Does it matter who turned the other person into this?

She doesn't care.

To complete the Holy Grail ritual, all you need is to collect the souls of the servants, use their power to return to the Seat of Heroes as a weapon, and open the hole to the source.

The Lesser Holy Grail is just a tool to preserve the souls of dead Servants, and is a necessary device to achieve the third magic to stabilize the magic channel between the "Greater Holy Grail" and the present world.

So in the Holy Grail, there have always been some souls of servants from the Holy Grail War in the past. If they are summoned out by force.

What will appear is probably the same as the undead summoned by Darius that Shirou Emiya once saw in the world of Miyu, shadow servants who only have the ability of servants and no heroic consciousness.

What she wants to do is to bring out the soul of Gilles de Rey, who is wandering in the Holy Grail.

Like Roya, the threat posed by the Holy Grail to her is not enough in her opinion!

"It's time to show those people what the 27th Ancestor of the Dead Apostles is!"

Nero Chaos, who was standing at the edge of the courtyard, waved his hand fiercely, and the aura on his body instantly became extremely terrifying.

Chapter 1125 The Climax is Coming

"No, my home!!!!"

On the street, watching the violent magic fluctuations erupting from the Tohsaka Mansion, Tohsaka Rin made an extremely painful sound.

All the people did not act together, but were divided into four groups.

Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou were in one group. Emiya Shirou stood at a high place and could get a lot of vision. He could easily determine the situation of the surrounding environment, and his combat effectiveness was also guaranteed. With the assistance of White Hair Sakura and BB, he could quickly provide support.

Emiya Shirou was responsible for combat and reconnaissance, and Tohsaka Rin was responsible for command and assistance.

Karen and Xiel were in one group. The two of them were from the Holy Church, so they naturally walked together. Karen had always served as the assistant of the exorcist, and it was also easy for her to assist Xiel. As for combat effectiveness, Xiel should be the highest combat effectiveness among all people now.

At least Emiya Shirou who lost his magic circuit and Elquet who used all his strength to suppress the impulse of blood sucking are no match.

Xiel is responsible for fighting, Kallen is responsible for reconnaissance and assistance.

Illya, Sera, Lijieli and Jeanne are in a group. Illya is protected by Hercules, and with two servants of Jeanne, there is no need to worry about safety.

Jeanne is responsible for fighting, reconnaissance, and meat shield, Illya is responsible for fighting and assistance, Sera and Lijieli are simply responsible for assistance.

Sajo Ayaka, Matou Sakura and Elquet are in a group. Although Sajo Ayaka has found a new idea because of Nero Chaos, her magic ability is probably only a little stronger than Kallen, Sera and others.

More just happened to be able to deal with Nero Chaos. Sajo Ayaka tried it before in the courtyard. Even if Xiel did not resist, she had no way to use him for a living sacrifice.

There is no need to say much about Sakura Matou's ability. In fact, if she swallowed Nero Chaos in one gulp, the opponent's immortality might disappear directly.

But this is not a servant swallower, and Sakura Matou does not know what the consequences will be after swallowing the 27th ancestor of the dead apostles.

Elquite is responsible for reconnaissance and combat, while Sakura Matou and Sajo Ayaka are responsible for assistance.

"All my savings are there!"

The Tousaka Mansion is also Tousaka Rin's magic workshop, which contains a lot of magic theories of Tousaka Rin. Of course, the most important thing is that all her gem savings are in the magic workshop.

Not only are there gems that Tousaka Rin bought herself, but also the perfect gems that she squeezed out of Shirou Emiya in the warehouse in the name of teaching fees.

It is naturally impossible for her to take so many gems out. The storage location is obvious, all in the Tousaka Mansion.

"I should have thought of it earlier!"

Tousaka Rin gritted her teeth, condensed a red bullet in her hand, and instantly penetrated a beast rushing towards her.

The dead beast suddenly turned into a pool of black mud, fell to the ground, and then disappeared.

"I didn't expect that the other party really had a way to activate the Holy Grail in advance."

Rin Tosaka shook her fingers subconsciously, frowning tightly, perhaps because the other party did not cause any casualties in the city at all, or perhaps because there was a mysterious person covering Fuyuki City, which made her careless.

When she learned that the Holy Grail was taken away, she was not worried at all.

Even if Jeanne had some guesses about the other party's purpose, Rin Tosaka did not think that the other party could do it.

As we all know, the activation of the Holy Grail ceremony requires a lot of magic power, which needs to be drawn from the spirit vein.

Not only that, the magic power required to activate the Holy Grail ceremony is not something that a normal magician can bear. The magician who relies on the Holy Grail can basically be described as infinite magic power.

Even though it is less than a month away from the official activation of the Holy Grail ceremony, in Rin Tosaka's calculations, in order to fully make the Holy Grail produce its functions, at least half of the human life force in Fuyuki City is needed to barely do it.

Moreover, the other party forcibly took the Holy Grail away from Ryudo Temple, which consumed a considerable amount of magic power, and it could not be replenished in a short time. Rin Tousaka even thought that this Holy Grail War would be postponed.

But she did not expect that the other party actually replenished the lost magic power and started the Holy Grail ceremony in advance.

If you want to know why, Rin Tousaka felt a tingling pain on the back of her hand, and a red Command Seal appeared on it.

This means that she has been chosen as the Master in the Holy Grail War.

The same situation as Rin Tosaka happened to Sakura Matou.

The command spell did not appear on the back of Emiya Shirou's hand.

After all, this is a forcibly driven Holy Grail ceremony. The Holy Grail is still in the stage of selecting its master. It is just that as the three royal families who created the Holy Grail War system, they will be selected to participate in the Holy Grail War no matter what.

"Now is not the time to think about these things, we have to rush over!"

Emiya Shirou casually chopped off a beast with his sword, and spoke to Tohsaka Rin who was still complaining.

Setting up illusions all over the city and letting wild beasts wander around the city really slowed down their pace and disrupted their perception in every sense of the word.

The beast controlled by Nero Chaos could almost be called a weak existence to someone like Emiya Shirou.

But for magicians like Tohsaka Rin, they are already a fatal threat, let alone ordinary people, who have almost no chance to resist.

Even though the entire Fuyuki City has been set up with barriers to drive away idlers, it does not mean that the Dead Apostles cannot find humans, transform them into the dead, and kill them.

Emiya Shirou didn't know what that mysterious man could do. If he were an orthodox magician, he wouldn't even care about human life.

Although Sajo Aige does not take human life seriously, if it were not for the so-called bottom line of some people, Fuyuki City would have been turned into a river of blood by Roya and the others by now.

As for why Joan of Arc didn't find the Tohsaka mansion.

Revelation can allow Joan to make more correct choices and go on a more correct path, but it does not mean that she will not be disturbed or calculated.

If there is a maze with no exit at all, and Joan does not have the power to break through, even if there is a revelation, Joan will not be able to get out of the maze.

The magician who used the illusion seemed to know Jeanne very well. Although he did not completely trap Jeanne, it was not a problem to just hold her back.

As for another investigator, Kallen, the whole city is now full of beings that can react to her tortured spirit physique, and Kallen has no way to accurately locate Roja's location.

The information that Erquet obtained from the world and Hiyer's perception of Roya were both vague. They could only confirm that the other party was in this city, but could not determine the specific location of the other party.

Therefore, it was the moment the other party activated the Holy Grail that everyone reacted.

"It doesn't feel good at all to have someone else take the lead!"

Tohsaka Rin made a rare complaint, and then a light that strengthened magic rose under his feet, and he followed Emiya Shirou's pace.

At this time, at Tohsaka Residence, someone had arrived early.

Astonishing pressure suddenly expanded on the Tohsaka mansion.

It's like the air has weight, making it hard to breathe.

Under such circumstances, Erquette just walked towards the direction of the Holy Grail step by step, with a pair of golden pupils as fierce as a beast, looking directly at Nero who was blocking him.

She could feel that Roja was in the Holy Grail floating in mid-air.

Chapter 1,126 Nero’s true strength

"Are you going to stop me?"

At this moment, Nero Chaos, who was looking directly at Elquit, felt that his whole body seemed to be tightly suppressed by the heavy pressure around him, and he was stuck in place, unable to move.

It was as if there were countless invisible chains imprisoning him.


However, feeling this pressure, Nero Kaos let out a very disdainful laugh.

"If it were you in the past, just this charming evil eye would be enough to hold me down, and I wouldn't even be able to struggle."

As if he was stating a certain fact, Nero Chaos spoke of how powerful Elquit was once in an understatement.

"But now, look how weak you are! Princess of the True Ancestor!"


A beast-like roar erupted from Nero Chaos's body, and the terrifying magic power suddenly expanded.


The next second, as if the air was bursting, Nero Chaos was shocked, and his whole body was instantly covered with pale flesh.

A fountain of blood flowed on it, and the wolf-like eyes looked at Arquette as if looking at prey.

The shackles of Erquette's charming eyes were easily broken away by him.

"Die here! Princess of the True Ancestor!"

Nero's eyes were full of arrogance and disdain for Erquet, who had once almost surpassed all the true ancestors.

"Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!"

The terrifying roar turned into waves of sound like a chorus, lingering over the entire courtyard.

One after another, huge beasts turned into a galloping beast tide. Under the sound of footsteps that shook the ground, they appeared from all around one after another and rushed in the direction of Erqite.

"It's true that I was looked down upon by you, a piece of trash!!!"


Amidst the sharp sound of breaking through the air, Erquit's sharp hand light suddenly cut through the sky, like lightning, carrying a terrifying and ferocious force, slashing down hard at Nero in front of him. .

The claw light was like the sharpest blade in the world, glowing with a scalp-numbing energy, tearing apart the air around it just by waving it.


Nero Chaos let out a cold snort, and his originally beast-like thick arms suddenly grew in size again, and he rushed towards the sharp claws that shredded the atmosphere without fear.


In the explosion-like sound, the extremely sharp claws and the expanding fists collided fiercely, directly blasting the ground under the two of them, causing the gravel to fly and the wind to explode.

"Is that all?"

Feeling the power coming from Elquita, Nero Chaos showed an extremely contemptuous smile.

The next second————


The pure white figure flew out upside down.

And the tide of beasts rushing around, like a huge wave that swallowed everything, mercilessly rushed towards the entire Arquitet who was knocked away.


The ferocious wolf jumped up, opened its huge mouth full of rough fangs, aimed at the head of Erquet, who was still stabilizing his figure after flying upside down, and bit down hard.


The sharp claw light suddenly lit up, facing the huge biting mouth.


Under Erquet's ferocious claws, the wolf's entire body was torn into two halves.

Black mist splashed out from the wild wolf's body like blood foam.

Before the beast could howl, Erquit grabbed the body that had been torn apart by her, and threw it directly in the direction of Nero Chaos with all her strength.


The air trembled at this moment, and the body of the beast arrived in front of Nero Chaos in just an instant.


As a tearing sound resounded from this space, the body that shot toward Nero Chaos was easily torn into pieces by his right hand that suddenly turned into a sharp blade.

Then the body melted into the darkness and into his body.

Known as the Beast Tide, their numbers are far greater than what meets the eye.

In just a moment of fighting with Nero Chaos, Erquet was already firmly trapped in place by the huge black wave.

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