As for Achilles, if Black Archer hadn't seen through Rider's real name, I'm afraid their battle would have been extremely difficult.

Without divinity, it is impossible to cause damage to him. Except for Archer, basically no one can cause damage to him.

If it weren't for Arthur, the Black side might have to spend a lot of money to break the protection on Achilles.

After all, Black Archer's panel and Red Rider's panel are there. Even if he says he can solve it, it must be difficult.

There has never been a situation where the apprentice cannot surpass the master.

In history, there are countless heroes who have achieved more achievements, honors, and strength than their own masters after they left the school.

Moreover, almost all of Black Archer's apprentices are in Greece.

For example, Basaka, the servant of a white-haired girl.


Emiya agreed very straightforwardly. After all, as they said, they would not have a chance to win if they encountered such an encirclement.

Emiya was able to defeat Archer this time only by taking advantage. If he had faced Rider or Lancer who came over, there would probably be no other outcome except being killed instantly.

We can only be thankful that Rider only wanted to fight against the strong and had no interest in the weak Master, so Emiya was able to escape.

And at the moment when Emiya and Arthur were leaving, a very rough voice came from the bottom of the church.

"Oppressor! I feel the breath of the oppressor above it!!!!"

The powerful force caused the chains that clamped him to vibrate extremely strongly, and the surrounding walls even began to fall off continuously.

The runes on it also gradually began to dissipate.


A huge voice sounded at the bottom of the church.

"Oppressor, here I come!!!"

Chapter 128 Ruler

The sun slowly rose from the east, and the dazzling golden light shone through the lush leaves on a path made of stones.

And there was a blonde girl, wearing student clothes, walking on such a path.

Her blue eyes revealed the brilliance of gemstones, and also revealed a strong will and unyielding color. She didn't feel the temperament of a student at all.

If she wasn't wearing a school uniform, I'm afraid few people would think she was a student studying at school.

She was tall and graceful, and had a delicate face like a doll. Her long blonde hair was braided into a pigtail, hanging behind her like a ponytail.

She walked on the road, sighing softly, holding the suitcase in her hand tightly.

Because of the previous encounter, her suitcase was damaged in the battle, and the clothes packed in it were almost destroyed, and basically few of them could be worn.

She was quite uncomfortable without changing clothes. It was not that she couldn't bear it, but this was the body she relied on, and she needed to take good care of this body no matter what.

This was her promise to the original owner of this body.

But now, the suitcase was completely destroyed, and there was no money on her that could be used in Romania, and her stomach was still rumbling.

She didn't feel anything when she confronted Karna before, but after removing the spirit clothes, she felt waves of hunger coming from this body. At this time, Tai remembered that in order to rush to the battlefield of the Holy Grail War as soon as possible.

She had not eaten for several days in a row, which was really irresponsible for the body she relied on.

In this way, the girl stepped into the city of Sighisoara with some hunger.

She wanted to know why the red side treated the judge of this Holy Grail War like this, and why the only way for her to end was to rely on summoning.

That's right, this girl was summoned by the Holy Grail itself to maintain the progress of the Holy Grail War-Ruler.

This is a job that is different from the other seven major jobs. It will not participate in the Holy Grail War, but will only watch the results.

Normally, this special job will not appear in the Holy Grail War. Only when a special situation occurs in the Holy Grail War, making the result unpredictable, or causing a huge impact on the world, will the servant of this job be summoned to maintain order and repair unnecessary impacts.

Therefore, she did not feel any doubts about being summoned.

But there is a major problem.

Except that the summoning circle is not needed, the appearance of Ruler is basically no different from that of a servant.

In other words, under normal circumstances, she should appear in the form of a servant.

It is not that she can only find an object to rely on and intervene in the Holy Grail War with the help of its body.

Since such a special situation has occurred, it means a problem. There are some special situations in this Holy Grail War that she does not understand at all.

And the attitude of Lancer on the Red Side towards her also confirms this.

As a neutral existence, how could any camp choose to eliminate it? On the contrary, the attitude of the Black Side to recruit it is extremely normal.

And her revelation also told her that as long as she finds the Master of the Red Side, all the answers will be revealed.

That’s why she decided to rush to the location of the Red Team in Sighisoara first, and find the main reason for the abnormality of this Holy Grail War as quickly as possible.

However, the most important situation now is to solve the problem of food first.

“The breath of the servant!”

The girl who walked into Sighisoara and headed towards the church only felt the breath of a group of servants and masters in the whole city.

Because of her Ruler function, she can sense the breath of servants within a radius of ten kilometers.

“Maybe it’s the Red Team? Let’s go see them first.”

Because that group of servants did not appear in front of her, she could not directly judge whether the servants coming over were from the Red Team.

But those who can appear in the Red Team’s base camp can basically only be Red Team servants.

Then she took out a bottle of water from her body and sprinkled it on the ground.

This is also one of the functions given to her by the Ruler, the ability to accurately explore the location of the Servant.

“Master, a servant is coming.”

Arthur, who was standing next to Shirou Emiya, reminded him.

He was not a servant of any side. He could only tell that a servant was approaching him, but he didn't know which side it was from.

He looked in that direction with caution.

Although the Holy Grail War was forbidden during the day, it was only a rule that was followed on the surface. Arthur could not be sure that all servants would follow such a rule.

Vigilance was a must.

Mordred dared to attack in broad daylight, even though it was just an insignificant battle.

But it also showed that as long as the servant himself was willing, he could attack in broad daylight without caring about innocent people.

"Saber of the Red Side..."

As a golden figure appeared, a girl tilted her head and looked at Arthur, her expression full of confusion.

Because the function of Ruler told her that the Saber in front of her did not belong to any of the Black or Red camps.

But then she thought of another possibility.

Her expression became extremely serious, and she walked quickly in front of Shirou Emiya and Arthur.

"Are you the anomaly of this Holy Grail War? King Arthur!"

Looking at the servant in front of him who called him by his name, Arthur was completely stunned. Shirou Emiya was also stunned. How could he know Arthur's real name as soon as they met? Could he be a servant of the red side?

After all, there was deep hostility in her eyes, but perhaps because it was in broad daylight, she did not attack them.

"Who are you?"

Arthur did not act recklessly, but questioned the girl who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Because he did not understand what the anomaly the girl was talking about meant.

"I am the judge of this Holy Grail War, King Arthur, you should not have appeared in this Holy Grail War!"

Her tone was extremely firm, as if she firmly believed that his appearance was wrong.


Not only Shirou Emiya, but Arthur also showed a very puzzled expression.

Emiya did not know what the judge was, and Danic had never told him.

As for Arthur, the Holy Grail did not give him knowledge about the Ruler. After all, the Ruler would not appear in a normal Holy Grail War.

There is no need to give the Servants information that they have no use for.

Chapter 129 The Blond Girl Fainted from Hunger

"You are the Servant summoned by the Holy Grail to ensure the fairness of this Holy Grail War. Didn't the Holy Grail give you the knowledge of being a Servant?"

The blonde girl explained to Shirou Emiya and Arthur.

"The Holy Grail did not give me this knowledge, so Miss Ruler, do I have any problems?"

Arthur certainly knew that he had problems, not as a Servant, but being summoned like this was extremely problematic.

Although he was not given the knowledge of the Holy Grail War by the Holy Grail, he could understand it based on his own experience of fighting many times.

This Holy Grail War should not have his own role.

The Red and Black sides fought each other, and the 7 Riders fought each other to finally obtain the Holy Grail.

Apart from the Ruler who maintained fairness, he was completely an extra Servant.

A servant who should not belong to this Holy Grail War, but participated in this Holy Grail War.

Arthur also had doubts in his heart, but he didn't know the answer. Perhaps he would know the answer only when he finally obtained the Holy Grail.

But now that the professional personnel have come, let the professional personnel answer it so that his doubts will disappear.

If he was asked to leave at this point, he would definitely not agree to Ruler's request.

"Don't call me Miss Ruler, just call me Jeanne. It's an honor to meet you, the Knight King."

Jeanne expressed her respect for Arthur. Although he should have been summoned out in violation of the rules, it was not his fault. If he could cooperate with his investigation, Jeanne would still choose to treat them with a peaceful attitude.

Of course, Jeanne didn't know why she was so excited when she first learned Arthur's real name, and even shouted and questioned him.

If it was a hot-tempered Heroic Spirit, like Agrath or Cu Chulainn, I'm afraid he would rush over to fight with him without caring about anything.

It can only be said that Arthur's spirit is relatively calm. If there is no absolute need to fight, Arthur will not take action.

Joan of Arc sighed in her heart.

Perhaps it is because of the experience she has been in. The Hundred Years' War between England and France, even the world-renowned King Arthur can hardly change her attitude in her heart.

"Joan of Arc, is it the French saint?"

The Holy Grail gives the servants the most basic historical information about the world, and Arthur also knows this French saint Joan of Arc.

"I'm sorry--"

Arthur couldn't help but apologize to Joan of Arc. Since he knew that the other party was the French saint, Arthur also knew why she showed such hostility towards him.

"No, it's me who should say sorry to you. Obviously, I appeared as a Ruler, but I still have some personal feelings--"

Joan of Arc also expressed her apology to King Arthur. Obviously, the Hundred Years' War had nothing to do with Arthur, but just because he was British, she had hostility towards him in her heart.

It was not until I wanted to ask for information that I realized that my attitude and actions just now were full of hostility.

Thinking of this, Jeanne felt a little guilty.

Jeanne clenched her hands and stood in front of Emiya and Arthur, seeming to sense something.


"What's wrong, Ruler?"

Emiya was more accustomed to calling the Heroic Spirits by their job titles. It was difficult for him to call them by their names, mainly because he thought he was not on the same level as them.

If he wanted to call them, he had to use honorific titles instead of calling them by their names. If he didn't know how to call them, he had to call them by their job titles, which was very easy to say anyway.

"No, the Lord didn't give me any revelation."

Jeanne looked at the two people in front of her with great suspicion. If she said that her revelation had failed and didn't tell her anything, it would definitely be a lie.

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