Shoujo Grand Summoning

: 188 The trouble of finding a door...

(Thank you very much for the ‘following with the maple’ and the ‘dream of the little demon’!! During the recommendation period of the vip novel! Please support friends~~~)

In the absence of strength, the words run at the fastest speed, leaving the Changpan station dormitory that is no different from **** for the present self...

It wasn't until I couldn't see the corner of the Changpantai dormitory. I stopped slowly and stopped. I looked back and saw that no one had caught up. After a word, I was relieved and wiped. Wipe the cold sweat on your forehead.

When I saw the super cannon and the magic ban, I still felt that the girls in the regular table should be the kind of everyone. After all, in the summer, those girls dressed as maids, but one They are as soft as water.

After today, no words will never think so again. What kind of water is the girl in Changpan, it is clearly a wolf...

Recalling the team of supporters who prayed for bees, and recalling the dangerous speeches of the girls in the dormitory of the Changpan station, they were shocked and vowed that if they had nothing to do, they would not go there!

It seems that the Missy of the Changpantai, probably only the two followers of the post-marriage photon, the buoyant Wanbin and the bay are guaranteed...

When I think of it, I can't help but smile, and then I walked in the direction of my home, but I quickly got a footstep. Of course, for a while, I stepped out undetected, and went home if nothing happened...

With your hands behind your head, it’s very casual to move your own steps, but if you look carefully. You will find that there is no way to avoid the places where there are many people, and try to go to places where people are sparsely populated!

With the silent meaning, the surrounding pedestrians are getting scarcer, and until finally, there are not many pedestrians around!

At this time, in the corner behind the speechless, the two wearing black suits and eyeglasses are completely dressed in some triads. They quickly caught up with nothing. And stood in front of him and stopped his way!

Seeing these two people, they stepped back two steps without a word, with a little fear on their faces. But the strong and calm said: "What are you doing? Robbery? Sorry. I have no money!"

The two men in black suits looked at each other. Then nodded, and one of them took the first few steps and said to the silent, "Someone wants to see you. Can you take a trip with us?"

Although it sounds like I'm asking for a silent opinion, but looking at his tough face, and another person's hand that has already reached into the clothes, is completely intended to be hard!

The unspeakable eyes of the unspeakable eyes, and then restored to the original state, the two men in black suits with fear on their faces, timidly said: "There are... Anyone wants to see me, will not come directly to me. ?"

Unfortunately, these two 'blacks' wearing black suits seem to be not planning to talk with each other, and directly reach out, intending to take away without words!

Seeing, a silent eye flashed through a cold mans, his hands slightly gripped, a trace of current flowing slightly between the two fingers, tiny without any sound and light!

But very quickly, there was nothing to say, and the current on the finger was pinched by him, disappearing and disappearing...


A sudden sound is behind the silent, but it is the two black people who are obedient to stop the movements in hand, silently pretending to panic look!

A middle-aged man dressed in a white coat, like a doctor, and a scholar, stood not far from the words, and a pair of glasses on his face. I looked like a scum of a sage, so that I couldn’t help but swear. He has two punches.

However, the words are still pretending to be panic, and they are forced to look at him calmly. The middle-aged man seems to be very satisfied with the expressionless expression, pushing the glasses on his face and laughing.

“How can we be rude to our important guests?”

Although I don't want to talk about it, you are looking for me, but looking at the face that is so incompetent, I can't really think of it. I can only pretend again.

"who are you!"

"Don't be nervous, young people..." The middle-aged man smiled at the silent and friendly. Of course, this friendship was what he thought. He slowly walked silently and waved at the two black men. They retired and looked around with vigilance.

"You haven't answered my question yet, who are you? And, why are you looking for me?" The faceless bullying and hard-faced expression looked at the middle-aged man, and the voice was a little trembling.

It is said that the middle-aged man is quite a mysterious smile. He said with a strong heart: "Young people, who we are, you better not know better, you know, know too much, it is not a good thing..."

Listening to the middle-aged man, it was a mysterious tone, and there was no speech. I almost couldn’t hold back a sword and cut him.

Dressed up like this, who do you want to marry? ...

This is what I want to be the unspoken mind of the movie actor...

The middle-aged man patted the shoulderless face and said nothing in the tone of the old man: "So, don't ask who we are, but you can answer another question!"

After that, the middle-aged man smiled and said nothing. "We are coming to you, there is one thing for you to help..."

"Help?" No words directly stunned, this is not installed, but really stunned, he really can not think, with this guy who is not close to love, what is the help?

"Yes! Help!" The middle-aged man looked at him without a word, and looked back at the direction behind him. He said: "Young people, we have observed you, look at you, it seems to be the ace of Changpan, lv5 The third place, 'Super Electromagnetic Cannon', Yu Meimei, is very familiar..."

The silent pupils shrank slightly, looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, his eyes flashed a murderous, and realized that things might not be simple, and they quickly bowed their heads and concealed the look in their eyes.

The middle-aged man said this sentence, why did he find himself, and the reason has probably been guessed.

The speechless performance, falling in the eyes of middle-aged men, is because their own whereabouts are mastered by others, and the fear in the bottom of their hearts, after all, this guy in front of me is just a common (?) confusing...

"Young people, don't be afraid, we won't be like you!" The middle-aged man said with a smile, it seems that there is a feeling that the stock has already won. "As long as you help us a little, just fine..."

The implication is that if you don't help, then you don't know what will happen...

"Help...what is it?" With a faceless face, the face was written with the words "I am scared, come and bully me."

When the middle-aged man heard the words without words, he smiled and took a needle from his body and handed it to him.

"Looking at you is very familiar with the third, even very intimate, so this 'busy' is not difficult for you, you just promise to help us to take a third blood, just fine, how? ”


"Really, just like this? Will it be difficult for me?" said hesitantly, of course, another potential meaning is heart.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man smiled. "Of course! As long as you are willing to help us, we will not only be embarrassed, but will also give you enough money to live a lifetime!"

When the words fell, the middle-aged man took a piece of paper from his body and handed it to the needle with a needle. "After you complete the task, just call this and contact us. At that time, someone will naturally pick up the items. Naturally, it will give you the money you want!"

After the silent passage, the middle-aged man pushed his glasses and smiled. "So, I wish you a happy cooperation!"

After he finished speaking, he waited without a word, and he went straight. He left and took away the two black men.

Until they couldn't see their figure, the expression on the face of the speech disappeared completely, and a faint look at the needle in the hand, a power reminder, directly blow it into ashes!

"If I don't want to fight for a little more time, I really want to slash the sullen man with a sword!" said a wordless face, really, he was disgusted...

Sighed and looked at the direction of the regular table.

"It seems that Ya Resta is going to work directly with Meiqin. Before that, I hope that the things of my sisters can be solved..." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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