to formulate a plan to leave the Endsworth house.

Obviously her experience was even more miserable than his own.

It's obvious that her heart is more volatile than his own.

It was obvious that she wanted to leave here more than she did.

She obviously put in more effort than herself.


But she was sent into Pandora's Box by Darius, yet she managed to survive like this.

"Is this it, sister?"

Illya clutched her chest, big tears bursting out from the corners of her eyes and staining the ground beneath her feet.

She doesn't want to give up.

She really doesn't want to give up.

But, what can she do?

Everyone looked at Ilia who was crying and remained silent. How could others not know what she was thinking.

Although we only got along for a short period of time, but——

For Tohsaka Rin, Luvia, and Miyu, Kuro is their friend from the bottom of their hearts.

For Irisviel and Emiya Kiritsugu, Kuro is equal to Illya and is also their daughter.

For Sera and Liz, Xiao Hei has long been regarded as family.

Don't they want to save Xiao Hei?

No, they also wanted to save Xiao Hei, but reality forced them to stop there.

Just when everyone was silent, a hand was placed on Illya's forehead.

"I will rescue Xiao Hei."

The calm words are filled with the belief that success is inevitable.


Tohsaka Rin looked at Emiya Shirou, who was standing in front of Illya, frowning and spoke slowly.

"You should understand that if you come into contact with those things, you will definitely die."

Tosaka Rin did not think that Emiya Shirou had the means to resist the black mud outside, otherwise he would not have stayed in Avalon until now, but would have rushed out again.

After being together for such a long time, she also understood Shirou Emiya's personality, and therefore, felt strange.

Tosaka Rin stared at Emiya Shirou who had his back turned to him: "You don't have to do this for us."

From the very beginning, Tohsaka Rin felt strange as to why Emiya Shirou could achieve such an extent.

After all, everything that happened in these two worlds had nothing to do with him, and it would not even affect him.

The Ensworth family needs the Holy Grail to save the world, and Miyu's brother confronts the Ensworth family in order to save his sister.

Therefore, Illya's world was disrupted and the class card came.

Tohsaka Rin and Luvia had the task of collecting job introduction cards and calming down the spiritual veins, so they had to cooperate with Illya and Miyu, and finally became friends.

The Ensworth family wanted to capture Miyou, which triggered a series of situations to reach the current situation.

They have a logical relationship with everyone. When they gather here, their initial actions are all for themselves.

Only Shirou Emiya, from the very beginning, everything he did was for others.

Whether it was rushing into the Ensworths' house to save his other self, or preventing the Ensworths' from taking away Miyu, everything he did had nothing to do with himself.

It was even said that Shirou Emiya was able to sacrifice everything for others.

This way of survival that regards others as more important than oneself, and is even willing to sacrifice everything for oneself, seems to Tohsaka Rin to be extremely twisted.

In response, Emiya Shirou only turned his head slightly.

"I hope that everyone I meet can be happy——"

Chapter 1075 Only Miracles

At the moment when everyone was silent, Shirou Emiya turned around, looked directly in the direction of Miyu, and said: "Miyu, perform the Saber job introduction card transformation."

"Huh?" Miyu was stunned for a moment, but still took out the Saber class card in his hand and performed the dream summons.

The attire on his body changed again, being covered by silver armor, and a golden holy sword was also held in his hand.


With a flash of light, the scabbard as bright as gold appeared in Miyu's hand.

"Brother Muramasa, you!"

Miyu stared blankly at the scabbard in his hand, not knowing what to say for a moment.

I saw that Emiya Shirou's King Arthur-like attire had receded, and the mobile phone on his waist was tightly held in his hand, and then he handed it heavily to Tohsaka Rin's hand.

"BB and the others will leave it with you first——"

Emiya Shirou's words gave everyone a somewhat ominous premonition.

"Muramasa." Luvia couldn't help but say, "Are you really planning to--"

Emiya Shirou met Luvia's gaze, nodded, and said this.

"I will bring Xiao Hei back!"

"What?!" Everyone was shocked, especially Illya. She endured the burning sensation on her body and walked forward.

Its purpose is to stop him.

She doesn't want to see anyone sacrifice again! ! !

"Don't worry, I won't die." As if he understood what Illya wanted to say, Emiya Shirou blocked everyone with one sentence.


With a roiling sound, an extremely disgusting black mire emerged from Emiya Shirou's body.

"Don't forget, I also have black mud in my body. I can fully withstand the [evil] in them, and I can naturally ignore the black mud outside."

Everyone was suddenly speechless.

"But..." Illya wanted to say something else.

However, Emiya Shirou interrupted simply.

"Stop being stubborn, I am the only one who can enter the black mud, and I am also the only way to rescue Xiao Hei now——!"

Listening to Emiya Shirou's words, Illya suddenly became speechless.

Tohsaka Rin and Luvia also fell silent. They didn't know what the nature of the black mud was, but in terms of feeling, the black mud outside was not at the same level as the black mud inside Shirou Emiya's body.

However, in the current situation, no matter how they tried to persuade him, Emiya Shirou would definitely go into the black mud alone.

"Next, just trust me——"

As soon as he finished speaking, Emiya Shirou's figure completely disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"Can Muramasa really do it?"

Miyu looked at the scabbard in his hand and spoke slightly to his brother.

Brother Miyu just opened his mouth slightly, wanting to say something, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only close his eyes slightly and remain silent.

"Zi——! Zhi——!"

As a sound of electricity sounded, the extremely sci-fi mobile phone in Tohsaka Rin's hand fired a beam of light, and the white-haired Sakura's figure was projected in front of everyone's eyes.

She looked at Tohsaka Rin with a dead look on her face and slowly said: "Tohsaka-senpai, transform and start preparing to construct the spell to leave this world -"

"Aren't you going to wait for Muramasa?"

Hearing Shiro-haired Sakura's words, everyone suddenly felt bad. Tohsaka Rin's expression also became extremely anxious. She had already guessed it.

"This is what senior ordered. If the senior has not appeared after constructing the technique, then don't wait any longer——"

White-haired Sakura explained softly, but her words were almost certain that Emiya Shirou would never come back.

"That guy!!!"

Tohsaka Rin clenched his fists, looked at the direction Emiya Shirou left, and wanted to yell loudly, but Emiya Shirou could no longer hear him.

"Isn't there also black mud in his body? Isn't he immune to the black mud outside?"

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