Shoujo Grand Summoning

: 187 In the Changpantai dormitory, put a flash bomb...

(Thank you very much for the reward of ‘雷响’, ‘昵叫我恨你’! The monthly ticket of ‘Meteor’s Dance Steps’! and the two monthly tickets of ‘vidqw’! During the recommendation period of vip novels! Seek support wow~~~)

Walking on the way back to the regular table, I looked at the two girls who had completely occupied their hands and held tightly, and sighed with a headache...

One hand was held by Meiqin, and her face was red and she was scorning the other side of the wordless...

On the other side, it was prayed by the beekeeper, but compared to the blushing and blushing violin, the expression of the beekeeper was full of sweetness, with a smile on his face and a head resting on the shoulderless face. A very happy look, but without words, I know that at least nine out of ten are in the way...

While feeling the tenderness of the two women, while bearing the passers-by, it seems to look at the scum, the worm's gaze, the situation at this time, completely confirms a sentence, pain and happiness...

As for the so-called date with whom, in the end, of course, it is no longer enough, although I would like to have another passionate date with Meiqin, but before I was speechless, I have been praying with the beekeeper, so I will throw it. The next girl who just had a date, ran to date with another girl, how can I do it without words?

In the end, the date is gone, the swimming is also ruined. Of course, the words are satisfied. After all, if you want to see the Queen’s wearing a swimsuit, it has already been realized...

However, the Queen did not know what was irritating, and always took herself to show her love to Meiqin. It seems that it is a ghost idea that wants to cross the sword and win the love, to fight the appearance of the Meiqin, so that speechlessness is speechless and enjoyment...

However, I have to say that the Queen's plan is very successful. I can see the performance of the gunner now. If I change the usual time, in this kind of court, Meiqin can at most pull the little hand with her own, close ring. It will never be made...

of course. The final benefit is still speechless...

"Okay, come on, let's go and let go..."

See the regular table dormitory that has already appeared in front of you. Silently helplessly said to the two girls who are still in the confrontation. I was holding my hand all the way. Both hands are silent.

It was said that Meiqin immediately wanted to let go, but after seeing the beekeeper did not let go. She stopped again and prayed to the beekeeper: "Hey, haven't you heard it? Hurry up and let go!"

Instead of letting go, the beekeeper did not let go, but held it tighter, letting the silent hand fall into her fullness. "Yu Ban classmates, Xiao Yan also told you to let go, so you let go!"

"You let go first!" Meiqin said a little childishly, it is very correct to use childishness to describe it. At this time, who is the first to let go of the dispute, at least it is said that the weak is exploding...

"Since the board of the board does not want to let go, then I don't care~~~"

The beekeeper prayed with a look of 'getting cheap'. In fact, the one that really makes a profit is the one that gets tighter and tighter...

Looking at the beekeeper who planned to go to the skin, Meiqin took a blue-white current on his forehead and tightened his arm. He shouted out loudly and shouted: "With the hands of other boyfriends, you are not ashamed." Is it?"

"Ah, is the board of the Royal League swearing sovereignty?" The beekeeper prayed that he didn't care, and said something: "I also asked my boyfriend to find some daisies, Ika. Los, ah, Astraya, and so on, say..."

Remember this thing...

Meiqin is also a glimpse, his face changed for a while, tweaked for a while, then smashed his feet. "They...they are different!"

"Where is it different?" Seeing that Meiqin didn't want to reveal the meaning of the three people's information, the beekeeper shook a disappointment in his eyes, and then smiled and said: "Since the board is able to allow his own male Friends are dating other women, so just like me..."

"It's not the same!"

"Where is it different?"

Meiqin suddenly swayed, and finally he could only arbitrarily shouted: "In short, it is not the same, you give me a hand!"

"Do not let go!"

"Hurry up and let go!"

"I just don't let go!"

Almost zero distance to watch the two beautiful girls bicker, and the reason is still him, the silent voice is a burst of cool, but soon the mouth twitched.

Didn't they find out that the sound is a bit big in the downstairs of their own dormitory? ...

The Meiqin and the beekeepers did not find it. At this time, on the dormitory floor of the Changpantai, the windows of each floor have been opened...

Numerous young girls wearing regular school uniforms stood by the window and looked downstairs. The intimate man and the same man were yelling at the beautiful and the beekeepers, and they seemed to be alive. The same, rounded eyes.

"I didn't read it wrong?" One of the girls in the regular table blinked and seemed to be trying to dispel the illusion that appeared in front of her eyes.

"I think it should be wrong..." Another girl standing next to her said calmly, unlike the girl who intended to dispel the illusion, she was determined to think that everything in front of her eyes was an illusion...

Of course, it’s not just them, but her regular girl, who has finally reacted from a series of incidents, has become obsessive.

"Does it seem like a royal man and a beekeeper?"

"Yeah, what are they doing?"

"It seems to be fighting for who will let go of the man's hand first..."

"This is impossible..."

"Yu Ban adults...bee-eaters... actually holding the same man..."

"This is not true, is it…"

"Who is that man? Is it the second or first place in lv5? It has won the hearts of the two electricians, the electric shock princess and the bee queen."

As more and more people talked about, the voice became bigger and bigger, and gradually, the whispers began to become loud, and they rang in the entire Changpan dormitory, which also rang in two disputed girls. In the ear...

The arguments are getting louder and louder, and they are introduced into the ears of the two women. The two women’s disputes are getting smaller and smaller. In the end, they are too small to ignore, and they turn their heads to look at the dormitory. The two women are at the same time stiff. Living.

After the reaction, the Meiqin reflexively released the silent hand, and the beekeeper prayed to recover after seeing the scene of the Changpantai dormitory, and it was full of words. Hand, after seeing Meiqin let go, revealed a triumphant smile.

Meiqin hated the teeth and listened to the voices of the arguments. His face began to turn red. Finally, he screamed and said: "I don't want to let go!"

This time, the bee-eater is polite, and it is natural to let go of the silent hand, calm and calm, and form a sharp contrast with the impetuous Meiqin, let the words sigh, but soon, his face Also began to be unnaturally up...

"Since the man can get the heart of the singer and the beekeeper, what is he?"

"That is, people are not handsome, and they don't look like lv5. I really don't know why the two adults will have a dispute for him!"

"I think he is using a despicable means to let the two adults fall in love. Many men are like this, and they are played in TV series!"

"Isn't that big board and beekeeper not very dangerous?"

"No! We must rescue the singer and the beekeeper! Let the wicked man die!"

"Yes! We have to plan, we don't know what to do..."

Without words, the more the cold sweat is flowing, the more the girls who are already planning to rush down. I quickly said to the two women: "So you are here, I will go first, just like this!"

After that, I didn’t wait for the two women to answer, ‘咻’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’

The two women stunned, and they responded. They looked at each other. Meiqin snorted and turned away. The beekeeper was standing in the same place, watching the backless speech and looking again. Going into the dormitory's Meiqin, the mouth of the mouth pulled out an intriguing smile, then muttered.

"We... will see each other again..."

On the other side, an indoor swimming pool is on the edge of a swimming pool...

A black and white pair of pony tails lay on the ground, his eyes turned white, his body twitched from time to time, and he struggled for a long time...

Thorough, forgotten... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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