But the revelation still told her that the problem of this Holy Grail War still lies with the Red Team, and did not mention the group of servants in front of her.

It was as if Saber's appearance was allowed by the Holy Grail and was within the scope of the Holy Grail.


Emiya did not understand the meaning of Jeanne's words. Lord, does it mean God and Jesus Christ believed in by Catholics?

Then he nodded. Jeanne was indeed a Catholic, and there was no big problem.

"Miss Jeanne, have you found out what our situation is now?"

Arthur did not care much about the address, and asked Jeanne.

"Wait a minute."

Jeanne stood on the street and began to close her eyes and began to check the Command Seals on her body.

If Arthur and Shirou Emiya did not violate the rules, the number of Command Seals on her hand should be 30, not 28.


Jeanne opened her eyes, not only was it not 28, but there were two more.

There was only one reason. In addition to Arthur, there should be another Servant, but she just didn't meet him.

"Then the number should match."

Joan of Arc muttered to herself. It was not the number of Command Spells that matched, but the number of Servants that matched.

If the number of Command Spells was really only thirty, Joan of Arc would not know how to maintain the balance of the Holy Grail War.

It was originally a 7V7 battle, but one side had an extra Servant, which became 8V7. This was completely a violation of the rules. She couldn't help but deal with it.

But if there were 32 Command Spells, it meant that in addition to the 14 riders, there were two extra riders on the stage, and the scene should become 8V8. This is a fair competition.

Although she didn't know why the extra servants didn't belong to any camp, she didn't plan to think about it.

In fact, she didn't know why the two riders were not assigned to the camps to form 8V8.

But these were all decided by the Holy Grail, so Joan of Arc gave up thinking about it.

Shirou Emiya and Arthur watched Jeanne standing there, worried, mumbling, and closing her eyes. They didn't know how to express themselves.

"I'm sorry, you didn't break the rules————"

Before she finished speaking, Jeanne fell to the ground, her figure changed, in fact, she became a little shorter, and there was no big change in other aspects.

The only thing that Emiya and Arthur could say was her momentum.

Arthur walked forward, intending to see what happened to Jeanne, and then a roar came from Jeanne's abdomen.


Now, Shirou Emiya and Arthur knew why Jeanne fainted.

"Did she faint from hunger?"

Shirou Emiya didn't think there was anything wrong, but was just surprised that a Heroic Spirit could faint from hunger.

But Arthur frowned tightly, because a Servant doesn't need to eat.

Chapter 130 Miss [Jeanne]

"Unknown ceiling————"

Emiya clenched his fists. Finally, he finally heard someone else say this. He had always said that he didn't know the ceiling. He didn't expect to see someone else say this in his lifetime.

Emiya felt tears welling up in his eyes.

"Are you the Knight and his Master?"

At this time, Emiya felt that Jeanne spoke softly and weakly, as if she would fall down at any time.

And she was no longer as heroic as when they met before, just like a real high school student.

"Have some porridge first."

Emiya and Arthur found a homestay and rented it.

As for how the money came.

Of course, it was given by Danic. If Emiya and Arthur planned to go out, they would definitely need financial support, and Danic was not a stingy person.

It would be better to say that he handed the money directly to Shirou Emiya. After all, for him, money was just some trivial things.

Why do you have to use the funds given by others to act in every place?

Emiya complained in his heart, but he did not refuse this kind of unearned money.

In fact, it was not unearned. Wouldn't he and Arthur rush up and fight the red team head-on? Even if it was his reward.

Emiya didn't care about the expenditure of money at all. Anyway, he would leave this world eventually, and it seemed that there was no much meaning in collecting money in this world.

Emmm, it seems that it is a parallel world, and money can be universal.

The key point that Emiya thought of immediately, um, no, the key point seems not to be money, but this Miss Ruler who just woke up.

Emiya opened the lid of the bowl on her bedside table.

A golden light burst out from it, and a strong fragrance diffused from it like a silk, slowly drifting into [Jeanne]'s nose.

She looked intoxicated, her whole body was extremely relaxed, and her eyes were staring at the bowl of porridge in Emiya's hand.

Tears flowed from the corners of her mouth unconsciously.

"Gulp, gulp, gulp!"

Miss Joan of Arc grabbed the edge of the bowl with both hands, not caring about any eating posture at all, and could only hear the gurgling sound.

In just a few seconds, she finished the bowl of porridge.

"Delicious! Delicious!"

I saw Jeanne's eyes glowing with dazzling golden light. She handed out the finished bowl in her hand, her face returned to blush, and her whole person became extremely energetic.

The diners' love is the affirmation of the chef's work.

Emiya and Arthur looked at each other and smiled, the taste of this bowl of porridge, isn't that good? This is the masterpiece of two chefs.

Emiya originally planned to make porridge for Jeanne to drink, but when he saw Arthur organizing the tableware very skillfully, he asked Arthur.

Then the two hit it off, divided the labor and cooperated, and in a very short time, cooked a bowl of [Nutritious Vegetable Porridge] that was full of color, flavor and flavor.

The moment they opened the lid, Emiya and Arthur felt as if they had entered heaven, feeling extremely comfortable both physically and mentally.

They all tried it individually, and the taste was very good, which made the two chefs extremely satisfied.

{ps: The author randomly searched for a bowl of porridge on the Internet, and it must have been 12 o'clock when this chapter was published. Someone, put the poison}


[Joan of Arc] slapped herself in a very unladylike manner.

Then he seemed to notice something again and quickly covered his mouth, with an extremely shy blush on his face.

"Well, you are not Miss Joan of Arc?"

Arthur asked aloud about the girl in front of him. Rather than observing it from her appearance, it was more that he could not feel the leader-like temperament in her that could only be seen after participating in the war.

"No, my name is Leticia, and I am a high school student in France."

Leticia didn't hide anything. It was as if she believed in Jeanne who possessed her unconditionally. She also believed in the two people in front of her.

If she were to be released at will, Jeanne would be worried that she would be abducted and trafficked.

"Is it really a summons?"

Arthur nodded as if he was convinced. Although he had already made a judgment in his heart, practice is the only criterion for testing truth. You cannot make such a hasty decision. Maybe he will actually be born like this. .

Just like Artoria, the time of the body completely stays in the still period before the death of Kamlan Sword Hill. When summoned, the body consciousness takes action and cannot be transformed into a spiritual body.

But if there is an existence similar to the second personality, then it can basically be concluded that it is dependent on the summons.

This is extremely abnormal for the Holy Grail War.

Unless there are special rules, the followers will be directly embodied in the spirit.

"Um, can I know your name? It's not very good for the Master to always call you Lord Knight."

Leticia asked Emiya Shirou very politely. Because of Jeanne, she knew Arthur's real name and how to call him.

But Emiya, she didn't know, and she couldn't always be called the Knight's Master.

"Shirou Emiya"

Emiya answered Leticia's question. This was not an unspeakable thing.

"Miss Leti, Ruler, where is she now?"

Emiya asked Leticia aloud. When Jeanne was unconscious, he also communicated with Arthur, and Arthur did not hide his speculation about Jeanne's current situation.

Emiya also learned some information about the dependence summoning, and what exactly happened to Leticia.

But according to the explanation given by Arthur, when the magic power is sufficient, the servant should appear and the person who relies on it will fall into a coma.

As a job agent summoned by the Holy Grail, the ruler is supplied with magic power by the Holy Grail, so there is basically no shortage of magic power.

Unless there is a problem with the object of dependence, he will basically appear on the outside as a servant.

Although the object of dependence appeared due to hunger, but now that she has recovered, it should be Joan of Arc who appears.

And for some reason, she actually had the memory of Jeanne talking to her, which surprised Emiya Shirou and Arthur.

But if you think about it, it was actually the appearance of Emiya Shirou and Arthur that caused this situation to happen.

Under normal circumstances, Joan of Arc would first solve the problem of eating when entering the town, and then go to the church.

But now she has found out information about a servant, and when she asked Karna before, he didn't answer any of her questions at all.

In addition, within the range of her perception in the entire city, only Emiya and his servants were here, as if Hong Fang had been hiding from her.

So Jeanne didn't even have time to eat, and immediately rushed in front of Emiya Shirou and Arthur.

As a result, due to excessive hunger and running to Arthur and Emiya's location, he once again consumed a lot of energy, so he fainted on the street from hunger.

Chapter 131 The Abnormal Holy Grail War

"Lord Jeanne, she is apologizing."

As a follower summoned by dependence, the perception of the dependence object is not that keen. The follower itself does not need to eat, drink, or sleep.

It can stay awake all the time, but as an object of dependence, it cannot be as good as a follower.

You will feel hungry and sleepy, but the mental strength and physical strength of the Servant are much higher than those of normal people. It can be said that there is almost no sense of hunger or fatigue that is fed back to the Servant by the object.

If you are not careful, you will be like Joan of Arc, who forgot such important things and made the person you depended on fall into a coma.

After all, as a servant, Leticia's feedback to Jeanne was not that strong, so compared to eating, finding the cause of the abnormality in the Holy Grail War would be her first choice.


"Lady Jeanne said that it was all because of her that I fell into such weakness, so she kept apologizing to me and thanking you."

Leticia drank another bowl of porridge and whispered to Shirou Emiya and Arthur.

"Then why didn't Miss Jeanne come out?"

Arthur asked.

According to their situation, the two should be able to switch freely.

"Miss Jeanne intends to sort out the ideas of this Holy Grail War, and she still feels very ashamed for fainting in front of Mr. Emiya and Sir Knight."

Ignoring the dissuasion of Jeanne in her body, Leticia directly described her feelings at the moment and told Shirou Emiya and Arthur.

However, before Shirou Emiya and Arthur said anything, a different aura appeared from the girl in front of them.


"In short, this Holy Grail War is full of weirdness, and you are not violators, but normal participants."

As Jeanne cleared her throat, her expression became serious. After all, when it comes to serious matters, her work attitude is also extremely serious.

And Emiya Shirou and Arthur did not care about that little episode.

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