The 1984 World War II was a tragedy.

The Steinke Building.

The atmosphere in the room was so heavy that it seemed to condense into water.

No one present could have imagined that.

The one who sold the weapons to the terrorists.

It turned out to be Obama!

The best friend of Tony's father!

After Tony's father died in a car accident, he even acted as Tony's godfather!

Tony thought of countless people in the company who might have leaked the weapons.


He just didn't dare to think of that person as Obama!


In fact!

There was no need to think in that direction!


Tony really couldn't figure it out.

What was Obama trying to do! ? ? ?

You know.

Oba has been in charge of the company since his father died in a car accident.

He did many things in person to prevent the company from going bankrupt.

You can say.

Without Oba's contributions to Stanky Company in front of and behind the scenes.

The company would have closed down long ago.

Tony didn't know where he was at this time.

How could he live a life of debauchery and drinking like a playboy now?


Oba didn't covet power.

When he was 21 years old and met the legal requirements and could have a certain say in the company.

Oba immediately gave up his position to Tony.

Willing to be below Tony!

You know.

Oba was the number one person in Stanky Company at that time.

Although his fame was not as great as his current one.

But his status and power were far beyond what he could compare with today.

You can say.

He was above everyone else.

If he really wanted to get rid of Tony, he didn't want Tony to come to the stage.

He didn't need Obama, the big boss, to do it himself.

He just needed to raise his eyes slightly.

Let his subordinates understand it themselves.

The subordinates would rack their brains to figure out what the boss meant.

If he really did that.

Tony would not even know how he died!


If he traced it later.


You said it was Obama who used means to make Tony disappear?

The close friend of Tony's father.

The big boss who managed to keep the Stenk company going?


Absolutely impossible!


You said it was his subordinates who noticed Obama's hint and used means to make Tony disappear?

That must be the fault of that subordinate!

It must be some ignorant subordinate who misunderstood the boss's meaning.

Such a loyal old employee and big boss who contributed to the company.

How could he do such a heinous thing?


Absolutely impossible!

Tony could already imagine it.

If Oba really wanted to attack him in his early years.

He could guarantee it.

He would disappear completely.


In less than two months.

No one in the entire company would mention his existence again.

Pepper stepped forward to comfort him.

"Tony, do you want me to do something, such as... kill Oba..."

Pepper's words were obviously a little hesitant.

After all.

In the final analysis.

No matter how bad Oba is.

That's just the future scene on the screen.

Is Oba actually that bad?

They are completely unsure.

What if the story on the screen happened in a parallel world.

Then they saw the video and mistakenly thought it happened in the time and space they are in now.

So they rushed to capture Oba.

What if Oba didn't actually trade with terrorists?

What if everything was a misunderstanding?

That would be a lot of fun in the end.


Both Pepper and Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes were a little hesitant and hesitant at this moment.

Tony obviously thought of this too.


He first said to Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes.

"Rhodes, send a few people to monitor Obama. If there is anything wrong, tell me immediately."

Then, Tony said to Pepper.

"Pepper, check Obama's work trends in the past six months from the company log. If there is anything wrong, tell me as soon as possible."

Finally, he instructed Jarvis.

"Jarvis, hack into my computer host in the company and retrieve all the recent shipping lists."

After giving all this instructions.

Tony exhaled heavily.

"Obama, I hope this is all a misunderstanding."


On the screen.

The picture continues.

[After returning home. ]

[Tony didn't

Talk. ]

[Turn on the TV and watch quietly. ]

[What Oba said tonight is hard for him to accept. ]

[And now he has no evidence to prove that Oba is telling the truth. ]

[Even if he wants to do something to Oba, it is not in accordance with the rules. ]

[On TV. ]

[The news reports a series of tragedies in the town of Migula. ]

[Finally, the name of the Ten Commandments Gang is mentioned. ]

[Tony repairs his mechanical arm and sees the bald leader who kidnapped him on TV. ]

[Then see those terrorists use the weapons made by his company to do whatever they want in the town. ]

[At this moment, he can no longer bear it. ]

[He puts on the red and yellow armor that has been sprayed with new paint and flies into the sky. ]

[A beautiful arc is drawn in the sky. ]

[Not long after, the town of Migula is here. ]

[Here, Jericho missiles bombard the valley as if they are free. ]

[The members of the Ten Commandments gang took the weapons produced by the Stank Company and fired wildly at the unarmed civilians. ]

[The bearded leader shouted that the women should be loaded into the car and all the men and children should be killed. ]

[Boom! ]

[Tony drove the Mark II down from the sky, like a god descending from the sky! ]

[Seeing this strange man in red and yellow armor, the terrorists present all picked up their machine guns and fired. ]

[Tony was not ambiguous at all. ]

[The hand that was originally used as a thrust stabilizer was equivalent to a small RPG after operating at maximum power. ]

[Tony pointed his hand at the enemy. ]

[A large number of enemies were eliminated with one shot. ]

[After seeing Tony's terror, the members of the Ten Commandments gang realized that they could not fight him head-on. ]

[So, without morals and bottom lines, they pointed their guns at women and children, threatening Tony nakedly not to act rashly. ]

[Tony put down his hand that was constantly emitting beams and moved his fingers. ]

[He used Jarvis's super-intelligent analysis system to screen out the enemies one by one. ]

[Next, the enemies were greeted by the extremely accurate bullets fired from Tony's shoulders. ]

[Only two whizzing sounds were heard. ]

[The enemies who aimed their machine guns at children and women all died. ]

[Seeing that everyone was saved, Tony felt that he had completed his mission. ]

[He started the thrusters of the mecha and flew into the air. ]

[But when he was only halfway up. ]

[A tank fired a shell and shot Tony down in mid-air. ]

[Tony fell heavily from the sky, smashing a big hole in the concrete floor. ]

[Tony climbed up from the big hole and barely avoided another bomb fired at him. ]

[He looked at the tank less than 20 meters away from him and pointed his hand at the tank. 】

【The latest small arms of the Tank in his hand were fired. 】

【There was only a clang. 】

【The weapon hit the tank. 】

【Tony turned around. 】

【The explosion sounded behind him. 】

【A real man never looks back. 】


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