However, it suddenly occurred to him that if a battle broke out, his home would be basically destroyed.

He himself didn't care very much, but Sister Teng would probably be furious.

Although the other party was hostile, he kept suppressing it and did not take action. It seemed that he did not need to provoke the other party in this way.

The pure white princess seemed to be thinking about the pros and cons, and nodded immediately. It seemed that she really wanted to know why Emiya Shirou, a human, did not become a Death Apostle after his blood was sucked by her.

Seeing the pure white princess leaving, Emiya Shirou looked back at the empty room that had not yet been tidied up, and couldn't help but sigh: "It seems to be getting more and more troublesome."

Then, just as Shirou Emiya was about to pack away the things in his hands, the pure white figure who left returned again, making Shirou Emiya's spirit tense again.

"May I ask, where is your living room?"


It seems that I did not tell the other party where the living room of my home is, and it is indeed the first time for the other party to come to my home.

But Emiya Shirou hoped that the other party would come through the main entrance, or even ring the doorbell, instead of suddenly coming from the courtyard.

"Go straight along this corridor, and at the end just open the door next to the entrance. There is a TV inside, and the kitchen is also inside. You should be able to tell. I will come over in a minute."

The pure white princess nodded and walked nonchalantly in the direction pointed by Emiya Shirou.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Emiya Shirou, and I am a human."

"What a weird way to introduce yourself."

The pure white princess held the teacup with both hands and took a slight sip. Her whole expression seemed to have become much more relaxed, and she looked at Shirou Emiya with a hint of ridicule.

"After all, this is my first time dealing with Death Apostles."

"What dead disciple? I am the true ancestor!"

Obviously, Shirou Emiya has not had time to study the relationship between Dead Apostles, Vampires, and True Ancestors and the direction of each noun. In Shirou Emiya's eyes, shouldn't Dead Apostles, Vampires, and True Ancestors be the same thing? ?

Not a good thing anyway.

"My name is Erquit Brunstad, and I am a true ancestor."

Erquette also told the other party his name.

"You're really weird. You look like a magician, but you don't have any magic power in your body. The world exudes goodwill towards you, but it's also full of malice."

As the True Ancestor, Arquette can directly read information from the "World". As for whether Emiya Shirou is a magician, this is not the information obtained from the "World", but the result of her own inference.

After all, the opponent did use projection magic to fight her at that time. She could tell that it was magic, but she could not feel the magic fluctuations that a magician should have from Shirou Emiya.

The information about Shirou Emiya read from "The World" shows that only "The World" has a certain degree of goodwill towards Shirou Emiya, but it also has a certain degree of malice.

In short, it is very contradictory.

This kind of contradiction makes it difficult for Arquette to describe it. Of course, this is not the only contradiction.

For example, Emiya Shirou's attitude yesterday and his attitude today are very contradictory to Arquette.

She thought she and Shirou Emiya would start fighting as soon as they met, but it turned out that the other person didn't look as crazy and evil as he did yesterday.

To put it simply, if Shirou Emiya now is Order and Good, then Shirou Emiya last night was Chaos and Good.

In addition, the other party was obviously sucked by her blood, but as a result, there was no trace of turning into a Death Apostle, which made her interested.

"I'm curious-"

Chapter 1,104 My Responsibility


Faced with Elquitet's interested eyes, Emiya Shirou smacked his tongue slightly. He had no intention of satisfying the other party's curiosity.

Although they were now sitting at the same table talking, they were not allies.

Shirou Emiya would not be able to accept the fact that the other party, as the true ancestor of vampires, sucks human blood and transforms the other party into a Dead Apostle, unless the other party does not suck blood.

But in the eyes of Shirou Emiya, Erquet is basically the same as Nero Chaos.

In reality, the other party sucked his own blood. If it weren't for his own special characteristics, he would probably be transformed into a Dead Apostle.

"Well! If you don't want to say it, forget it!"

Seeing that Shirou Emiya was still on guard and unwilling to reveal any information, Erquette could only give up.

Otherwise, what can we do, force the other party?

Arquitect felt that he might not be a match for Emiya Shirou now that he was weak.

To be precise, he might not be a match for Shirou Emiya as he devoted almost all his strength to suppressing his blood-sucking urges.

To be more precise, she didn't want to experience the feeling of being dominated by blood-sucking impulses again.

She originally sucked blood because of a deception hundreds of years ago. Since that time, her instinct to suck blood has continued to grow. As time goes by, even if she never sucks blood again, this time This desire is also expanding.

And when she sucked blood for the second time, this desire suddenly increased at an extremely terrifying speed. Coupled with the [evil] that eroded her, Erquet used almost all her strength to suppress her own desire. Blood-sucking urge.

The power that can be used now is only a small part. If you face an existence like the Seventy-Two Dead Apostles, you may have to be in a hard battle, and you may not be able to win.

When she saw that Shirou Emiya would not become a Dead Apostle, Elquet's blood-sucking desire told her that it was fine to suck the other's blood like this, since he would not become a Dead Apostle anyway.

Fortunately, reason prevailed. The blood-sucking desire was endless and would only expand more and more. There was no possibility of filling it up.

Having hunted so many fallen True Ancestors and slaughtered other True Ancestors because of the blood-sucking impulse, Elquet understood how terrifying and disgusting the blood-sucking impulse was.

"But you must be responsible for me now and help me hunt the Dead Apostles in this city!"

"Hunting Dead Apostles? Aren't you also a dead, uh, True Ancestor?"

Seeing Elquet's face change, Shirou Emiya quickly changed his words.

"Humans can kill each other, why can't vampires?"

Elquet asked Shirou Emiya in return, which made Shirou Emiya speechless for a while, but then he thought about it and it was the same thing. Even gods can't avoid killing each other.

"That's still not right. Why do you say I'm responsible and want me to help you hunt those dead apostles?"

"Who do you think is responsible for the fact that I can't exert my power now?"

Although Elquet looks mature, she is very innocent and curious. She told Shirou Emiya that she couldn't exert much power.

Unlike Shirou Emiya, who has experienced countless battles, although he still looks a little immature, he is more mature inside. He can even say that he and himself, who has become a Heroic Spirit, have calculated each other back and forth.

However, based on Shirou Emiya's experience and mentality, if he faces a being like Aizen, he will be easily played around by the other party.

Good at skills, not good at planning.

The same is true for himself who has become a Heroic Spirit.

The strategies that Shirou Emiya can think of are only in small aspects, and most of them are strategies in personal battles, and he cannot grasp the big situation.

Whether on the moon or in the world of Miyu, the position of the general commander is basically held by Rin Tohsaka, Leo and others, and Shirou Emiya usually plays the role of the main force.


Shirou Emiya looked at Elquet's red eyes, his eyes full of doubts.

It's not that Shirou Emiya didn't expect that the black mud had an impact on Elquet.

But Elquet now doesn't look like an existence affected by the black mud, and the sensory threat to Shirou Emiya is no different from before.

If Elquet gave up suppressing her blood-sucking impulse, she could easily sweep the entire Fuyuki City with her own strength, or even stronger.

Her power has not weakened from beginning to end, but she has used most of her power to suppress the blood-sucking impulse that she hates so much.

"It seems that I need to explain to you from the beginning-"

Elquet covered her forehead. She found out that Shirou Emiya actually didn't know anything about the existence of True Ancestors and Dead Apostles.

So how did he dare to confront Nero Chaos directly at that time, and threatened to fight two people at once.

However, he was indeed strong, although not as strong as himself. If he did not use the black mud, Elquit believed that Shirou Emiya could still simply contain Nero Chaos.

After all, no matter what, Nero Chaos was the tenth among the twenty-seven ancestors of the Dead Apostles, and his strength was naturally not to be ignored.

But it was not surprising that Shirou Emiya could suppress Nero Chaos at that time.

The Dead Apostles always believed that they were superior to humans, and it was common for them to be careless when facing humans.

After all, the origin of the Dead Apostles was that those Dead Apostles who sucked the blood of others began to feel the superiority of the act of bloodsucking at some point, strengthened their consciousness, and escaped from the control of the True Ancestors to escape into human society, repeating the act of bloodsucking in order to continue themselves. This was also the beginning of humans becoming vampires.

The evil spirits transformed by Muzan Kibutsuji are also of the same character. They basically think they have surpassed humans and do not take humans seriously. Then they are often defeated because of carelessness.

The evil spirit that Shirou Emiya first encountered was also like this. Although it had the ability to kill Shirou Emiya, it regarded itself as superior to humans and played tricks on Shirou Emiya. In the end, it was destroyed by the sun.

"Vampires are divided into two types: True Ancestors and Dead Apostles. True Ancestors are formed by the crystallization of nature. They are natural like living things and do not need to absorb nutrients to maintain life like humans or living things. Their recovery ability is also higher than that of living things."

"We True Ancestors do not need to suck blood like Dead Apostles, but we have the urge to suck blood. Generally, we choose to suppress the urge to suck blood in other ways, such as sleeping or relying on our own abilities to resist."

"The Dead Apostles you mentioned are the vampires that people often talk about. They will only move at night and rely on sucking human blood to maintain their bodies."

"However, the formation of Dead Apostles is due to True Ancestors."

"The earliest True Ancestors did not suppress the urge to suck blood by offsetting it, but instead captured humans as slaves in a way of venting, or more accurately, as their blood bags."

As Elquet continued to explain, his words became angry and disgusted.

"Human blood has no benefit to the True Ancestors, but after sucking blood, the True Ancestors become addicted. The urge to suck blood is more difficult to suppress than before. They can only suck blood continuously and eventually degenerate into beasts that can only suck blood!"

"And my duty is to defeat these corrupted True Ancestors!"

Chapter 1,105 True Ancestor, Quality Coolie

"Is that so?"

Emiya Shirou nodded slightly, and his hostility towards Arquette had dissipated quite a bit.

There is no reason for the other party to deliberately arrange the settings of the true ancestor to lie to themselves.

He believed in the authenticity of Elquit's words. At least when he saw her last night, her target was indeed Nero Chaos, and she did not seem to intend to involve anyone else.

It was at that time that I had to confront the other party, which led to such a result.

"I roughly understand what you want to express."

Emiya Shirou nodded slightly. After sorting out this information about the true ancestor, it was easy to string it together.

Arquette originally came to Fuyuki City with the responsibility of clearing out the Dead Apostles, but due to her own reasons, she had a low chance of winning against the opponent with her current strength. It should be said that she could not eliminate the opponent.

So he needs to find a helper, but he basically lives alone, and hates blood-sucking very much. How can Arquette have a helper if he doesn't have any of his own kin.

It is impossible to go to the Holy Church for help. She is also in the category that the Holy Church needs to conquer. There is basically no other result except being beaten by the opponent.

And she didn't really want to communicate with the people in the Holy Church. Most of the people there were neurotic.

So after some thinking, the other party decided to directly find himself as the culprit that caused her inability to exert her power to solve the problem.

The general direction of Emiya Shirou's reasoning is correct, but some details are different.

For example, at the beginning, Elquette's purpose was very simple, just to kill Emiya Shirou. She did not want a second Death Apostle created by herself to appear in this world.

But the moment she saw Shirou Emiya, her whole body froze. She never thought that he had not become a Dead Apostle and was still living as a human being.

I couldn't help getting closer, I couldn't help being curious, and finally I remembered that if I wanted to deal with those powerful Dead Apostles now, my own strength alone would not be enough.

Then she remembered that Shirou Emiya's strength seemed to be very good. When she arrived at the abandoned building, it was obvious that the other party had been confronting Nero Chaos for a while. After thinking about it for a while, she immediately invited Shirou Emiya. .

It should be said that it is a request. What stands out is that it is done casually.

"I will help." Emiya Shirou nodded affirmatively. Even without the appearance of Elquit, he would not allow the Dead Apostles to wreak havoc in Fuyuki City.

"That's good!"

Hearing Emiya Shirou's affirmative answer, Arquette also breathed a sigh of relief. If the other party refused, she would have no choice but to leave in despair.

"So what do you need me to do now?"

Emiya Shirou also took a sip of tea at this time, looked at the restless Arquette sitting in front of him and asked.

"Let's go find the vampires hiding in the city later!"

But the excitement in Arquette's eyes made Emiya Shirou feel that the other person's purpose might not be to find vampires, but to play.

"Then do you have any way to quickly find the vampires hiding in this city?"

This is the main concern of Shirou Emiya, to quickly find the Dead Apostles hiding in this city and then solve them.


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