
Arquette let out an angry roar, and the magic power on her body also surged. Countless stone spears appeared on the ground instantly, and they pierced through all the waves of beasts that were attacking her just by breathing.




The cries of countless beasts in pain echoed throughout the courtyard.

Nero Chaos, who was standing in front of Erquit, just looked at her coldly, seemingly with some pity, but more with contempt.

The beasts that were penetrated and died suddenly disappeared into smoke, blended into the darkness on the ground, and then returned to Nero Chaos's body.

The beasts that were slaughtered by Erquite came out of Nero Chaos's body again, roaring, and turned into a tide of beasts again, swarming forward.



The roars of beasts kept ringing.


Seeing those huge beasts that seemed to be impossible to kill, rushing towards him with violent anger, Erqite's eyes became more ferocious in an instant, and then he seemed to be captured again. Suppressed the general and returned to the original state.

With the need to constantly suppress his surging blood-sucking desire, Erquette couldn't use much strength at this time.

If she hadn't sucked Shirou Emiya's blood the day before yesterday, she could have pressed Nero Chaos to the ground and rubbed him with one hand.

As for why Arquette didn't instantly kill Emiya Shirou at that time.

After all, Emiya Shirou is a human being, and if he can avoid seeing human blood, Erquet will naturally try not to see human blood.

At that time, I thought that I would use my own power to push back Emiya Shirou, but I didn't expect that Emiya Shirou would be so aggressive. When they met, it would be a life-and-death fight.

"Pfft, pfft, pfft!"

Amidst the crisp tearing sounds, the huge beasts tore apart Elquitet one after another, but the number of beasts did not decrease from the beginning to the end.

This is the power that Nero Chaos' unique barrier "The Beast King's Nest" can exert.

No matter how many times the created beast is killed in the end, its factors will return to its body, take shape again in the vortex of chaos, and be released outside the body under Nero's control to fight endlessly.

In addition, Nero's inherent barrier is in his body and will not be modified by the world and can always unfold. Because he has 666 lives, it is almost impossible to die without being killed 666 times in an instant.

Such a terrifying ability makes him the tenth among the twenty-seven ancestors of the Dead Apostles. He is proud of many inhuman beings, and his strength is one of the few in this world.

Erquette said that although Flofo Archangel's own strength is roughly equivalent to that of a Class VI Death Apostle, it is even inferior to some Class VIII Death Apostles who have not become ancestors.

But when it is at full strength, a blizzard can cover the entire Fuyuki City, and can even freeze everything within a few kilometers.

However, before he could unleash his full power, he was killed by Emiya Shirou.

As Nero Chaos, the tenth among the twenty-seven ancestors of the Dead Apostles, and a Death Apostle who has already reached the level of ancestor, he is only better than Frofo Archangel who can freeze several kilometers in an instant. You are stronger.

Nero Chaos was able to be beaten with one hand by Arquitet the day before yesterday, while Frofo Archangel was instantly killed by Arquitet the day before yesterday.

If Sajo Ayaka, Jeanne and the others were able to overwhelm each other and fight, it was because their special characteristics restricted more than 60% of Nero Chaos' power.

Now, because Arquette needs to suppress the ever-expanding blood-sucking impulse in her body, what is restricted is almost more than 95% of her power.

What she is facing now is Nero Chaos' almost 100% power!

Chapter 1,127 Fierce Fight


Access Denied



May Day is happy, and holidays are happy, so I gave myself a happy holiday (○` 3′○)

A great vacation that made me feel happy.

Then I would like to wish all readers a happy May Day holiday.

With the leave request, I am confident and arrogant. I took off on the spot, Wuhu Wuhu Wuhu Wuhu Wuhu!

Chapter 1,128 The power of the burial agency’s agent

"It's really disgusting——!"

A somewhat cold voice came from the sky, and the strong killing intent enveloped Nero Kaos in just an instant.


The sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded.

The figure that was charging towards Elquet froze slightly, then stepped on the ground without hesitation and retreated backwards.

Almost at the same moment, the arrow-like sharp blade cut through the sky and landed on the location where Nero Chaos was previously.

"Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!"

With the sound of flesh and blood splashing, the sharp blade that shot out like an arrow easily tore apart the beast hovering on the ground, and even sank deeply into the solid ground.

The sharp blade that struck was actually a sword like a nail.

Nero Kaos frowned as he retreated, raised his head, and looked forward.

In mid-air, a dark blue figure crashed to the ground and stood in front of Arquitect. As if provoking, or disgusting that she was so weak, it faced Arquitect behind him. Sneered.

"This guy!"

If it weren't for the sake of her teammates, she would have given her a paw right now.


Under the breeze, the trees next to Tosaka's mansion, shrouded in bright moonlight, began to sway.

Karen panted and trotted all the way to the door of Tohsaka Residence.

“Can you take care of me, an ordinary person——”

Looking at the people confronting each other in front of her, Kallen complained feebly. She didn't have much physical strength. Hiyer could run all the way here, but she couldn't do it.

At this time, Hiyer was looking at Nero Chaos, his face as cold as ice, his eyes as mechanical and ruthless, wearing a loose nun's uniform, and between the fingers of his hand, there was a The branches are like nails, and the sword specially used for throwing is clamped in them.

The anti-spirit concept weapon called the Black Key, when held between the opponent's fingers, was like a sharp claw shining with the color of steel, reflecting the silver moonlight.

The unusually cold aura swelled slightly on Hiyer's body.

"Tsk, the agent of the burial mechanism actually colluded with the princess of the true ancestor. This is really surprising."

Under the current situation of exerting all his strength, Nero Chaos will not be afraid of anyone present.

You must know that even now, he has not used the Idea Blood Ring (Idea Blood) that belongs to him as [Ancestor].

The reason why Zu is qualified for the role of Zu's blood is because of the original commandments engraved on the soul. Just having this blood flowing in the body can rewrite the unique points of the laws of planetary physics.

Even Floff, whose principle blood ring can only be used forcefully, has an impact that can cover the entire Fuyuki City.

"When you go down, you will see more things that will surprise you."

Hiyer had no intention of engaging in any verbal dispute with the other party. The cold and ruthless look in his eyes instantly turned into cold hostility.

The next moment, Hiyer suddenly moved.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Like a dance, Hiyer threw out the black keys between his fingers with such swift movements that one could only see the afterimage, cutting the air with a sharp wind sound. Shot violently at Nero Chaos.

The speed of shooting is comparable to, or even faster than, bullets.

However, Nero Chaos just sneered: "Is that all? It seems that today is the day when you and the princess of the True Ancestor will die."


The spider-like figure of Nero turned into a phantom, ignoring the incoming black keys. The black keys, which were faster than bullets, appeared in front of Hiyer in an instant.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

The next moment, there was an explosion.

The limbs on his side, like vines, turned into a violent storm, shattering the air and lashing towards Hiyer's head.

With such force, the head would explode like a watermelon thrown to the ground at the moment of being struck.


"Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!"

As several piercing sounds came from Hiyer's side, the limbs that it was impossible for the human eye to follow were penetrated by black keys and firmly nailed to the ground.

"Burn it all up——"

Cold words sounded from Hiyer's mouth, and before Nero Chaos could react, the terrifying fire snake swallowed up his entire body in an instant.


Screams of pain echoed throughout the night.

This is the name of the magic effect attached to the throwing sword that Siel likes to use. When a spell is cast on the blade, once it pierces the target, it will burn with a temperature of 500°C.

Of course, Hiyer would not simply think that this technique alone could kill [Immortal Chaos].


The roar of the beast suddenly came from Hiyer's feet.

The aggregation formed by several beasts opened several large scarlet mouths and bit into Hiyer fiercely.

"Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!"

Several more tearing sounds were heard, and the beast that sneaked towards it was instantly pierced by the countless black keys projected out, turned into black mud, and surged towards the position of Nero who was swallowed by the flames. go.

"It seems that your mission as a watchdog is about to fail!"

As if it was ruthless and endless, several black keys appeared again between Hiyer's fingers.

On the other side, with Nero Kaos being held back by Hier, his herd was quickly wiped out, and Matou Sakura, Arquette and the others also quickly approached the location of the Holy Grail.

The main purpose of their coming here is not only to defeat Nero Chaos, but also for the stolen Holy Grail.

If Roja had not set up various spells around the Holy Grail before, Matou Sakura and the others would have arrived in front of the Holy Grail and rescued the blond Ayaka.


I saw Nero Chaos standing up suddenly, the skin on his body became as thick as armor, and his majestic body suddenly stepped on the ground.

Then, with the help of the strong thrust, his hands turned into sickle-like blades and swung towards Hiyer.

"Clang, Clang, Clang, Clang, Clang, Clang, Clang, Clang!!!!"

Under the crisp sound of collision, countless black keys were bounced away. The powerful impact caused circles of strong wind to vibrate at the collision point, disrupting the surrounding air.

Seeing this scene, Hiyer kept retreating, but his face was expressionless, and the magic power in his body was surging, covering the black keys that reappeared between his fingers.



The ground of the entire Tohsaka Residence suddenly trembled, and strange magic swept across all directions instantly.

Chapter 1,129 Bringing Madness to the World

Inside the Holy Grail, the girl with lavender hair seemed to not care at all about her body being eroded by the Holy Grail, and her spirit being devoured by the Holy Grail, showing a somewhat crazy smile.

"Ah, Gil, Gil! My dear friend! When I think of you being tortured by the bitter hell, my weak reason is almost broken!"

In the ocean called magic, among the countless Servants fighting for the Holy Grail, the purple-haired girl was wailing from the bottom of her heart, wailing as if from the depths of her soul.

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