For these servants, the defense of the fake [Devil Haunted] that has lost its ability to evolve and has only completed one evolution is not that strong.

Even Assassin, who has extremely low muscle strength, has the ability to break its defense, it just needs to chop a few more times.

However, it is precisely because [Devil Haunted] in Emiya's hand has no independent consciousness and is difficult to evolve that Emiya can develop many uses of it.

On the other side of the battlefield, before the white fog covered it.

"King Arthur of the other world, you can't stand up like this!"

Mordred taunted Arthur, but the effect was not good.

Arthur kicked the ground hard, and the wall behind him was instantly shattered. The whole person stepped on the surrounding hurricane and shot towards Mordred like a missile.

The powerful blue-green magic once again intertwined with the red magic.


The two swords symbolizing the king clashed again, making a very pleasant sound.

Mordred's palm suddenly hit the red long sword in his hand, and the sudden force carried the sword in Arthur's hand to the side.

Then a very fierce hurricane came from under her.

Looking at the very abrupt kick, Arthur's figure suddenly retreated backwards, his toes lightly tapped on the ground, his body was like a fallen leaf in the wind, dodging the attack in a very short time and rushing forward, aiming at Mordred's forehead very accurately.

Mordred's feet stepped on the ground one after another, making crisp stomping sounds, and the red long sword in his hand rotated half a circle very irregularly, mixed with sharp and unparalleled energy, not afraid to meet Arthur's slash.


The loud sound of metal and iron intersecting sounded again in the space.

Compared to Arthur's attack method of using only swords, Mordred's attack method is extremely barbaric. She will use all the combat items on her body.

Hands, feet, body, and any part that can hit Arthur can be said to be used.

In addition to her unconventional style of play, she actually fought back and forth with Arthur in such a short time, and they were evenly matched.

Chapter 142 The Difficult Assassin

"I just hope that Mr. Lion Jie's servant can figure out the current situation and stop entangled with Saber."

The extremely thick fog blocked the sight of Emiya and Lion Jie. Even if they were haunted by evil spirits, they could not see the enemy's position through the layers of thick fog.

Emiya could only roughly judge the position of Berserker by the vibration of the ground.


This is the sound of Emiya swallowing saliva.

Under this thick fog, the extremely regular vibration of Berserker also gave Emiya a strong sense of oppression. You know, Emiya watched his pierced chest recover instantly, and an arm grew out of it.

Such a terrible injury can be recovered in an instant, and Emiya didn't know how to face him.

What's more, Berserker's own combat power is also quite good. At least for the master, it is basically impossible to defeat him.

Such violent power is just because his servant is extremely strong, so it feels that Berserker has strong recovery ability.

But Emiya standing behind Arthur can clearly feel the pressure on the small sword for Berserker.

At least Emiya has no confidence that he can stand still after catching his slash.

As the vibration sound gets closer, Emiya holds the sword with chains in his hand more and more tightly.

And Shishi Jiejieli also points his gun at the direction where the sound comes from.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Just like the beating of a heart, every sound made the hearts of Emiya and Shishi Jiejieli shrink suddenly.

"Oppressor! Oops!"

The rough voice was accompanied by the sound of the ground shaking that was gradually approaching. Emiya could only see a huge black shadow in the thick fog.

The huge body was already difficult to cover by the white fog. Emiya held the sword tightly in his hand and stared at the black shadow in front of him.

He also felt a line of sight scanning him through the thick fog.

Emiya knew that he could not wait any longer and had to act immediately. He suddenly raised the sword in his hand and stabbed forward.

But the ground began to shake again.

Emiya stabbed towards the thick fog in front of him, but he didn't stab anything.

"Didn't he find us?"

Shishi Jiejie touched the non-existent sweat on his armor, listened to the sound of the ground shaking that was gradually fading away, put down the gun he had raised, and asked Emiya beside him.

Did he find it? It should be found.

Emiya thought about the situation just now. At such a close distance, Berserker, as a Servant, could not have failed to notice them, but he did not attack them.

If he could not resist, Emiya had the idea of ​​using the Command Spell. He was not a novice who knew nothing about the Holy Grail War. At least Danic had taught him a lot of basic knowledge about the Holy Grail War.

But Emiya did not understand why Berserker did not choose to attack him.

Obviously, he was easier to deal with than Saber, wasn't he?

If he kills himself, Arthur won't be able to exist in the world for long.

Just like what Assassin did, he killed himself and, to some extent, killed Arthur.

But Berserker didn't do that, and chose to ignore himself.

"No, I found it!"

Before Emiya could reply, an innocent voice came from in front of Emiya and answered the question of Shishi Jiejieli.

The next second, the fog in front of Emiya began to shake.

He raised his eyes and looked over.

The innocent voice came out from the fog in front of Emiya again.

"Why does big brother have to wear armor? Don't you want to hug us?"

I saw that in front of Emiya, a petite figure slowly appeared.

A young girl who looked only about twelve or thirteen years old.

She looked extremely aggrieved, as if Emiya had done something wrong, and people couldn't help but want to comfort her.

"Who are you?"

It seemed as if some memories in Emiya's brain were erased. He only felt that the girl in front of him with short and messy silver hair and leather clothes was very familiar.

But he had no memory of the girl in front of him at all.

Under such inconsistent information, Emiya was stunned.

She would not miss such an opportunity.

A sharp blade flew out of the silver-haired girl's hand silently like an arrow, and slashed at Shirou Emiya's abdomen fiercely.



Violent sparks were generated from Emiya's abdomen, and a shallow knife mark appeared on Emiya's abdomen.

"Ah, the magician uncle over there is so annoying, he almost succeeded."

A burst of gunpowder smoke came out of the double nozzles in Shishi Jiejie's hands.

"Why are you in a daze! She is Assassin!"

Shishi Jiejie did not answer the girl's condemnation of him, but immediately reminded Shirou Emiya.

He had never seen this girl before, and he would not be stunned for a moment. Almost the moment she appeared, he raised the weapon in his hand and shot at her.

As a master, he also saw that the girl in front of him was a servant.

Only the servant, Shishi Jiejieli, could see the various data displayed on her body.

It was just that Emiya forgot that he had the ability to view the values ​​of the servant after becoming a master.

Several finger-like bullets collided with the blade that slashed towards Emiya's abdomen, creating extremely strong sparks.

Although it might not be able to injure the servant, the power carried in it was enough to shift the position of the blade in her hand.


Emiya recovered from his daze and looked at his armor that had been cut. The smell of blood that came to his face made Emiya feel disgusted.

Even if she was not Assassin, it was enough to make him sure that she was the enemy.


That was the sound of breaking through the air when Emiya slashed at the silver-haired girl in front of him without hesitation.

"Big brother's armor is hard to cut, but that uncle doesn't seem to have any armor that can block my attack!"

The silver-haired girl ignored Emiya's slash, and her tone was full of resentment, as if the speaker was dissatisfied with Emiya wearing this armor.

Emiya's slash also fell on her head at the moment she finished speaking, but she was not panicked at all, and the whole person seemed to be integrated into the mist, and her breath completely disappeared.

The next moment, behind Shishi Jiejie, a petite figure appeared silently.

She held the cold blade, with an innocent and evil smile, and stabbed Shishi Jiejie's neck hard.

Chapter 143 Berserker that is difficult to solve

"How about a temporary truce?"

Arthur, who was shrouded in thick fog, asked Mordred.

Arthur was now extremely worried about Shirou Emiya's condition. He was now being dragged by Mordred and had no idea what the situation on Emiya's side was.

Intuition would not give him the ability to see through the thick fog. Arthur only knew where Emiya was now, but he didn't know what was going on there.

Moreover, he saw from Mordred's eyes that she was worried about her master.

Mordred was not a person who would leave her master alone to satisfy her own selfish desires.

Although she was a rebel, she was also a member of the Knights of the Round Table and had her own judgment of right and wrong.

Moreover, Arthur was not Mordred's real father, and she did not have such a high obsession to fight against King Arthur in another world.

If it was her real father, the battle would have broken out as early as during the day, and she would never treat King Arthur so calmly.

However, her honor as a warrior did not allow her to apply for a truce to Arthur. Even if she was worried about her master's situation, Mordred would still choose to fight with Arthur.

In popular terms, Mordred wanted to protect his master, but was embarrassed to tell Arthur.

Arthur saw through Mordred's thoughts and made such a request. He didn't want anything unexpected to happen to Shirou Emiya.

"Hmph! Even if this time is a draw, King Arthur of the other world, we'll see who wins next time!"

Mordred, who had already put on his helmet, pointed the red sword in his hand at King Arthur, and shouted at him with confidence.

You know, Mordred knew very well the corrosive effect of this thick fog on his master. If he hadn't immediately carried Lion Jiejieli out of the range of the white fog, I'm afraid Lion Jiejieli would have died here.

She didn't dare to stop for a moment. After saying a cruel word, she suddenly crushed the ground, broke through the air at an extremely terrifying speed, and rushed towards the direction of Lion Jiejieli.

The longer it dragged on, the more damage Lion Jiejieli would suffer.

Arthur also followed closely and rushed towards the direction of Shirou Emiya.

Although Shirou Emiya didn't have much impact on him because of the special props, you have to know that in addition to this deadly fog, there are two servants.

Thinking of this, Arthur's blue magic power surged, and he once again increased his speed and headed towards Emiya's position.

"Hahaha! Oppressors! Where are you going!"

The huge body blocked Arthur and Mordred like a small mountain.

"Get out of my way!!!!"

The red lightning instantly climbed onto the long sword in her hand, and a terrifying force came from her hand, like a bomb, and only a terrifying bombardment could be heard.

The huge body flew backwards very easily under the blessing of Mordred's red lightning magic, and the whole place where it was cut was scorched red.

"So weak!"

Mordred didn't care about the Berserker who suddenly appeared to block his way. After knocking it away with a sword, his speed did not slow down at all, and he continued to run forward.

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