Shoujo Grand Summoning

: 186 Princess and Queen! The Shura field of my generation...

(Thank you very much for the 'single body? Public nuisance!', 'heartbreaking, unintentional', 'nickname I hate you' reward! '囧猪囧猪', 'Name Baoxin' monthly ticket! VIP period recommended period! Hope friends We support more!)

(For matters related to the establishment of the group, friends and friends please read the book review!)

Perhaps because of being speechless in front of his own face, he prayed to the beekeeper that he had a very important relationship with the person, and that the beautiful face of Meiqin was full of anger, which slowed down.

"All in all, you give me the first to leave the woman, the woman, not as simple as you think, when you are sold by her, don't know!"

Silently, of course, I understand why Meiqin said this. Indeed, the ability to pray for beekeepers, if you really want to sell someone, maybe the other party will help her count the money...

Meiqin is also reminding no words. After all, the means of eating bees praying, the most eaten is her, and Meiqin has not been dealt with by her unscrupulous means, so she hates eating bees.

It’s just that the swearing of other people’s bad words is not the character of Meiqin, so the latter has become the so-called “not simple” argument. In fact, it is also worried that no words will be manipulated.

Of course, it is impossible to be manipulated, otherwise he will not know the details of the beekeeper’s prayers, and accept her invitation to run to her site. The big reason is that he has the same name as the Meiqin. Ability, able to immunize the bees, and dare to go to the door...

"Being the ace of the regular plate, it is really rude to say that the board is a teacher..." The beekeeper prayed of course to know the hidden meaning in the Meiqin dial, after all. She was originally trying to fight the Meiqin with no words, and invited her to come to her without words...

Wen Yan, Meiqin politely prayed to the beekeeper: "Your means is not the first time, isn't it rude? Is it afraid to be said? I don't care what you plan to do, bee Pray, if you dare to hurt the people around me, I will never forgive you!"

The beekeeper prayed for a flashing star, and did not care to return to the Meiqin. "I want to say you, Yuban classmates, don't you think. Suddenly intervening in other people's appointments. Is it the most rude?"

Meiqin laughed, and the laughter was so ironic that she was surprised and speechless. Face a person. Meiqin has never had such a performance. I can think of how the Meiqin is disgusted with the beekeeping.

"Involve your date? Didn't you hear it? It's because I didn't date him... I will date you, you just make up!"

"Since the board members have said it themselves. If you haven't been able to date, then please leave, don't bother our date, we have to swim..."

"You!" Meiqin bit his teeth and shouted loudly: "I can do it now! So I have to date it! It is you!"

"Oh? Is it? This is also something that people are willing to do..." The beekeeper prayed his face on the silent shoulder, licking his face with his **** chest, and said with a flattering voice.

"Hey, Xiaoyan, you said, let Xiaoxin accompany you on a date, okay?~~~"

There was a word of goose bumps. Although the beekeeper prayed for a close conversation, the hot aroma was all on his face, and the body was always on his body, making him feel all kinds of cool, but the little words and Xiao Xin’s nickname is really...

"You don't mess!" No words can only glance at her, this way said, although the beekeeper is indeed very attractive, but now Meiqin is his own match, provoke her, it is miserable.

It is a pity that the beekeeper prayed that it was ironic to fight with the Meiqin once. Not only did he not listen to it, but he raised his own hands and ringed his speechless neck, putting a pair of plump meat **** on his face. On the chest!

"Small words, you will talk about it~~~" The full body twisted in front of the silent body, and the beekeeper prayed slowly to put the face up, as if the next second would kiss up, very Seductive!

The beekeeper prayed that nature would make the speechless burst, but the Meiqin would be uncomfortable. Seeing the beekeeper praying to use her chest meat (the beautiful view) to honed the silent body, the violin of the Meiqin The cockroach rushed up, standing by the pool and shouting.

"Yeah! You said! You are going to date the woman! Or date me!"

"No...sister older... date something... sunsick me..."

The horrible thing that had just been sunk on the ground seemed to be stimulated by the words of Meiqin. The trembling hands raised and planned to protest. The result was that the Meiqin was on hand... the amount of the foot was hit silently.

"Sa! Who are you going to date? Choose it! Words (small words)!" x2

Looking at the two girls who stared at him, whispering in a whisper, a little calm, could not get up, and burst into tears, watching the fire suddenly burned to his body, shouting in his heart.

Shura field or something! How is it possible? ! !

Under the urging of the eyes of the two women's ‘righteous demon eyes’, there was a lot of scalp numb and there was no choice but to be helpless.

"If I really want to date, of course I am with the Meiqin..."

When this sentence comes out, the two women's looks are different. The beekeeper is biting his teeth and seems to be a bit unwilling. As for disappointment, there is a point. After all, there is no words in her heart. Left a little shadow...

Meiqin is happy to laugh, not only because he won the beekeeper, but also because he did not read the wrong person. After all, it’s not a word, but it’s not a mess.

The beekeeper prayed back his hand on the neck without words. The dissatisfied said: "I didn't expect that your eyes were so bad, you would rather choose the poor-discharged discharge sister, and would not choose me..."

The words fell, Meiqin a smile suddenly froze, no way, the beekeeper's blow is really too sharp, just hit the pain in Meiqin's heart.

Without words, he spread his hands and smiled and said: "Well, the original Meiqin is my woman, of course I have to choose her!"

It was heard that the face of Meiqin’s stiff face was another tremor. A red wave spread from her neck to her entire face, and almost came out.

"Oh? Is it?" The beekeeper prayed a little, and then resumed the original state, but there was a faint loss in the heart, but it would be just a moment...

Nothing calmly nodded, followed by a weird smile. "And, dating the Meiqin, but you can do a lot, very interesting activities..."

"Yu!" Strange laughter, plus this means something, but also personally experienced, how can Meiqin not know what to say?

I remembered the last date, the lingering in the cinema, the beautiful face of the violin, the stuttering mouth, the one mouth, the one can not say a word, and the beekeeper is not a simple person, how I don't know what it means to be speechless, and with the performance of the Meiqin, the beekeeper prayed.

"You guys...has already..." The meaning of the beekeeper's prayer is obvious, that is, whether there is a relationship between the speechless and the Meiqin!

"No, no, no... not!" Meiqin stepped back two steps, and there was already smoke on his head. He hated and said nothing, and his heart was dark.

This abominable guy actually said it, so shameful...

The beekeeper prayed and looked at the beautiful red piano, and looked at it without any words. Immediately, a thick sense of guilt rose from the heart of the beekeeper.

She still remembers that she is in front of her, and she is strong in the face of Yu Meiqin. She claims that Yu Meimei will not participate in her ‘game’, saying that her stage is not here...

She still remembers that in the past, she was disgusted by anyone, and regarded her own eyes as a monster. From the silent mouth, she became a ‘a beautiful pair of eyes’...

She still remembers that her words have resolved her point of view on her passers-by and helped her correct her perspective on things...

She still remembers to talk with her words, eat the same ice cream with no words, laugh together, play together...

Today, for the beekeeper, it is undoubtedly different...

However, the person who created all of this is actually the other half of the 坂 坂 美 美 美

Really, all the good things will go away from themselves...

The beekeeper prayed as he thought about it, while looking at the red face and the messy Meiqin, she bit her teeth and suffocated.

"Hey, the taste is so dull, such a body likes it, can't I compare with her?" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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