Hatoma was ugly and silent for a long time.

Since the other party said the temporary release of the curse, he asked him to search for souls to investigate.

This must be absolutely certain to dare to say such words!


If the information he searched for souls was the slightest inconsistent with what the other party said.

Then the other party is undoubtedly seeking his own death!


However, if it is not searched, how can this matter be verified!

Come to think of it.

"Please wait for me, I'll be back later!"

Hatomo said in a deep voice, and then flashed and disappeared!


After Hatoma is gone.

"Whew... Brother-in-law, the strength of this ninth-order emperor is really not covered....

If you hadn't given me this talisman bead, I'm afraid I wouldn't have dared to stand in front of him,"

Chu Ye sighed, feeling an emerald green stone bead from his arms.

Facing Hatoma is completely different from Qiu 30!!

One is angry, but reasonable.

A sinister and cunning seems to be clever, but in fact it is a little stupid!

"This Hatoma is not the same, I believe, he will give us a satisfactory result...

Later, you can also make any requests, as long as it is not excessive, I believe he will promise..."

Lin Feng nodded and said slowly.

Although it was the first time to deal with Hatoma, his attitude made a good impression on him.

It's how angry you are, how angry you are.

After knowing that he was at a loss, he also endured it.

"Understand, I will mention a proper one, and I will not open my mouth..." Chu Ye also had a plan in mind.

At the same time, I was also a little glad in my heart.

Fortunately, Lin Feng did not completely tear his face with the Hatomo Palace before.

Otherwise, today's business can be done.

But after it is done, there will definitely be unhappy people!


In the small courtyard

, Mo Ping and the other two were still roaring in pain in the room.

"I've seen the emperor!"

The fairy who served on the side and looked after the situation saw Hatoma.

Quickly knelt down on one knee in greeting.

"Hmm.... You go down..."

After glancing at Mo Ping, Hatomo whispered to the female fairy.

"Yes, Emperor..." After

the woman left, Hatomo was surprised to see it.

Mo Ping, who was originally still swollen like a ball, began to slowly shrink and improve.

This means.

Lin Feng has fulfilled his promise and lifted the curse for the time being!

Now, it's up to him to decide!

Is it tempting to ask for the results, or directly conducting a soul search!


"I've seen Emperor Hatoma!"

After not cursing, Mo Ping's consciousness began to gradually return to normal.

After seeing Hatoma, he naturally thought that it was Hatoma's hand, so he couldn't help but thank him.


"I have something I want to ask you now, about the encroachment on the property of Tianxiang Lou.

Who came up with the idea! "

Hatomo doesn't have so many twists and turns, straight to the point!


Mo Ping didn't expect that Hatomo asked directly about this matter.

There's something wrong with that.

You know, Hatoma's personality is a little weird, or rather, a little paranoid....

If you say it truthfully, I am afraid that your life will be lost!

"Hmm... Is this a difficult question for you?

Hatoma's eyes shrunk, and Mo Ping's facial expression had betrayed everything!

"That's it, I'd better search for souls!"

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