
Arquette's very sincere answer left Emiya Shirou confused for a moment.

"Then how do you usually hunt down those Dead Apostles?"

There is no way to even find the location of the Dead Apostle. Could it be that Arquette, like Sister Teng, relies on luck to do things?

"It should be said that it is difficult for me to find those hidden Dead Apostles during the day."

"At night, those dead disciples will definitely come out to take action. At this time, I can feel their breath."

Arquette said that the information she could obtain was often general rather than specific. For example, she only knew which Dead Apostles had appeared in the city, but she had to find the specific location herself.

As for how to find the Dead Apostles during the day, even the Holy Church, which has been hunting down the vampire Dead Apostles for so many years, basically solves them at night, which already shows how well those Dead Apostles hide themselves during the day.

Otherwise, she would not have arrived at the scene after Emiya Shirou and Nero Chaos fought for so long.

"We still have to wait until night before we can take action."

Emiya Shirou complained speechlessly. At the Holy Church, Kallen and Sajo Ayaka came to the conclusion that Nero Kaos could only be found at night.

During the day, unless the other party is deliberately exposed, it will be difficult to find the other party's whereabouts.

"Are vampires at the level of Nero Chaos still afraid of the sun?"

"He is not afraid of the sun. He just said that most of the Dead Apostles who can move in the sun are not used to moving in the sun at all."

Arquette spread her hands slightly. What could she do if the other party didn't like to move during the day?

"Then why don't you do me a favor."

"What's the deal?"

The commercial streets of Fuyuki City are still bustling with people coming and going, as if there had never been those undercurrents.

Of course, another reason is that the residents of Fuyuki City have developed a good habit of not going out at night, and most of their activities are during the day.

What if I was injured by a gas explosion while walking on the road?

People laugh and talk to each other from time to time, and pass by each other from time to time.

But almost everyone will turn their eyes to one person.

That was a girl holding large and small bags in her hands and following behind Emiya Shirou with a face full of enthusiasm, like a foreign tourist, her eyes full of curiosity about everything around her.

Emiya Shirou needed a coolie, a coolie to do things for him, and Arquette, who seemed to have nothing to do now, became this coolie.

Anyway, there is no way to find the other party during the day, so it is better to help him finish the things early. With one more person to help, he will be more relaxed.

If I had Arquette's help, I should be able to finish everything Sister Teng told me in these few days.

Why do I still feel like I'm working overtime even after I've gone home?

Why is this?

Having to be busy during the day and dealing with the problem of Dead Apostles at night, Emiya Shirou felt even more tired than if he had traveled to other worlds.丂

Then we have to prepare for the approaching Holy Grail War, and it always feels like there are so many things to do.

But the meal must be eaten one bite at a time, and the road must be walked step by step.

"Emiya! Emiya! Look! Look! That brand can automatically change the picture!"

Elquit, who was walking behind Emiya Shirou, ignored the large and small bags in his hands. Like a child who saw something interesting, he directly grabbed Emiya Shirou's shoulders and shook him violently.

If it weren't for the fact that Emiya Shirou's physical fitness had surpassed that of ordinary people, he probably wouldn't have been able to withstand such a violent shaking.

[Is this the True Ancestor who has lived for hundreds of years? 】

Seeing Arquette's excited expression, Emiya Shirou couldn't help complaining in his heart.

It feels even more childish than when Musashi came into this world.

Musashi in a world far away: Ah sneeze!

I feel like someone is talking bad about me, could it be you? grandfather!

Chapter 1,106 There is hell ahead!

"Wait a minute, this thing wasn't placed in this place! Don't you think the road is completely blocked and it's impossible to get through?"

"But you can see it as soon as you open the door."

"I only put these things here temporarily and will put them back after the sanitation is completed. Don't throw them away as garbage!"

"Did you steal something from the refrigerator again? Dinner is coming soon. Besides, aren't you the True Ancestor? Don't you need to eat?"

So tired, so tired.

Emiya Shirou thought he had found a helper who could lighten his burden, but unexpectedly it turned out to be a husky who broke up the house.

Isn't curiosity a bit too strong?

If I hadn't reacted quickly and saved many things from disaster, otherwise the things would have been almost consumed before they were ready.

Not only that, while Arquette was causing trouble, he was walking around Emiya Shirou, chattering endlessly, and asking questions like a chatty talker.

"How did you train to be able to directly confront Nero Chaos?"

"If you have magic power by then, can you let me experience your magic of appearing swords out of thin air again? It feels that to some extent, it is similar to the power I have."

"Na na! What is simmering in the pot? Why is it so fragrant! Can I eat it?"

Emiya Shirou's initial impression of Arquette was that of a cold, arrogant, elegant, noble, mature and capable woman.

But now my impression of her is that she is naturally stupid, silly, and noisy. She is not like the true ancestor who has lived for thousands of years, or like a husky who is full of curiosity about everything.

Emiya Shirou seemed happy when he was talking to her, but started to get angry when he was busy with other things.

She would complain mercilessly when she was asked to do something, and once she left Emiya Shirou's sight, she would disappear instantly, and she would hide in the kotatsu very willfully.

Anyway, Emiya Shirou didn't know what to say to express his emotions.

It felt like there were thousands of words stuck in my mouth and I couldn't say them out. They all turned into complaints and soul-like questions.

"Is the True Ancestor afraid of the cold?"

Arquette instantly puffed up her face, picked up the remote control in her hand and threw it at Shirou Emiya. The force was so strong that it even made a sound through the air.


Emiya Shirou caught the remote control steadily and removed the force on it, otherwise the remote control would fall apart even if he caught it.

Although Arquette has lived for thousands of years, his experience is completely inferior to Emiya Shirou.

She was originally created as a weapon by the True Ancestors to hunt down all the fallen True Ancestors. She also had the idea that "as a weapon, as long as she can fight, it's fine."

Therefore, he rarely speaks to others and never lingers. He is like a killing machine, finding the fallen True Ancestor or Dead Apostle, killing them, and then rushes to the next location without any delay in the process.

Therefore, she had no need to communicate with others at all, and the only time she communicated with others was when she fell into the other party's plan, which led to her killing all the uncorrupted True Ancestors around her, leaving no one behind.

Since then, Erquette has been sleeping, suppressing the growing urge to suck blood in her body, and will only wake up at certain times to go out and kill vampires.

It is even said that Erquet’s actual activity in the outside world was less than one year.

If Shirou Emiya really transformed into a Dead Apostle, I am afraid that Arquitet would not even think about communicating with Shirou Emiya, but would kill him instead.

Just when Shirou Emiya was standing in the corridor and complaining about Arquette, the door at the entrance was violently pushed open!

"Wu! I'm back!"

Fujimura Taiga opened the door very proudly and walked in as if he had returned to his own home.

"Sister Teng, you are back."

Emiya Shirou, who was standing in the corridor, turned his head slightly and said hello.

"Hey! Shirou! You're finally home. How are you preparing?"

Taiga Fujimura saw Emiya Shirou standing in the corridor holding the remote control and responded loudly, then took off his shoes at the entrance to the entrance.

"It went pretty well——"

Although Arquette was always doing a disservice, overall the progress was faster than when Emiya Shirou did these things alone.

At least he only needs to prepare the dishes that will be used tomorrow in advance and visit the homes of relatives and friends. Basically, he is done.

If nothing unexpected happens.

"That's good!"

Taiga Fujimura gave Emiya Shirou a thumbs up, and then his eyes seemed to be attracted by something, and he looked at a pair of shoes at the entrance that he had never seen before.

"Are there any guests?"

The moment Fujimura Taiga finished speaking, a head appeared from Emiya Shirou's side, seemingly observing something.

"who is she?"

Arquette glanced at Fujimura Taiga with vigilant eyes.

Fujimura Taiga took a breath of cold air.

If nothing else, the main reason is that Elquitt's appearance is also very outstanding, enough to be described as beautiful, and she seems to be very familiar with Shirou Emiya.

And they seem to be somewhat close. Just like before, when Sajo Ayaka and Emiya Shirou were alone, they could clearly feel a sense of distance.

"Sakura, Rin, Musashi-chan, Miss Jeanne! Shirou! There is hell ahead of you! Why did you bring another girl home!"

Seeing Taiga Fujimura clasping his fingers while muttering in shock, Emiya Shirou's face was filled with doubts.

"Sister Teng, what are you talking about? Why don't I understand?"

"Ahem!! Let me introduce myself, my name is Fujimura Taiga!"

Fujimura Taiga did not respond to Emiya Shirou's words, and quickly introduced himself to Arquette who seemed to be a little afraid of strangers.

"Hello, my name is Erquit Brunstadt."

Emiya Shirou looked at Arquette, who seemed a little introverted, in surprise.

Aren't you very noisy? Why do you look so quiet now? You were obviously not like this before.

"A foreigner again? Shirou, how many people have you provoked abroad and found your home again?"

Fujimura Taiga looked at Emiya Shirou with an expression full of contempt. The unanimous statement in Emiya's house now was that Emiya Shirou was studying in Europe.

As for how did you change from working to going to school?

At this age, Shirou Emiya puts his focus on work. As a teacher, Taiga Fujimura will definitely not agree and will definitely pursue it.

After thinking about it, the reason became that I should go to school in Europe.

Tohsaka then helped Emiya get the diploma from the Clock Tower.

After all, the Clock Tower is nominally a self-defense group formed by people who study magic regardless of nationality or school. It is not a big deal for wild magicians to join, not to mention the recommendation of the Tosaka family.

Moreover, the Clock Tower diploma is not only useless in the magic world, but no magician will not kill you just because you are a member of the Magic Association.

It is also useless in the surface world. No unit will recognize the Clock Tower diploma. In short, it is just a thing to fool Fujimura Taiga.

Chapter 1107 It's so cold!

Perhaps Fujimura Taiga has a high affinity. After just a short conversation, Elquet and Fujimura Taiga began to drink and talk happily.

Is Elquet the type of person who is extroverted to familiar people and introverted to strangers?

Looking at the two people laughing in front of him, Shirou Emiya suddenly remembered the drinking of Musashi and Fuji Sister before.

It was so wild.

Arm in arm, singing loudly are nothing, Shirou Emiya was afraid that the two of them would rush out all at once.

Fortunately, the Emiya house was big enough, so the noise would not disturb the neighbors nearby, otherwise they would be punished by the police the next day for disturbing the public.

Compared with Miyamoto Musashi, Elquet was more restrained, at least not so unrestrained.

She probably drank more out of curiosity.

But the smile was real, the two of them were talkative to some extent, and they were very active. There were only three people at the dinner, but it turned out that there were many people eating, one after another, and they kept talking.

Shirou Emiya felt that if Miyamoto Musashi was here, Elquet would probably be driven by the two of them.

I dare not think about it, I dare not think about it.

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