In his eyes, not only did a pair of pupils completely turn into golden devil eyes, but even the whites of his eyes completely turned red, as if they were congested.

And his eyes were full of violence and ferocity.

Immediately, Arquette grabbed the hanging head as if looking at something dead. Without listening to any of the other party's words, he swung it towards the ground.


It was as if a huge meteorite fell from the sky and hit the ground hard.

In front of Emiya Shirou and Illya, they were suddenly struck down by that hard swinging blow, setting off a terrifying impact that turned into a storm and swept away.


In the explosion, the entire earth was shattered, and layer after layer collapsed, turning into a huge crater.

And the head that was thrown out has turned into dust.

The power of one blow is so terrifying.

"This power is more powerful than Berserker!"

Illya, who was standing behind Shirou Emiya, was stunned. Then why was she easily suppressed by Hercules just now?


However, as if he sensed something was wrong, Emiya Shirou stared at Arquette in front of him with a vigilant expression, whose pupils had turned golden.

Their eyes met each other again.

"My body can't move again!"

Emiya Shirou's magic resistance was almost nonexistent.

The next second, Arquette looked at the blood spattering from Emiya Shirou's shoulder where the spear penetrated him, and bit his neck fiercely as if out of control.

But this time, for some reason, Emiya Shirou could feel that some kind of extremely addictive desire entered his body through the other person's fangs.

Entering into the whirlpool called happiness that can melt all things with wisdom and instantly sublimate one's "life".

Chapter 1,112 The Dead Apostles are coming one after another


A murmur sounded from this seemingly ordinary room.

When Arquette regained consciousness, she instantly recalled what she had done last night, and her face instantly turned pale.

"Did I suck blood again?"

Arquette's eyes revealed a look of extreme disgust, and her brows were deeply raised. If there were no unfinished business, she would even want to kill herself directly.

However, what she didn't expect was that her blood-sucking desire did not surge again.

As far as the actual situation is concerned, after absorbing Shirou Emiya's blood the night before yesterday, her blood-sucking urge has reached its limit, and Arquette used almost all her strength to suppress this desire.

If he sucked blood again, Erquette could fully imagine what kind of beast he would turn into.

But the intensity of the blood-sucking desire in his body was no different from yesterday.

This is impossible!

Even if it does not suck human blood, its desire to suck blood will become stronger as time goes by, and it is impossible to stay still.

"What happened?"

With this question in mind, Erquette slowly sat up and looked around at the surrounding scene. The layout was very empty, but looking at the decoration, she quickly understood where she was.

There was an empty room in Emiya's house, and it was probably Emiya Shirou who brought him back there.


"Where's Emiya?"

Arquette closed her eyes slightly, as if feeling something, but did not find Shirou Emiya's aura in Emiya's house.

Instead, besides Fujimura Taiga, there were four more auras.

"Are you awake?"

The door was slightly pushed open, and Jeanne stood at the door wearing a pure white housecoat. She made a slight sound, which made people feel like a spring breeze.

"Another Servant, or a Saint!?"

Feeling the aura coming from Jeanne's body, Erquette was a little surprised.

But not everyone can bear the title of saint.

What's more, saints have a very strong suppressive effect on beings like Dead Apostles.

Shirou Tokisada Amakusa was able to purify the vampire-turned-Vlad III with just a baptismal chant, which is enough to illustrate the suppressive power of the saint's inherent skills on vampires.

Of course, it has no effect on True Ancestor.

"I can't bear the title of saint yet."

Joan shook her head slightly. Although the Holy Grail gave her the inherent skills of a saint when she came in the form of a servant, Joan never believed that she, with her hands stained with blood, was worthy of the title of saint.

"Where's Emiya?"

Arquette did not hesitate about this, but immediately asked Emiya Shirou's whereabouts.

"As for Shirou, he has something to do with Rin, Sakura and the others."


Arquette immediately grasped the most critical store in Joan of Arc's sentence, cough! It should be said that the least critical point is the title given to Emiya Shirou.

His brows knitted together again, as if to express his dissatisfaction, feeling that Shirou was closer to him than Emiya.

"Then I'll go find him——"

Arquette immediately lifted the quilt covering herself and got out of bed.

Although Emiya Shirou did not become a Death Apostle after sucking blood once before, who can guarantee that the other person will not turn into a Death Apostle after sucking blood for the second time?

Arquette decided to go over and take a look at Shirou Emiya's condition.

But was the intention really to see Shirou Emiya's condition?

"Hey! Wait a minute, Miss Arquette!"

Seeing that Arquette was about to rush out, Jeanne quickly stretched out her hand to stop her.

"Any questions?"

Arquette looked at Jeanne sideways and her tone was very cold.

"There's nothing wrong with the problem, but Shirou and the others will be back at noon, so there's no need to look for them."

Although it is winter, the sun outside is still very hot today, and the Dead Apostles will not be arrogantly shopping on the streets.

Emiya Shirou and the others also had other things to do when they went out.

"But it's so boring to sit here and wait for him to come back!"

"Well, actually we were discussing the issue of the newly emerged Dead Apostles."

"There are new Death Apostles appearing again. What is attracting them here?"

Hearing Joan's words, Erquette's expression became serious. If it was just a Dead Apostle spoken by an ordinary person, then Erquette would naturally think that it was an ordinary Dead Apostle.

But these words were spoken by a person with the title of Saint. A Dead Apostle who could fight head-on with a being like a Saint must be at least at the level of the Twenty-seventh Ancestor.

Of course, Arquette also knew who the Death Apostle was to deal with. Emiya Shirou had told her before that a friend she knew had gone to deal with Nero.

It was obvious that the other party was Emiya Shirou's friend.

"If you said there was something -"

Facing Arquette's inquiry, Joan of Arc looked stunned for a moment, then as if she suddenly remembered something, her expression became serious, and she said a little uncertainly: "[Holy Grail]"

Jeanne suddenly thought of something and quickly turned around and walked towards the other side of the corridor.

"What are you going to do?"

"I'll tell them this guess. Although this guess may not be reliable, the most valuable thing in Fuyuki City is the Holy Grail."

The purpose of those Dead Apostles coming here was not to seize Fuyuki City's ley lines.

In short, Erquet's explanation opened up a new way of thinking for Joan of Arc, starting from the perspective of why the other party came to Fuyuki City.

"I'll come too. You can tell me the details of that Dead Apostle's abilities, or his title. I might be able to provide some help."

At least she knows the power of most of the original rings of the true ancestors, and can basically guess which ancestor the other person is based on their abilities.

As for Frove, the flame was not the power of the original ring. Erquet only knew which true ancestor the other party inherited the power when the other party used the freezing power.

"When we were fighting Nero before, an agent from the Holy Church helped us, and then she told us the name of the dead disciple - [Snake of Akasha]"


The moment the words fell, the entire Fuyuki City was instantly enveloped by an unstoppable and terrifying aura.

It was an absolute killing intent that was unstoppable and irreversible.

"Arquette, miss?"

Joan of Arc resisted the power released by Arquette, and her outfit changed instantly. The pure white iris flag was firmly held in her hands, and she assumed a fighting posture, staring at the opponent.

"Don't worry, Lady Saint——"

At some point, a girl with short blue hair and blue eyes wearing a nun's uniform appeared next to Joan of Arc.

"Anyway, the true ancestor's princess is also the target of our purge!"

As soon as she finished speaking, several black keys appeared in her hands, and the surging hostility directly locked onto Arquette in front of her.

Chapter 1,113 The situation gradually becomes more confusing

"Then let's see if you can do it!!"

Upon hearing the other party's words, Arquette's pupils instantly turned golden, and the killing intent that had spread out instantly condensed together. His figure lowered slightly, and his hands were in the shape of claws, as if he would rush out in the next second.

"You'll know if I can do it or not when you die!"

The opponent did not flinch in the face of Elquitt's terrifying aura, and the black keys tightly clamped between his fingers surged with magical light.

"Miss Hiyer, and Miss Arquette, please don't be so tit-for-tat. If there's a fight, this house won't be able to bear it!"

Seeing the two people who were about to fight in front of her, Jeanne quickly raised her flag and stood in front of them.


Feeling that if he destroyed Emiya's house, Emiya Shirou might fight against him, Erquette put away his surging momentum.

Seeing Arquette put away her momentum, the girl with short sky-blue hair glanced at Joan of Arc and put away the black key in her hand.

"For the sake of the Holy Lady, I will spare you first——"

Her words were still so sharp, and the hostility passed directly through Jeanne and reached Arquette's face.

Arquette showed her fangs directly. If it weren't for the purpose of preventing the house from being destroyed, she would have pounced on him to show off the opponent.

"Don't call me the Holy Lady, Hiyer."

Joan of Arc quickly waved her hand towards the girl named Hiyer. She still hoped that the other party would just call her Joan of Arc. She always felt embarrassed to call herself the Saint.

"I understand, Lady Saint!"

Hiyer nodded solemnly, seeming to respect Jeanne, but————

"I suddenly felt so tired. No wonder Shirou ran so fast."

Although Shirou Emiya did have a reason to leave, it did not stop Jeanne from complaining like this.

As for why Hieler called Jeanne "Saint Lady", she was French and grew up listening to Jeanne's stories. Although for a magician, a servant was just a familiar, for her, Jeanne was someone she respected very much.

"Why didn't they fight?"

At the same time, at the corner at the end of the corridor, two heads popped out slightly, and one of them, a white-haired woman in nun's clothes, spoke unexpectedly.

"Do you really want them to fight, Ayaka?"

Above Sajo Ayaka, Karen glanced down slightly and spoke with interest.

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