
Lin Feng himself did not expect that this mistake would make these high-level members of the Immortal Domain have such doubts.

Of course, the basis of all this is also based on the special means he has shown....

Such a mysterious method, unheard of! If you can resurrect the dead from afar, it is no less than obtaining an undead legion!

This is not much different from the six reincarnations of the ancient legend!

The Six Realms of Reincarnation, Yin Cao Di Mansion, Reincarnation...

These are the words of ancient legends, if they really come into being, there is no doubt that the way of heaven has changed!

This Immortal Domain will also have a huge pattern change!

Perhaps, the path to eternal life will cease to exist!


Because of this, they let Yucang come into contact with Lin Feng.

I want to find out where he came from!

If it is really a person who should be robbed by the Heavenly Dao, it is good to win over.

If not, then try to get its secret....

For the sake of the righteousness of the Immortal Domain, it doesn't hurt to sacrifice some!


"System, this firmament sword, is there really no other way to sacrifice the sword spirit?"

Lin Fengpan sat on the cliff and caressed the firmament sword and said.

The longer the sword was used, the more he felt the importance of the sword spirit, the soulless sword, although the sword move was strong.

But there are always deficiencies, people and swords cannot be united, and their hearts and minds are connected!

"No way, unless someone willingly sacrifices the sword, or by chance, a sword spirit is born naturally," the system said.

The higher the grade of the immortal weapon, the greater the difficulty of giving birth to a sword spirit, and this firmament is a Dao weapon, and the difficulty can naturally be imagined!


"It seems that you can only wait slowly," Lin Feng sighed.

It is difficult to find a person who sacrifices the sword, after all, who can willingly turn himself into a sword spirit?

Even he himself would not have such thoughts...

"In other words, who tore off that page of the method of sacrifice .." Lin Feng thought of that question again.

There were only a few people in the room at that time, nothing more than shallow or first tone...

But these were people who were extremely important to him, and even if they wanted to, he would not agree.

He is not Sedum, so he will not make such a difficult choice!



Just as he was communicating with the system about the routine, he suddenly saw a light passing by in the sky.

The divine light is shining, like a sharp star...

In an instant, he realized that he was firmly locked by the monotheistic thought!

"Is it finally here," he said secretly.

A moment later, the light fell steadily in front of him...

The halo was rising, and the powerful fairy aura flowed around it,

and as the light gradually faded,

Lin Feng saw a fair woman in a purple fairy robe appear in front of him!

His body is graceful and colorful, and he can be regarded as the best in the Immortal Domain, but in terms of comprehensive temperament, compared with the white-clothed predecessor, it is still worse.

Its strength is not weak, it is actually an emperor level!


"After looking for Your Excellency for so long, I didn't expect Your Excellency to think about the cliff here, and I almost missed it again," the purple-clothed woman said with a light smile.

Its sound is like a silver bell, although it is also tens of thousands of years old, but it has the skill of staying in the face, and it is immortal!

This seems to be not much different from the twenty-eight girls...

"That's hard work for you, looking for me for so long, I don't know what's going on? Lin Feng wore a mask.

His expression was extremely calm.

Since this woman was able to bypass his Immortal Beast Blockade directly, it meant that her actions were now in her control!

However, he doesn't have much fear, just can't fight, spend some money, it's still no problem to leave!

"Naturally, I want to have an in-depth understanding with Your Excellency, talk about the past and the present, and talk about the avenue?" The purple-clothed woman said with a light smile.

Although she spoke very easily, she was also a little surprised in her heart, because of such a close distance, she could not see through the cultivation of this bull-headed mask man?

Lin Feng's virtual mask innately has the ability to hide strength, unless the mask is broken, otherwise the Dao Ancestor will not be able to come!

However, she didn't have much fear, she looked left and right, and there were only a few immortal-level immortal beasts around this mysterious mask man.

There is also a Battle Tyrannosaurus Beast of Luo Heaven Realm....

If you can take these fierce beasts as subordinates, presumably the strength should also be between the Immortal Monarch and the Immortal Emperor?!


"Talking about the past and the present? In-depth communication? I'm afraid Your purpose doesn't stop there, right? Why not open the skylight and say bright words, cover up, it's not interesting... Only

then did he start to make contact, Lin Feng did not show any weakness, as long as he did not make a move, the purple-clothed woman would always have scruples.

Of course, even if she knows her strength, she may not dare to be too pretentious!

"This is my faux pas, in the rain, I don't know Your Excellency's honorable name?" Yucang Emperor Jun said with a chuckle.

Between the words, there is even a little seductive means!

"It's not a noble surname, I'm just a small person in the Immortal Domain, you can call me Lin You..." Lin Feng said casually.

He had secretly taken out that magic weapon, and if the words did not agree, he was ready to preemptively strike!

"It turned out to be Lin You Daoyou... Long time to look up, long time to look up....."

.... After omitting 100 words of commercial mutual blowing......

"I look at the Daoist means are amazed, I don't know what kind of immortal friend is inherited? And where did it come from? Emperor Yucang asked with a smile.

Before finding out Lin Feng's identity and strength, she didn't make any rash moves...

If it was really Heavenly Dao Qi Luck, she wouldn't dare to make a rash move!

For such people, soul search is ineffective, and a slightly more powerful forbidden place will set up a special blockade technique.

Unless it is an emperor who is proficient in divine souls, rashly searching for souls will only cause this person's divine soul to explode!


"There is no way and no sect, in the early years, a special method was passed down in the mountain stream, and only then did it be... Lin Feng also opened his mouth.

I made up a historical story for myself, and I can't study these anyway....

No one will specifically look into it


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