Hatomo's seemingly fluttering words fell into Mo Ping's ears.

This is no less than a thunderbolt that exploded in his mind!

What kind of joke is this?

Soul searching?

Forcibly searching the soul, being searched for the divine soul will inevitably be greatly damaged, and it will be difficult to advance an inch in cultivation from now on!

Moreover, this soul search is slightly wrong, and it will become stupid and abnormal in this life!

"Ask the emperor for forgiveness, I am willing to account for everything!"

Mo Ping is not stupid, on the contrary, he is also very smart.

His cultivation is low, and he can't stop Hatoma's strong hand at all!

Once Hatoma thoroughly understands those secrets during the search, he only needs to be slightly angry.

Do a little tricks.

He is afraid that he will soon become dementia!


"Explain everything?

Hatoma shook his head, it was too late....

This expression has completely betrayed it...

If, as that Immortal Sovereign said, someone colluded inside and outside to suppress the merchants in his city.

Then there is nothing to forgive.

After all, cutting off people's wealth is tantamount to killing parents.

He has been painstakingly running this city for tens of thousands of years, but he doesn't want people to make trouble!

Especially now, the Immortal Domain is in turmoil....

It is difficult to attract investment and capital.

If this kind of thing is spread.

Then the merchants in his city are afraid to evacuate one after another, who dares to do business here!


Say it.

Hatoma closed his eyes and ignored Mohei's painful pleas.

Place your palm on its forehead.

[Soul Search Dafa! ] The

things hidden in Mo Ping's mind kept floating in Hatoma's spiritual world.

"It turns out that .... So that's how it is...," Hatomo said to himself in a deep voice.

This plan is more than excessive!

I just want him to carry the pot!

The benefits are all someone else's, but the black pot is left to him!

At that time, once it is known by other merchants, it will definitely be rumored that he will stop at nothing in order to make money!

At that time, the city he painstakingly managed will be destroyed!

"Be a fool in peace.... If he doesn't kill you, I'm afraid he wants you to be tortured for eternity..." After

finishing his words, his palm began to press slightly.

Directly smashed Mo Ping's spiritual world completely, and he was just stupid from now on!

Empty cultivation is something that will become inferior to dogs!


After processing Moping, Hatoma concocted it as he did!

Made the other two fools too!!

When everything was done, he moved back to the Tianxiang Building.

At this time, Lin Feng was waiting for him there.


"Two, the matter is indeed as you said, it is that I am not strict in disciplining my subordinates....

Please also forgive the sin"

Hatoma can flex and stretch, without the slightest meaning of quibbling!"

"Well said, well said... We are all businessmen...,"

Lin Feng suggested.

This matter can be big or small....

Regardless of before and after.

Qiu 30 is undoubtedly the seat of the Hatoma Palace.

They are all legitimate merchants, and while complying with the law, they are naturally qualified to negotiate certain conditions!


"I understand.

This is something my subordinates did wrong, I don't strictly restrain me....

As long as the two can agree to keep the matter secret.

If the conditions you put forward are reasonable, I can agree! "


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