"Shirou? Sorry, can you tell me your last name?"

The person on the other side of the phone seemed to have no idea about the name Shirou, and seemed to have never heard of it.

"Emiya, my name is Emiya Shirou."

Emiya Shirou felt a little strange, but he still told Fujimura Taiga his last name.

There was a pause on the other end of the phone, and then there was the sound of turning the pages of a book.

"Emiya Shirou? What can I do for you?"

Something is wrong.

Emiya Shirou began to feel nervous and his brows furrowed.

Why does Sister Teng seem to not recognize herself at all?

The sound of flipping through books before was probably due to him looking through his school roster, but it was obvious from the response on the phone that his name didn't appear on it at all.

"Teacher, I want to find Sakura Matou. Can you help me contact her?"

Emiya Shirou picked up another phone nearby and dialed Sakura's number, but what he got was that there was no such number at all.

"Matō Sakura? Wait a minute."

Then the sound of turning pages sounded again, and after about dozens of seconds, the phone rang again.

"Emiya-san, have you found the wrong school? Our private Hogunhara Academy does not have Matou Sakura."

"And the Matou family left Fuyuki City as early as 1930, but I don't know where they went. Emiya-san, do you have any questions?"

At this time, Emiya didn't know what to say at all. He never thought it would be such a result.

Originally, he thought that it might be some magic that caused his acquaintance to forget his existence, but Taiga Fujimura's answer made Emiya fall into deep thought.

This is completely contrary to Emiya's knowledge, and through the sound of her turning the book, it is obvious that these are not obtained by tampering with the memory, but are actually things recorded on paper.

"There's nothing left. Sorry to trouble you."

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm very happy to be able to help you. Goodbye."

As beeps came one after another, Fujimura Dahe hung up the phone.

"This place may be a little different from what I imagined."

Emiya thought that after this so-called Holy Grail War was over, he must quickly return to Fuyuki City to see what happened.

The information obtained from Sister Teng's words is still too one-sided.

And in Milenia City, the study room is located.

Danik was standing at the window, looking in one direction.

In front of him was a screen that looked full of science fiction, and on that screen, there was a picture of Emiya Shirou talking on the phone.

"Fuyuki City."

He shook the wine glass in his hand and sipped it gently.

"I haven't heard that word in a long time."

After all, the Holy Grail in his hand was transferred from Fuyuki City, which was also the birthplace of the Holy Grail War. How could he not understand this.

It's just that since he obtained the Holy Grail, he hasn't heard from the Gosan family in Fuyuki City for a long time.

At this time, a sound of rolling wheels sounded from the door.

"Knock! Knock! Knock!"

There was a knock on the door immediately.

"Come in!"


It was the girl in a wheelchair that Emiya had seen before.

She has long light brown hair, a pair of transparent eyes, and a very soft voice.

Her wheelchair walked automatically into the room without anyone pushing it.

"Fiore, did you find anything?"

Danik turned around and looked at Fiore who was sitting in the wheelchair and asked.

Before Shirou Emiya became an ally, Darnic had no intention of exploring his intelligence, because the original idea was to strip away the Command Seal and use it as a furnace.

Why do we need to find out information about a person who is about to die?

But now, Shirou Emiya has not only become a master, but also has extremely powerful servants. Danik must know the details of Shirou Emiya.

"If we only investigate from Emiya Shirou, I'm sorry, uncle, I didn't find any valuable information."

Fiore sat on the chair, lowered her head, and expressed her apology.

"Judging from the images of familiars in Tulifas and the surrounding residents, he seemed to appear out of thin air in that forest, and he could not be found at all in either the magic world or the world's population registration. Any information about Shirou Emiya."

Hearing this, Danik held the wine glass in his hand more tightly.

But Fiore showed no signs of stopping and continued to talk about the information she could find.

"But if we investigate based on the surname Emiya, we found very interesting information."

As she spoke, a screen was projected in front of Fiore, which described information about a man holding a gun in detail just like Baidu Encyclopedia.

"Emiya Noriken, the magician sealed and designated by the Magic Association, and his son, Emiya Kiritsugu, the man known as the [Magician Killer]."

"Magic Killer?"

Darnic had heard a little bit about this. After all, his behavior of killing magicians by any means made all magicians extremely angry, but he somewhat agreed with his style at the time.

If it weren't for cooperating with the Nazis, the Holy Grail wouldn't be in his hands now, and he wouldn't have the ability to break away from the Magicians Association.

If we just talk about using whatever means necessary, Darnic fully agrees with the style of [Magician Killer], and only the winner has the right to speak.

Chapter 115 Chance Encounter

"That Master's Saber may not be a Servant from the red side."

Fiore and Danik expressed their opinions.

"Why do you say that?"

"I asked Archer. When he was summoned, the Holy Grail told him that he was a servant of the [black] side. Similarly, if a servant of the red side was summoned, they should all know it. This kind of information.”

"So what? Even if you receive the news that you are a red servant for the first time, most of you will not act rashly if you are surrounded by black servants like this."

Danik responded to Fiore's question.

"No, that's what I thought at first, but Archer told me this - 'It's not that I am confused about my appearance in the enemy camp, but that I am confused about the presence of so many heroic spirits around me.' "

"What's the difference between the two?"

Darnic did not keep up with Fiore's thinking. In fact, if it weren't for Archer's analysis, Fiore would not have figured out the reason so quickly.

"It is very possible that the information that Saber received from the Holy Grail was the information given by the normal Holy Grail War. He defeated the other six knights and won the Holy Grail."

"But this is just your inference. If you really said that, wouldn't it mean that Saber is equivalent to a servant belonging to an extra camp?"

Darnic did not completely believe Fiore's words. If this was really the case, then there would be a loophole in the Holy Grail, but the qualifications to be a master were given by the Holy Grail.

It has no reason to break this immutable rule.

However, Fiore shook her head.

"The familiar has received information, and all the servants on the red side have been summoned, including Saber!"

Hearing this, Danik's pupils shrank suddenly, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

"This Holy Grail War is really eventful."

"But no matter what, I am the only one who must wait for Yggdmirenia's victory."

"Is it necessary?"

Darnic's words made Fiore let out a long sigh and stared at Darnic who clenched his fists tightly.

His eyes were full of worry.

This Holy Grail War is destined to have all kinds of surprises. For Darnic, instead of increasing the combat power of a cavalry, reducing variables is what he wants.

He didn't know how much preparation he had made for this day. Variables brought opportunities as well as dangers.


It is a city located on the outskirts of Transylvania, Romania.

It is also the place where the Holy Grail War decided by Darnic will take place.

Their castle was also built on a hill in the distance, and they could monitor everything that happened in Tulifas.

Most of the urban buildings here are heavily repaired and renovated from medieval buildings.

The appearance does not look modern at all, but still maintains the medieval style, with stone houses everywhere.

The population is only about 20,000, and they rely on trivial agriculture and textile industries to make a living.

The city wall built in the Middle Ages to prevent the invasion of Turkish soldiers is still intact and surrounds part of the fortress and city.

Emiya was walking on the street with his servants.

Arthur also changed into casual clothes. It seemed that this was not the first time he was exposed to modern things. He was wearing black trousers and a red shirt with a long windbreaker on top. He was walking on the street, causing many women on the street to look back.

"Master, you should know that you are always under their surveillance."

Arthur looked at the black crow hanging on a telephone pole nearby and asked Emiya.

"I can feel that there is always a gaze staring at me, but there is nothing I can do about it."

Emiya could only answer Arthur's question with a wry smile. He was an outsider in Yggdomirenia, and he was not a real magician. He could not understand what those people were thinking.

Moreover, his identity does not allow them to feel any sense of security, so it is natural for them to be monitored like this.

Emiya has a clear conscience for what he did, and has absolutely no ulterior motives.

He had only one purpose in participating in this Holy Grail War, to prevent innocent victims from appearing.

Emiya has no need for the Holy Grail. Whether it is the victory of the red side or the victory of the black side, as long as their wishes will not cause harm, he will never stop them.

"Saber, do you have any wish for the Holy Grail?"

Emiya asked Arthur aloud, wanting to know why his servant participated in the Holy Grail War.

But Arthur shook his head.

“I don’t have any wishes that need to be fulfilled, I’m just called upon and it’s my duty to respond, as I always have.”

Arthur's eyes were extremely sincere. He had long been liberated from his past obsessions. He had no confusion, nor any wishes that needed the Holy Grail to be fulfilled.

He just felt that someone was calling him, so he picked up his weapon and obeyed the call and appeared.

There was no particular reason, and it was also his reason.


Emiya nodded in agreement. He did not have any doubts about Arthur. Just as Arthur trusted him, Emiya also believed in his servants.

"Master, there is a servant's breath nearby!"

As if he had sensed something, Arthur looked forward in the direction he sensed.

And Emiya also looked forward with a serious attitude.

If the black servants were not counted, this was the first time that Emiya had met a local servant.

"Hey, two guys over there, don't be so stern. We are just passing by here. Just pretend you didn't see us."

In the crowd, a man with a very ferocious face, wearing sunglasses, a leather jacket and a cigarette came over.

He seemed to not care about the danger he was facing at this time.

"Are you the master of the [Red] side?"

Emiya did not project his weapon. Since the other master did not show hostility, Emiya would not show hostility to him.

Moreover, they were now in the crowd and on the street. It was impossible for Emiya to choose to fight with them without caring about the people around him.

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