The battle was over, and the enemy was in a mess.

Behind the military camp.

Captain America exclaimed, "Tony is the kind of superhero that can be called a superhero."

"High-precision single-unit destructive power, this is really awesome."

Captain America didn't realize until this time that Tony's technology was a dimensional strike for human warfare.

When watching the New York War before.

Because the heroes were fighting against aliens like the Chitauri Legion.

And the heroes' team had a big bug like Thor, a Nordic mythological god.


Even if you watch the whole war.

Captain America told the truth in his heart.

It didn't feel very real.

It felt more like pure science fiction and pure mythology.

It was like watching a filmed movie.

And now when he saw Tony driving the Mark II across the battlefield.

He was deeply touched.

Howard, the arms chief, also had his eyes lit up.

"If this technology did not appear in seventy years."

"But now."

"Only one hundred units, no, even only fifty units!"

"That would be enough to end this world war completely!"

Howard felt itchy at the moment.

He wanted to travel to seventy years later immediately.

Catch his son.

Ask him how he made such a perfect weapon.



Director Nick Fury nodded.

Compared with the weapons in their S.H.I.E.L.D.

This weapon is already at the top level.

What's more,

The weapons in S.H.I.E.L.D. have been precipitated by decades of technology.

And Tony, this pervert.

From scratch.

Create a perverted single combat weapon like the Mark II.

It took less than four months.

It's just a perversion.

Director Nick Fury couldn't help but sigh.

"Tony is really a genius!!!"



Thor, Odin, Loki and others didn't feel much about Tony's destructive power.

After all, when Thor had the hammer in his hand.

Just swing it twice.

Trigger the power of thunder and lightning.

It can cause nearly a hundred casualties.

And those are people from the nine kingdoms with strong physical fitness and special abilities.

If these bad guys from the Ten Commandments Gang were to be Thor's opponents.

I'm afraid the boss of the Ten Commandments Gang would slap himself twice.

Ask yourself why you would mess with such a thing.

Thor is not very interested in the damage caused by Mark II.

He is interested in when Tony built the weapon.

He actually considered that the enemy might threaten the people in exchange for a glimmer of life.

So when Tony was making weapons, he also added a super artificial intelligence system that could analyze enemy images.

And the weapons fired were also very accurate.

It was guaranteed that civilians would not be shot.

It was not that Thor could not do all this.

It was just that his magic power and divine power were not cultivated enough.

The moves launched with Thor's hammer were more of an AOE range attack against all enemies.

If all the enemies in this area were holding civilians at the moment.

With Thor's current divine power, he could control it.

Forcibly launching moves would only hurt innocent people.

He was not like the anti-terrorist force of the Bear Country.

To carry out an anti-terrorist operation, the hostages had to be killed.

He, the god of thunder, really wanted to do this.

He had no doubt that his father Odin would kill him.


Thor was very moved when he saw Tony's move to accurately lock on to the enemy.


If I could go to Earth one day.

I would definitely ask Tony for advice.


Stem Tower.

Faced with Tony's heroic performance in the video.

The three people present seemed a little uninterested.


The hero descended from the sky like a god;

Alone, he killed his way through the enemy's lair;

After the explosion, a real man never looked back.

These things really look cool.

But now Tony has a more difficult problem.

He looked at the progress of hacking the company's computer displayed on Jarvis's screen.

His heart was hanging.

He really didn't want Obama to become a person who lost his conscience and resold arms to terrorists in the end.

He would be very sad.

Ding sound.

All the recent shipping lists were retrieved by Jarvis.

Tony looked closely


It's obvious.

There are several mismatched data every year.

This shows that the loss of arms is not a recent thing.

Maybe it has existed for several years.

Even bolder.


During the years when Obama accepted, he secretly started to do this kind of thing!

At this time.

Pepper investigated Obama's work in the past six months.

Even Obama's daily life routine was investigated as much as possible.

Pepper hesitated for a moment.

But still spoke.

"Tony, Obama's flight record in the past six months is a little wrong."

"Logically speaking, the number of times Obama uses aircraft in the past six months, such as managing up and down, shareholder meetings, and military-political contacts, is limited."

"And Obama's number of aircraft uses in the past six months has a strange small range of fluctuations."

"Putting aside the needs of daily life, I still think this is an abnormal set of data."

At this time.

Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes hurriedly ran over from outside.

"Tony, something bad has happened."

"I just sent a few staff members to follow Oba."

"I didn't expect the other party's vigilance to suddenly increase. From the relaxed posture at the beginning, he suddenly became tense."

"And, after a while, he got rid of my men."

"This Oba, there is definitely something wrong!!!!"

Tony sorted out these pieces of information.

His eyes were full of thoughts.


He closed his eyes.

He sighed heavily.

He said.

"Arrest Oba."


For a long time.

Oba was brought to Tony.

He was completely confused.

Oba originally wanted to order two supermodels today.

Go to a big house outside the city to enjoy a good time.

But who would have thought.

He just took the supermodel to the car.

Prepare to leave the city.

Eating hot pot.


Suddenly he was robbed by bandits.

Oh no.

Suddenly he was stopped by the military and brought to Tony.

The key point is that he was still wearing a sackcloth hood on his head.

As if he had done something bad.

Oba took off the hood.

He looked at Tony innocently.

"What's wrong, Tony, what tricks are you playing?"

Tony was not fooled by Oba's innocent expression.

He showed the video of Oba avoiding the surveillance of military personnel just now.

Tony looked into Oba's eyes.


Oba clapped his hands and explained.

"Hey, those people who were monitoring me were sent by you."

"I thought it was a small matter."

"We are in the arms business, so we have to be more vigilant when we go out."

"Your new guys are obviously recruited. Their tracking methods are not professional at all. I found them right away."

"I naturally saw that the situation was not good, so I got rid of them when I found a chance."

"No way, Tony, just for such a small matter, you made such a big fuss to play with me???"

Tony ignored Obama's nonsense.

He continued to hand over Obama's abnormal flight data for the past six months provided by Pepper.

Tony still said the same thing.


Obah took the report from Tony.

He looked at the data and his expression was slightly moved, but he quickly covered it up.

Obama's face showed a silver smile that all men understand.

"Hey, you know."

"I've found some good places outside recently."

"As a man, you always go home with a red flag flying high, and go out with colorful flags flying high, right?"

"Ahem, keep your mouth shut, don't tell your sister-in-law."

After saying that.

He also pretended to cough a few times.

Tony still ignored Obama's sophistry.

Finally he produced decisive evidence.

Abnormal weapons cargo list.

Every abnormal data on it was handled by Obama or Obama's men.

Tony looked at Obama's panicked eyes.

Not in a hurry.

Still the same sentence.


Obama took the list.

He was really panicked at this moment.

He gritted his teeth.

He slapped himself hard a few times.

"Yes! I did it!"

"I was blinded by greed, influenced by the benefits, and greedy for money!"

"I secretly sold arms to others without your consent, it was wrong of me!"

After saying that.

Oba slapped himself hard a few more times.

"Tony, it's all my fault, you can do whatever you want with me!"

"I was really wrong, Tony, please forgive me!"

Oba became more and more excited.

Even in the corner of his eyes,

He even squeezed out a few tears.

His expression was sincere.

His words were moving.

He seemed to really realize his mistakes.

Like a prodigal son.



Of course he just casually perfunctorily passed it by!

Realize his mistakes?

It's even more nonsense!

Everything Obama did just now.

It was all a gamble!

He bet that Tony only found the most superficial problem, but didn't find the real serious part of the problem!

He bet that Tony was just angry for a while!

He bet that Tony would think of their previous relationship, and no matter how angry he was, it would only be thunder and rain in the end!

He bet that this matter would eventually turn a big thing into a small thing, and a small thing into nothing!

And after today's hurdle is over.

Obama swore that he would do everything he could to make Tony Stark and the people present.

All disappear completely!

The whole thing has been discovered.

Then there is no need for the people who know about it!

Oba sobbed a few times.

He hid all his thoughts deep in his mind.


He had to play the role of a good man who cried bitterly, realized his mistakes, and turned back.

Oba looked at Tony with eager eyes and pitiful eyes.

Come on.


It's your turn.

Say the words "Let it go" or "I still forgive you".

I swear when I kill you.

It will be more comfortable.

Oba looked into Tony's eyes.

Looking forward to his response.


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