
Along with the sound of breaking glass, the moment the katana was projected, it suddenly shattered like a mirror.


A mouthful of bright red blood spurted out from the corner of Emiya Shirou's mouth, dyeing the ground red.


Matou Sakura on the side exclaimed, looking at Emiya Shirou in such a posture, Matou Sakura's face was filled with heartache.

She gently stroked Emiya Shirou's back and said worriedly: "Senior, please stop trying to be brave and leave the rest to us!"


Emiya Shirou's face was full of suspicion, and he seemed not to believe that they could restrain Arquette.

"You bastard, don't think that you can look down on us by doing something like that, just wait and see!"

"Saber! Lancer! Berserker! Fuck me!"

"Wait a minute, do you think you are Berserker's master? Come on, Berserker!"

Hearing Tohsaka Rin's words, Illya suddenly became furious, and she quickly responded to Tohsaka Rin's words and shouted towards Hercules.

As the two of them finished speaking, everyone present immediately began to take action.

Arturia, Jeanne d'Arc, Hercules, and Hiyer charged towards the direction of Elquita with a neat sound of kicking.

Tohsaka Rin handed the remaining gem to Sajo Ayaka, letting her magic power recover, and then they carved something on the ground together.

Matou Sakura, Kallen, and Illya stayed beside Emiya Shirou, watching their surroundings while using the emerald green light in their hands to heal Emiya Shirou's injuries as much as possible.


Feeling the danger, Arquette immediately came to his senses and let out an extremely violent roar.

Immediately afterwards, the ground suddenly bulged, and vines suddenly shot up, like spears rising from the ground, like a pouring rain, facing the rushing Joan of Arc and Hercules, Hiyer and Artoria shot away.

Its power and speed are dozens of times weaker than before.

At this moment, Jeanne's whole body became pitch black again. Under the tremor of the atmosphere, black flames devoured everything in front of her.

At this moment, Heracles waved the ax sword in his hand, setting off a violent airflow, crushing everything in front of him like a meat grinder.

At this moment, Hiyer set up the Seventh Holy Book in his hand and aimed it at the incoming vines. Countless fire snakes poured down instantly.

At this moment, strong blue magic waves erupted from Artoria's body, and the invisible sword in her hand turned into a brilliant sword light. The air seemed to be cut off by something, and everything became chaotic.

At this moment, a purple thunder suddenly descended on the field, appearing in front of Tohsaka Rin at a speed that was impossible for humans to reach.


The sound of blood splashed, and in Illya's disbelieving eyes, a head was ejected in the air, and the sharp claws in Roja's hands cut off her neck without any hindrance.

"I can't let you use the command spell to call that big guy back!"

"You guy!!!"

Tohsaka Rin reacted immediately, holding the gem in his hand and pointing it at Roja.

However, how could such a level of magic stop Roja, who was once a genius magician?

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Roja opened his hands slightly, and a burst of magic spells unfolded in front of him.

The magic bullets that poured towards him were bounced away without any suspense, and the opponent's figure appeared in front of Tohsaka Rin in an instant, with an extremely cruel smile on his lips at this moment.


The sharp claws penetrated Tohsaka Rin's chest, and the bright red blood instantly soaked the cement floor.


Looking at the two people who died one after another, Sajo Ayaka's eyes showed deep fear. With her magic power barely recovered, she had no ability to stop Roja.

However, as a human being, how could she be faster than Roja, a Death Apostle?

The next second————


Only a cry of pain could be heard. The breath of Sajo Ayaka disappeared at this moment, and then there was the sound of something heavy falling to the ground.


Boiling sounds echoed around Roja, and countless black shadows surrounded him tightly. The terrifying black mud suddenly submerged the sky, and rushed towards him like an ocean.

"Ha! There will only be one winner in the end————"

Roja let out a disdainful laugh, and then slightly snapped his fingers.

A huge magic formula unfolded under Matou Sakura's feet and in the sky above her head.


Matou Sakura only had time to say this last sentence.


Thick purple thunder fell from the sky. She didn't even have time to react before she was swallowed up by the thunder and turned into ashes floating in the air.

"That's me!!!!!!"

Looking at Shirou Emiya who struggled to lift himself up and half-knelt on the ground, looking at him with overwhelming hatred, Roja declared the winner.

"I really didn't expect that a human like you could do this. What a pity! What a pity! What a pity that the opponent is me!!!!"

"You are the challenger!"

Roya half-crouched in front of Shirou Emiya, making an extremely arrogant mockery.

Hercules, Altria, and Jeanne lost their magic power supply and turned into starlight and dissipated in the confrontation with Elquit.

And Hier, relying on his own strength and being over-consumed, could only barely defend against the still violent Elquit.

"I will take your blood!"

With these words, Roya walked in front of Shirou Emiya, and one hand suddenly lifted up Shirou Emiya's body, who had no reaction ability at all, and the other hand pierced his heart without hesitation.

Life, at this moment, fell.

Afterwards, Roya dragged Shirou Emiya's body towards Elquit.

The whole book, finished.

Sprinkle flowers at the end! Wuhu!

Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough!

The next second, the world in front of Roya's eyes was broken like a mirror————

"Break it, mirror flower and water moon——"

Chapter 1149 Cut off the cause and effect between you and me


A crisp sound came into Roya's ears.

That was a cracking sound.

What kind of cracking sound?

Roya, dragging Shirou Emiya's body, suddenly froze in place.

Is it the cracking sound of the floor being crushed?

The current battle between Elquet and Hier obviously did not reach such a level.

Is it the cracking sound of the air being squeezed apart?

In his perception, no one was approaching their position at all.

Or was it the cracking sound of Shirou Emiya's knife that cut the world apart, causing the surrounding space to collapse again?

However, Roya no longer needed to guess.

An evil and arrogant voice came from his ears.

"When did you have the illusion that you would win!"

Will you win?

Will win!

The next second, the world in front of Roya suddenly shattered, and the dazzling white light instantly permeated the entire world.


Roya almost reflexively raised one hand and blocked it in front of himself to block the dazzling white light.

When the white light began to dim, Roya opened his eyes.

However, the world that entered his eyes changed again.


The cold wind blew past, lifting Roya's long hair, the flowers around him, and the pungent smell of blood. The petals flew around.

"This is--!"

Roya's pupils shrank, and he looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

At this moment, Roya was in a world that looked like a sword tomb, or rather a sword flower field.

Countless cracks and golden brilliance were engraved on the gray void, and the bright light illuminated this space.

This world has no end, there are only the sky and the earth on the other side of the horizon, as if linked together, one and the same.

Raging flames burned on the sand dunes, surging black mud rolled at the end of the world, colorful flowers were all over the ground, and countless swords were scattered on it.

"Damn it! Is it an illusion? When?!" Orochimaru, ah! Roya said so.

However, at this moment, his attention was not on this changed world, but on the front, standing in the center of the whole world.

Surrounded by countless petals, in the sound of swords ringing one after another, the dark figure embraced the pure white princess in his arms.

And the lips of the two were tightly hugging.


For some reason, at this moment, an unknown anger ignited in Roya's heart, and a purple magic power so thick that it was visible to the naked eye rushed through his body. The ground just broke like a spider web in the moment he breathed.

"You, bastard!"


Amid the heavy stomping sound, Roya, carrying the vibrating wind and impact, jumped into the sky a hundred meters high. The huge magic formula was completed almost the moment Roya rose to the sky.


The next second, the magic formula that almost covered the entire sky emitted a dazzling light, and countless terrible black surrounded it.

"Not good!"

Hier, who was standing in the distance, changed her expression.

After all, all her magic knowledge was obtained from Roya's memory, and she understood how powerful this magic formula was.

It can basically destroy a Fuyuki City easily.

Fuyuki City: Pandora's Box wants to blow me up, the Bull of Heaven wants to blow me up, Elquite wants to blow me up, and the Akasha Snake wants to blow me up.


Not only Xiel, but also Rin Tohsaka, Ayaka Sajo and the others who were standing somewhere unknown at the moment showed a serious expression.

The reason was very simple.

The power brought by this terrifying force was felt by everyone present.

"Saber, do you still have the magic power to release the treasure again?"

Rin Tohsaka looked at Altria beside her and spoke quickly. After all, the sense of security given by Avalon was too sufficient. Basically, when she saw the devastating attack, the first thing she thought of was to hide in Avalon.

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