Chapter 1,115 School is about to start

"Emiya! You are finally back!!!!"

In Ryudōji Temple, Kazunari Ryudō, who was dressed as a host, burst into tears when he saw Shirou Emiya's appearance. He wanted to jump up and jump on Shirou Emiya.

"It's so hard without you Emiya!"

Yanadou Kazunari cried to Emiya Shirou. Without Emiya Shirou's assistance, the heavy tasks of the student union were pressing on him one layer after another.

Although he was able to solve it, it was not as easy as when Emiya Shirou was around.

The most important thing is that no one stands with him on a united front against Rin Tosaka, Ayako Mitsumu, and Shinji Matou, the three great enemies of the original Hogun. It is really hard.

He missed the brief days when he and Emiya Shirou had a united front in school.

Although Emiya Shirou didn't know when he and Yanadou Kazunari united the front, if Shirou Emiya was indeed there, Yanagou Kazunari would be more relaxed in the student union.

"Well! Well! I should still be there in the third semester!"

Emiya Shirou patted Kazunari on the shoulder, if nothing else happened.

He wasn't quite sure how long he could stay in Fuyuki City, but he hoped to leave after the Holy Grail War was over.

Now, he can still resist the call of the door for an extended period of time.

Although I didn't seem to be resting when I arrived in Fuyuki City, I encountered a bunch of inexplicable things.

The Dead Apostle was enough to make Shirou Emiya anxious.

Although strictly speaking, the matter of Dead Apostles is not under Shirou Emiya's control.

"Standing here really makes me sick."

Looking at the endless stream of people coming to Ryudou Temple to pray, Tohsaka Rin said unhappily with his hands on his hips.

She and Liu Dongyichen had been at odds with each other since junior high school, and they were naturally the same now.

As if after hearing Tohsaka Rin's words, Yanagi Kazunari pushed up his dazzling glasses, as if he was thinking about something.

Nowadays, Tohsaka Rin and Mizu Ayako are responsible for the unfair allocation of funds secretly in the Sports Ministry.

Especially for the Kyudo club where Ayako Mizusushi worked, the funding was simply unreasonable.

If Emiya Shirou was in the Kyudo Club, Yanado Kazunari said that he would tolerate it, but Emiya Shirou was not in the Kyudo Club at all, and Shinji Matou, who was also the same as him in the Kyudo Club, served as the deputy commander.

When he thought that his three biggest enemies were all funding the Archery Department, Liudong gritted his teeth with hatred. He still had a long way to go to reform the school department.

However, there is no longer a long way to go, and he does not have too long before leaving office.

Damn it, if Shirou Emiya had helped, he would have been able to complete the reform and remove the shady figures like Rin Tosaka and Ayako Mizu from the sports department.

However, for Emiya Shirou's sake, Yanado Kazunari did not directly reply to Tohsaka Rin.

"It's true. At the beginning of the new year, I thought you wouldn't come back. I was a little excited. Mr. Kuzuki misses you too. After all, Shirou, you should have the best score in all subjects in world history."

Upon hearing Yanadou Kazunari's sarcasm, Emiya Shirou had a dark look on his face.

But it is true that after participating in the Holy Grail War, Emiya Shirou began to collect, organize and memorize various materials on world history, which can be regarded as his most diligent period of time.

Therefore, when studying world history, it is the easiest and fastest to master, and the results are naturally the best.

In the subsequent make-up exams, world history was passed in one go.

As for the rest————

Uh, it's terrible. If you can cross the line, it's God's blessing.

Emiya Shirou said that he had become a bad student with no knowledge or skills.

It is really difficult to catch up with someone else's year of hard work with only a few days of study.

So this is why others were so shocked when they learned that Emiya Shirou could directly read other people's sword skills and combat experience.

Some people even look decadent.

Others have been pursuing Miyamoto Musashi's "empty" state for a lifetime, but they can't pursue it, but Emiya Shirou can easily reach it by just projecting it.

Why not make those who have worked hard all their lives feel sad.


I saw Kazunari Yanagi when he came back last time, but I haven't seen Mr. Kuzugi for a long time. Many of his doubts in the history of the world were solved by Mr. Kuzumu. He still needs to thank him again.

"But I didn't expect you guys, Shirou, to come here today, and I didn't prepare any tea."

Kazunari Yanado took Shirou Emiya and the others to the living room of Ryudouji Temple.

“Knock knock knock!!!”

Liudong Yisheng knocked on the door gently, very politely.

"Come in."

As the door was pushed open, Teacher Kuzumu was sitting at the tea table, looking at the snowy scene outside the door on the other side, tasting the steaming tea leaves in his hand.

"Why are you here?"

Although he was a little surprised, Teacher Kuzuki's words were still calm, and it was obvious that the other party was a very reliable adult.

"Sorry for coming here uninvited."

Looking at Teacher Kuzugi sitting at the tea table, Sakura Matou was the first to express their apology.

Under normal circumstances, if they wanted to visit, they would naturally need to explain in advance, but they originally planned to leave after praying. At most, they planned to leave after communicating with Issei Ryuudong.

Emiya Shirou may have had the idea of ​​visiting Kuzugi-sensei, but he forgot about it as he was interrogated along the way.

As for Tohsaka Rin and Matou Sakura, they simply didn't think about it.

On the one hand, Mr. Kuzumu is taciturn in school. He cannot say a word that is unnecessary. He does not have a strong sense of presence. He spends most of his time drinking tea in the office.

On the other hand, they didn't have much contact with Mr. Kuzumu. They only knew that he had a high prestige among senior students and was very cold and unaccommodating. There was even a case where the exam was suspended due to a typo in the test paper.

Although he is respected by others, it also makes students afraid to get close to him.

Tohsaka Rin and Matou Sakura are still a little afraid of Teacher Kuzuki.

"I just didn't expect you guys to come over. There's nothing to entertain you."

Teacher Kuzumu shook his head slightly. He didn't care about their sudden visit, but as a teacher, he couldn't prepare anything to entertain them.

"It's okay, Mr. Kuzuki. We're just visiting by chance. We'll be leaving soon if something happens. If there's anything wrong, it's because we didn't prepare any gifts."

Emiya Shirou also waved slightly. In fact, it was still a matter of etiquette, but Mr. Kuzumu didn't care too much about it.

"By the way, Mr. Kuzuki, Issei, are you free the day after tomorrow?"

Suddenly, as if he thought of something, Emiya Shirou spoke to the two of them.

"Yes, yes, but what's the matter?"

After all, the day after tomorrow is the last day of vacation before school starts.

Chapter 1116 Nero: Targeting me like this?

After bidding farewell to Yanagi Kazunari, Emiya Shirou and the others did not go home directly.

If visiting a shrine during the New Year is all that matters, there is no need to go out so early.

Although the time to go out is already the time when most people go to work.

In the morning, what Emiya Shirou needed to complete was the New Year's visit to the shrine, the New Year's visit to the Fujimura-gumi, and the New Year's worship to Emiya Kiritsugu.

In addition, because there were suddenly four more people in the Emiya residence, they also needed to go to the commercial district to buy new ingredients, otherwise the quantity might not be enough.

This was what needed to be done in the morning, because Emiya Shirou had more important things to do in the afternoon.

I visited the Einzbern family, or Illya's family, so overall it was very busy.

After all, Shirou Emiya has no time to rest at night. The Sword of Damocles of the Dead Apostles is still hanging over the heads of the residents of Fuyuki City. They cannot expel all the Dead Apostles in Fuyuki City one day earlier. Shirou Emiya There is no way to sleep peacefully.

"By the way, I suddenly remembered something?"

Carrying the large bags of ingredients he just bought, Emiya Shirou looked at Tohsaka Rin who was also carrying something and said something.

"What's wrong?"

"Last night, it seemed like no one else showed up except us?"

Emiya Shirou may have expressed something unclear, but Tohsaka Rin understood that last night, except for magicians, dead disciples, and agents like them, there was no ordinary person walking on the street.

This is a very unusual thing for a modern city.

Even if the residents of Fuyuki City really don't like to go out at night, it just doesn't mean that no one goes out at night in Fuyuki City.

"Someone has imposed a barrier to disperse idlers, covering the entire Fuyuki City."


"I don't know, but it will be beneficial to us in the end."

Tohsaka Rin shook his head. Basically all the magicians he knew in Fuyuki City were here. What's more, he could make a barrier to disperse idlers covering the entire Fuyuki City in a short time. His ability as a magician must be very good. Excellent.

At least Tohsaka Rin thought that he could not completely arrange such a large-scale barrier without leaking any magic fluctuations.

It's not that she can't do it, it's just that this kind of thing is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it's also difficult to maintain for a long time. It may take more than half a month just to arrange it for her.

"If it weren't for the opponent's barrier to disperse idlers, I don't know how many ordinary people would have suffered in the battle last night."

Although I don’t know what the purpose of the magician hiding in the dark is, at least everything he does is to protect ordinary people.

So far, there have been no reports of homicide cases in which someone was brutally killed in Fuyuki City.

This is simply an incredible thing for a city that already has three dead disciples, twenty-seven ancestors and one true ancestor.

But it is true. At least when they faced Nero Kaos yesterday, the beasts that came to him immediately were the beasts in his body. Warcraft, not the dead.

"So, yesterday-?"

"Stop talking. If it hadn't been for the sudden appearance of the Akashic Snake Death Apostle, Nero would have been eliminated by us long ago."

Tohsaka Rin said viciously, seeming to be brooding over what happened last night.

In response, Emiya Shirou looked at Matou Sakura with great doubts.

"Sister, she was almost able to capture Nero, but suddenly a second Dead Apostle appeared and allowed him to escape."

Matou Sakura waved her hand helplessly. If it weren't for the Death Apostle who suddenly intervened in the battle, the opponent would indeed have been sacrificed by Shajo Reika.

"The second Dead Apostle?"

Emiya Shirou seemed very surprised that there were still Dead Apostles hiding in this city.

"Just a little bit, just a little bit!"

Tohsaka Rin looked very sad. If she could have dealt with the other party last night, the threat of the second dead apostle who suddenly appeared would have been greatly reduced.

The main reason was that they had basically used all the strength they could yesterday. If they faced Nero again today, it was inevitable that the other party would make some preparations.

As one of the 27 ancestors of the dead apostles and the tenth-ranked existence, Nero Chaos was very powerful.

If compared with Frofu Archangel, one of the 27 ancestors of the dead apostles and the nineteenth-ranked existence that Shirou Emiya and the others faced last night, Nero Chaos could easily kill the other party.

Of course, if it weren't for Shirou Emiya causing Elquet's blood-sucking desire to increase dramatically, forcing her to suppress almost all of her strength to double the blood-sucking desire, Elquet could easily kill these two beings alone.

For another example, if Shirou Emiya could still use projection magic, these two dead apostles would not even be able to see Shirou Emiya's face, and would be pierced into hedgehogs by unknown swords and arrows, and then turned into ashes and fed the earth.

Although Nero has such a powerful force, it is a pity that the enemies he faces happen to have some power that targets him.

Jeanne d'Arc's own power as a servant is not bad. She can collide with Nero Chaos head-on, and she has the ability to guide her battle like this revelation, plus the ability of the saint to suppress the dead apostles, so that Nero Chaos is completely suppressed when facing Jeanne d'Arc.

Secondly, Nero Chaos cannot use his best fighting method, controlling the beasts that are not afraid of death, such as the existence of the demon beast, to drown Jeanne d'Arc in the form of a herd.

Because Satsuki Ryoka is watching covetously, as long as he dares to summon the herd, then Satsuki Ryoka dares to control all the herds and sacrifice them.

Then, Nero Chaos thought of using the black mud composed of his beast factor to devour the opponent directly.

As a result, Matou Sakura did not hesitate to control the [Evil] in her body to devour the black mud composed of his beast factor.

At this point, Nero Chaos basically only had physical combat ability left.

This is not bad, his combat is ever-changing, even with the revelation and the suppression of the saint, it is difficult for Jeanne to defeat him in a one-on-one situation. As time goes by, Nero even thinks he can defeat Jeanne.


Tohsaka Rin is conducting an extremely good battle command behind the scenes, and from time to time she orders others to provide support at the most critical moment.

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