At this time, Shirou Emiya's cell phone also received a message from Sakura.

"Sister Fuji, Elquet and I have something to go out for."

After closing the phone slightly and cleaning up the things after dinner, Shirou Emiya said hello to Fujimura Taiga, and quickly pulled Elquet up who was still reluctant to leave.

"It's night." Shirou Emiya looked at the bright moon hanging in the sky and said softly at the door.

"It's indeed time for them to move."

Elquet also nodded. She still knew the priorities. Now it should be time for her to work.

"Sakura has encountered a beast. I'm afraid the other party is still in the new city."

Under the moonlight, Elquet's eyes emitted an extremely strange scarlet, and then she smiled slightly with fangs.

When night fell, the atmosphere of the entire Fuyuki City changed.

It became dead silent.

Except for the neon lights on the street, there was no one walking on the street.

Even in the once bustling night market, the atmosphere of people has completely disappeared, and only a few trucks transporting goods can be barely seen on the road.

As if sensing the breath of a storm, the people of Fuyuki City all hid back in their homes and fell asleep.

This is a very strange thing.

Although most residents of Fuyuki City stay at home at night, it does not mean that they will not go out at night.

Now even the convenience stores are closed.

It is very abnormal to be so quiet.

But such a change can only be noticed by those who are still moving outside at this time.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The heavy footsteps echoed clearly in the city.

A figure, or rather a figure holding something in his arms, is speeding on the street at an extremely terrifying speed.

Accompanied by a hearty laugh.

Under the bright moonlight hanging in the night sky, Elquet held the dead-looking Shirou Emiya in a princess hug and rushed to the location of the new capital.

"I really want to die!"

Lying in Elquet's arms, Shirou Emiya looked at the other's smile that he couldn't hold back, and his heart was quite tormented.

He suddenly understood how he felt when he was running on the street with Rin Tohsaka in his arms.


"Can you stop laughing?"

The louder Elquet laughed, the more tormented Shirou Emiya was.

"Ugh——! But I can't help it!!! Hahahahaha!!!!!!!"

Elquet tried to hold his breath and not let himself laugh out loud, but it was obviously a failure.

As for why it became like this now.

Elquet disliked the slow ride, so he grabbed Shirou Emiya and ran towards the direction of Shinto.

Not to mention, the speed was still quite fast, and Shirou Emiya, who was lying in Elquet's arms and feeling the strong wind, couldn't open his eyes.

But can you be a little more low-key.

Shirou Emiya's mind is now full of Elquet's wild laughter.


In the next second, with a roar, Elquet stopped, and the surroundings returned to the previous silence.


Emiya Shirou turned over and jumped out of Elquet's arms, looking at the dense jungle around him, his eyes full of confusion.

"Where did you take me?"

The location reported by Sakura and the others was still in the city, but now the place where he and Elquet were was obviously in the suburbs, surrounded by forests.

Emiya Shirou couldn't even see the high-rise buildings behind them through the trees.

"Ah? But I felt the breath of the Dead Apostles here, so I ran here directly. Could your magician friends have found the wrong place?"

Elquet raised her hand and pouted, indicating that she had not found the wrong place at all. This was the place where she felt the strongest breath of the Dead Apostles.

"That shouldn't be the case?"

There were at least two people on Sakura's side who could find the Dead Apostles. One was Kallen. She had the medium of the tortured spirits. She used to be an exorcist assistant to find demons in the Cathedral Church.

This physique can naturally react to more than just demons. Although she has always been doing the work of an assistant, she is indeed an agent of the Holy Church and has also faced dead apostles.

Of course, she is an auxiliary.

The second is Jeanne. Although she cannot sense the dead apostles, she has revelation and can guess the location of the dead apostles even if she guesses randomly.

Why is the result like this?

However, the answer soon appeared in front of Shirou Emiya.

"This world is so cold!"

With such a low but elegant voice, Shirou Emiya and Elquet turned their heads and looked into the depths of the woods.


The orange flames ignited from the surrounding trees without warning, and the rolling heat waves came over.

And a footstep that stepped on the leaves and rustled slowly approached, little by little.

There was only one footstep.

However, the threat it brought was self-evident.

This breath was definitely not the breath of a human, and according to Elquet's words, this breath could only be a single existence-a dead apostle.

Then, in the depths of the woods, a figure slowly walked into the sight of the two, and under the illumination of the flames, its full appearance was revealed.

Seeing the owner of that voice, Erquet frowned slightly and spoke slowly.

"Flov Archangel."


The fierce heat wave echoed in the woods, blowing up the leaves, blowing up the dust, and also blowing up the short hair as pale as snow.

On top of that luxurious azure dress, there was a black coat, and the vampire's iconic pupils were shining with scarlet light.

At first glance, he looks like a noble vampire who stepped out of a book.

The whole person's expression looked a little dazed, the air around him was slightly distorted, and heat visible to the naked eye was constantly being released.

It was such an existence that looked like an elegant nobleman from the Middle Ages. He slowly walked out from the depths of the woods and stared hard at Shirou Emiya who was standing next to Erquet.

He seemed to be the only one in his eyes.

"It's so cold—!"

Chapter 1,108 This forest is my territory!

"Cold! Cold! This world is really cold!"

The dazzling orange flame changed in an instant, and the surrounding colors were distorted at this moment.

"So, I need—blood!"

The world changed, and everything visible to the naked eye turned blue. This was not a physical flame, but a fire that burned life for living things.

The ground was like a river at the moment, with surging flames constantly surging in it.

The man's eyes were filled with mania, madness, impulsiveness, and contempt for life.

The next moment, the man suddenly stretched out his hand towards Emiya Shirou, and the flames surging around turned into a palm-like shape and struck in the direction of Emiya Shirou.


Arquette felt the deadly flames in front of her that even she could not bear, and couldn't help but remind Shirou Emiya.

If he is hit by this flame, Shirou Emiya, who is a human, will be swallowed up in an instant and then become the opponent's dead servant.

However, Emiya Shirou's reaction was much faster than she expected.


The cold sword light flickered in the blue flames, and the instantaneous slash suddenly set off a powerful airflow, with unrivaled momentum, directly tearing the incoming flame hand into pieces.

This time, what Emiya Shirou was holding was naturally two katana swords borrowed from Miyamoto Musashi's room.

It should be said that there were four, but two of them were thrown to the ground by Emiya Shirou.


At the moment when Shirou Emiya cut the flames with one blow, his left foot stamped on the ground, and his figure turned into a black shadow and rushed out towards the opponent.

"I saw it, I saw it - flames."

The man was still staring at Shirou Emiya, mumbling something, and even completely ignored the one standing behind him, who should have been the biggest threat - Erquette.


Under the tremors of the atmosphere, countless hands of flames that could easily take away lives suddenly exploded. Under the sound of the roaring wind, they were lifted up from all directions, directly covering the incoming Shirou Emiya.

"That idiot!!"

Arquette couldn't help but curse inwardly. She had no idea that Shirou Emiya would rush forward like this. Even if she collided directly with these flames, she would be severely injured.

"Dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong!!!!"

The earth trembled at this moment, and Erquet's pupils had turned into gold. The ground under Shirou Emiya's feet suddenly rose up in a completely impossible posture, directly pushing Emiya forward. Shirou lifted it several meters high.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!!!!"

The flaming hands that were attacking Shirou Emiya all hit the suddenly rising land, causing explosions one after another, and setting off one storm after another.

"The true ancestor's princess——"

The man looked at the rising land and muttered in a low voice. The hand of the flame that was constantly burning seemed to be condensed again without any consumption.


With a sound like an explosion, Emiya Shirou appeared from a high place, leaning against the moonlight, and fell from the sky at an astonishing speed.

But in mid-air, it is a pure target.

Countless hands of flames shot out again.


Accompanied by countless piercing sounds and a roaring sound, the sky was suddenly illuminated by flames.


He smiled confidently.

However, the life force that should have been plundered by the flames did not appear in his body.


The man who was immersed in the blue flames opened his pupils wide, and a sense of death threat instantly filled his body, and he backed away almost without hesitation.

The next second————


The sword light burst out.

Like a shining shooting star.

Like a dazzling moon shadow.

The fatal slash cut through the air completely, carrying a strong wind, and struck violently at a speed that could not be easily captured by human eyes.


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