Chapter 12: The Sun Blade, a sharp weapon for killing ghosts

"Kill you! Kill you! Kill you! Kill you!"

It scratched its head extremely anxiously and kept mumbling in its mouth. It looked like it was going crazy and its eyes were bloodshot.

Emiya will not have any sympathy for this kind of monster, let alone stand there stupidly watching its artistic performance. He has only one purpose now, to use all means to defeat it.

Even if there is no way to kill it, it can still successfully escape from this area, but it seems that it is not impossible to kill it.

It seems that the knife in the young man's hand can effectively inhibit the recovery speed of this monster.

"Breath of Wind, One Type, Dust Whirlwind·Slash"

A powerful shock wave rose from the young man's position, and a figure swept forward like a bullet from a barrel, carrying a spiral wind blade that destroyed the entire ground, and appeared in front of the ghost almost in the gap between breaths.

"not good!"


It slightly raised its head and retreated, and the shining emerald-green blade just grazed its neck, leaving a subtle line of blood on it.

The injured boy used his left hand, which he was not good at, to use the power of Breath of Wind. The power itself was extremely weak. In addition, the lack of an arm caused balance imbalance, and the accuracy of the entire slashing was also greatly reduced.

"You don't really think I didn't see your little move, do you?"

Oniya, who dodged the slashing attack, pierced his entire shoulder with a claw without mercy, and lifted him up.

Indeed, there were only three people in the entire battlefield, and apart from the sound of their fighting, there were no other environmental factors that could interfere with their observation capabilities.

Emiya was able to notice the boy picking up a weapon, let alone Oni who had a more sensitive sense.

The howling wind followed, a sharp sword flashed in front of the ghost, and the hand that had just grown was cut off again.

It turned out that after seeing the young man's sudden advance, Emiya was not idle either. Instead, following the strong wind caused by the young man, he ran towards the ghost's location with long strides.

Emiya didn't have any teleportation method. He could only rely on his legs to get there as fast as he could.

Emiya is not a helpless man, nor is there any huge gap between him and the ghost in front of him. It is impossible for him to let Emiya stand there blankly and look at the young man like this. was killed.

"How annoying!"

The severed arm grew again in a few breaths.

Without the breathing technique and Nichirin Sword, Emiya's danger to him was extremely low. When facing the boy, he couldn't help but forget about Emiya's existence.

Even though he was extremely angry just now and wanted to kill Emiya with his own sword.

After all, no matter how Emiya can defeat him, there is no threat to his life.

With his strong recovery ability, he was able to consume Emiya to death.

But that boy was different. If someone accidentally got his neck chopped off by him, he would basically die here.

"You still have to kill one first!"

Even an injured body would pose a threat to him, not to mention a stupid boy who didn't know where he came from.

One against two, the advantage is mine.

Thinking in his mind, it burst out with the explosive power that even a ghost would have, and headed toward his severed hand holding the knife like a shadow.

It accepted that the adult didn't have much blood and didn't know any vampire skills, so he practiced swordsmanship hard and slaughtered humans everywhere, hoping to be appreciated by the adult.

It is a proactive ghost who never fears death for the sake of more powerful power!

"Are you okay?"

Emiya, who had fought off the ghost, supported the boy who was about to fall to the ground.

"Ahem! Cut his neck with this Nichirin sword and it will die!"

Some young men who had lost too much blood could only half-kneel on the ground. They said this with some weakness and handed the Nichirin Sword in their hands to Emiya.

"Don't worry about me. Such a wound won't kill me. It's not powerful enough to withstand the damage of the Nichirin Sword."

The Nichirin Sword itself is made of materials that can absorb sunlight. It possesses part of the power of the sun and is extremely lethal to ghosts. Most ghosts will die under such a knife.

Even without the cooperation of breathing techniques.

The breathing method, like ripples, can also produce power similar to the sun. Even if the various attributes are similar to the breath of wind, the breath of fire, etc., they are essentially derived from the breath of the sun. The power After all, they are of the same origin.

The combination of the breathing method and the Nichirin Sword allows the Demon Slayers to fully utilize the power of the Nichirin Sword and kill demons more easily.

"Maybe I really don't have the talent to become a member of the Demon Slayer Corps."

The young man half-knelt on the ground with some depression, smiling bitterly, and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

He practiced with the trainer for several years, but in the end he didn't learn many moves, and his proficiency in breathing techniques was not as good as that of his peers.

When I was in Fujigui Mountain, I could only fight some relatively weak ghosts, if it weren't for the help of my senior brother.

His life had ended at Fujigui Mountain, especially when he saw a monster that was killing other people participating in the selection like grass and trees.

That was the first time he saw an evil ghost with vampire skills. At that time, he was so frightened that he was shaking all over and didn't dare to move.

If the evil ghost didn't seem to have any interest in him, he would have become one of the evil ghost's nutrients.

As a member of the Demon Slayer Team, he is relatively brave in most situations. After all, he has killed so many ghosts. Without a huge gap in strength, he will not feel despair and fear.

And he also knew very well that his ability could only bully those ghosts who did not have blood ghost skills, but he did not expect that such ghosts without any special abilities also had such powerful power.

Chapter 13 If you are fast, you can do whatever you want

Time waits for no one, and the boy did not give instructions to Emiya for long. It was just two sentences, how long could it take up?

But for the ghost who had already recovered, this time was enough for him to pick up the weapon that was knocked away along with his arm.

Generally speaking, ghosts without blood ghost skills are relatively weak. After all, in addition to the mastery of their own power, the strength of ghosts comes more from the blood of that adult.

The more blood you can get from that adult, the more powerful your own combat effectiveness will be.

The vampire technique is also given by the blood that the adult continuously provides. Without enough blood from that adult, it is basically impossible to awaken the vampire technique on its own.

But it does not mean that ghosts without blood ghost skills are weak. In the past years, countless trainers have sent their apprentices to Fujigui Mountain, but only a few can survive each time.

Don’t the boys and girls who participated in the Fujigui Mountain trial know how to breathe? Or is it because he doesn’t have the ability to kill ghosts?

Those who can go to Fujigui Mountain can basically only go with the permission of the trainer of the Demon Slayer Corps, and the standard for being able to go is naturally because their own strength has reached a certain threshold, and then they will be allowed to go. release.

I hope that through this trial of blood and tears, they can truly realize what kind of monster they will face.

What's more, most of the ghosts caught in Tenggui Mountain are extremely weak ghosts. Even so, the survival rate of those teenagers who have learned various breathing techniques is still very low.

This is enough to show that even ghosts without blood ghost skills can still have the ability to kill the Demon Slayer Team.

Compared with the weak ghosts in Fujigui Mountain who have basically not eaten, ghosts with sufficient energy outside Fujigui Mountain are naturally more difficult to deal with.


Before Emiya could pull out the nichirin sword that the boy had inserted into the ground, the ghost's entire body was like a cheetah, approaching Emiya's position at an alarming speed.

The ghost was fast, but not beyond the point where Emiya was unable to resist.

At least it wasn't so fast that his eyes were blurred and he couldn't see his figure clearly.

With his superb eyesight, Emiya was still able to barely keep up with the ghost.

For an archer, dynamic vision is much better than static vision, and Emiya does not only train on fixed targets.

He also tried shooting at moving targets.

Obviously, it was very simple. Emiya could easily penetrate the center of the apple that Fuji-san threw in the air.

Emiya was even able to shoot through the apples spinning in the air with his eyes closed.

It was enough to show his confidence in his archery.

Facing such an extremely fast-moving ghost, Emiya's biggest problem is that his body speed can't keep up.

This is an innate gap. The eyes can see it and the brain can react, but the speed of the body cannot react.

If his strengthening magic can strengthen himself, the situation will of course be completely different. The strengthened people's teacher can directly resist Saber, not to mention the devil Muscle Rin.

If you can use strengthening magic to strengthen yourself, although there is no way to truly defeat the heroic spirits, it is more than enough to deal with such ordinary ghosts.


Emiya, who could barely see the movement of the ghost clearly·

The ghost who had withstood the blow did not show any regret at all. He quickly retreated and turned into a blurry black shadow. His whole body was like a bat, constantly shuttling around Emiya.

Sometimes it attaches directly to trees and uses the elasticity of the trees to make its attack more violent.

Sometimes it is like a wild beast, lying on all fours, twisting its whole body into a strange posture, and moving on the ground.

The ghost is like a rubber ball in this area, constantly bouncing back and forth.

He never stopped after each blow, and left quickly without giving Emiya any chance to counterattack.

Countless sword lights also followed the ghost's attack and struck from all directions like a violent storm, restricting Emiya to the same spot and unable to move.

Emiya could only do what the young man did before, constantly adjusting his position with all his strength, and barely resisting the attack of the heavy rain.

A series of collisions between knives made Emiya's hand, which was holding the knife in one hand, feel tremendous pressure, and the entire tiger's mouth began to feel numb.

Even the boy who was already half-kneeling on the ground could feel that Emiya's defeat was only a matter of time.

"Seize the moment!"

The boy knew that Emiya would not have the chance to pick up the Nichirin Sword in his hand under such a fierce attack, and as an ordinary person, there was no way to counterattack such an attack by the ghost.

He had to use his last breath to find a chance to take it away with one blow, otherwise, neither of the two people present would have a chance to survive.

He was now exhausted and felt that he might faint at any time. Perhaps the previous attack was too reckless, but it also gave him the feeling of swinging a knife with his left hand when his arm was broken.

The boy lowered his head, his mouth slightly opened, and streams of air continued to flow in and out of his mouth.

He had to seize the opportunity and not let the ghost guess what he was thinking at this time. He raised his head slightly to observe the ghost's position.

At this time, Shi Gong was also very uncomfortable. The powerful shock had basically numbed his hands. He could not exert much force on the samurai sword.

The next blow, he would not have any chance to resist!


The ghost standing on the tree trunk also showed a slight smile at the corner of his mouth. It certainly understood how bad the condition of Shi Gong's hands was at this time. It also knew that the next blow would be a fatal blow.

However, his target was never Emiya, but the boy who had been half-kneeling beside him!

So, the ghost's body fell to the ground, leaping on the ground like a mouse, and the silver light seemed to be the countdown of life, constantly flashing in front of Emiya under the moonlight.

In just a breath, it appeared behind the boy.

"Not good!"

At this time, Emiya couldn't react at all. All the previous attacks were directed at him. Emiya had never thought that the real target of this ghost was the seriously injured boy.


Chapter 14 The horn of counterattack has been blown

The tearing roar accompanied by the sound of the silver blade cutting through the air seemed to have announced the death of the boy.

Emiya, whose hands were completely numb, could not raise his hands as fast as before. He could only watch the tooth-marked samurai sword slashing towards the boy's head.

"Projection Start!"

A small piece of iron appeared out of thin air in front of the weapon in the ghost's hand.

Just projecting a piece of metal the size of a cell phone consumed a large portion of Emiya's magic power.

He didn't even have the magic power to maintain the enhanced magic now, and the magic power attached to the samurai sword with visible green stripes began to dissipate.

Emiya didn't know why projecting a piece of metal consumed so much of his magic power.

But he couldn't think so much at this time.

Just a small piece of metal was not enough to withstand such a fast slash.

But it was enough to change the direction of the attack!

The pupils of the ghost who saw the sudden appearance of the iron block also shrank suddenly, but it was impossible to retract the power at this time.

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