He can treat me with the etiquette of treating the king of another country, but the premise is that I will not interfere with the decision he made.

"I will follow the instructions of the master."

Arthur leaned towards him gently and responded to his respect.


He nodded and returned to his seat.

And Arthur also left the center of the hall and walked to the side with the dazed Shirou Emiya.

Next, it was the invitation of the Romanian king to those heroes.

The masters returned to the center of the hall again and half-knelt on the ground with their servants.

"You are excellent generals that I have never had in my life."

"Heroic spirits."

"Are you willing to win this war for me?"

This was the invitation from the Romanian king.

To this, they only gave one answer.

"Our swords are your swords!"

They declared so, and the whole scene was surging.

All the heroes held the belief that they would win.

Of course, Arthur, the Knight King, and his master, Shirou Emiya, were not in the middle of it.

On the one hand, Arthur, as a king, was an equal to him and it was impossible for him to be loyal to him. On the other hand, Emiya was not a member of the Danic family and would not have the idea of ​​serving them.

"Now, since the knight over there has said his real name, let's get to know each other here. My name is Astolfo and I am one of Charlemagne's twelve warriors."

A person with short pink hair and a cloak, who seemed to be a woman, stood out very jumpily and faced the servants summoned around her.

While they were communicating, Emiya was also communicating with Arthur.

"Saber? Can I call you that?"

Shirou Emiya looked at the knight with bright golden hair in front of him, and asked him a little stiffly.

He didn't know what the best name was, and calling Arthur directly sounded very rude.

"Master, don't be so stiff, just call me Saber."

Arthur didn't care too much about the name, he had a slight smile on his face and comforted Emiya.

"After all, I am well-known. In the Holy Grail War, the Masters usually call the Servant by his job title, not his real name."

This was Emiya's first time participating in something called the Holy Grail War. He didn't know how to get along with these ancient heroes.

He had only heard a little about the legends of these heroes, but had not learned much about them.

For example, Astolfo, who just stood up, was unknown to Shirou Emiya.

"Hey! Hey! The white-haired Master over there."

As if he felt that Emiya didn't know him at all, he trotted towards Emiya very happily.

Chapter 113: The familiar rider

Emiya looked over and saw a girl wearing gorgeous clothes, with a long sword on her waist,

and trotting over while waving her hand.

It seemed to be the Servant who had just revealed his real name - Astolfo.

"I just heard from my Master that you survived Lancer's attack as a human!"

His eyes were like seeing some treasure, shining with the light of stars, staring straight at Shirou Emiya.

"Excuse me?"

Emiya took a step back slightly. He was not good at dealing with such a familiar person.

And Emiya had no idea what the purpose of this very cute girl in front of him was.

Normal people would not approach a stranger so easily.

Emiya looked behind him, and sure enough, those magicians glanced in Emiya's direction very cautiously when communicating.

And Astolfo's Master gritted his teeth and stared at Shirou Emiya with a murderous look, which made him feel creepy.

"They are all unwilling to reveal their real names. It's so boring. So I heard that you survived Lancer's hands, so I came here to know how you did it."

Although they were exchanging information about their servants and their next plans with each other.

But it seemed that they were worried and unwilling to reveal many important things.

Shirou Emiya and Arthur soon realized why they were in the same camp but were unwilling to reveal their real names to each other.

It was not because they were suspicious of each other and each had their own means to deal with the personal battle after the camp battle.

But they were afraid of someone present. No matter what, Shirou Emiya was not one of them. All the masters were unwilling to reveal the real names of their servants in front of Shirou Emiya.

They could not leave their backs to such a sudden outsider.

And the servant was an outsider of the [Red] camp.

After all, Saber of the [Black] side had been summoned, and it was obvious that the second Saber that appeared could only be a servant of the [Red] side?

Shirou Emiya himself knew that he was not the same as them, so he could think of why they were unwilling to reveal their names to each other.

Arthur made a very simple inference. After all, Shirou Emiya's clothes were completely different from those of the masters.

It was easy to infer that his master was not one of their internal staff.

"Is it a good thing or a bad thing that he summoned such a powerful Servant?"

Danik kept thinking.

He was also very entangled in his heart. The more powerful the Servant, the closer the [Black] camp would be to victory, but he would not be one step closer to the Holy Grail.

He was basically very confident in his family members. He knew their inner needs and strengths very well. After the [Black] side won, he would be able to quickly obtain the Holy Grail.

But now that the variable of Emiya has been added, he is not very confident about the final fight for the Holy Grail.

King Arthur, this can be said to be a household name. His popularity alone is very high, not to mention the various legends about him.

Danik has no confidence that his Servant can definitely beat him.

I originally thought that this second-rate magician could not summon a strong heroic spirit at all, but I didn't expect Emiya to give Danik such a huge surprise.

"Let's take it one step at a time."


"Just, like this?"

"Like this?"

Emiya didn't know how to describe it to Astolfo. The fight between him and Lancer wasn't very intense.

He was killed instantly when he saw the figure, and survived with difficulty.

"I don't know how to say it."

Emiya sighed, not knowing how to respond to his interested look.

"Mastar, have you fought with Lancer?"

Arthur didn't show much surprise, but just asked Shirou Emiya. After all, he had seen people who could tear apart Heroic Spirits with his bare hands. There would always be powerful people in the world.

"It can't be called a fight. I just wanted to rush over to see what happened, and then I was hit by Lancer."

Emiya could only answer helplessly. Generally speaking, Lancer held back, but he didn't hold back in that attack.

If Lancer really wanted to kill him, Emiya wouldn't be standing here.

The gap in strength between them was so big that Emiya couldn't feel how big it was.

Esdeath Emiya had the strength to fight even if she put everything on the line, but now she had no ability to fight Lancer.

At this time, Emiya realized how powerful the Heroic Spirit was.

Even for the harmless-looking girl in front of him, Emiya felt that he could not be her opponent.

"Is this the Heroic Spirit?"

Emiya once again felt the weakness of his own strength.

If he was not the Master and did not have his own Servant, how could he stop those bloodthirsty Heroic Spirits from slaughtering innocent people?

Emiya could only pray that such a thing would not happen.

"Eh——! Is it that simple?"

Astolfo looked at Shirou Emiya with an expression of disbelief.

But then he seemed to have forgotten it and looked at Shirou Emiya again with curiosity.

"What weapons did you hold when you faced Lancer? What magic did you use? Tell me, I won't tell my Master."

As he said that, Astolfo patted his chest to show that his credit was absolutely guaranteed.

And sweat began to flow down Emiya's forehead. He looked at Arthur beside him, but he only responded with a smile.

It's not that Emiya is unwilling to answer Astolfo's question, but the atmosphere at the scene does not welcome them here.

Emiya also wants to leave the hall as soon as possible. He has an important thing to do now.

If it weren't for summoning servants, Emiya might leave here immediately after waking up.

He wants to confirm whether this is the world he is in.

If the magician is a coincidence, then the existence of strengthening magic and projection magic can't be a coincidence.

Emiya asked Danic about the information of strengthening magic and projection magic.

And Danic didn't know why Shirou Emiya suddenly wanted to know about these two kinds of magic.

One is the most commonly used magic by magicians, and the other is a high-level magic that basically no magician will choose to use.

However, he still told Shirou Emiya this knowledge, after all, these two kinds of magic are not very important magic.

Danic is not stingy with the public knowledge of the magic world, as long as he is an orthodox magician, he will basically come into contact with these magic.

These two types of magic do not require any attributes for the user, but projection magic is too useless, so basically everyone will just learn about it.

Even Rin Tohsaka, who has been staying at home, has relevant knowledge about projection magic, not to mention Danic, who has been active in the magic world.

Chapter 114 Beyond Emiya's cognition

Romania is a small country located in the northeast of the Balkan Peninsula in southeastern Europe.

This country borders Ukraine and Moldova in the north and northeast respectively, Bulgaria in the south, Serbia and Hungary in the southwest and northwest respectively, and the Black Sea in the southeast. The capital is Bucharest, which is a very famous country in southern Europe.

"Vlad III?"

Shirou Emiya flipped through the book in his hand and understood what kind of existence Lancer was, and also understood what kind of place he was in now.

Although Shirou Emiya is now in the castle where the Yugdomirenia family lives, everything around him reveals the atmosphere of the Middle Ages.

But this is indeed the 21st century, and there are all the technological products that should exist here.

And Emiya, as he wished, came to the place where they made the phone call.

Perhaps because they thought that the phone would have a great impact on the beauty of the castle, they put all these electronic devices together in one place.

After coming back, he had to say hello to his relatives and friends.

"Moses Moses, this is Fujimura Taiga, what can I do for you?"

The call was quickly connected. After all, Sister Fuji was the most important elder of Emiya, and she should be informed first.

As for Sakura, Emiya just regarded her as an ordinary friend of his, without much emotion.

"Sister Fuji, this is Shirou, I'm sorry that it took so long to call you?"

Emiya apologized to Sister Fuji very embarrassedly.

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