The screen is full of surprises.

The video continues.

【Faced with Dormammu's question, Doctor Strange replied: No, this is reality. 】

【Dormamu nodded and continued in a very arrogant tone: Really? That's great, you go to hell!!!】

【Swish! 】

【Two stone pillars fell from the sky! 】

【Directly penetrated Doctor Strange's body, piercing him to the bone! 】

【This time, Doctor Strange didn't even summon a shield, and let Dormammu toss him at will. 】

【The next moment. 】

【Time flows backwards. 】

【Doctor Strange fell from the sky again. ]

[What he said was still the same old thing - Dormammu, I'm here to negotiate! ]

[Dormamu: You...what the hell is going on here! ? ? ? ]

[Time has been reversed twice now, and Dormammu finally found something wrong. ]

[Doctor Strange explained calmly: Just as you gave Kaecilius power from your world, I also brought some power from my world. ]

[Doctor Strange raised his left hand and showed the green halo on his left wrist: This is time, infinitely looping time. ]

[Dormamu instantly understood what Doctor Strange meant - if he couldn't negotiate with Doctor Strange, then Doctor Strange would repeat this short period of time until Dormammu negotiated with him. ]

[Dormamu felt insulted and offended! ]

[Who is he, Dormammu? ]

[The supreme ruler of the dark dimension! ]

[And who is Doctor Strange in front of him? ]

[This human has weak mana, not even comparable to the Ancient One, not even the Supreme Sorcerer. I don't know where this human came from! ]

[He, he actually dared to force me to negotiate with him! ? ? ? ]

[Do you still take me seriously? ! ! ]

[Dormamu shouted: You are so brave! ! ! ]

[As soon as the voice fell, a fist as big as a mountain hit Doctor Strange heavily. ]

[And the next moment. ]

[Time flows back again. ]

[Doctor Strange's voice sounded again-Dormamu, I am here to negotiate. ]

[Dormamu's face surged like waves with anger: You can't always repeat this cycle! ]

[Doctor Strange shook his head: In fact, I can. Isn't it like this now?

You and I are trapped in this moment, repeating endlessly. ]

[Dormammu's huge face came up: Really? Then you will die infinitely! ]

[Doctor Strange replied: Yes, but everyone on Earth will survive. ]

[When he said this, there was no fear on his face. ]

[Dormammu opened his eyes wide and stared at him: But you will suffer a lot! ]

[Doctor Strange chuckled: Really? Suffering is already an old friend. ]

[Dormammu stopped talking nonsense, opened his mouth wide, and a purple laser shot out of his mouth, killing Doctor Strange instantly without leaving any ash. ]

[Of course, time flows back again. ]

[Next, it is a monotonous repetition. ]

[Doctor Strange said again and again without getting tired of it - Dormammu, I am here to negotiate terms. ]

[In less than half a minute, Doctor Strange was killed by Dormammu. ]

[It's just that Dormammu kills Doctor Strange in a different way every time. 】

[Sometimes it summons a huge planet to smash down,

Sometimes it is a stone pillar that falls from the sky and penetrates Doctor Strange's body,

Sometimes it summons green vines to strangle Doctor Strange to death,




Peter Parker saw this scene and couldn't help but mutter to himself.

"The title of this video shouldn't be called "Dormammu, I'm here to make a deal with you."

It should be called "Doctor Strange's Ten Thousand Ways to Die"!"

Other heroes also saw what Spider-Man said on the public screen.

I couldn't help but agree deeply.


The title of this video should really be called "Doctor Strange's Ten Thousand Ways to Die"!

This Doctor Strange is too miserable!

Don't look at him every time after time goes back, it's like nothing happened.

But the pain of death that Doctor Strange felt in the previous time loop is real!

In other words.

He dies ten thousand times, and he will feel ten thousand times of pain!

If it were anyone else, they would definitely collapse!

Moreover, he could have used the Eye of Agamotto to reverse time before Dormammu's attack landed.

But he didn't.


Because if he did that, Dormammu would think that Doctor Strange was afraid of death!

Even if the terms were agreed upon later, Dormammu might come back right after Doctor Strange left.

Because Dormammu would think that the guardians on Earth were just cowards, and he was afraid of nothing! ! !

But Doctor Strange showed that he was not afraid of death!

As the saying goes, those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes!

This would make Dormammu very daunted and very scared!

Not afraid of death!

That means this cycle will continue!

Until the end of time! ! !

Never ending! ! !


Behind the military camp.

Captain America looked at Doctor Strange who was dying over and over again.

Nodding in appreciation.

This magician.

He likes him very much.

He is not afraid of dying over and over again.

Isn't this very similar to him who always says "I will keep fighting" as his catchphrase?

Heroes appreciate each other.

In Captain America's opinion.

Doctor Strange no longer has the arrogance and conceit like Tony before, but has the same responsibility and tenacity as him.

How can Captain America not have a good impression of him?


[Doctor Strange is painful. ]

[But Dormammu is more painful! ]

[Just imagine it! ]

[On a hot summer night, when you are about to go to bed, an immortal mosquito keeps buzzing in your ear, making you unable to sleep. ]

[How many people would collapse if this happened to them! ! ! ]

[Dormamu is no exception. ]

[I can't remember how many times Doctor Strange has died. 】

【Dormammu looked at Doctor Strange who was struggling to get up from the ground and said: You will never win! 】

【Doctor Strange panted, with a firm look in his eyes: Yes, I can't win.

But I can keep losing!

Lose once, then try again!

And then try again!

Until forever!!!

Then, I will make you my prisoner! 】

【Dormammu collapsed, and he shouted: No!!! Stop!!! You stop!!! 】

【It threw stone pillars at Doctor Strange angrily, but the next moment, it heard the familiar sentence again-Dormammu, I am here to negotiate. 】

【Dormammu couldn't hold it anymore! 】

【It finally gave in and said: Okay, what terms do you want to negotiate? 】

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