But if you do a good job, if I succeed in preaching in the future, I will set you free!"

Lin Feng said boldly, he knew that these immortal beasts were already extremely loyal, but it did not prevent him from occasionally giving them two more sweet dates.

As long as he can become an ancestor, Mo said that the immortal monarch level, even the emperor-level immortal beasts are of little use to him!

"Yes, Lord Xie, I will definitely do a good job! "

My lord, let me tell you, I also have a good brother Garuru who also wants to serve the adult personally..." the battle tyrannosaurus said in Lin Feng's ear again.

After his position is stable, he also wants to mention his good brother, and in the future, the brothers will join forces, and there will be adults behind them.

Even if that Immortal Monarch-level painting bear is afraid!


On the hall of the Immortal Palace Alliance

, several figures looked at the intelligence sent and were a little silent

, and the several waves of people sent to investigate the mysterious bull-headed powerhouse before were all dead..."

After a long time

, "Flying Feather Emperor, how do you see this matter?"

Can the identity of that bull-headed powerhouse be determined? A man in a yellow robe asked with a frown.

These days, there is constant news that a mysterious bullhead powerhouse is constantly hunting immortal beasts in the Immortal Domain.

And there are also some strange things, the man seems to have mastered a wonderful spell and can perform Void Summoning.

Not only immortal beasts can be summoned, but also many dead people!

Summoning immortal beasts is not terrible, and many Holy Land Immortal Palaces also have similar methods.

But when this person is summoned, it is a hundred and a thousand! There is even no lack of immortal monarch-level immortal beasts!

In this way, it naturally aroused their vigilance...

"Still nothing else has been discovered, the man is too cunning. Those immortal beasts were like his eyes and ears.

When you encounter a weaker one, you will directly kill it, leaving no mercy at all....

And he seems to have mastered some special magic weapon that can shield the heavenly machine and cannot detect his whereabouts with the method of deduction! "


"However, now that Emperor Yucang personally comes out, there should be gains!"

After several careless searches, these people finally sent an Immortal Emperor to inquire about the situation after killing some Luo Tianxian Monarch masters.

Before, it was not that they didn't want to send masters, but because now the battle with the Heavenly Ghost suddenly appeared glue!

Heavenly ghosts evolve more and more frequently, and powerful emperor-level heavenly ghosts have been born in many places!

Therefore, under the division of combat power, it was impossible to mobilize the powerful Immortal Emperor to explore outside!


Well, be sure to find out his identity, if he is the one who should be robbed.

Maybe we can minimize the damage of this catastrophe! The yellow-robed man said in a deep voice.

In the past three years, many people have fully felt the cruelty of war!

Before, everyone thought that the heavenly ghost was here to send treasures and chances.

Many Immortal Palace disciples even thought of a lot of strange tricks to attract the Heavenly Ghosts to invade, hoping to use this to expand the number of hunts!

But in fact, those heavenly ghosts are several times more terrifying than recorded in history!

The small city of Anlan Immortal Domain has been broken in three places, and the number of dead and injured has reached one million!

Now there is still a steady stream of heavenly ghosts descending from the sky, endlessly, and many people have already felt panic!


"Well, Emperor Yucang will have good contact with him, hoping to get the secret that he can resurrect the dead! The Flying Feather Emperor said in a deep voice.

In the Immortal Domain, the method of resurrection is known today.

Only the Time Dao Ancestor crosses the river of time, reverses the changes in yin and yang, and steals the way of the sky!

But once this is done, it is as strong as the existence of the Dao Ancestor, and it will also be subject to causal reaction.

The stronger the resurrected person, the greater the strength of the reaction....

But at the moment the information they have collected, this mysterious mask man seems to have resurrected many people...

For this, they naturally have ideas in their minds....

It is even speculated that this person will be the one who should be robbed, and follow the intention of heaven to help them survive this calamity?

That's why they won't be afraid of the Heavenly Dao!


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