The next video is about to be played.

All the heroes are looking forward to it.

Hulk, who has been missing since the Battle of Sokovia;

Loki, who deceived Thor and took Odin to an unknown place.

These two people are very exciting to take out alone.


The meaning of this introduction seems to be a hint.

In the next video.

Maybe there will be interaction between Hulk and Loki? ? ?


Loki saw the words in the video.

His face turned pale.

He was impressed by the Hulk who threw him around in the Battle of New York in the previous video.

Even just watching the video almost gave him a psychological trauma.

Thor grinned beside him.

Loki and Hulk?

Hehe, I'm really looking forward to the next content.

Needless to say, the video clip later will definitely show the video of Hulk swinging Loki around again!

When the time comes, I'll have to take a small stool to watch it carefully!

Thinking about it, Thor couldn't help but laugh like a fool.

Loki looked at the big stupid Thor next to him and was so angry.

He laughed like that!

Anyone can imagine what Thor is thinking in his little head!

Bah, so unlucky!

You can't forget the scene of being tossed around by Hulk, right! ! !

Just when the two brothers were thinking about their own things.

On the screen.

The video continued.


[Somewhere deep underground filled with magma. ]

[Thor was tied up in the air with iron chains. ]

[Thor talked to a skull in front of him and explained why he was tied here. ]

[It turned out that since the battle between Sokovia and Ultron, Thor has embarked on a journey to find the Infinity Stones. ]

[Two years have passed. ]

[Today, he unfortunately fell into the hands of the enemy. ]

[And the enemy is Surtur, who sits on the throne, has a bull head, and is like a demon described in mythology. ]

[Looking at Surtur in front of him, Thor was also very surprised. ]

[Because as far as he knows, his father Odin killed him as early as 500,000 years ago. How can he be alive now? ]

[Surtur, sitting on the throne, said disdainfully: It's not that simple. I won't die so easily before completing my mission. ]

[Thor, who was tied up in the air, said: It's quite strange to talk about this. I've been having nightmares recently and found that Asgard has become a ruin in a sea of ​​fire.

And you, Surtur, are standing in the middle of the ruins. ]

[Surtur: Really? It seems that you have witnessed the Ragnarok and the fall of Asgard.

The great prophecy will come true! ]

[Just as Surtur wanted to continue talking, the iron chain binding Thor creaked and moved. ]

[Thor was originally facing Surtur, but he turned his back to him in an instant. ]

[The scene suddenly became very awkward. ]

[After a long time, Thor finally turned around. ]

[He asked: Okay, what do you mean by Ragnarok? ]

[Surtur saw that Thor was tied up in the air and it was in his pocket, so he naturally had the leisure to explain. ]

[He said: The end of the world is coming, when my crown and the eternal fire are reunited, my power will awaken again, I will reign over the mountains, my sword will pierce Asgard...]

[Just as Surtur was getting more and more excited. ]

[Creaky. ]

[The chains binding Thor made a sound again. ]

[Thor was turned away from Surtur again. ]

[The scene became very awkward again. ]

[Thor: Wait, wait for me to turn around.

I swear, this is not me making trouble, this thing is moving by itself. ]

[After Thor finally turned around, he asked: Okay, so what you mean is that you want to put your crown in the eternal fire, and then you will become as big as a house? ]

[Surtur quickly retorted: Like a mountain! ]

[Thor: Okay, okay, then where is your crown? 】

【Surtur pointed to his bull head and said: This is my crown, this is the source of my power! 】

【Seeing that he finally got the

Thor no longer pretended. ]

[With a wave of his right hand tied behind his back, Thor's hammer broke through the wall! ]

[Thor also broke free from the chains, came to the ground, and picked up Thor's hammer! ]

[Obviously, everything just now was just a disguise. ]



Thor laughed carelessly.

That's right!

With his strong physique and the help of Thor's hammer.

How could he be tied up by the enemy so easily?


[Surtur saw Thor break free from the chains and shouted: Asgard boy, you have made a big mistake!!! ]

[Thor was not panicked at all: Making mistakes is commonplace for me. ]

[At this time, there was another roar next to him. ]

[Thor turned his head and saw that it was a dragon that had emerged from the lava at some point, preparing to tear him to pieces! ]

[There were countless minotaur monsters rushing over from all around. ]

[Thor knew that he had to fight quickly and decisively! ]

[So, with Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song", the battle began! ]


[Thor swung Thor's hammer, and the wind from his hammer formed a barrier similar to a shield. ]

[This made it so that no matter how many minotaur monsters rushed over, they couldn't get close to him. ]

[Then, Thor swung his hammer hard again! ]

[Thor's hammer quickly circled around Thor like a clock, instantly expanding its defense range! ]

[Originally, they just couldn't get close to Thor, but now those minotaur monsters couldn't even try to get within ten meters of Thor! ]

[Thor reaches out and summons the hammer again. ]

[Then he jumps up! ]

[Uses Thor's hammer to draw the power of lightning! ]

[Smash it down harder! ]

[Boom boom boom! ]

[Dust billows! ]

[No more minotaur on the ground. ]

[Surtur sees Thor so fierce and knows that he can't be defeated by these soldiers alone. ]

[So, holding a fiery sword, he sprays infinite hot flames at Thor! ]

[The air around him suddenly becomes dry and hot. ]

[Thor swings his hammer, forming a protective shield on his chest to resist the enemy's fire attack. ]

[Then, he takes advantage of the gap between Surtur's fire attack. ]

[He jumps up! ]

[Countless lightning forces gather on Thor's hammer! ]

[Turning the hammer into a sword! 】

【Cut off Surtur's head with one hammer! 】



When Thor saw this scene.

He burst into laughter.

He couldn't help but say to Odin on the throne with a hint of boasting.

"Father, I told you, just believe me!

I cut off Surtur's head, which is his crown!

Then Ragnarok will definitely not happen!"

Odin, sitting on the throne, looked at Thor, who was excited and excited.

A thoughtful look flashed across his face.

But he still didn't say anything.

Instead, he said lightly.

"Watch the video first."


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