The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next few days.

【We arrived at the void. 】

【The group took a break. 】

【Groot, Rocket Raccoon, and Drax were watching the small Colosseum in the casino. 】

【Star-Lord and Gamora were chatting in the corridor outside, looking at the street scene. 】

【Gamora: So, you worked so hard just for this thing. 】

【Gamora pointed to Star-Lord's Walkman, and she didn't understand it at all. 】

【Star-Lord laughed. 】

【Put the headset on Gamora's head. 】

【A classic song from the 1960s and 1970s sounded. ]

(I just fainted, fell in love foolishly~)

(I just fainted, fell in love foolishly~)

[Gamora seemed to be listening to music with headphones for the first time. ]

[The sound became much louder without her noticing. ]

[Gamora: This melody sounds very comfortable. (Super loud——)]

[Star-Lord couldn't help but take a step back. ]

[But then, he nodded. ]

[He grabbed Gamora's little hand. ]

[He leaned his head forward and pretended to kiss her. ]

[Swish! ]

[Gamora, who was still immersed in the music and ambiguous atmosphere just now, instantly drew her sword and put it on Star-Lord's neck. ]

[She said with shame and anger: No! I know who you are, Peter Quill!

I'm not one of those little girls who are just beginning to fall in love and will believe your...your sweet words. ]


Behind the military camp.

Howard couldn't help smacking his lips.

Today was really.

A knife cut my butt - I opened my eyes.

A love story across planets.

This is really amazing.


It seems that there are too many couples in our Avengers.

Captain America and Carter,

Tony and Pepper Potts,

Star-Lord and Gamora,

Black Widow and Banner...

I don't know if the new heroes joining later will have any partners or something like that.


[The scene changes. ]

[Inside the trading venue. ]

[Everyone met the final buyer - the white-haired collector. ]

[In addition to negotiating a good price. ]

[Everyone is actually very curious about what is inside the cosmic spirit ball. ]

[The collector was in a good mood when he saw that the cosmic spirit ball was finally in his hands, and explained: At the beginning of the birth of the universe, a total of six "strange bodies" appeared.

After that, the Big Bang gave birth to the universe.

The remains of these strange bodies were forged into several particles. 】

【While speaking, the collector controlled the projection. 】

【Everyone saw six oval gems with a size of one to two inches and a smooth surface. 】

【And the cosmic spirit ball was also slowly opened under a machine in the hands of the collector. 】

【The purple gem was revealed. 】

【It just matched a gem on the screen! 】

【The collector continued: These raw stones seem to be controlled and controlled only by extremely powerful and extraordinary forces.

Everyone, please look at the screen. 】

【Everyone turned their heads to look. 】

【I saw a god who was almost several hundred meters tall holding a sharp weapon inlaid with purple gems. 】

【Holding his hands tightly. 】

【Thrust it into the ground with force! 】

【The entire planet turned into ashes in just five seconds! 】



When Wanda saw the scene of the entire planet being destroyed in an instant, she was shocked. This... Is the energy contained in this gem so terrifying! ? ? And in the universe, the status of these six gems is the same. Doesn't that mean that other gems, such as Loki's scepter, the Cosmic Cube, the Aether Particles, etc., also have the same power! ? ? I actually wanted to install more gems on Vision before! ? ? Wanda couldn't help but imagine a Vision with six gems on his head in her mind. I just felt my scalp tingling. Or... Or create a Vision with one gem. Thinking of this, Wanda called Tony and Dr. Banner in this universe. ...... [Just then. ] [A sudden change! ] [A red-skinned maid next to the Collector suddenly stood up to resist. 】

【She grabbed the purple gem, which was the power gem. 】

【She shouted that she had had enough of being a slave to the collector for so many years, and she wanted to be free!!! 】

【The maid’s hand just

Just put on the power gem. ]

[Just heard a bang. ]

[A purple light film exploded instantly! ]

[The maid was instantly burned to charcoal. ]

[And a huge explosion spread out from the collector's room. ]

[The entire void was severely damaged at once! ]


Inside the spaceship.

Gamora saw this scene.

Her eyes widened.

I just felt unbelievable!

"I actually believe that this collector can properly handle this cosmic spirit ball!??"

Gamora originally had two purposes for the transaction.

One was to get a bounty of 4 billion in exchange for the opportunity to live a good life even if she left Ronan and Thanos.

The second was to hope that the collector could properly keep the cosmic spirit ball.

But now it seems.

The second purpose cannot be achieved.

This involves the first purpose cannot be achieved!

Rocket Raccoon saw that the cosmic spirit ball could actually cause such great damage.

The hair that was originally drooping on his skin exploded instantly!

He jumped up and down on Star-Lord, searching for the cosmic spirit ball.

"Quill, where did you put it, where did you put it???"

"This is simply a time bomb!!!"

"Throw it away! Throw it away! Let's throw it away quickly!!!"

Star-Lord put away the small bag on his waist.

He stopped him repeatedly.

"Hehehe, calm down, calm down!"

Gamora's eyebrows revealed a trace of anxiety.

"Quill, listen to me, this gem is so powerful, we can't give it to Ronan, we must give it to the Nova Empire!!!"

Star-Lord said in a broad voice.

"Yes, yes, yes, but.... think about it from another angle, we can also give it to someone who is willing to pay us a large sum of money and will not hunt us down at the same time."

Hearing this.

Gamora couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Oh my god, why did I come out to share the bounty with you!"



"Breaking faith!"

Just when Gamora was about to say something.

On the screen.

New content appeared.


[After everyone escaped from the Collector's residence. ]

[When they arrived at the door, they found Drax holding a sharp knife in both hands. ]

[Cheering at Ronan's fleet of spaceships in the sky. ]

[Seems to be celebrating that he can finally kill Ronan. ]

[Everyone realized it then. ]

[It turned out that Drax, who had not appeared just now, secretly ran away and spread everyone's coordinates. ]

[Led Ronan here! ! ! ]


On the spaceship.

Rocket Raccoon punched Drax's head.

"You fool!"

"Don't you see who the other party is? Who are you?"

"Fighting an entire fleet alone!!"

"You're the only one who can think of this!!!"

Drax was not annoyed at all when facing Rocket Raccoon's fist.

He even grinned.


He has been doing this for so many years.

He can finally kill Ronan with his own hands!

Rocket Raccoon saw Drax, whose eyes were still shining no matter how he hit him.

He was completely speechless.

"Forget it, watch the video."

"I swear, you will definitely die miserably later!"


【Ronan got off the spaceship. 】

【Ask if it was the coordinates sent by Drax. 】

【Drax did not answer this question, but immersed himself in his own world. 】

【Said that his daughter and wife died in the hands of the other party, and today he must kill Ronan and make him pay for his life! ! ! 】

【After hearing this, Ronan smiled contemptuously. ]

[This kind of scene has happened to him thousands or even tens of thousands of times. ]

[He doesn't want to waste time on this kind of person. ]

[He tells Nebula on the side that after taking back the Cosmic Spirit Ball, he turns around and walks back to the spaceship. ]

[Drax is very annoyed to see that he is ignored, and without saying a word, he rushes forward! ]

[But Ronan doesn't even turn his head, easily dodges the attack, and turns around to kick sideways. ]

[He kicks Drax directly into a store nearby, unconscious. ]

[Ronan is just about to continue walking towards the spaceship. ]

[Drax is like an indestructible cockroach, and he revives with full blood again and rushes up. ]

[But weak strength is helpless in the face of powerful strength. ]

[This time, Ronan spent a little effort, but still beat Drax away. ]

[By the way, while Drax was unconscious, he threw him to the side.

In the yellow pool. ]

[The goal is to drown him if not to kill him! ]


On the spaceship.

Drax opened his mouth slightly.

He never expected that.

He had been training hard for revenge for so many years.

He was defeated by Ronan so easily.

Even during the fight.

Ronan never looked at him straight in the eye once.

Such a revenge ending.

made Drax very sad.


[On the other side. ]

[Nebula drove a spaceship to chase Star-Lord and his gang. ]

[Because Ronan's spaceship fleet is too large. ]

[So, it's easy. ]

[Gamora was surrounded by Nebula's spaceship. ]

[Under a cannonball. ]

[Gamora's small spaceship exploded instantly. ]

[Gamora was ejected. ]

[Exposed to the universe without any protective clothing. 】

【It will turn into an ice sculpture. 】

【And Nebula, the nominal sister, saw the Cosmic Spirit Orb exposed in space. 】

【She didn't care about Gamora's life or death at all. 】

【She took the Cosmic Spirit Orb and drove away in the spaceship. 】


On the spaceship.

Star-Lord couldn't help but sigh.

"You and Nebula, the sisterhood is really a fake sisterhood."

After hearing this, Gamora.

She laughed at herself.

A fake sisterhood?

More than that.

Nebula wanted to kill me on the spot.


I was exposed in space.

The rest of the ending.

It's just turning into an ice sculpture.

No one should come to save me.

That's right.

As Thanos's adopted daughter and Ronan's accomplice.

Such an ending.

It seems not bad.

Gamora laughed at herself.

Cast your eyes on the screen.

Welcome the last moment of your life.


[Star-Lord stared at Gamora, who was gradually turning into an ice sculpture in the universe. ]

[He never expected it. ]

[The girl who listened to music with him not long ago. ]

[She died just like that! ]

[This made him feel very complicated. ]

[So, Star-Lord decided to open the spaceship and save Gamora. ]

[But his spaceship can only accommodate one person. ]

[So, he had to attract a bigger spaceship. ]

[So, he turned on the communication equipment and shouted: Yondu! My coordinates are 227K324!

It's in the outer space of the void!

If you can hear me, come and catch me! ! ! ]

[As he said, Star-Lord opened the temporary oxygen mask and came out of the spaceship. ]

[Then he turned on the small thruster and came in front of Gamora. 】

【Rocket Raccoon on the spaceship next to him yelled: Quill! Stop it!!

Go back to your cabin!

There's not enough space for two people!

You'll die!

Can you hear me? You'll die!!!】

【But Star-Lord still didn't care. 】

【Took off his oxygen mask. 】

【Put it on Gamora's head. 】

【Leaving himself defenselessly exposed in space. 】

【A trace of oxygen condensed on Star-Lord's skin. 】

【His eyes turned red. 】

【As if he was going to die in the next moment. 】

【But fortunately. 】

【At this time. 】

【Yondu's spaceship arrived. 】

【He sucked Star-Lord and Gamora back. 】

【Came on the spaceship. 】

【Star-Lord and Gamora breathed in the air in big gulps. 】

【Until this moment. 】

【Both of them can be said to have returned to normal. 】

【And Star-Lord seems to have recovered much faster than Gamora. 】

【While Gamora was still gasping for breath. 】

【Star-Lord can already stand up. 】

【Even the originally red bloodshot disappeared. 】

【The ice on the surface of the skin dissipated. 】

【It seems that it has returned to normal. 】



Thor saw this scene.

He couldn't help but drop his jaw.

This powerful healing ability.

And the strong physical fitness that can survive a short period of time even if exposed to space.

Thor couldn't help but sigh.

This can even be immortal! ? ? ?

This is really cheating! ! !

I can't do it so easily, okay! ! !

He couldn't help but ask Odin who was sitting on the throne.

"Father, what is the origin of Quill?"

"This, this physical fitness is simply too incredible!!"

Odin was silent for a while.

Then he slowly spoke.

"Maybe... he is a descendant of the gods."

Hearing this.

Loki couldn't help but exclaimed.

"The Celestials!!!"

You know.

The Celestials are one of the earliest life forms in the universe.

Their form is extremely huge, and their energy composition is still unknown and incomprehensible to any civilization.

They are two thousand feet tall and covered in armor.

No one has ever seen what they look like under their armor or knows their origins.

They are extremely powerful.

Even Loki can't say.

If his father Odin fights with the Celestials.

Who is more powerful.

And this Quill is actually a descendant of the Celestials! ? ?


It seems.

If Star-Lord joins the Avengers in the future.

He will definitely help the Avengers a lot.

At this moment.

On the screen.

A new title appeared.

"Famous Scene 5: The Death of Groot!"

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