The golden sword also swung at a high speed, blocking the red sword that was slashing like lightning, causing a crisp sound.

However, Mordred's attack was not over.

She let go of the red sword with both hands, and while Arthur was still blocking, she reached out and grabbed his other shoulder.

She kicked him in the abdomen.


The powerful force directly threw Arthur away and hit the wall in the distance.

"This is my unique fighting style, what do you think!"

Mordred knew that Arthur was superior to him in both skills and intuition.

If it was a normal battle, she would never be his opponent.

In the confrontation with her father on the Gladiolus Hill, she knew in her heart that she would never be his opponent if she fought him according to the regular rules of knights.

Even if her father was seriously injured, he could pierce her.

Only such an unexpected battle could break through Arthur's intuition.

Mordred picked up the weapon that was blocked by Arthur and inserted into the ground, and once again stepped through the ground and rushed forward.

Chapter 140 The bloody Lion Jie Li

"Qi! That magic dress can actually block the invasion of external magic."

The silver sword light brushed past the chin of Lion Jie Li, and the armor worn by Emiya appeared from the smoke and appeared in front of Lion Jie Li without any damage.

The speed was so fast that he could not take out another grenade from his wallet again, and he could only reach into his wallet.

It was the heart of the magician that Lion Jie Li killed, which was processed by magic, and the hair and teeth of the magician were attached.

And its explosion effect is similar to that of a real fragmentation grenade. Not only can it cause a large-scale explosion, but the teeth and nails inside it contain the magic of resentment, which will cause the person hit to be corrupted and dissolved after entering the skin.

Even if it does not cause any damage to the enemy's body, the magic power containing the resentment of the dead spirits in the air will make the enemy feel extremely painful.

The magic costume worn by Emiya can not only resist such explosion damage, making the smoke unable to penetrate, but also prevent abnormal magic power from entering.

How can there be such a powerful magic costume, it is just like a replica of the armor on Mordred's body.

Shishi Jiejie expressed his opinion about the armor worn by Shirou Emiya in his heart.

And Emiya, who was in front of Shishi Jiejie, did not stay in a daze. He held the reverse blade in his hand and slashed towards Shishi Jiejie's neck.

At the moment when Emiya slashed,

Shishi Jiejie quickly took his hand out of his wallet, and a pair of double sprays were tightly attached to the forehead of Shirou Emiya's armor in an instant. In his hand, emerald green light flashed.

This is the embodiment of enhanced magic.

Although the magic he mainly uses is necromancy, it does not mean that he will not use enhanced magic.

You know, strengthening magic is the most basic and common magic, how could he not know it.


The sound of pulling the trigger sounded when Emiya reached his neck.


The explosion sounded close to Emiya's forehead, and the powerful impact made Emiya look up directly.

Slowly, Emiya raised his head that was falling backwards.

Smoke slowly emerged from his forehead. Only a few fingers could be seen sticking straight to Emiya's helmet, emitting thick black smoke, and then slowly fell to the ground.

Emiya Shirou may not be an orthodox magician, but his strength is unquestionable. At least, few magicians can defeat him in a head-on battle.

"You can't beat me."

Emiya put the reverse blade in his hand on the neck of Shishi Jiejieli, and the voice came from inside the armor.

"Okay, okay, I lost."

Feeling the coldness on his neck, Shizi Jiejie knew that he had no way to defeat the young man in front of him. He could only put down the double spray in his hands and raise his hands to show his surrender.

How can he fight this? If he can't break the defense, how can he win?

He has basically used all his means, but he still has no way to deal with Shirou Emiya. The result of the battle has come out, and there is no need for him to continue to entangle with him like this.

Although Shizi Jiejie still has something that even servants can hardly resist, he doesn't have to fight to the death with Shizi.

However, just when Shizi was about to say something to Shizi Jiejie, the ground shook again, and bursts of thick fog swept towards their position again.

"Berserker of the red side!"

Emiya murmured in a low voice, looking in the direction of the vibration with a very heavy face.

Seeing the thick fog drifting over, Shizi Jiejie's face suddenly turned pale. You know, just now, if it wasn't for Mordred, he might have been in it.

This thick fog is too deadly for ordinary magicians.

"Can you let your servant help me deal with the servant that is coming soon?"

When he said this, Emiya felt that the possibility of Shishi Jiejie agreeing was not very high.

After all, the Servant who came was none other than their Berserker of the Red Team. Shishi Jiejieli was the Master of the Red Team, so how could he do something hostile to his ally?

However, Emiya also knew that he could not find the location of the Black Team Assassin at all. Staying in the thick fog would only become a burden to Arthur, making it impossible for him to concentrate on the battle.

But even if he ran outside now, it might be too late. Emiya was not familiar with the streets here, and the thick fog spread at a terrifying speed. I am afraid that before Emiya left, the thick fog would have surrounded him.

If there were two servants against the two servants who came, their advantage would be greatly expanded, so Emiya's first thought was to cooperate with Shishi Jiejieli, but he did not expect Shishi Jiejieli to be a member of the Red Team.

Maybe it was because he could not feel the clarity of his camp when he was with him.

Unlike the Black Team, everyone was like a minister.

"Although I really want to agree to you, I have no ability to move in such a fog. If I don't leave now, I may die here."

The thick fog has a strong shielding effect. Shizijie Li can't observe the situation inside through magic, let alone the two servants in the thick fog.

At least he now thinks that the servants in it should be the black side, not the red side.

From the information he obtained, the red side, except for himself, are basically in the position. It is impossible for the servants who appear outside to be red.

If they are really red servants, why would such a fog attack their own people.

What's more, if they are really red servants, Shizijie Li won't care about it. Anyway, he is just trying to survive.

He doesn't have much sense of the camp for the red side. He has always regarded himself as a third party to assist the clock tower.


A sword with a chain suddenly appeared in Emiya's hand and was thrown towards Shizijie Li's position beside him.

"What is that!"

Shizi Jiejieli quickly stretched out his hand and caught the flying sword with chains.

He could only feel that there was a very subtle magic power in this sword.

"Shout [Devil Haunting]!"

"... Can I not shout?"

Shizi Jiejieli is already past the age of shouting such moves.

"The fog is coming!"

Accompanied by Emiya's reminder, Shizi Jiejieli looked at the approaching fog in front of him. He could not care so much at this time. He could only stretch out the sword that Shirou Emiya had just given him and shout its name loudly.

"[Devil Haunting]!!"

A helmet exactly the same as the one on Emiya's head covered Shizi Jiejieli's head.

He felt a slight tingling sensation in his body.

Chapter 141 The battlefield of both sides

This is another new use that Emiya unlocked for [Devil Haunting].

The more magic power, the closer it is to the projected weapon. However, for the weapon projected by Emiya, the high magic power will only make the weapon reach the level of the original weapon downgraded by one grade, and at most it will only extend its use time.

But if the magic power output of the projected weapon is reduced, the grade of the projected weapon will become worse and worse, and it will be further and further away from the original.

However, the use of [Devil Haunting] itself has usage requirements for the user's physique. If its quality is reduced, the requirements for the user will also be reduced.

Emiya used this principle and combined with the characteristics of [Devil Haunting] that can be attached to a single part, he projected [Devil Haunting] that Shishi Jiejieli can withstand.

It's not that Emiya is unwilling to give him a strong [Devil Haunting], but that Shishijie's physical fitness cannot withstand the pressure of [Devil Haunting] on the body.

"You can let your helmet cover your body completely."

After the coverage range of [Devil Haunting] is adjusted by Emiya, the user can decide to let it cover a certain part of the body.

But the first thing that Shizi Jiejieli thought of was to prevent himself from inhaling the white mist, so [Evil Ghost Haunting] only covered his head, not his whole body.

But this was a different feeling for Shizi Jiejieli.

He had never felt that he could wear a freely deformable armor like this.

"No, this is enough. I am not a warrior. If I cover my whole body like you, I am afraid that there will be many restrictions on me. As a magician, of course, I rely on magic and magic props to win."

The white mist had completely enveloped them, but there was no corrosion on Shizi Jiejieli's inside, and the corrosion on his body also decreased.

Emiya could only see a trace of emerald green light spreading from his skin.

This is the manifestation of the magician using his own magic to resist erosion.

But Emiya didn't understand and didn't know how to use it.

Feeling extremely comfortable, Shizi Jiejieli took out a cigarette from his wallet and wanted to take a puff, but suddenly remembered that he was wearing a helmet.

But before he put down the cigarette in his hand, his helmet opened like a cabin, but the white mist could not enter through the open hole.

Without independent consciousness, all the abilities of [Evil Ghost Haunting] moved according to the user's will, and naturally it could also achieve what the Lion Jiejie had in mind.

"This is really an [intelligent] magic gift."

Lighting a cigarette and taking out the double-sprayed Shishi Jiejieli, he envied the armor.

And the vibration sound became closer.

"Won't you let your Servant stop fighting with my Servant?"

Looking at the sound of fighting still in the distance, Shirou Emiya couldn't help but remind Shirou Emiya that how could the two masters fight with the Servant?

A puff of smoke spewed out of his armor.

"This is just my decision. I can't change what my Servant plans to do!"

The reason why Shirou Emiya was willing to help Shirou Emiya was not that complicated, and he didn't compromise because his life was threatened.

He had already put his life aside by participating in this Holy Grail War, and didn't care whether he could survive.

There was only one reason why he stayed, that is, his Servant had no intention of leaving.

Although it was a bit strange to say this, but his Servant didn't plan to leave, as a Master, how could he leave with his tail between his legs like this?

"This is really a terrible situation!"

Emiya couldn't help but complain about the Lion Jiejieli's statement. Previously, Arthur was held back by the red side Berserker, and he only needed to focus on the black side Assassin's attack.

Now, Arthur was held back by Mordred, and he had to face two servants, Berserker and Assassin.

"Is this the only way?"

Emiya muttered in his heart, and a sword with a chain appeared in his armored hand.

If there were two layers of [Devil Haunting], maybe he could fight Berserker and block Assassin's sneak attack.

It's not that [Devil Haunting] can't resist Assassin's sneak attack.

If it was the prototype of [Devil Haunting], it would definitely be able to easily resist Assassin's attack.

But the [Devil Haunting] in Emiya's hand is not only a projection item, the grade has dropped by one level, and it has lost its ability to evolve autonomously.

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