Hatomo's sincere attitude was that Lin Feng was a little surprised.

People with a good attitude, he has not seen.

But I didn't expect that a ninth-order emperor would be so unshelfborn in front of them.

It's really, it's hard to imagine....

So that for a while in the early night and Lin Feng, they were a little confused about how to make an offer.

As we all know, he has always eaten soft rather than hard.

If it is Hatoma who comes to the side, if you force the conditions to be negotiated.

He had to make the other party bleed violently!

But the sincere attitude of others is if the lion opens his mouth.

He thought in his heart, would it be too much?



, if you have any requirements, please mention it...

What I said, I still count... "

This Emperor Domo is indeed a real person, and he kills decisively on weekdays.

But in business, there is no ambiguity.

He was just when he cast a soul search on Mo Ping.

From him, I got a lot of useful news.

Unexpectedly, the business of the Firmament Palace turned out to be so big.

Those monopoly products turned out to be so profiteering!

However, he also has his principles of being a man.

Never allow anyone to blackmail and blackmail merchants in the city!

It's himself, and it's no exception!

Now that the Immortal Domain is in turmoil, this kind of self-destruction of the Great Wall must not be done!

Otherwise, if it is known by others.

Then the credibility of Tatama is completely over!


"Brother-in-law, you mention it, just make it appropriate...

Lin Feng nodded.


replied Chu Ye, he also understood what Lin Feng meant.

Just right, don't slaughter too ruthlessly, otherwise it will really slaughter people to the pain.

Honest people can also be angry.


"Emperor Hatoma, I want to take down the two buildings next to the Tianxiang Building together....

I heard that this is your own store, I don't know, can there be a convenience? "

Early night was interested in the two buildings next to it.

However, this is the own shop of Hatoma Palace.

It's not rented and sold, even if you want to take it, you can't take it.

This is no longer a problem that money can solve!


Hatomus pondered for a moment.

"Your conditions are not excessive, I promise you....

From now on, those two buildings will belong to you!

However, this building is only yours, and you are not allowed to resell it to others....

I hope that your business can grow bigger and bigger in this city,"

Hatomo was also straight, and did not hide the thoughts in his heart.

If this Ye Chuye can make the two buildings next to this bigger and stronger.

Naturally, the taxes in his city will not be less.

More importantly, through this, more people can be attracted to the city....

How to calculate, it is not a loss-making transaction!


"Well, nice cooperation! "

I didn't expect it at the beginning of the night, this talk was too smooth, right?

He asked for it, and Hatoma agreed without hesitation.

Although Hatoma also put forward additional conditions, in his opinion, it was also reasonable.

After all, Lou gave it away like that.

What if he turned around and didn't do business, and just took it out and sold it?

In that case, it would be a little too unkind!


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