Shocked That My Apprentice Is Actually An Empress

Chapter 804: The Soul Orb Of Repairing The Sky

The captain said: "You should know that the last of the five declines of heaven and man needs to replenish the soul liquid, right?"

Qin Tian nodded: "I know!"

"Heaven-boosting soul beads are more precious than sky-boosting soul liquid. If you want to achieve pseudo-transcendence, you must absorb the sky-boosting soul beads."

"Captain, where can I get the Heavenly Repairing Soul Liquid and the Heavenly Repairing Soul Orb?"

"In the Hanging Strange Realm, he exists in the void, the black cloud is the ground, the red moon is in the sky, and the sky is infinitely high!"

"The Hanging Strange Realm is also the most mysterious place in my Demon God Galaxy other than the Demon God Temple."

"Whenever the Hanging Strange Realm is opened, countless powerhouses will come, and if you want to enter the Hanging Strange Realm, you must at least be at the fourth level of breaking the realm, and entering the fourth level of breaking the realm will be very dangerous."

"When will the Strange Realm open?" Qin Tian asked.

"Come on, there are forty days left! We can work together to plan to obtain the Soul Orb."

"Is it difficult to get the Soul Orb of Heaven Repairing?"

The captain nodded, "It's very difficult, I'll tell you in detail after I get in!"

"Also, after entering, it's best to keep a low profile, because every time the dangling realm is opened, dozens of Ten Thousand Years or even hundreds of old monsters from Ten Thousand Years will come to snatch it."

"Among these old ghosts, there may even be a half-step detachment. They are also planning to make up the soul beads to achieve pseudo detachment."

"And usually, these old monsters are in deep retreat and practice, trying to improve their strength as much as possible."

Qin Tian nodded and smiled: "Captain, don't worry, I am a relatively low-key person!"

"Then I'll start Revolving Heaven and meet you in a month."

"I'll wait for you." After saying that, the captain turned and left.

And Qin Tian came to the side of the colorful primordial spirit tree, which had completely swallowed the pseudo-transcendental beast.

There are eight colorful Yuanshen fruits with many gods on the tree.

Qin Tian picked three pieces and handed them one to An Miaoling and Ming Qianqian each.

He also took one and began to absorb it. After the fruit entered his stomach, a pure force swept toward the limbs and bones.

Qin Tian suddenly felt refreshed!

After absorbing the fruit, his soul and obsession have grown a lot.

Subconsciously, he looked at the broken mirror value, which rose by another 5% to 65%.

There are still five multi-patterned colorful Primordial Spirit Fruits left, Qin Tian is not going to continue to absorb them.

Because haste is not enough, he needs to settle down and let the flesh adapt to his powerful soul.

Otherwise, there will be problems with his physical body.

Next, he only needs to wait for An Miaoling and Bai Xiaoru to break through, and then he will be able to follow through.

He looked at An Miaoling and Ming Qianqian. After they were absorbed, they were all at the bottleneck of their realm, the kind that could break through at any time.

When he returns to Bai Xiaoru and the others, they will be able to break through as soon as possible.

Immediately, he took people away from the ghost world and went to the Tianmeng.


Demon God.

Suzaku Protoss, Suzaku Sacred Mountain.

At this moment, sitting in a cave in the Suzaku Sacred Mountain is a woman in red. She is the daughter of the Suzaku Patriarch.

After the Suzaku Patriarch died in battle, she hid here directly because he was afraid of being liquidated by Qin Tian. Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, the Suzaku Sacred Mountain shook.

The woman in red opened her eyes abruptly. She looked around, and soon, she noticed that not far behind, the statue of his great-grandfather vibrated.

What's the matter, isn't the great grandfather dead?

At this moment, the statue made a crackling sound, and then the statue exploded directly, and a red-haired old man appeared.

Looking at the red-haired old man, the red-haired woman's expression suddenly became excited, because the red-haired old man was her great-grandfather Zhu Yi.

She immediately knelt on the ground and shouted excitedly, "The great-granddaughter Zhu Yan has seen Grandpa!"

Great-granddaughter? Zhu first felt Zhu Yan's blood, and soon he confirmed that Zhu Yan was his direct descendant.

"Where's your mother?" Zhu Yi asked, he was very fond of his granddaughter who was gifted with talent and had a temperament towards Lu.

"Mother...Mother, she's dead!" Zhu Yan said with a low expression.

"Dead?" Zhu suddenly stood up, looked at Zhu Yan and asked in a cold voice, "How did she die?"

"Mother was killed by the people of Da Qin Tian Dynasty!"

Great Qin Tian Dynasty? Zhu Yi frowned: "Didn't the people from Daqin leave the Demon God Galaxy long ago! Tell me about the situation in detail!"

Zhu Yan nodded, and then explained what happened in detail, without any extravagance.

"Alas!" Zhu Yi sighed in a low voice: "Your mother is good in everything, but she is too arrogant and doesn't know how to detour!"

"Grandpa, can you avenge your mother?" Zhu Yan asked.

Zhu Yi shook his head: "No, at least not now, because I'm not Daqin's opponent yet."

"How strong is Da Qin?" Zhu Yan asked curiously.

"There are several strong people in Daqin who are afraid to be comparable to the demon gods of the year, but I don't know how strong they are. I was still very weak at that time and couldn't feel it!"

Hearing this, Zhu Yan's expression became lost.

At this time, Zhu Yi continued: "Unless a strong person like the ancestor came forward, even I would not dare to act rashly."

"But the revenge of killing my granddaughter can't be left like this!"

Zhu Yan's eyes lit up: "What's your grandfather's plan?"

"Your mother's previous actions were wrong. Directly attacking the Prince of Daqin would be called betrayal. This is not polite, so it is normal for the ancestors to stand on Daqin's side."

"But what if you, as a younger generation of the demon clan, go to challenge the demon gods openly and aboveboard, and the purpose is to lead the demon clan to fight against the extraterrestrial demons?"

Hearing this, Zhu Yan's eyes suddenly lit up, so it was a courtesy, at least even if the ancestors knew about it, they would not be angry, and there is no reason to be angry. "

Then she hesitated: "Grandpa, am I qualified to be a demon god?"

"Of course, I just checked your aptitude, you are the Nine Nether Vermillion Bird Body, this kind of constitution is rare in my Vermillion Bird Protoss and Ten Thousand Years for hundreds of years."

"Just activating the nine secluded Suzaku body, it takes a half-step detachment of the Suzaku fire to do it, and this old man just broke through to the half-step detachment not long ago."

After Zhu Yan heard this, her beautiful eyes flashed with joy.

At this time, Zhu Yi continued: "Don't worry about the challenge. In the near future, I will activate the Jiuyou Vermilion Bird Body for you, and I will also pass on some secret methods from your clan."

"When the Hanging Strange Realm opens, I will snatch the Heaven-Mending Soul Orb. With the Heaven-Mending Soul Orb, I will break through to the pseudo-transcendence realm, and I will be able to support you at that time."

Zhu Yan nodded hurriedly: "Listen to Grandpa's orders!"

Zhu Yi smiled slightly and instructed: "When you go to challenge, remember to explain that you are only to lead the demon clan to resist the extraterrestrial demons. Once the extraterritorial demons are defeated, you will return the position of the demon god to the current demon god."

Zhu Yan frowned slightly: "Grandpa, why do you want to return the position of the demon god to her?"

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