Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 26 The power of the skeleton guard, killing Tian Feiming!

On the hill.

"Master, what level of ghost is that Miss Jueyi?"

Marley said curiously.

He is a fourth-level Star Envoy.

But when Miss Jueyi appeared, he still felt intimidated.

Even the two fourth-order astral creatures scattered around him.

It also conveyed fear to him.

To know--

His two fourth-order astral creatures.

But one of them has reached the fourth level!

"The deacon of Youlan Society should be at the lower level of the sixth level."

Tian Feiming said.

He didn't want any surprises in killing Zhao Xin.

So just——

Just spend a lot of money to invite a sixth-level ghost.

Use a sixth-level ghost to kill a trainee Star Envoy.

This is simply killing a chicken with a knife.

But he still did it.

When a lion fights a rabbit, he must use all his strength!

"Sixth level down!"

Both Marley brothers looked shocked.

They just guessed at level five.

But I didn’t expect——

It turned out to be a sixth-level ghost!

Six levels.

This is already an extremely terrifying level.

One step further is the seventh level.

And to the seventh level.

He is already a high-level powerhouse!


"Why should a little Zhao Xin spend three hundred pounds to ask a sixth-level ghost to do something?"

Marley felt a little distressed when he thought of the huge sum of three hundred pounds.

"Zhao Xin must die."

"It's just a matter of spending more money. What I want is foolproof!"

Tian Feiming said lightly.

Think of it now.

Zhao Xin might be dead, but he felt happy in his heart.

What's three hundred pounds?

If he could get rid of Zhao Xin, he wouldn't feel bad for another three hundred pounds.



"Tian Feiming, you actually walked out of Haicheng and came here..."


"The ghost you invited is too weak..."

at this time.

Zhao Xin came over from not far away.

He was wearing a white uniform of the Demon Slayer, his black hair was flying in the wind, and he smiled softly.

The little skeleton followed suit.

Standing one step ahead and to the left of him, motionless.

There was no ripple in the soul fire in his eyes.

after all--

These creatures in front of me are very weak.

It posed no threat to him at all.

"...Zhao Xin!!"

"You...why are you here!!"


Tian Feiming's expression changed drastically, and he looked at Zhao Xin in disbelief.

His eyes widened, even more disbelieving than seeing a ghost.

How can it be!

at this time.

Shouldn’t Zhao Xin have been killed by Miss Jueyi? !

Why did he suddenly appear in front of him!

this moment.

He felt unprecedented panic in his heart.

A guess crept into his mind at an alarming speed.

Miss Jueyi is dead!

That's why Zhao Xin got his location from Miss Jueyi and came over!

But how is this possible! !

Miss Jueyi——

But the deacon of Youlan Society is a low-ranking sixth-level ghost!

And Zhao Xin is just a trainee star envoy who just opened the star realm half a month ago!

The astral creatures conceived are still the weakest little skeletons!

The gap between the two.

There is simply a world of difference.

How come Miss Jueyi is dead and Zhao Xin is alive.

And found him here! !

This is impossible!

Totally impossible!

But he is not an ordinary person after all.

He reacted quickly.

Seeing that there was only a small skeleton in front of Zhao Xin, with a cold face, he ordered:

"kill him!!"

at the same time--

He also summoned his own astral creatures.

A third-level frost demon wolf.

A third-level centaur leader.

as well as--

A fourth-level low-ranking silver elf!


Brother Marley shouted angrily, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Both of them are fourth-level Star Envoys.

Although he has reached the limit of his potential, there is basically no possibility of further promotion.

But each person also has two fourth-order astral creatures.



"Ho ho!!"


The four-winged fire eagle, cloud-patterned dragon-horned leopard, moonlight demon wolf, and nine-horned thunder bull received the order and immediately attacked Zhao Xin.

The flames condensed into balls and twisted the air.

The thunder and lightning turned into spears, crackling.

The astonishing cold light flashed on the dragon's horns, as if it could penetrate everything.

The demon wolf opened its mouth wide, and a cold moon-white energy ball condensed and formed.

"Fourth-level astral creature..."

"Fourth level Star Envoy."

Zhao Xin's expression did not change at all.

He put his hands behind his back and watched calmly.

in front of him.

The soul fire in the little skull's eyes moved slightly.

Four rays of death flew out of his eyes and fell to the ground.

The air of death surged.

Just for a moment.

Four skeletons over three meters tall, covered in black as ink and with bones as hard as iron, walked out of the death aura.

They hold a bone shield in one hand and a huge scythe in the other.

The eyes were dark, deep and terrifying.

Looking down at the rushing astral creatures from a high position.

"……What's this?"

Brothers Tian Feiming and Marley looked at these four huge skeletons with numb scalps.

Each skeleton is one story high.

His whole body was surrounded by the aura of death.

Just their appearance gives them an extremely scary feeling.


Don't wait for their reaction.

The four pitch-black sickles seemed to turn into four bolts of lightning, rising from bottom to top.

The cold gray sword was extremely sharp, with a length and breadth of more than ten meters.


Four fourth-level astral creatures—

There was no resistance at all.

In an instant, he was cut in half by the sword, and blood and internal organs fell to the ground.


The four large skeletons took a step forward.

The black eyes looked at the remaining three astral creatures and the Marley brothers.


The Marley brothers screamed in horror.

But the sickle has already been cut out.

So fast——

Far beyond their reaction limits!

The deathly gray blade was as bright as a piece of steel, and all the gravel and vegetation along the way were turned into powder in an instant.

The heads of the three astral creatures flew up.

The heads of the two Marley brothers also flew up!

Hot blood spurted out, staining the surrounding ground red.

all of these.

It all happens within two breaths.

too fast.

It's just like chopping melons and vegetables.

Tian Feiming stared blankly at this extremely incredible scene.

His legs suddenly became weak and his body fell to the ground.

His face was pale, he was trembling uncontrollably, and his eyes were full of fear.


His whole life.

I have never seen such a terrifying scene!

Fourth-level astral creature——

Just like weeds, harvested at will! !

Looking at the four huge skeletons, the color between his legs quickly darkened.

"There is no soul light..."

"Killing the Star Envoy and the creatures in the star realm won't allow me to open the dream world..."

Zhao Xin frowned.

This is for him.

Not good news.

"There is another possibility."

"The levels of these two Star Envoys and these star world creatures are too low..."

He murmured in his mind.

Let go of your thoughts.

He looked at Tian Feiming, who was physiologically his cousin.

"Cousin...cousin! Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

Tian Feiming has completely collapsed.

He cried bitterly, not even caring about his wet pants, and knelt on the ground and kowtowed crazily to Zhao Xin:

"Cousin...cousin! I am your biological cousin! Please don't kill me!"

"I can do anything for you!"

“No matter what happens!!”

Zhao Xin looked calm and said with a strange expression:

"What if I ask you to kill Tian Shaohui?"


"As long as my cousin doesn't kill me, I can kill anyone I want!!"

Tian Feiming paused and continued to kowtow crazily.

"A tiger father has no dog son..."

"But hell is too lonely. You are weak and you will inevitably be bullied..."

"As a cousin, I really can't bear it..."

"It won't take long. I will send my uncle and others to accompany you..."

"You are a harmonious family and can support each other even in hell..."

"This way I can feel at ease..."

Zhao Xin shook his head and said softly.

He glanced at the little skeleton.

The little skeleton glanced at the four big skeletons.


The sickle breaks through the air.

Tian Feiming's huge head flew up, his eyes widened, and he refused to close his eyes!

Asking for a monthly ticket.

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