
Rider looked at the woman beside him. You know, poison is what she is best at.

"But I have never seen this poison before. It can infect the whole body in an instant and make it dissipate directly in the air like powder. This is really an extremely fierce poison."

Assassin praised the poison that tortured Archer without hiding it. This is a poison that can even poison servants. For modern magicians, it is already a very terrifying thing.

However, this kind of poison is just a bug as big as a finger to her.

When the Command Spell summoned, the poison was about to spread all over Archer's body. Archer might die in the next second, but Assassin just took a look and reached out to touch Archer's cat-like face.

The lines on her body began to collapse and dissipate gradually. Compared with her, this poison was still too weak. The moment she touched Archer, she injected the poison into her body.

The two fought in Archer's body, so Archer looked so painful.

Fighting poison with poison is the best way to deal with such poison in a short time.

"Archer will recover tomorrow, don't worry too much, after all, we can't easily damage such an important combat force."

With Assassin's guarantee, Rider also put away his worries and looked at the white-haired priest standing beside her.

"The black Saber is the rumored Knight King."

Rider told the priest the news with a serious look.


"You can defeat him."

The priest's tone was very calm, and he didn't seem to be surprised that the enemy's servant was the Knight King.

"Of course! The next time we meet, it will be his exit!"

Rider's tone was extremely confident. For the next collision, he was determined to take off the Knight King's head.

"Is he able to repel a Servant!"

In the castle of the Yugdomrenia family, all the masters and servants were deeply shocked by Shirou Emiya's strength.

Chapter 126 Unlocking New Usages

While Arthur and Rider were still fighting, the battle between Emiya and Archer was not over.

[Thousand Changes] that could change its form at will and [Devil Haunting] that could be stacked up all the time were too difficult for Archer to deal with.

Unless Archer could shoot a powerful and penetrating arrow at once to pierce Shirou Emiya before he could react.

Or an arrow so fast that he couldn't react at all, piercing his head before Shirou Emiya raised his defense.

However, the speed of the bow and arrow and the intensity of the attack are linked to each other. When your speed reaches a certain level, the power of the arrow is in place.

But it is obvious that with her current archery skills, she has not yet reached the point where she can easily pierce such defenses.

She is better at large-scale arrow rain, or like waves, one after another, making people overwhelmed with continuous attacks, rather than accumulating strength to release a very penetrating blow.

Besides, Shirou Emiya also wore a [Devil's Haunting] without knowing when.

As for why Emiya didn't stack [Devil's Haunting] on himself.

It still causes physical pressure on the user. If you stack another one on top of [Devil's Haunting], the pressure will increase exponentially.

It seems that because the two are the same weapon, they resonate and greatly enhance the sense of pressure.

Only [Thousand Changes], which is at the top level in hardness and softness, can withstand the damage caused by multiple layers of [Devil's Haunting].

Ten layers, this is also the limit that [Thousand Changes] can bear. If you stack one more layer, I'm afraid [Thousand Changes] will be crushed to pieces under this exponentially increasing pressure.

In other words, as long as Archer can break through the shield and pierce the armor worn by Shirou Emiya, he can kill him.

It looks extremely easy, doesn't it?

"It's really annoying!"

Archer kept shuttling back and forth in the forest. Although she was not as fast as Rider, she was definitely not weak. If she could shoot at Shirou Emiya from all directions at a very fast speed, perhaps the shield over there would not be able to stop her.

But, Shirou Emiya seemed to know the shortcomings of his shield.

The shield-like [Thousand Changes] covered by [Devil Haunting] changed its form and surrounded Shirou Emiya in all directions, leaving only a hole for him to shoot.

"Damn it!!!"

It's not that Archer couldn't shoot into that small hole. With her archery skills, she could hit the target as easily as drinking water.

But the point is that with the changing form of the silk thread, it can completely surround it before her shooting hits, which is simply impeccable.

It's better to let her fight with Rider. At least Rider has his own weaknesses. As long as she can hit him, there is still a chance of fighting.

Of course, it's just a chance. If she confronts her head-on, she will only be killed.


Just when she was bored, a sound around her attracted her attention.

In such a quiet forest, besides the sound of the two sides fighting, there shouldn't be such a strange sound.

I saw that beside her, the sword arrows that didn't hit her at all began to melt at a very fast speed.

A sense of crisis that went straight to the sky made her hair stand up.


With only this one thing in mind, she retreated to the back at a very terrifying speed.

But it was too late to retreat now.

I don't know when, she was surrounded by countless swords with chains and ordinary-looking samurai swords.

They all began to melt in an instant.

Only then did she realize why Shirou Emiya kept shooting at her position despite such poor accuracy and shooting speed.

Surrounding her like this was his ultimate goal.

She never thought that she would fall to a master, and she was afraid that she would feel extremely ashamed.

Not only did he not cause any harm to the enemy Master, but he also fell into the opponent's trap.

Is this what it means that until the last moment, it will never be clear who is the hunter and who is the prey?

"In the name of the Command Seal Archer——"

When the familiar observed that something was wrong, the explosion had already begun.


The bombing of a bomber exploded around Archer, and the entire forest was illuminated as bright as day in an instant.

Because of the power contained in [Devil Haunted], it released a violent explosion after the collapse.

What about [Murasame]? It does have special abilities, but Emiya cannot meet [Murasame's] requirements, and I cannot use this power.

When it loses any emotion, [Murasame] will turn into a demon sword, allowing the owner to abandon his human identity and essence, and use the negative emotions of the undead under the sword to gain multiple speed and power bonuses.

But Emiya cannot use it directly, does it mean that this power does not exist?

This is obviously impossible, so the explosion of [Murasame] is not only very violent, but also carries the poison of [One-hit Kill].

But because it is not a main strengthening imperial tool, the explosion it produces also contains extremely dangerous poison.

If the priest had used the Command Seal to recall it a moment later, Archer might have left the battlefield.

Assassin did not find the relevant antidote immediately. She only knew that there was no poison in the world that could compare to the poison in her hand.

Therefore, she chose to use poison to help Archer detoxify. The poison released by Assassin who entered Archer's body was like a poisonous snake, swallowing those [One-hit Kill] poisons one by one.

It's just that because there are more than one [Murasame] around Archer, stripes on her body will continue to appear and disappear. This is a manifestation of the battle between the two poisons.

If Archer was not a heroic spirit, she would have died on the battlefield in just a moment.

"Master! Are you okay?"

After the battle, Arthur returned to Shirou Emiya almost the moment Rider left.

The existence of the Command Seal allows them to sense the positions of both parties.

Even if Shirou Emiya defeated Archer, Arthur didn't know whether his Master was injured or not. He was extremely anxious at this time.

Chapter 127: The Combat Strength of the Red Team

"Not injured."

Emiya rubbed the red mark above his brow. Compared with his previous battles, this battle was safe and sound.

Emiya even hoped that future battles would be safe and sound, without having to fight until his body was sore every time.

"Really? I didn't expect that Master, you could defeat Archer alone. In comparison, I could only slightly injure Rider. I really didn't fulfill my responsibility as a Servant."

Arthur blamed himself a little. If his Master didn't have such strength, wouldn't the Master be killed by Archer when he was entangled by Rider?

Arthur began to reflect on himself deeply. Because of his own experience, he would actually save money unconsciously.

For example, this time, he used the Wind King Barrier at the last moment, and felt that the battle time could not be dragged on, so he had the idea of ​​releasing the Noble Phantasm.

After all, the magic power of the Holy Grail War is limited. With the magic power he released with the Noble Phantasm, ordinary masters are not very able to provide it, so he habitually planned to save magic power for the Master.

Then he remembered that he didn't need to save magic power like this. Sufficient magic power itself is for him to fight earlier.

But in fact, if facing Rider, releasing the Noble Phantasm would probably only make himself a living target.

Then Arthur's mind became active again, maybe he could keep his Noble Phantasm in the released state and slash.

Generally speaking, Arthur would not think like this, after all, his Noble Phantasm consumes a lot of blue, and it is difficult for the Master to withstand such consumption.

But indeed, if he fought like this, he might be able to quickly get rid of the Rider. Slashing him in the state of releasing the Noble Phantasm, Rider might not be able to bear it. This is not a magic covered on the holy sword.

{ps: Similar to Heida's fighting style}

This is the power of the holy sword itself, which can easily break through Rider's protection.

"Master, do we still need to go to church?"

Arthur asked Emiya Shirou. Although they had repelled the two riders this time, you must know that [Red] had seven riders, and Rider alone was enough to beat him.

Moreover, for the red side, this was just a test. They had no intention of starting a war here, so they chose to retreat.

If they continue to advance, they may truly appreciate the strength of the red side.

"Ga! Ga! Ga! Ga! Ga!"

Just when Shirou Emiya and Arthur were hesitating, the crow in the sky made a shrill cry and circled down from the sky above the forest.

A screen appeared in front of Emiya Shirou and Arthur.

"That's enough testing, and it's getting late now. It will be dawn in a while, and Black Saber has returned from the battlefield."

"Lancer on the red side will also return to the church soon. If he moves forward, he may be surrounded. In that case, the gains outweigh the losses."

"Besides, we also learned the real names of Saber, Lancer, Archer, and Rider on the red side. We have gained enough from this battle. Let's retreat to Tulifas first."

Danik relayed the final decision to Emiya Shirou. He had already seen the strength of the three opposing knights and learned about their real names. This battle can be said to have gained a lot for Black.

"What are their real names?"

Emiya couldn't wait to ask Darnic. He knew the real name of Saber on the red side. It was certainly not surprising that the black side who was monitoring them also knew it, but how did the other three knights determine the real name.

"Let me answer that."

A very calm-looking man with brown hair spoke an extremely intellectual voice.

"Archer on the red side is the huntress famous for her horse feet in Greek mythology, Rider is Achilles, the fastest hero among humans, who is famous for his bravery in the Trojan War, and Lancer is the character from the Indian mythology "Mahabharata" The son of Sun God Surya, the hero of alms, Karna.”

He did not tell Shirou Emiya and Arthur that Achilles was his apprentice. After all, if he told them so, it would be equivalent to revealing his real name to these two extremely powerful combinations.

They are not completely in the black camp. He still has reservations about his own information, but he will reveal the red side's information to them.

After all, the relationship between them is at least nominally allies.

It is also an excellent situation to let it deal with the red side.

The four knights displayed on the opposite side poured cold water on Darnic. I am afraid that victory in this Holy Grail War will be very difficult.

This is just the servant shown by the other party.

Since they are the opponent's Lancer and Rider, they are completely beyond the standard. Not to mention Karna, it can be seen just from the battle with the black Saber.

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