Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 27 Killing people and raising ashes, the survival trial is over!

Look at the three bodies on the ground.

Zhao Xin looked at the motionless little skeleton standing in a daze.

Then he looked at the four large skeletons that were falling apart and dissipating into death energy.

He walked forward on his own anyway.

Perform one of the oldest actions.

"Two hundred and thirty-two pounds in gold."

"A white and silver ring with extraordinary fluctuations."

"The dignified new young master of the Chusheng Group, together with two fourth-level Star Envoys, all carry these things?"

He muttered.

This harvest——

It's not as good as the ghost lady's contribution.

"But wealth is accumulated bit by bit."

"Now I have a fortune of seven hundred and thirty-three pounds and seventy pieces of silver."

"There are three more extraordinary items."

"Even if you are promoted to the fourth level of Royal Star Envoy, it is more than enough."

There was a look of satisfaction on his face.

In fact, Miss Ghost's gain should also be attributed to Tian Feiming.

After all, there is no Tian Feiming.

That ghostly lady with a charming appearance will not come to him either.

Not to mention.

It also allowed him to open another dream world and obtain the soul magic 'enslavement'!

"Burn the body and the remaining belongings to ashes and scatter them in the wind."

Think about it.

He looked at the corpses on the ground and ordered to the little skeleton.

At the same time, he also had some regrets.

There is no way to deal with the souls of these three people.

According to what he has in mind.

for the enemy.

It's time to crush the bones and spread the ashes, even the soul must be completely wiped out.

The soul fire flashed in the little skeleton's eyes.

He waved his hand and beat out the ball after ball of death energy.

The air of death fell on each corpse.

Whether it's a star envoy or a creature from the astral realm.

Everything was in the air of death and began to be quickly eroded, rotted, and turned into ashes.

The same goes for the technological watches they wear.

A gust of wind blew.

Everything is scattered with the wind...

Return to the temporary nest in the Jialan Mountains.

Zhao Xin was still sitting cross-legged on the branch, practicing the 'Hengsha World Map' with all his strength.

He is now at the second level.

The distance to second-level consummation is also very close.

Therefore, we must seize the time to practice.

We can't all pin our hopes on killing the mid-level monsters and gaining access to the river of time, right?

Who knows next time I will kill the monster.

What can he gain.

The entire Jialan Mountains are not peaceful.

Various low-level demons were constantly fighting with a famous star messenger.

A large number of low-level demons died.

Become the trophy of the Royal Star Envoys.

But occasionally——

There are also Star Envoys who died in battle!

All the corpses were devoured by demons, and no bones were left!

Between the Star Envoy and the Demon.

It's never a battle, it's a war!

A bloody and cruel war.

Survival Trial——

It is a test conducted by various countries in order to improve the bloody nature of the Star Master.

In times like this.

The Royal Star Envoys enjoy privileges and their status is far above ordinary people.

It's because the Star Envoys are the only weapons against demons.

It is also the most important combat force in human society.

But what if it’s a Star Envoy who can’t even survive the survival trial?

If you die, you will die.

No country will regret it.

Time keeps passing.

The sun rises and sets.

The clouds gather and disperse.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Three days.

In addition to looking for food, Zhao Xin.

The rest of the time I spent on the branches, practicing non-stop.

To become strong.

You have to endure loneliness.

Extraordinary people who can't bear loneliness might as well give up practicing as soon as possible and enjoy life.

"Didi didi——"


A voice came from the watch he was wearing:

"The survival trial is over, please return to the starting point!"

Zhao Xin opened his eyes.

"it is finally over……"

He whispered softly.

He jumped directly from the branch and walked out of the mountain with the little skeleton.

This survival trial is for him.

If Tian Feiming hadn't come to see him off.

He may have no experience at all.

outside the base.

A famous Royal Star Envoy walked out of the Jialan Mountains.

The moment you step into the base.

They all breathed a sigh of relief.

The trial of survival is not easy.

Although there are very few second- and third-order astral creatures.

But as long as you encounter——

For them, it is a great danger!

Come three days.

My nerves were tense all the time, and I didn't even dare to sleep.

Always beware of demon attacks.

Even if there are astral creatures guarding you day and night, there is no guarantee at all.


Only after returning to human society did they finally feel at ease.

Let them understand too.

To have such a peaceful life.

All come from the tireless struggle and fighting of each Royal Star Envoy!

At this time.

Zhao Xin walked out with the little skeleton.

The expressions of many Royal Star Envoys suddenly became strange.

Especially looking at Zhao Xin's dry and flat backpack and clean clothes.

Most of them showed contempt and whispered:

"Every survival trial will result in one or two hundred Star Envoys dying, but in the end, a loser like him who gave birth to a little skeleton survived..."

"I must have found a good place to hide as soon as I entered the mountain. What a coward..."

"Don't say that. Who doesn't know the little skeleton's combat power? Is it possible that you still ask others to die?"

"So what if you pass the survival trial? You will only be a first-level Star Master in your lifetime."

"Not much better than ordinary people, just useless."

Not only the Royal Star Envoys who participated in the survival trial.

Even the Sky Navy sergeants in the base all looked strange.

They didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

After all, it is a survival trial, and it does not necessarily involve fighting monsters.

On the contrary, I feel——

Zhao Xin was able to survive in the Jialan Mountains for three days with a small skeleton, which was not easy.

They know it.

In order to prevent some Royal Star Envoys from entering, they hid.

However, many demons that are extremely good at finding prey have been placed in the Jialan Mountains.

But even so.

The other party still hid well and was not discovered by any monsters.

This is really surprising.

Zhao Xin looked calm and returned directly to the team of the Demon Slayer Division.

The head of the Demon Slayer Department, Bai Zhan, glanced at him and said nothing.

Not long.

All the surviving Royal Star Envoys have come out.

"Get in the car and go back to the city."

Bai Zhan spoke concisely and directly gave orders.

Three of the Demon Slayers died.

The mortality rate is considered normal.


Many Demon Slayer Star Envoys took orders.

While excitedly communicating with companions, they got on the bus in twos and threes.

From beginning to end.

No Royal Star Envoy spoke to Zhao Xin.

Zhao Xin was also happy and free.

This was exactly the life he needed.

"It's time to send Tian Shaohui and his family to reunite with Tian Feiming when we get back."

"After this incident."

"I'd better quietly improve my strength."

"I don't know how long it will take to become invincible..."

He had a lot of time to think about these thoughts in his mind.

One by one the chariots started.

Return to Haicheng.

The chariots were rolling in a row, and their low roars continued for a long time.


7 Bell Street.

Tian Shaohui sat on the sofa.

The body is still straight and the hair is still meticulous.

His eyes were as sharp as an eagle's, with some bloodshot eyes, as he looked at the brown-skinned subordinate in front of him:

"Isn't Fei Ming's whereabouts still unknown?"

The voice was low and filled with fatigue.

Three days ago.

Tian Feiming went out of the city to contact Miss Youlanhui Jueyi and kill Zhao Xin.

He knew this.


He didn't expect it at all.

My son went out on this trip and never came back.

"Chairman, the whereabouts of the young master have not been found."

"But there is news about Zhao Xin."

"He successfully completed the survival trial and is already on his way back."

The burly middle-aged man said respectfully.

"Zhao Xin!"

"He's really still alive..."

Tian Shaohui clenched his fists suddenly.

His eyes were full of gloom, and his expression became a bit ferocious.

The son went to kill Zhao Xin.

But now——

His son disappeared, but Zhao Xin was still alive.

What does this mean?

He knows it very well! !

Not to mention——

Youlan will send news.

Miss Jueyi is 95% likely to be dead!

"Zhao Xin!!"

"No matter what means you use."

"I will definitely kill you!"

"I will definitely kill you!!"

A low roar like a wild beast came from Tian Shaohui's mouth.

A terrible wave of air rushed out, and everything in the entire living room was instantly torn to pieces!

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