Looking at the white-haired Sakura in front of her, Luvia couldn't help but question it out loud. The feeling that the black mud gave her was obviously the same as the black mud outside the barrier.

"The quality and quantity are not of the same order of magnitude. The evil in the senior's body is [all the evil in this world] and [the evil in human history], all of which are human evil, and the black mud outside is——"

"[God's evil]"

Tohsaka Rin said the last words for the white-haired Sakura.

At this time, Irisviel also reacted, and her expression became a little sad: "What is stored in Pandora's Box is the punishment of the gods for Prometheus' creation of humans and theft of fire in Greek mythology, and all the evil in the world."

"Greed, hypocrisy, slander, jealousy, pain, etc."

"Doesn't this sound like the [evil] that people should have?"

Luvia listened to Irisviel's words, her eyes full of doubts, but it was only a moment before she reacted: "Wait, the [evil] in Pandora's Box was stored by the gods!"

"That is not the [evil] born by humans themselves, but the [evil] that the gods brought down to punish humans!"

Thinking of this, she understood why White Hair Sakura had such an expression on her face.

Shirou Emiya simply could not bear this [Evil of God].

"Then why does Muramasa still want to go!?"

Before White-haired Sakura could answer, Illya looked at her with a trembling body and whispered: "Is it because of me?"

"No, since Avalon was liberated, Senior has been discussing with me how to rescue Kuro and how to save the world."

White-haired Sakura shook her head. From the beginning, Shirou Emiya had made up his mind to rescue Kuro and save the world.

Even if everyone present decided to leave here, Shirou Emiya would resolutely choose to stay.

He never wavered.

At this time, Miyu maintained the output of magic power to the scabbard while asking White-haired Sakura: "Then what is the result of your discussion--"

Hearing Miyu's words, White-haired Sakura lowered her head slightly and closed her eyes.

"Unless a miracle happens--"

In White-haired Sakura's judgment, it is almost impossible for Shirou Emiya to pass through the black mud and come to Pandora's Box.

If Avalon was with him, perhaps Shirou Emiya could still maintain his existence as he had entered the Holy Grail.

But Avalon——————

White-haired Sakura looked at the barrier in front of her, and her heart was stabbed with pain.

It's not that she didn't persuade Shirou Emiya, but the result is self-evident.

"Can we only rely on miracles?"

Tosaka Rin also sighed. Now that things are settled, she can't change anything. Now she can only follow Shirou Emiya's instructions and start the communication world with White-haired Sakura: "Ruby, transform."

At this time, Illya stared blankly at the direction where Shirou Emiya left, and kept muttering something.




"The Holy Grail that can fulfill all wishes is a miracle, isn't it?"

And I am the Holy Grail!

Chapter 1076 A punishment that humans can never bear

The body is collapsing like a collapsed mountain.

The soul was shaking like a torn earth.

Thoughts were in disorder like a wrong code.

The moment he stepped into the black mud, all kinds of indescribable feelings hit Shirou Emiya's body like a tsunami.

It was a feeling that could not be described in words.

It was like he was suffering some kind of punishment, as if he was suffering some kind of sin.

The body temperature was dropping at an extremely terrifying rate.

With every step he took, Shirou Emiya could feel death approaching, as if he would be dissolved in the black mud in the next second.

The ancient and heavy door had appeared behind him, as if it could take him away at any time, but Shirou Emiya resisted and could not approach.

The black mud of [All the Evils of This World] that was deposited in the Holy Grail and would pollute the souls of those who touched it was crushed the moment it surged out.

The purple-black quagmire of [The Evil of Human History] that could swallow up any data, lose the meaning of existence, and finally "disappear" was swallowed up after just a slight boil.

The pink mist of [All Desires in This World] that could melt all things with wisdom and instantly sublimate their "life" could not even spread and collapsed.

The three could not even protect Shirou Emiya from this black mud for a moment.

To explain why——————

Whether it is [All Evil in This World], [Evil in Human History] or [All Desires in This World], they all start with people and end with people.

They have always been an inseparable part of human beings.

That is why Shirou Emiya rebelled against Shirou Amakusa and Tokisada, because [Evil] is an inseparable part of human beings.

That is why Shirou Emiya killed Kiara Sesshōin, because [Desire] is not the hope that human beings can get rid of.

Shirou Emiya not only carried them, but also acknowledged that they were part of himself as a human being.

But the black mud pressing on Shirou Emiya at this time was different. It was not only evil, but also a punishment from the gods to human beings.

In more popular terms—— ...

Without Avalon's defense, Shirou Emiya is accepting the punishment that the gods have bestowed on mankind in all aspects.

His eyelids are getting heavy.

His body is getting weak.

Countless pains are boiling from his body.

It is the ruthless virus and disease that are sweeping away everything of Shirou Emiya.

Even his existence as a [human] is wavering.

White-haired Sakura had made it very clear before Shirou Emiya made his decision.

No matter how firm your will is, no matter how strong your body is, without the interference of external objects, as long as you are a human, you will inevitably die in such a disaster, without exception!

So when she saw Shirou Emiya leaving like this, White-haired Sakura's face turned deathly pale.

If Avalon was still on Shirou Emiya, there would be a glimmer of hope.

But Shirou Emiya left Avalon to others.

What's more, the black mud that emerged from this Pandora's Box is enough to destroy a world after six thousand years of baptism.

This is [God's Evil]!

A disaster that cannot be resisted by will.

What lies before mankind is only——despair!!


"Isn't hope there?"

When Pandora's Box was opened, the only good thing left in the box was hope!

Before death, hope always exists.

With a body that was so weak that a gust of wind could blow it down, and enduring the pain that was more than ten times more painful than the soul being torn apart, Shirou Emiya took another step forward.

Maybe it's a bit childish.

Maybe it's a bit greedy.

Maybe it's a bit overestimating one's own abilities.

Even a bit ridiculous.

But Shirou Emiya stepped into this ocean where humans could not survive, and what he wanted to do was not only to save Xiao Hei.

But he also wanted to save the world!

However, this was just a nice way of saying it.

Can it be done?


It's even impossible!

White-haired Sakura told Shirou Emiya, and he knew that he couldn't do it.

Even when the white-haired Sakura persuaded him, his heart was shaken.

Shirou Emiya is not alone, he has people he cherishes, and people who cherish him.

Illya, Miyu, and Kuro, they all fight and survive for this.

But at the moment of hesitation, Shirou Emiya asked himself-if he can't do it, won't he do it?

Some things must be done by someone-

Some things must be sacrificed by someone-

Then why can't I be the one who must do this?

Then why can't I be the one who must be sacrificed?

In the words of Rin Toosaka, this is such a twisted way of life.

It is so twisted that this is not an idea that a normal person should have.

But this is the answer that the man who wants everyone to be happy, the partner of justice, came to at that moment.

Even if it can't be done, even if the ending cannot be changed, you must do everything you can.

Is it to put everything on a miracle?

Shirou Emiya has never expected a miracle, he is just trying his best to do what he can.


Instantly, all the blood vessels in Shirou Emiya's body burst, and his whole body was instantly stained with scarlet blood.


However, with a crisp sound, Shirou Emiya's steps moved forward again.

This belief is amazing.

However, this road can never be walked on with will and belief alone.

"The world is hopeless--!"

"Humanity will eventually perish--!"

"It's over! It's over! It's all over!"

The voice of despair kept echoing in Shirou Emiya's ears.

Countless negative emotions wandered in Shirou Emiya's mind, making people feel depressed and believe.

But Shirou Emiya just raised his broken body and stepped forward again.

He would not despair, nor could he despair!

"You've done enough--!"

"You've done well enough--!"

"You've already done this! This is almost beyond the limit of what humans can achieve!"

"Turn back! Turn back! No one will blame you!"

"Rest! Rest! Why do you have to torture yourself like this!"

But Shirou Emiya turned a deaf ear to it.

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