The two of them were in a state of panic.

【Faced with Dormammu's question, Doctor Strange replied: Take your fanatics away from the earth, stop doing evil in my world, and never come back.

If you agree, I will stop the cycle. 】

【Dormamu was very angry, but he had no way to deal with this bug that could cycle time. 】

【In desperation, he could only agree to Doctor Strange's conditions. 】

【The scene changed. 】

【Outside the Hong Kong Island Temple. 】

【Mordo and Wang took a fighting stance towards Casillas and said: Get up, Stephen, get up and fight! 】

【But they didn't seem to notice that there was no Doctor Strange between the two. ]

[And Kaecilius still said that sentence - how beautiful this dark world is...]

[Obviously, when Doctor Strange and Dormammu were in the dark world, the time loop was going on. ]

[The real world was also in the time loop. ]

[Just when Kaecilius was sighing. ]

[Doctor Strange, wearing a red cloak, slowly landed from the sky behind Kaecilius. ]

[Mordo and Wang both widened their eyes. ]

[In their cognition, Doctor Strange should be between the two of them, how come he went around behind Kaecilius? ]

[Seeing the direction of Wang and Mordo's gaze, Kaecilius also realized that something was wrong. ]

[Looking back suddenly, he saw Doctor Strange with a calm face. ]

[Casillas: What on earth did you do! ]

[Doctor Strange: My terms have been negotiated. ]

[Suddenly, Kaecilius felt that something seemed to be wrong with him. ]

[He looked at his hand. ]

[But he found that his left hand was becoming like sand. ]

[Doctor Strange said calmly: This is what you have always wanted, to become a part of Dormammu's body.

But perhaps, you will not like it. ]

[Casillas tried to struggle. ]

[But his power itself came from Dormammu. When Dormammu wanted to take back his power and take him away, how could Casillas resist? ]

[So, the next second. ]

[Casillas and his two accomplices turned into ashes, flew into the dark world, and completely fell into Dormammu's arms. ]

[Doctor Strange looked at the fate of Casillas and others, and couldn't help muttering to himself: In fact, you really should have stolen the whole book, because the warning was written behind the spell. ]

[After hearing this, the king laughed with great joy. ]

[Doctor Strange looked at him in surprise. ]

[He really didn't expect that this fat guy who had been blocking him in the Kamar-Taj Library and preventing him from reading higher-level books would actually smile? ]

[It was really a strange thing. ]

[Doctor Strange raised his eyebrows, ignored Wang, opened the Eye of Agamotto, and restored the Hong Kong Island Temple and the surrounding buildings. ]

[The buildings were restored, and the streets were bustling again, as if nothing had happened before. ]

[Perhaps, only Doctor Strange and others knew how dangerous the entire earth was just now. ]

[Doctor Strange looked at this peaceful scene, and the big stone that had been hanging in his heart finally fell. ]

[Wang couldn't help but say: We succeeded. ]

[Compared to the relaxed Wang and Doctor Strange, Mordo's face became solemn, and there was no joy after victory on his face. ]

[Mordo: Yes, we succeeded.

But you have also violated the laws of nature. ]

[Doctor Strange and Wang were confused and didn't understand why Mordo said such a thing. ]

[Doctor Strange: But look around, it's all over. ]

[Mordo: You still think it doesn't matter, right?

There won't be any serious consequences?

We are all like her, breaking the rules, and will pay the price sooner or later.

This is destined, karma! ]

[Unconsciously, Mordo, who originally respected the Ancient One very much, no longer called the Ancient One directly when calling the Ancient One's name, but instead used a harmless "she". ]

[After hearing Mordo's speech, Doctor Strange and Wang tensed up and looked at him vigilantly, fearing that there would be another villain in the world. ]

[Mordo naturally saw the meaning in the eyes of the two people,

He really didn't expect that even his two comrades couldn't understand his thoughts. 】

【But he didn't want to say anything anymore】

【People with different ideologies can't work together. 】

【Modo continued to say: I don't want to go on any more. 】

【After saying this, he turned around and left. 】


Stark Tower.

Seeing this.

Tony couldn't help but curse.

"What the hell is this guy pretending to be!

Just now, when Doctor Strange was fighting with Casillas and used the Eye of Agamotto to restore the surrounding buildings and help you defeat Casillas's accomplices, you didn't say anything.

Now that the matter is over, you are talking nonsense again.

Isn't it just that you are unhappy to see Doctor Strange leading everyone to victory?"

Tony didn't have any good feelings for this black man named Mordo.

Isn't this just naked jealousy?

And he made a righteous look.

Who are you acting for!




Looking at Mordo, who will take a different path from himself in the future.

Doctor Strange couldn't help but sigh.

Remember the earliest beginning.

It was Mordo who helped him defeat the gangster who came to steal his watch in the alley.

It was Mordo who took him into Kamar-Taj.

In the subsequent studies, Mordo also took good care of him.

Although this was more or less the will of the Ancient One.

But Mordo's kindness to him is understandable.

Doctor Strange sighed.

I really didn't expect Mordo to become such a person.

Just when Doctor Strange was sighing.

On the screen.

New content appeared.


[From a proud, arrogant, conceited surgeon Stephen to a responsible and world-protecting Doctor Strange. ]

[Doctor Strange's experience and growth are very sad. ]

[Continue to be a surgeon, he can save people. 】

【But as Doctor Strange, he can save more people! 】

【For more people, Doctor Strange gave up his original life. 】

【This is really a sacrifice that ordinary people can hardly accept. 】

【What will he encounter next? 】

【Let's not talk about this for now. 】

【By the way, everyone must be very curious, where did the spaceship go after the Battle of Sokovia?

What kind of story does Loki have when he disguised himself as Odin in Asgard? 】

【Next, let's move on to new content. 】

【Please enjoy. 】

【Famous scene 1: The court drama that killed the Thunder God - the death of Loki! 】


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