The screen is full of surprises.

The picture continues to rotate.

[The wormhole caused by the Cosmic Cube has been completely opened. ]

[Countless Chitauri drove high-tech spaceships, passed through the wormhole, and entered the city of New York. ]

[Among them, there are Chitauri infantrymen holding forearm guns.

There are Chitauri giant apes equipped with long-range rifles.

There are even Chitauri riding flying chariots, constantly making trouble in the sky above New York.

But among them.

The most eye-catching.

It is a semi-mechanized whale-like reptile giant that can float in the air!

Everywhere it goes, there is endless gunfire! 】

【The superheroes ran through streets one after another in the hail of bullets. 】

【Hawkeye, who was on the ground, shot through enemies one by one with the sharp arrows behind him. 】

【Black Widow, who shuttled through countless narrow gaps, killed enemies one after another with her double guns and the weapons in the hands of the Chitauri. 】

【Since the two belonged to the same organization, they were very efficient in killing enemies. 】

【Captain America, who was standing by, also made good use of the characteristics of the vibranium shield in his hand and smashed enemies to death one after another very bluntly. 】

【Unfortunately, the weapons in the hands of Hawkeye, Captain America, and Black Widow were mostly single-target damage. 】

【Soon, they were surrounded by a group of Chitauri. 】

【Just when everyone was busy. 】

【Thor fell from the sky! 】

【He held Thor's hammer in his hand, triggered the power of lightning, and cleared the enemies around the heroes in all directions without dead ends, giving everyone a hard-earned breathing time. 】



Black Widow looked at the description on the video.

Her heart was hanging.

Although there were only a few words on the screen.

But anyone could clearly feel the tension of the battle that was about to burst out.

Director Nick Fury looked at so many varieties of aliens.

He couldn't help but be a little shocked.

"How much higher is the alien technology than ours!"

Let alone other things.

Just the flying chariot alone is enough to make people envious.


They have a huge flying spaceship in S.H.I.E.L.D.


After all, there are not many.


The whole size is always too big.

It is only suitable as an air command center.

It is suitable for the construction of an entire army.


As for mobility.

It is indeed much worse.

If he can obtain the technology of the Chitauri flying chariot.


For improving the combat capability of individual soldiers.

It is a great boost!

"If one day in the future, we really fight the Chitauri army."

"Then after the war, we must promptly and carefully recover these alien technologies."

"If a few are missed and picked up by the bad guys in New York City."

"For ordinary people who have no self-protection ability, it will be a complete disaster!"

Director Nick Fury was worried.

Having been in this position for a long time, he deeply understood a truth.

Chaos is long-lasting.

Peace is an accident.

Director Nick Fury sighed.

"Alas, I hope that on that day, these alien weapons can be cleaned up."


[While the heroes were taking a breath, Dr. Banner drove over slowly on a small electric car. ]

[Dr. Banner: It looks like the situation... is very bad? ]

【Black Widow: I've seen worse. ]

【Dr. Banner understood that this was referring to the previous battle on the SHIELD spaceship, when he was bewitched by Loki's scepter and turned into the Hulk to wreak havoc. ]

【Dr. Banner: I'm sorry. ]

【Black Widow: It's okay, we need worse now. ]

【Captain America used the intercom to contact Iron Man. ]

【Captain America: Stark, we found Banner. ]

【Iron Man: Tell him to get ready, the carnival is about to begin. ]

【After that, Iron Man wearing Mark VII flew over from the air. ]

【Behind him was the Leviathan monster as big as a whale! ]

【Its wings spread out and pierced the building straight through, causing smoke and dust to billow in the air. ]

【Thor saw this, holding Thor's hammer in his hand, looking ugly. ]

【Black Widow hesitated. 】

【Black Widow: I... I don't think this is worth celebrating. 】

【Dr. Banner turned and walked towards a

The Leviathan that destroyed the road. 】

【Captain America: Dr. Banner, now is a good time for you to be angry. 】

【Dr. Banner walked towards the Leviathan and turned back to smile at Captain America. 】

【Dr. Banner: Let me tell you a secret, Captain, I'm very angry now! 】

【After that, Dr. Banner turned into a beast with a green body, abnormally developed muscles, and a height of nearly five meters! 】

【Hulk! 】

【He appeared! 】

【He saw him punch the Leviathan's head with a heavy punch. 】

【Hardly! 】

【This flying monster, which is nearly 100 meters long and more than 10 meters wide. 】

【It was hammered to a stop! 】



Dr. Banner looked at everything Hulk did.

He almost jumped up with excitement.

"I didn't expect the Hulk to be so powerful!"

"And, judging from the situation, the Hulk is not so irrational and unable to communicate."

"It seems that one day, I will be able to completely control the Hulk's form."


Behind the military camp.

Captain America looked at the shocking Hulk.

His eyebrows jumped wildly.

"What kind of monster is this!!!"

"I thought my Steve's physique was already perverted enough, but I didn't expect that there are people who are even more perverted than me!!!"

"How did this green big guy come into being!"

"His original form, Dr. Banner, obviously looks like a good old man who is easy to talk to!"

"Could it be that with the improvement of technology in the future, this is caused by some super serum?"

Captain America took a deep breath.

He silently calculated in his heart.

If he fought with this Hulk.

At most.

It can only be a 50-50 match.


Captain America secretly rejoiced in his heart.

"Fortunately, this Hulk is our ally, otherwise it would be a big trouble."


Stark Tower.

Tony looked at the Hulk on the screen.

He was also shocked.

"Is there such a terrifying person?"

Tony saw it clearly.

He wore Mark VII and led the Leviathan to the heroes.

In the end, it was defeated by Hulk.

This means.

The future self clearly realized.

The self wearing Mark VII.

is completely no match for the Leviathan!

And the Hulk who looks like a beast.

is the main force of this battle!


"Is the self wearing Mark VII completely unable to match the Hulk?"

Tony's mouth twitched slightly.

He was not used to such a situation where he was not in control of things and someone could override him.


Tony summoned Jarvis.

said to him.

"JARVIS, create a new document."

"The name is..."

"Hulkbuster Armor!"

While saying this,

He noted the precautions for the Hulkbuster Armor.

For example,

It is better to increase the size, and it is better to be bigger than the Hulk.

For example,

It is better to increase the endurance of the armor, not the mobility.

And so on...

Tony thinks that he is not a person who will be shocked by any disturbance.

The reason why he wants to build the Hulkbuster Armor is because he saw the information on the screen.

Knowing that Dr. Banner has transformed into the Hulk, what he needs is anger.

And after becoming the Hulk form, he is like a beast that cannot think rationally!


This beast is extremely powerful.

It can resist a Leviathan beast alone.

It can do things that even he cannot do.


What if this uncontrolled beast that cannot think rationally is confused by something.

So he turns his anger to his own people?

If I don't make some preparations in advance.

Then everyone will have no choice but to die!

Tony looked at the anti-Hulk armor that was constantly being designed and improved.

He was also secretly amazed at the ability of the armor.

"I hope this will never be used..."


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