"Blood demon art? Or some new breathing method?"

It also remembered a lot of things in its mind in an instant.


A heavy blow sounded, and the samurai sword hit by the iron sheet could not help but slash downwards.


The sound of the flesh being cut made the silent forest stained with blood.

The boy's back was cut open, and blood flowed from the wound like a spring. Emiya could even see

And the boy seemed to have no vitality. Even with such injuries, there was no movement.

"It seems that my move was redundant."

It quickly retreated, grabbing its face with one hand and laughing wildly, as if victory was already in front of it.

Without the existence that could threaten its life, it basically announced victory.

"Damn it!!!!"

Emiya's hand holding the samurai sword trembled slightly because of anger.

But now he doesn't even have the magic power of the most basic strengthening magic.

Although he can still use strengthening magic, it will overdraw his vitality, but vitality is not data.

Overdrawing vitality will make Emiya's body weaker, which will be counterproductive and make him fall into disadvantage faster.

"His weapon should not be able to withstand more attacks!"

Emiya could clearly see the teeth marks and scales on the samurai sword in his hand.

The samurai sword itself is easy to damage, even the Nichirin sword is often damaged, let alone such an ordinary samurai sword.

The hardness and sharpness of the samurai sword strengthened by Emiya's strengthening magic are several times higher.

After many chopping, the samurai sword in its hand has long been overwhelmed. If it were not for the fact that it has always been the attacker, the sword would have broken long ago.

In contrast, if it were not for the strengthening magic, Emiya's samurai sword would not be able to withstand so many slashes.

"I will kill you here!"

Emiya, holding two samurai swords tightly, rushed towards the position of the ghost.

He is just an ordinary Japanese high school student, without the speed to teleport like a sonic boom by stepping on the ground.

"Then I'll grant you death! Hehehe!"

The ghost was not to be outdone. It turned into a phantom again, jumping between the trees and running on the leaves. It wanted to use the previous method, like a spider, to exhaust the prey's physical strength and slowly eat Emiya.

But how could Emiya let him have his way? Emiya decided to give up defense, but for the ghost, giving up defense was equivalent to suicide.

It can constantly recover itself, and as a human being like Emiya, exchanging injuries with such a creature, this can not only be described as a loss, but also stupid.

The ghost's wound can be healed in a few seconds, but a person with the same injury may not be able to recover in more than ten or twenty days.

Just as Emiya was looking for the location of the ghost, a yin energy rushed directly to Emiya's innate sense.

In the sound like steel hitting steel, in the dim woods, a dark figure appeared above Emiya's head, and the weapons in their hands collided fiercely, sparking strong sparks.

This is the advantage of two-handed weapons. You can use two weapons to resist the slash together, or you can use one weapon to resist and the other to fight back.

And Emiya chose the second one.

Even if there is no way to resist such force, it is still a real slash with a samurai sword in between.

The back of the knife will not directly cut Emiya's head into two pieces.


Emiya roared, turned around quickly and slashed at its body.

Even if it will not die, it will be troublesome to recover its body. The ghost who has no way to hide in the air can only take back the samurai sword in his hand to block.

And this is what Emiya wants.


There was a collision sound, and only the front blade of the samurai sword flew in the air.

Emiya saw the weapon that had been cut off, and thought that the purpose was completely achieved. The speed of swinging the knife in his hand increased again, and suddenly sank into the shoulder of the ghost. At this time, his other samurai sword that was blocking his head also cut horizontally towards the waist of the ghost.

As long as the ghost is unable to move before he recovers, there is a chance to defeat him!

But at this time, the ghost's feet have landed.

It laughed softly, as if it found the attack of Emiya ridiculous.


A violent collision sounded between Emiya and him.

"How can a samurai not know the condition of the weapon in his hand!"

It sneered disdainfully, threw away the broken samurai sword in his hand, and punched Emiya in front of him at the moment of being cut in half.

"It's over!"

The corners of its mouth showed a smile again. For ghosts, killing ordinary people is no different from killing chickens, ducks and fish.

Just move your fingers to achieve it.

And at this moment, a voice that made it very familiar sounded in his ears.

"Wind Breathing Third Form Qinglan Wind Tree"

Three wind blades swept from his body almost in the moment when the boy stood up!

"What! Aren't you dead?"

The ghost looked at the sudden attack in surprise, and the whole person seemed to be stunned.

The wind blade was completed with all one's efforts, and its sharpness is even better than the forged Sun Blade!

Oni, who was completely unaware of the boy's attack, was unable to mount any effective defense at this time, and his only weapon that could withstand the attack had been cut off by Emiya.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

The wind blade penetrated its body without any accident.


Blood exploded in front of the boy like watermelon.

Chapter 15 Take it, this is my last breath of wind

Emiya, who was knocked away, suppressed the sweet feeling in his throat and rushed over with his katana in his hand.

He didn't dare to make any pause. Even with such a violent attack by the young man, Emiya didn't know whether the ghost was dead. If he was dead, he would naturally breathe a sigh of relief.

But instead of fearing ten thousand, he was afraid of the worst. Wei Gong did not dare to slack off at all. If something unexpected happened, all the previous battles would be in vain.

In this situation, Emiya doesn't dare to gamble, and there is no need to gamble!

"You will definitely be able to get out alive and become a member of the Demon Slayer Squad!"

The young man who stood up recalled the senior brother who had always taken care of him as if he were returning to a lantern.

With one person, he resisted the attack of dozens of ghosts, and kicked himself away from him who was cowering in fear.

He was one of the most talented people of his generation, but he lost his life trying to protect him.

"Brother, maybe I can die in the hands of a ghost like a hero. I only understood this move at the last moment, so I shouldn't be embarrassed."

The young man smiled bitterly.

The young man only learned the first two movements of Wind Breathing. After using them, neither the speed nor the power was enough to be the same as the normal Wind Breathing. He knew that he had no talent at all.

The young man was not lazy. He gritted his teeth and went through various trainings under the training master. He would even do additional training on himself after other disciples finished training every day. However, even the training master once found himself unsuitable for practicing breathing techniques. .

The young man persisted. He thought that with such a will, he should be able to easily overcome fear when facing ghosts, but he was wrong. If it were not for his senior brother, he would have died of fear in the ghost mountain of Fujigui. On hand.

"It's a pity that I'm still weak."

The boy closed his eyes.

"After all, I am slightly better!"

The ghosts whose entire bodies were torn into pieces were scattered on the ground, laughing. No matter how the boy returned to his former glory, he would eventually be restricted by rigid conditions.

Except for geniuses and experienced warriors, how can a single attack significantly improve the accuracy of a slashing attack? It is basically impossible for them to do so, and the boy happens to be incompatible with these two.

What's more, the body that is basically without any strength on the edge of life and death cannot make such a powerful slash.

Even if it seizes the opportunity, the accuracy and power are still not enough. In addition, this ghost's ability to control its own body is higher than that of ordinary ghosts. Its body can't help but adjust its position the moment it is slashed.

This is not a strategy it thinks about, but a physical reaction developed through constant fighting.

A slash that does not cut off the neck's breathing method is no different from an ordinary slash.

And it only takes the moment of breathing to recover again!

Suddenly a flash of knife light flashed, and its head rolled to the ground like a ball.

"Baga! Even if you cut my neck with an ordinary blade, there is no way to kill me. In just a moment, I can quickly regain my fighting strength. Without the support of the Demon Slayer Squad, you humans are just our prey. That’s it!”

"The Demon Slayers can't kill me! You can't even kill me!!!!!"

The ghost whose head had been severed was howling loudly, not paying any attention to the man in front of him who had cut off his neck.

Without the Sun Blade, no breathing method, and no sun, it really couldn't imagine how it could die in the hands of such a human being.

Nichirin sword!

He suddenly remembered that his current strength was not enough to resist the solar energy contained in the Nichirin Sword. Even if he was weak, he could use the Nichirin Sword to kill him even if he did not know how to use the breathing method.

And what Emiya was holding in his right hand was a samurai sword with a green silver edge!

"I remembered! I remembered-"

For some reason, tears flowed out of the corners of the eyes of that murderous ghost.

"I was once a samurai who fought against ghosts————"

I also fought against ghosts to protect the village!

Ashes floated upward from the top of its head. In just a few seconds, its head and body that fell to the side turned into dust and scattered in the air of the forest.

The hand that cut off the ghost's neck was slowly lowered, and Emiya dragged his sore and exhausted body to the young man.

At this time, the young man's body was frozen like a sculpture, maintaining the previous slashing posture, but his left hand was not holding the sword, but in a state where he seemed to be throwing away the sword and letting it go completely.

It turned out that the young man quickly stabilized his body when slashing at the ghost, then let go of his hand, and the Nichirin Sword fell towards the ground.

Emiya, who was running quickly towards the location of the ghost beside the boy, also saw the Nichirin sword that suddenly fell from the boy's hand.

He also remembered what the boy had told him before - if you use the Nichirin Sword to cut off the ghost's head, it will truly die.

Emiya also quickly understood the boy's thoughts. He loosened the samurai sword in his right hand, and quickly caught the falling samurai sword when the ghost resisted the wind blade coming from the front. He rushed forward with all his strength, biting his teeth.

"It's already, no breath--"

Emiya put his hand under the boy's nostrils. There was no air flow, and the whole forest fell into silence again.

The veins on the hand holding the samurai sword and the sun wheel sword bulged, and he struggled to insert the samurai sword in his hand into the ground.

What happened today also made Emiya fall into a deep shock.

He witnessed a boy of the same age as him fighting for his life, gambled his future, and gave everything he had, just for the opportunity to kill the ghost.

Such courage, such dedication, this is what Emiya has always wanted to be.

"I'm sorry!"

But Emiya's heart is still full of guilt and self-blame. If he could be stronger, then this boy would not have exhausted his life.

How old is he, and he has to fight with such a terrifying creature with his life.

And he died in a desolate place.

I don't even know his name!

I can only bury him hastily in the ground.

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