Shocked That My Apprentice Is Actually An Empress

Chapter 805 Breakthrough Breakthrough

Zhu Dao: "Da Qin Tian Dynasty may be stronger than I imagined, so we can't be too offended. If we want to destroy them, we must take every step, first improve ourselves, and then go to revenge when we are strong enough!"

"So, you need to enlarge your pattern. If you say this, neither the Great Qin nor the ancestors can blame you, and even the ancestors will feel relieved about it!"

"Furthermore, after we defeat the extraterritorial demons, the earth is so big that we can fly freely and develop in places with higher martial arts civilization. Why live in this demon galaxy?"

Hearing this, Zhu Yan immediately admired the great-grandfather, and she couldn't help sighing, it would be great if her mother had the great wisdom of the great-grandfather.

Immediately, she said respectfully, "Grandpa thinks so well, but I am stupid!"

Zhu Dao: "To make you a demon god is actually to obtain resources from other demon clans and strengthen our clan."

"At the same time, if you obtain the position of the demon god, it is equivalent to gaining the belief of the demon clan, which will greatly increase your cultivation speed."

"It was precisely because she carried the hope of the entire demon clan that the Lord Monster God back then was able to stand out and become the strongest in the Monster God Galaxy."

Zhu Yan nodded solemnly, at this moment her blood has been ignited by Zhu Yi.

"Please grandpa activate the Jiuyou Vermillion Bird Body for me!"



After Qin Tian returned, he distributed the six colorful primordial spirit fruits with multiple gods to Bai Xiaoru, Fan Qingyue, Li Xuanji, Bai Feifei, Su Jiu, and Bai Sha.

The girls began to retreat and practice.

And he himself continued to deduce sword skills and consolidate his realm. As for cultivation, he felt that it was unnecessary.

Because Bai Xiaoru and An Miaoling will definitely break through soon.

He can follow lying flat to break through, and after breaking through, he can freely perform the Sixth Heaven Slaying Kill, which will be a qualitative improvement to his combat power.

Ten days later, Qin Tian finally received the breakthrough information from An Miaoling.


[Host Dao Companion An Miaoling breaks through to the third level of breaking the boundary. 】

[The reward is 20% of the value of breaking the boundary. 】

[Reward: Epiphany Pill, which can make people enter a state of epiphany, suitable for practicing martial arts and martial arts, or using it when breaking through the realm. 】

[The current breaking value is 85%. 】

After receiving the reward, Qin Tian secretly rejoiced that he was only 15% away from breaking through.

Then he took the Epiphany Pill and began to comprehend the Seventh Kill of Zhantian!

The deduction of the Heaven Slaying Seventh Kill is even more difficult, and he deduced it very hard.

But fortunately, there is still progress. When the efficacy of Epiphany Pill completely disappeared, Qin Tian also completed most of the deduction.

For the rest, he can only wait until later to deduce slowly.

During this deduction process, Qin Tian discovered that the seventh-layer killing of the Heaven Slaying seemed to be the bottleneck of this sword skill. If it was deduced further, the difficulty would be multiplied many times, and the desired result would not necessarily be achieved.

Therefore, the cultivation direction of this sword skill needs to be changed, such as adding other powers to the sword skill.

He is only adding murderous aura now, but if he can add the power of the soul, can this move cause damage to the soul at the same time?

After counting the time, more than 20 days have passed, and he is going to see Bai Xiaoru to see if she can break through before he leaves.

In a teleport, he came to Bai Xiaoru's retreat room.

At this moment, Bai Xiaoru is sitting cross-legged on the jade futon, there is divine brilliance flowing in her body, and behind her, there is also the white fox phantom who is breathing out divine power.

At this moment, she is already at the critical moment of breakthrough. Qin Tian estimates that Bai Xiaoru should be able to break through within three days.

After he breaks through, he can follow through, and the remaining time is enough for him to consolidate his realm.

Immediately, he turned and left, not to disturb Bai Xiaoru here.

After leaving Bai Xiaoru's room, he went to see An Miaoling again. After so many days of her breakthrough, her realm was almost consolidated.

A teleport came directly to An Miaoling's room.

At this moment, An Miaoling was comprehending reincarnation. When she felt Qin Tian appeared, she closed her work and watched it.

Her eyes were facing each other, and when she noticed Qin Tian's scorching eyes, the iceberg-like beautiful face was stained with a hint of ruddy. Some couldn't stand Qin Tian's eyes, so she turned around and walked to the bed and sat down.

Qin Tian walked over slowly.

At this moment, An Miaoling has a head of blue silk, draped straight on her fragrant shoulders. Under the white skirt is smooth and delicate skin, and under her waist, is that muddy, round...

Under the skirt corner, there are also a pair of long legs that cause trouble.

Qin Tian sat beside her and sniffed the familiar smell.

He pulled the cyan girdle, looked at her flawless shoulders, and said with a smile, "This time you come by yourself?"

After An Miaoling thought for a while, Qianqianyu gently pulled the corner of her clothes and moved down layer by layer, igniting his fire little by little...

After the coat fell, An Miaoling hesitated, because she felt the too hot eyes, and she was ready to be "attacked".

Qin Tian took a deep breath, patiently, and smiled: "Continue!"

An Miaoling frowned slightly.

After hesitating for a moment, she turned her back.

Because she felt that the last piece of clothing, it is best to have her back facing...

White represents holiness, which is also Qin Tian’s favorite color, and An Miaoling’s one is white.

"Miao Ling, your little clothes are nice, where did you come from?"

"I did it myself!" An Miaoling replied softly.

Qin Tian nodded, couldn't help reaching out and touched the white coat in front of him, trying to feel what material it was.

It's surprisingly soft and smooth to the touch.

"You..." An Miaoling shuddered, wrapping her arms around her.

She turned her head slowly and looked at each other.

Her body softened naturally. At this moment, she is no longer the controller of the reincarnation order of the Demon God Galaxy.

She is just Qin Tian's woman.

Qin Tian embraced the beauty and kissed her.

Outside the room, the sky was dark and the breeze was blowing.

In the room, there seems to be a shadow shaking, if you listen carefully, you can still hear a low nasal sound...


Qin Tian was full of fighting spirit, and the time passed day by day.

It was not until the third day that he finally received the news of Bai Xiaoru's breakthrough.


[The host Taoist Companion Bai Xiaoru has broken through to the second level of the Boundary-Breaking Realm. 】

[Breakthrough value: 20%. 】

[Reward: Boundary Breaking Pill, after taking it, it can temporarily increase a realm for one hour, and the highest level can be raised to the fifth level of Boundary Breaking Realm. 】

[The current broken mirror value is 100%. 】

[System help 2. 】

Finally broke through, Qin Tian was overjoyed, this time he also obtained the breaking world pill, and he got another hole card.

He looked at An Miaoling in his arms and said with a wicked smile, "I'm about to make a breakthrough. After the breakthrough, I can just help you improve your bloodline."

Hearing this, An Miaoling's already blushing cheeks turned even redder.

Because she knew what Qin Tian said about raising the bloodline.

She looked at Qin Tian and said angrily, "Isn't it enough to toss for a few days?"

Qin Tian was stunned: "I have a good heart! Don't you want to improve your bloodline?"

An Miaoling stared at Qin Tian with her beautiful eyes, she hesitated, her calamity-like face was slightly crimson!

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