"I think it would be great to tear that guy's house apart!"

Sajo Ayaka answered Kallen's inquiry viciously. She had done something so extreme and deserved to be punished.

She was not very worried that if a fight really broke out, the surrounding area would be involved in unimaginable disasters.

However, both Sajo Ayaka and Kallen knew that with Jeanne around, this fight would definitely not be possible, and Sajo Ayaka just expressed her denunciation of Emiya Shirou.

If a fight really breaks out, they will definitely rush forward to stop it as soon as possible.

"I think the lunch in the kitchen should be very rich today. If the house is demolished by them, we won't be able to eat it."


Sajo Ayaka fell into deep thought.

"It's not like we're fighting anyway, wait! They're coming!"

"What are you doing here?"

Jeanne looked at the two people hiding in the corner and made some confused noises.

"How could we not hear such a big movement from your side? We must come over to take a look at the situation."

It’s not really a voyeur. The entire Fuyuki City was probably feeling the sudden aura from Arquette.


There may be one person who doesn't feel it.

Fujimura Taiga was sitting in the living room drinking hot tea and watching variety shows on TV, as if he had not felt the terrifying aura of Elquita sweeping across Fuyuki City at all.

"Sometimes I quite envy Mr. Fujimura."

Standing at the door of the living room, Sajo Ayaka looked at the very nervous Fujimura Taiga and slightly covered her face.

The power created by Arquette affects not only magicians, normal people will be affected by this power, but Fujimura Taiga is like a normal person.

"What were you doing just now? We were just at the funniest place, but it's a pity that you weren't there!"

Fujimura Dahe looked at the people who appeared at the door and didn't notice anything strange. Instead, he felt that they shouldn't have gone out just now.

However, Hier did not directly cross over Ayaka Sajo and stood in front of Fujimura Taiga.

"What's wrong? I feel so sleepy-"

The next second, Fujimura Taiga fell asleep.

"What are you going to do?"

Jeanne frowned and looked at Hiyer who had put Fujimura Taiga to sleep. Although he was his junior, there were certain things that he would not let the other party mess around with.

"Now that everyone is basically here, it's time to discuss business!"

With these words, Hiyer dragged Fujimura Taiga out of the kotatsu, put it aside, and then sat directly on Fujimura Taiga's seat.

"Why do I always feel like she just wants to occupy a good position to warm herself up?"

Sajo Ayaka looked at Hier and couldn't help complaining.

But he didn't say anything, and instead sat in a circle around the kotatsu with the others.

Jeanne kindly sent Taiga Fujimura to her room.

At this time, everyone looked at Hiyer, waiting for her to speak.

However, what everyone did not expect was that the target of Hiyer's scolding was not Erquet, but————

"You should explain, Sajo Ayaka!"


Hearing Hiyer's words, Sajo Ayaka was suddenly startled, not understanding what the other party was talking about.

"What do I have to explain?"

"Are you still pretending to be stupid?"

Hiyer's eyes were extremely cold, and he seemed to completely regard Sajo Ayaka as his enemy.

"But I really don't know what you're talking about?"

"In that case, can you tell us where your sister Ai Ge is now?"

In an instant, Sajo Ayaka's pupils shrank suddenly. She never expected to hear her sister's name from a representative of the Holy Church at this time.

"I, I don't know, I have lost contact with my sister since the night before yesterday. Now I am fighting the Death Apostles just to find my sister!"

Sajo Ayaka noticed something was wrong. For such a long time, except for the previous phone call, there was basically no news about her sister.

And Nero Kaos, who he thought might have captured his sister, said during the confrontation last night that he didn't know Shajo Aige at all, and he was not chasing her sister.

As for the girl Kallen mentioned who looked exactly like her, she was caught by Nero Chaos at that time.

However, they failed to rescue each other in the end, and Nero Chaos escaped.

"So what exactly are you trying to say!!"

"More than a month ago, I met, the Snake of Akasha and your sister were talking about something -!"

"This is impossible!!!!"

Sajo Ayaka stood up suddenly and looked at Hier in disbelief.

Chapter 1,114 Waiting and Accepting the Sentence

Let us first shift our perspective to Emiya Shirou.

Although it is winter and the temperature outside is very low, Fuyuki City is more lively than ever during the day.

This may be because the residents of Fuyuki City vented all the excitement that originally belonged to the night during the day.

All kinds of people were coming and going on the street, making it very noisy.

A group of young women carrying bamboo baskets and bags seemed to be chatting about some interesting gossip.

Dressed casually and with empty hands, the young man seemed to be taking on some kind of challenge, running down the street talking and laughing with his friends.

Occasionally, some young people passing by will smile similarly, and if they meet an acquaintance, they will stop and chat.

Coupled with shouts from time to time or some colorful billboards, the entire street presents an extremely prosperous scene and is full of festive colors.

However, as everyone was walking down the street, a landscape suddenly caught their attention.

That was Emiya Shirou, who was sandwiched between two beautiful girls with their own characteristics, looking embarrassed and not knowing what to say.


Someone in the crowd made a sound of contempt toward Emiya Shirou.

Many passers-by once again nodded in agreement with this scorn.

"I'm just visiting Liudong Temple to pray for blessings. There's no need to stare at me like this."

Emiya Shirou had a wry smile on his face, and the two of them stared at him with questioning expressions, which was very unpleasant.

"I feel like if I don't continue to keep an eye on the senior, he will provoke countless girls."

Sakura, who was standing on the left side of Emiya Shirou, sounded worried. Unconsciously, more and more girls seemed to appear next to Emiya Shirou.

The point is, they all covet their senior's body, and Emiya Shirou has no self-awareness about this, so he can easily be deceived by bad women, which makes her sleepless and sleepless.

"We still have a lot of things we want to ask you? We haven't seen you all night, Shirou, you are quite busy!"

Rin, who was standing on the right side of Shirou Emiya, was very strong, demanding accountability from the moment he came up. With his eyes slightly squinted, a tic-tac-toe mark appeared on his forehead.

"This, this is beyond my control!"

Emiya Shirou said helplessly. He was forced to do many things, and meeting so many girls was not his intention.

It was even said that, except for Joan of Arc and Sakura, the other women Shirou Emiya knew were pure female friends who regarded them as pure friends without any unnecessary thoughts.

"Of course I know that you didn't mean it, senior. It's all those bad women's fault, but————"

In Sakura's eyes, those women who plan to get close to Emiya Shirou are basically bad women, well, Tohsaka Rin is included in them.

As the person who loves Emiya Shirou the most, Matou Sakura has a pair of eyes that are good at detecting other people's feelings for Emiya Shirou.

It only took one glance to tell whether the other party was plotting something against Shirou Emiya.

Then, Matou Sakura felt that her brother and Yanagou Kazunari seemed to have some evil intentions towards Emiya Shirou.

Maybe it's the friendship between men, which Matou Sakura doesn't quite understand.

As she spoke, Sakura began to gradually exude black energy.

At this time, Tohsaka Rin didn't know that she was counted among the bad women by Sakura.

"Sakura, don't protect this scumbag. He just wants to seduce them. Otherwise, normal people, er, I should say normal magicians, wouldn't be able to do so many magical things!"

She had lived in Fuyuki City for so many years, and during her childhood, her best friend was kidnapped by a creature like a sea demon. This was a thrilling incident.

What's more, that matter was essentially born out of the Fourth Holy Grail War.

As for Emiya Shirou, the time he spent in Fuyuki City when he returned from other worlds was not as long as the time she spent at Emiya's residence.

Then he provoked one beautiful girl after another. Tohsaka Rin felt that Emiya Shirou did it on purpose and could not explain it.

"Maybe it's because I have bad luck."

Emiya Shirou could only helplessly spread his hands. He just took advantage of the situation and really didn't do anything intentionally.

He doesn't have that deep thought either.

"Ha!" Tohsaka Rin made a disdainful sound, and then said: "Then someone should explain why he forcibly kissed Ayaka the night before yesterday!"

The interrogating eyes fell on Emiya Shirou instantly, causing goosebumps to spread all over his body.


Emiya Shirou did not explain why he forcefully kissed the other person at that time, but apologized to Sakura without hesitation.

Although he was influenced by Hei Ni, he was only influenced, not his personality was replaced, nor was he controlled by anyone. The person who did such a thing was indeed himself.

He still remembered that scene clearly.

It seems like it’s not good to remember it so clearly.


Looking at Emiya Shirou who apologized so sincerely, Tohsaka Rin didn't know how to accuse him.

The main reason is that she and Sakura learned the reason for what happened from someone else (the lovely BB kiss), so speaking out like this was to vent their dissatisfaction to Shirou Emiya.

After all, Emiya Shirou did provoke too many women, which made both Rin and Sakura feel uncomfortable.

On the other hand, Tohsaka Rin wants to punish Emiya Shirou. Seeing his embarrassment, he is a hero outside every day to save the beauty, right?

"Well!! There is no need to blame the seniors like this. Everything is the fault of those women, so just kill all the women who are close to the seniors."

Gloomy words came out of Matou Sakura's mouth, and black breath continued to emerge from her body.

"Sakura, you are really too lenient towards him——"

"Huh?" Tohsaka Rin suddenly seemed to sense something dangerous, and then looked at Sakura aside with a puzzled look, and said uncertainly: "Sakura, did you just say something dangerous?"

"No! I'm not angry-"

Sakura looked at Shirou Emiya with a smile, as if she was really not angry, she shouldn't be.

It's very good. I can't feel the breath of life at all and it's lifeless.

The big word "death" was pasted on Shirou Emiya's forehead.

"Uh, Sakura, forget it. Shirou didn't mean it, but I think we have to keep an eye on him in the future!"

Seeing that Sakura's expression was not right, Tohsaka Rin immediately changed her tone, as if she had switched from Sakura's camp to Shirou Emiya's camp.

But it was understandable that she just wanted to vent their dissatisfaction to Shirou Emiya, and did not intend to destroy the relationship between Sakura and Shirou Emiya, so the moment she felt the change in Sakura's emotions, she immediately changed her words.

"Then how can we keep an eye on the senior?"

"When Shirou goes out, just let someone follow him. When we don't have time, we can let Jeanne follow him. In short, don't let him run out alone to mess around!"

Shirou Emiya could only stand there, completely unable to interrupt, waiting and accepting their verdict on him, without any hope.

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