"As for the scabbard, I have already returned it to Shirou."

Arturia shook her head. Others didn't know what Shirou Emiya's physical condition was, but she knew best. The moment Shirou Emiya returned the scabbard to her, his body collapsed to such an extent.

So Artoria immediately returned Avalon to Shirou Emiya's body.

"Is that so?"

Tohsaka Rin shook her head with regret. She did not give any instructions to Jeanne, because the moment the magic spell was launched, Jeanne was already standing in front of everyone.

"————Dalam ayat keempat Injil, perpisahan suci, dll., Dibiarkan-, dan makna sebenarnya tidak diketahui (Sanctify you with the fourth gospel verse, leaving you in vain and without knowing the true meaning)————"

As Roja whispered, the moon behind it exploded.

This is Roya's most outstanding achievement as a magician - Overload.

Able to double all magic he performs.

The technique collapsed due to overload at this moment, and terrible cracks continued to appear from the purple technique.

Doubling is not just doubling.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Roja carried such a huge momentum, and stared at Emiya Shirou and Erquette in the middle of the air that was electrified by the flashing thunder.

"The final winner will only be me!!!!"

"call out----!"

Under the sharp sound of breaking through the air, with the magic formula as the center, a terrifying thunder light fell from the sky.

Wherever it passes, the terrible pressure turns into a thrust from top to bottom, and then produces a terrible destructive power that can destroy everything.

At this moment, all the sounds disappeared, leaving only the sound of thunder falling.


At this time, everyone below was watching this scene with their eyes wide open, and their pupils expanded to their maximum size.

Almost at the same time, surrounded by countless petals and the sound of swords ringing one after another, the darkness on Emiya Shirou's body began to disappear, and Erquette's face began to turn red. The violent aura on his body also began to dissipate.

No, it shouldn't be said to be dissipated.

Rather, it means transfer.

The black mud called [God's Evil] kept pouring into Elquitt's body.

The desire called [Vampire Impulse] was constantly being absorbed by Emiya Shirou.

The True Ancestor has the urge to suck human blood, and this urge cannot be separated. The True Ancestor will become addicted if he drinks human blood, and will fall into an inextricable depravity.

But the urge to suck blood is almost negligible to humans, because humans cannot feel pleasure from the act of sucking blood like their true ancestors.

Pandora's box contains all the evils in the world - greed, hypocrisy, slander, jealousy, pain and other things that can cause human beings to destroy themselves. That is the punishment of gods on human beings. The black mud human beings are almost as long as they are It will melt at the moment of contact.

But the evil of gods is also almost negligible to the true ancestors. They are species created by the "planet", and the punishment of humans is far less important to the true ancestors than the blood-sucking impulse. Influence.

Arquette inherited Shirou Emiya's evil deeds.

Emiya Shirou carried Arquette's desire.

At this time, everyone's eyes were turned to the two people who were about to be enveloped by the lightning.

He turned towards the figure of Erquette who had woken up and was holding the unconscious Shirou Emiya in his arms, slightly raising his head to look at the lightning.

Her eyes were full of peace at the moment.


Amidst the buzzing sound and a burst of crimson light, Arquitet suddenly reached out and inserted his hand into Emiya Shirou's chest.

"It's time to end this!"

"Sever the cause and effect between you and me, and the connection between you and me, right at this moment."

He declared to the lightning pouring down towards him.

"Just use this knife to put an end to it!"

"True Essence·Explanation"

"Complete the concept·Conclusion"

"Forging Technique·Critical"

"It takes countless research to reach this state."

"Getting here is all about concentration."

"Cut off the cause and effect"

"Cut off fate"

"Cut off old karma"

"The knife that can also cut off the self"

"His name is - Muramasa Domukari!!!!"


When the melodious roar of the sword resounded throughout the sky, a terrifying crimson sword light passed through the air.

The thunder falling from the sky also landed with terrifying momentum at this moment.

In an instant, he encountered the light of a sword passing through the sky.


Suddenly, an unprecedentedly powerful flash of light burst out from mid-air.


Immediately afterwards, the terrifying sword light shattered the thunder light that was enough to destroy a city, cutting the thunder in half.


A howl of pain sounded.

Chapter 1150: Things that can kill Emiya Shirou - the start of school


As the sound of electricity sounded, the TV was turned on, and a news reporter holding a microphone appeared in front of the screen, reporting.

"Last night, the incredible phenomenon that occurred in Fuyuki City and its surrounding areas has been confirmed to be a large-scale gas leak, and the residents inhaled too much gas, causing hallucinations."

"Although the accident has caused a great psychological impact on the people, the actual damage caused is only to the Tosaka family in this area."

"For this incident, the gas company publicly apologized to all residents of Fuyuki City and stated that it would be fully responsible for the incident."

"They have compensated the Tosaka family that was destroyed by the gas explosion, and the reconstruction work is in full swing now."

The scene turned and came to the Tosaka mansion that had been completely razed due to the gas explosion. There were many workers working hard to rebuild the Tosaka mansion.

Then the camera shifted and turned to the crack that went straight into the sky.

"And the crack that we saw hanging in the air at the door of the Tosaka family was also confirmed to be the effect of excessive gas inhalation that has not dissipated."

At this time, the picture on the TV turned and played a short video.

In the video, Elquet stood on the street, in front of the crack, he stretched out his hand to touch it as if he saw nothing, and then he penetrated it as expected, as if the crack was just an illusion.

"So, please go to the hospital for diagnosis in time to avoid the root of the disease, and do not pass through this street unless necessary to avoid worsening the condition."

"Don't worry about medical care. The gas company said that they will be responsible for the medical expenses in the next month, and each household will receive XX yen as compensation for mental damage."

"After that, the gas company will check all natural gas pipelines in Fuyuki City to prevent the next incident."

"So far, this sudden gas leak incident has come to an end."

After the news report came out, except for the few people who knew about it who felt unusually speechless, the residents of Fuyuki City nodded in agreement.

Although there was still a lingering fear of the falling moon in their hearts, under these compensations, what they experienced last night was nothing.

After all, no matter from which aspect, they did not suffer any losses, they were just scared.

If you are scared by a dog when walking on the road, so what if you are scared by the falling moon? Anyway, the gas explosion in Fuyuki City is not something that happens overnight, so you will get used to it.

So, that incredible phenomenon that made people feel like they had a terrible nightmare eventually became a topic after dinner and became an urban legend in Fuyuki City.

It is an urban legend of the same level as the Little Red Riding Hood in the Channa Apartment.

Of course, this incident is not completely over.

After defeating Roya, taking back the Holy Grail, and saving the blonde Ayaka, a question that they seemed to have forgotten appeared in front of everyone.

Where did Aika Sajo go?

It all started with Aika Sajo suddenly disappearing, and then she provoked the Dead Apostles based on the clues, and then this series of events happened.

However, now that the enemies are basically solved, Aika Sajo is still missing.

The only thing that Xiye and Kallen can think of is that Aika Sajo has been killed by Nero Chaos and others.

As for what Hiel said about Aika Sajo and the Akasha Snake cooperating, Aika Sajo never appeared from beginning to end. After she appeared, it was the voice coming from Ayaka Sajo's phone.

Hiel suddenly doubted the inference that Aika Sajo and Roya had made some kind of deal.

However, Aika Sajo was already dead, and it was too late to justify her.

At this time, Ayaka Sajo's phone rang.

"What!! Sister, you have been at home all the time!!"

Ayaka Sajo was furious, and her hand holding the phone was shaking constantly.

"Yes, I went home to sleep because it was too late that day. I have been staying at home these days. Where have you been? You haven't been home for so many days. My father is still very worried about your situation. You didn't get a boyfriend!"

Listening to Aika Sajo's ridicule, Ayaka Sajo wanted to crush her phone, but thinking that she was not a rich person like Rin Tohsaka, she finally endured it.

I have been running around outside for so long and have made so much effort, but my sister is just staying at home and lying on the sofa watching the romantic drama - The Blond Prince Falls in Love with Me.

Her fists were hard, hard, hard, she wanted to teleport back to her home and press her sister to the ground.

In this regard, Shirou Emiya and the others could only shrug their shoulders, and did not say anything after knowing this.

If it were not for Aika Sajo, I am afraid that the residents of Fuyuki City would have become ghosts under the moon.

The scarlet moon does not cause terrifying power only when it falls, but when it falls, the strong air pressure can crush everything under the moon.

Obviously, no one present can protect the entire Fuyuki City when the moon falls. After thinking about it, only Aika Sajo, a woman who was evaluated as terrifying by BB, can do it.

Although I don’t know what the other party’s purpose is, the final result of this incident is that only the Tosaka residence was injured, and no one lost their lives because of this storm.

As for Shirou Emiya.

The flame in his body that was enough to burn the world was basically consumed by him to forge the double-edged sword named [Destruction].

Most of the [God's Evil] that could easily devour humans was absorbed by Elquit.

Because Altria returned Avalon to Shirou Emiya, and Altria was right beside Shirou Emiya, with her constant supply of magic power, Shirou Emiya's body quickly recovered.

As for the impact of Elquit's [blood-sucking impulse] on Shirou Emiya.

In the past, when Shirou Emiya saw Rin Tousaka, he would start by looking at her smooth black stockings.

But now, Shirou Emiya always starts by looking at her collarbone.

The previous perspective was very secretive, and Rin Tousaka basically didn't notice it.

Now, as long as Shirou Emiya turns his head, he will be discovered by Rin Tousaka, and then slapped.

The impact is actually quite large, and he can't look at black stockings openly————

Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough!

Let's get back to the point. Elquet, whose blood-sucking desire was completely sucked away by the desire of this world, has never been so relaxed. He no longer needs to use his own strength to suppress this desire.

He doesn't need to be tortured by this desire. In fact, Elquet can suck Shirou Emiya's blood if he wants to. There is no sequelae at all, and there is no need to worry about the problem of blood-sucking desire.

So after coming back, Elquet directly stuck to Shirou Emiya. If it weren't for Matou Sakura picking up the kitchen knife, she would not be willing to get off Shirou Emiya.

Horror story.

Although in the current situation, even if he doesn't use his strength to suppress his blood-sucking desire, Elquet is too weak at this time.

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