The next second, the sword in Shirou Emiya's hand turned into a ray of light.

The extremely calm words echoed throughout the space at this moment.

"Knife inscription————————"

"[Destroy the World]"

Chapter 1,147 The Knife Cutting the World

"Knife inscription——————"

"[Destroy the World]"

When such a sound echoed like a dead echo, the night sky lit up.

The slash that took away the brilliance of this area of ​​​​the world turned into a sword light that split the space into two, and suddenly flashed.


In this moment, it seemed that all the sounds had disappeared, leaving only the roar of the blade that broke through the sky.

"Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!"

The sound of space shattering followed closely.


Arquitet let out a wild roar, and its light body expanded in an instant, and the terrifying power poured down on Shirou Emiya mercilessly.


The violent wind that tore everything apart was like a surging wave, tearing up the atmosphere and pouring down towards Shirou Emiya.


The land that submerged everything created a tsunami a hundred meters high, shaking the earth and pouring down towards Shirou Emiya.

"call out--!"

The light that burned everything condensed into a beam of light that penetrated everything, penetrated the space, and poured down towards Shirou Emiya.

The atmosphere was shaken.

The earth was shaken.

The space was shaken.

The starry sky was also shaken.

Carrying such a vast momentum, Erquet fell towards the ground together with the red moon hanging in the sky.

On the other hand, Emiya Shirou's slashing attack was so weak and made people feel helpless.

"That bastard!!! How could he win!!"

Tohsaka Rin put his hands on Avalon's barrier, gritted his teeth, and let out a cry of despair.

At this moment, everyone in Avalon was watching this scene with their pupils expanded to their maximum size.

Zhu Yue was about to fall, along with the attack that could crush Emiya Shirou.

The power of the next blow was even greater than the force of an asteroid hitting the earth.

No one can stop it.

Can a miracle really happen?



A tearing sound sounded in this space.

The atmosphere - was definitely cut open.

The land - cut open without a doubt.

Space - unmistakably cut.

The starry sky - cut open without a doubt.

The terrifying sword light cut open everything in front of Emiya Shirou.


Amidst the clear and crisp sword chant, the sword light turned into the most brilliant light in the world.

Turn this scarlet night into day.

There was a sudden silence between heaven and earth.

This sword light not only transcends human reason, but also transcends the divine realm.


A slight cracking sound sounded in this space.


Arquette, who was originally furious, instantly lost his life.

Everyone in Avalon couldn't even make a sound at this moment.

Because everything in front of them has surpassed their understanding.

Was the falling moon cut open?

Was the hundreds-meter-high Arquitet cut open?


It's the world, cut open.


The wind once again favored this garden.

However, calling this place a garden is no longer suitable at all.

Because the originally vast scarlet garden has disappeared, and the intricate flashing lights are twinkling on the streets, Fuyuki City has returned to its original state.


At this moment, everyone who witnessed what happened in the sky opened their eyes wide and fell into uncontrollable shock.

What shocked everyone present was not the sliced ​​moon, nor was it the sliced ​​light body of Elquit.

Instead, the mark is engraved on this space and cannot be removed at all. It is like cutting the space open, and you cannot see the dark knife mark at the end, which is like an abyss.

That knife mark is truly shocking and terrifying.

Everyone can feel the wailing coming from the world in that knife mark.

What is cut is not space.

This slash did something that not even Enuma Elish could do.

In a real sense, it cuts the world apart.

[The seventieth death]

[The eightieth death]

【The hundredth death】

【The 120th Death】

【The 150th Death】

[The two hundredth death]

【The 300th death】

【500th death】

【The Thousandth Death】

The light body has disappeared and condensed into a human-sized figure. The pure white princess is raising her head and looking at the knife marks in the sky with a dull expression.

"How is this possible!"

The words rang out from Erquette’s mouth.

That voice was full of shock, sluggishness and disbelief, and contained a variety of emotions.

Obviously, after seeing the scene of the world being cut open, even if he had gone berserk, even if he had lost his mind, Elquette still could not hide the wavering in his heart.

Under such circumstances, Elquita's power that can even distort space has become extremely weak.

And Emiya Shirou fell directly to the ground, his life or death unknown.

Almost at the same time, under the broken night sky, the golden light dissipated, and anxious footsteps continued to echo on the ground.

Everyone in Avalon immediately rushed in the direction of Emiya Shirou.


Matou Sakura knelt directly next to Emiya Shirou, with emerald green magic power flowing in her hands, healing Emiya Shirou.

"Will he survive?"

Others had varying degrees of worry in their eyes. Tohsaka Rin did not hesitate to tear off the red gem from his chest and planned to place it directly on Shirou Emiya's body.



An insulting voice echoed under the night sky.

"The battle is not over yet! The princess of the True Ancestor is still going berserk! You just came here unprepared! Then all the efforts I have made are nothing!"

Shirou Emiya, who was covered in darkness, suddenly opened his eyes and cursed directly at everyone present.

"You...are you okay!?"

Tohsaka Rin was a little surprised. It was clear that even the breath of life was gone, but the energy he originally held was put down in an instant.

"Are you blind? Can't you tell if there's something wrong with me? If I'm okay, I'll go and solve the problem in Erquit right now! There's no need to talk nonsense with you here!"


I really want to hit someone!

Listening to Emiya Shirou's arrogant words, Tohsaka Rin's original excitement because of Emiya Shirou's survival suddenly disappeared, and veins popped up on his head involuntarily.

never mind! Seeing that Emiya Shirou is the injured, don't be angry anymore!

"Then what can you do!?"

Tohsaka Rin suppressed all the emotions in her heart and asked Emiya Shirou.

At this time, Emiya Shirou, who was lying on the ground, turned his head slightly, looked at Erquette who was still in a daze in the distance, and said this concisely.

"Just let me get close to her and I can end this!"

This sentence is full of confidence and arrogance.

Although Shirou Emiya is almost unable to move, for some reason everyone believes in him.


Tohsaka Rin took out the few remaining gems from his pocket, quickly absorbed the magic power from them, and then looked at Arquette with sharp eyes.

"It's time to end this!"

Chapter 1,148 Complete Book End

With Matou Sakura's support, Emiya Shirou reluctantly sat up from the ground.

"Trace on"

However, Shirou Emiya seemed to have no intention of taking a rest at all, completely ignoring the fatal injuries on his body. While staring at Erquette, a rather ordinary-looking sword with an emerald green hilt began to appear on his right hand. The shadow of a katana.


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