The world is full of hope, and the world is full of hope.


Thor, the god of thunder, saw himself being brave on the screen, and his blood was boiling.

Although he was deprived of his power by his father Odin.

Even the hammer of Thor that he had always relied on was thrown to the Rainbow Bridge and disappeared.


He has always been warlike.

He saw his future self on the battlefield on Earth.

Facing the Chitauri Army.

Killing all around.

He felt inexplicably hot.

Odin, the god of thunder, sitting on the throne.

Looking at Thor.

A barely perceptible smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Even though you have nothing, you still have a fighting spirit?"

"It seems that Thor, my child, it won't be long before you will be recognized by Thor's hammer."

And on the side of the hall.

Seeing Hulk on the screen.

Loki couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"What's going on?"

"Why do my legs tremble when I see this green guy?"

"By the way, at that moment in the future, I am the enemy of the Avengers."

"It's over, I won't really fight him."

Loki compared his small body with Hulk.

The whole person took a few steps back.

"In the future, I will not invade the earth even if you kill me."


[After solving the Leviathan monster, the heroes gathered together. ]

[And at this time. ]

[Loki ordered the army to attack, and more and more Chitauri entered the earth from the wormhole. ]

[Iron Man: Give the order, Captain. ]

[Captain America: Listen up, hold them back before closing the portal.

Barton, go to the roof and find out the route these guys are marching.

Stark, hold your ground.

Anything close to these three streets, force them to retreat, or burn them to ashes. ]

[Iron Man nodded, took Barton, started the thrusters, and flew into the air. ]

[Captain America continued to speak to everyone. ]

[Captain America: Thor, you have to find a way to block the portal and hold them back. You can summon lightning and burn them to ashes! ]

[After hearing this, Thor swung Thor's hammer and flew towards the portal in the sky. ]

[Captain America looked at Black Widow. ]

[Captain America: You and me, the two of us have to control the battlefield on the ground.

As for Hulk...]

[Seeming to understand what Captain America meant, Hulk turned around and waited for Captain America's instructions. 】

【Captain America pointed his finger at Hulk, looking a little hesitant. 】

【Captain America: Go ahead and smash it, big guy! 】



Director Nick Fury combined Captain America's words in the video.

Create a file for each character.

While creating.

He couldn't help but secretly marvel.

"Captain America is really a legendary figure who lives up to his reputation!"

"According to the previous information, it seems that the Avengers also fought with the enemy on the S.H.I.E.L.D. spaceship."

"But it seems that the damage was extremely severe."

"Even, Loki laughed at them as a mob!"

"And Captain America, who has a leadership temperament, can quickly understand the characteristics, abilities, and even personality traits of each hero in this short interval."

"And he can also combine the situation at every moment on the battlefield to assign the heroes the most suitable tasks for them."

"This kind of psychological quality, this kind of mind..."

Nick Fury smacked his lips.

The respect for the legendary figure like Captain America in my heart.

I couldn't help but increase it.


Behind the military camp.

Captain America looked at the video of himself commanding others.

He was yearning.

"My future self seems to have really become the commander of a battle."

"It seems that I have to work harder now."



Thor looked at Captain America on the screen.

He nodded secretly.

"If I were to be led by such a person, then I might really accept it."

Thor, who has always been arrogant.

Seeing Captain America's performance.

He couldn't help but affirm it in his heart.


Stark Tower.

Tony looked at this man who only existed in history books.

He was facing a companion who might be countless times stronger than him.

Captain America, who had clear logic, was not afraid of the stage, and exuded the smell of a leader.

He nodded.

"No wonder my father sent a large number of people to

Find the whereabouts of Captain America. "

"Such a person can resist an army of 10,000 people alone!"

"Will I be able to meet this legendary figure in the near future? I am really looking forward to it."


On the screen.

The scene changes.

[Famous scene 6: Loki being shot]



Loki saw this title.

I really want to throw the dagger in my hand.


The landlord has no surplus food!

Can you change someone!!!

If this goes on.

I will jump directly into the abyss of the universe!

Don't force me to find the Chitauri Army now!!!

Frigga on the steps saw the embarrassment on Loki's face.

A smile appeared on her face.

My own child.

How cute...


[In order to close the portal in the sky.]

[Black Widow uses Captain America's shield Cards, leaping to a flying chariot controlled by the Chitauri. 】

【Black Widow inserted her hands into the Chitauri's neck, trying to control him to make the chariot fly to the portal. 】

【At this moment, Loki also rode a flying chariot and rushed towards Black Widow. 】

【He was holding a scepter and emitting blue energy rays one after another. 】

【Making Black Widow dodge endlessly. 】

【Black Widow hurriedly asked Hawkeye for help. 】

【Black Widow: Barton! 】

【Hawkeye: What are you doing? 】

【Another blue ray shot over, and Black Widow almost failed to dodge it. 】

【Black Widow: Help! 】

【Hawkeye saw the two people flying in the air, tapped the quiver with his hand, and changed the power of the next arrow. . ]

[Next, he skillfully pulled out the arrow, drew the bow, and shot the arrow in one go. ]

[With a whoosh. ]

[The arrow with its tail spinning continuously flew straight towards Loki. ]

[As a god, Loki's physical reaction was amazing. ]

[He caught the arrow easily in the chaos. ]

[Loki looked at the arrow, then at Hawkeye who was shooting at him. ]

[He turned his head and gave Hawkeye a smile that said, 'You're only capable of this.' ]

[However. ]

[With a bang. ]

[The arrow, which was originally ordinary, exploded instantly! ]

[It blew Loki from the sky to the Stark Building. ]



Loki was a little crazy now .

Future me!

Do you have to be so embarrassed!

Do you know what it means to open champagne at halftime!

You are now facing the Avengers, which is composed of superheroes!

Have you ever thought about whether this guy who can only shoot arrows will have any power?

He even held the flying arrow in his hand and smiled at Hawkeye, saying, "That's all you can do."

Oh my.

It really has come to the end.

Only I am the clown, right?

And Thor, who was standing aside, saw this scene on the screen.

He was already rolling on the ground with laughter.

Loki saw his brother's reaction.

He quickly complained to his father Odin.

"Father, look at Thor, this guy doesn't care about his brothers at all! "

Odin on the throne.

After hearing this, he did not get angry.

He also laughed.

In the hall.

The Asgardians who had been holding back for a long time saw the God King Odin laugh.

They couldn't hold it back anymore.

They all laughed.

At this moment.

The entire Asgard Hall, inside and outside.

It was filled with a happy atmosphere.


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