On the spaceship.

After seeing this title.

Rocket Raccoon was instantly furious!

Groot is one of his few friends.

Even his only friend!

Because all his previous companions are dead.

Although Groot is a little silly, a little stupid, and a little silly and cute.

Sometimes it also brings him a lot of trouble.

But after all.

That is his only friend.


How could he watch Groot and repeat the fate of his previous companions?


Rocket Raccoon was tense all over.

He stared at the screen.

He swore.

We must not let the tragedy happen in the future!


[On the Predator spaceship. ]

[Yondu whistled, controlled the whistle arrow, and prepared to kill Star-Lord. ]

[Because Star-Lord had not followed the rules of martial arts before, and had directly traded the agreed cosmic spirit ball secretly. ]

[This made Yondu, such a leader of the Sweepers, very embarrassed in front of his subordinates. ]

[So, he must kill the chicken to scare the monkey! ]

[Let his subordinates know the fate of the betrayers! ]

[Star-Lord saw that the whistle arrow was approaching his throat. ]

[If he moved forward one more point, his life would dissipate. ]

[He hurriedly said that he had a way to take the cosmic spirit ball from Ronan's hands. ]

[And the collector's bounty is 4 billion. ]

[He can guarantee that the entire Sweepers team can make a lot of money. ]

[Everyone was stunned when they heard this number. ]

[4 billion bounty!!! ]

[This is more than all their previous bounties combined!!]

[These guys are profit-seeking guys.]

[Then, in the face of greater interests.]

[A matter like a betrayer trading privately seems to be much less important.]

[After hearing this, Yondu laughed and released Star-Lord.]

[The whole Sweeper spaceship has regained a happy atmosphere.]

[On the other side.]

[Rocket Raccoon, Drax, and Groot also drove a small spaceship to the Sweeper spaceship.]

[The Guardians of the Galaxy gathered together again.]

[Star-Lord once again proposed his idea to everyone just now - stop Ronan, snatch the Cosmic Spirit Orb from Ronan, and then save the planet Xandar.]

[Star-Lord: Guys, I need your help.

Look at us, what we look like - losers!

We are all no exception, and we have all experienced the loss of our beloved things - our homes, our loved ones, our lives...

Today, we finally have the opportunity to seize the turning point of fate and fight a beautiful turnaround!

How can we let go so easily! ? ? 】

[Drax on the side was rarely silent. 】

[In the battle with Ronan just now. 】

[He deeply understood that his previous efforts were a joke! 】

[He didn't want his life, and his future life, to be a joke. 】

[So, Drax slowly said: So, what should we do? 】

[Star-Lord: We have to do something seriously, even if it's just once, we can't live blindly!

I can't just watch Xandar being messed up by Ronan! 】

[Rocket Raccoon: But, Quill, Ronan is so powerful, you are asking us to die. ]

[Star-Lord sighed and put his hands in his pockets: Yes, I think so, but we...]

[At this time, Gamora interrupted and said: Quill, for so many years, I have been by my enemy's side, doing evil for him, and I thought I would live like this for the rest of my life.

But now, I am willing to live and die with my friends. ]

[Obviously, Star-Lord's previous act of giving her his temporary oxygen mask in space without hesitation deeply moved him. ]

[So, no matter whether Star-Lord has a way to deal with Ronan. ]

[Or how powerful Ronan is. ]

[She will definitely stand firmly behind Star-Lord. ]

[At this time, Drax also said: Quill, you are a brave and resourceful person, I choose to fight side by side with you.

Until... the day when I reunite with my family. ]

[Groot also slowly stood up and said: I am Groot.]

[Rocket Raccoon never expected it. 】

【Everyone except him stood


[Didn't they expect Ronan to be so powerful? ]

[Didn't they expect that Ronan, with the power gem, could destroy the entire Xandar planet with just a wave of his hand! ? ? ]

[Rocket Raccoon thought it was unreasonable! ]

[But he still said: I really think you are crazy, but fortunately... I don't have much time left. ]

[Rocket Raccoon stood up and spread his hands: Okay, okay, I stand up now, are you satisfied? ]

[Everyone present laughed. ]

[Since then, the Guardians of the Galaxy have finally united as one. ]

[They look like a team. ]


On the spaceship.

Everyone fell silent.

To be honest.

In the real timeline.

They are just a group of rabble gathered together because of the 4 billion bounty.

If you haven't seen this video.

They would never believe that one day, they would actually form a team.

But after watching it.

Their hearts slowly came together.

Ronan, who was already powerful, would do something crazy if he added the power gem in the cosmic spirit ball.

Everyone knew this in their hearts.

Star-Lord sighed.


"We can't give this cosmic spirit ball to the collector."

"We can't give it to Ronan either."

"Otherwise, the entire galaxy and the entire universe will suffer a devastating blow."

Everyone nodded, obviously agreeing with this view.

Star-Lord turned his head.

He looked at Groot and Rocket Raccoon.

He said, "Also, we won't let Groot die."

Rocket Raccoon looked up.

He saw the sincere kindness in Star-Lord's eyes.

This is a rare emotion in the universe, or in Rocket Raccoon's life.

This made its heart warm up.

But he, who has always been armed with a tough appearance, still managed to say something.

"Okay, let's watch the video first."


[On the spaceship, everyone began to make a plan. ]

[Star-Lord told everyone that because the gems would react with organic matter.

The larger the target, the greater the energy. ]

[So, in other words, their main goal is to prevent Ronan from contacting the surface of Xandar. ]

[Star-Lord asked Raccoon to lead a team to blow a hole in Ronan's spaceship, the Dark Star, so that everyone could sneak in. ]

[At the same time, Gamora took the opportunity to open the security door. ]

[Star-Lord will use a super-powerful submachine gun to kill Ronan at that time. ]

[In order to better kill Ronan, Star-Lord also took the opportunity to contact a fat commander of Xandar to help him kill Ronan. ]

[Arrived near Xandar. ]

[The plan went smoothly. ]

[Rocket Raccoon led the troops and blew a hole in Ronan's spaceship. ]

[But the enemy's firepower was unexpectedly fierce. ]

[Yondu was even shot down because of this. ]

[Star-Lord and others were also unable to break through the enemy's defense circle. ]

[But at this moment. ]

[The commander who had contacted Star-Lord before ordered a Nova Corps to rush to the scene. ]

[Assisted Star-Lord and others to break into the interior of Ronan's spaceship. ]

[But Ronan didn't care at all. ]

[That's right, he has the power gem that can easily destroy the entire planet. ]

[Why would he care about these little bugs? ]

[He directly ordered his men to ignore everything and let the spaceship crash directly into the ground at a vertical angle. ]

[The scene changed. ]

[Star-Lord, Gamora, Groot, and Drax have already stepped on the deck of Ronan's spaceship. ]

[Since all the energy was used to crash into the ground. ]

[So, the spaceship was unusually dark at this moment. ]

[Seeing this, Groot stretched out his hand and sprinkled a fluorescent substance similar to fireflies into the air. ]

[The whole spaceship lit up. ]

[After easily killing the blocking enemies. ]

[Gamora also successfully opened the door. ]

[Star-Lord opened his submachine gun and shot at Ronan. ]

[But what shocked everyone was. ]

[Under the blessing of the power gem, Ronan was actually unharmed! ]

[It seemed that the attack just now was just a mosquito-like attack that didn't hurt him! ]

[Then. ]

[Ronan calmly controlled the power gem and knocked everyone down in an instant. ]

[Suddenly! ]

[The raccoon drove the spaceship and crashed directly through the window. ]

[Ronan was directly rushed out and saved everyone. 】

But at this moment, the Darkstar has lost control and is about to crash. 】

【In order to protect everyone's safety, Groot opened his arms and formed a big circle to protect everyone. 】

【It is obvious that he wants to make himself a buffer layer, so as to sacrifice himself and save everyone. 】

【Under the tree, fluorescent light flickers. 】

【Rocket Raccoon, who knows what Groot is going to do, rushes to Groot and says: No! Don't do this! Groot! You will die!!!

Why are you doing this!

Why! ? ? ? 】

【Unconsciously, Rocket Raccoon, who has always faced everyone with a tough attitude, shed tears on his face. 】

【Groot separated a branch, slowly wiped the tears on Groot's face, and said: We are Groot.】


On the spaceship.

Rocket Raccoon looked at Groot on the side.

He didn't expect it.

This Groot, who used to only say "I", "am", and "Groot", can actually say more words one day - we and are. And this we refers to him and himself, as well as everyone in the Guardians of the Galaxy. Rocket Raccoon came to Groot. He said, "Don't worry, buddy, I will never let you die." Groot's wooden skin seemed to be touched. A flower grew on his skin. Groot reached out. He pulled the flower off his body. He handed it to Rocket Raccoon. He said, "I am Groot." Then he looked at everyone. He said, "We are Groot." Everyone understood what this meant. They all laughed. At this time, on the screen, a new title appeared. "Famous Scene 6: Dancing Saves the World!"

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