Shuang Daqin Comparison, No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 102 Officials Selected By The Imperial Examination Vs Elected Officials

"These are caravans?" Fusu asked with a strange expression.

The guard beside him nodded and said: "It looks like a caravan. It's very strange. Baiyue is short of food. How could it be possible to sell food to the Central Plains?"

After being reminded by the guard, Fusu immediately thought of a possibility.

"Collusion between officials and businessmen!"

Fusu came to the county government office.

I saw that there was no one in the county government office, and all the guards and soldiers had dispersed.

Come to the inner room.

A burst of laughter was heard.

Fusu went in and saw the local magistrate, having fun with two Baiyue women.

"If you don't deal with government affairs during the day, how can you do anything here?"

Fusu's voice sounded.

The county magistrate was taken aback.

Looking back and seeing Fusu, he was so frightened that he hurriedly put on his clothes, knelt on the ground and said, "Young Master! Why are you here suddenly?!"

The county magistrate was terrified.

damn it!

Where did the gatekeeper die, and such a big man came over, and he didn't know to notify him in advance!

Fusu walked over.

Staring at the two women on the bed, anger rose sharply in his heart.

"Follow me."


Fusu pulled the county magistrate to the room.

"Let me ask you, how many people are there in your city now, and how many babies were born in the past year?"

The county magistrate swallowed and shook his head: "I forgot..."

"How many acres of land does your city have?"


"How much tax does your city pay every year?"


The county magistrate was trembling all over.

he realized.

I'm done myself!

Fusu looked around the study with a blank expression on his face, and found that the brief book was covered with dust...


This county magistrate has never cared about political affairs for a long time.

"Then let me ask you something, you remember it." Fu Su said in a deep voice.

The county magistrate nodded: "Young Master, may I ask!"

Fusu leaned forward and asked, "I ask you, when did you beat that father to death? Is his daughter still alive? How many Baiyue people did you kill in that suppression? Why did you kill that father?" Caravans from the Central Plains, leave food from your Ella?"

Some Problems.

It's all off the top of my head!

Facing Fusu, the county magistrate was so frightened that his legs went weak.

He has only been an official for a year, how did it get out of the way?!

That father and daughter!

Really hurt myself!

"Back to the eldest son..."

"It was two months ago that the officers and soldiers of the minister drew their swords to scare him, and accidentally stabbed the man to death."

"His daughter starved to death in prison a month ago."

"The suppression killed 226 Baiyue people."

"The caravans in the Central Plains... are the ministers who sell the grain in the granary to them for personal gain!"


The voice of the county magistrate 430 burst into tears and said: "Young Master, all the ministers have reported the truth without any deception. Please don't implicate the minister's family!"

he knows.

I have no way out.

The only hope is that the family will not be implicated.

Fusu was furious.

"Now the Baiyue people are the people of my country of Qin, how do you treat them? Have you ever thought that they also have families?"


"Shut this dog thing down!"

Everyone involved in this matter should be arrested, and I want to interrogate them one by one!"

Fusu loves the people like a son, and hates evil like an enemy.

learned of this.

Naturally, he was furious.

in a few days.

Anyone involved in this matter was arrested and brought to the county government.

Including the county lieutenant who sent troops to suppress it at that time.

A group of people knelt in front of Fusu.

All of them confessed their crimes.

at last.

Fusu waved his hand.

"Beheading in downtown!"

A group of corrupt officials were tied up and sent to the busy market, where they beheaded in front of everyone.

Everyone in Baiyue applauded.


Someone pointed to the general.

"This man sent troops to kill us, why didn't he kill him?"

The county lieutenant pleaded: "Everyone, I was also deceived by this dog official. He said that you are rebelling, and I am eager to make contributions, so I lead my troops to expel you! I don't know, you are just asking for injustice!"

He wants to cry but has no tears.

Fusu also said: "This person is guilty, but he doesn't know it. He is being used by others. I decided to fuck his nose! I will demote him to a commoner!"

In front of everyone.

The county lieutenant had his nose cut off and screamed in pain.

Baiyue people applauded one after another.

After dealing with the affairs of this city, Fusu immediately rushed to the next city.

In half a year.

Fu Suche investigated fifty-six unjust cases, beheaded nine county magistrates, three county magistrates, and punished five county magistrates.

He was shocked to find out.

These officials who were sent to Baiyue at the beginning.

More than half of them have no real talents!

He didn't care about improving people's livelihood at all, he only knew about pleasure, and even committed unspeakable crimes.

A lot of innocent people were hurt.

the other half.

It is also mediocrity.

There are few officials who can lead the people of a city to achieve prosperity.

Fusu returned to Xianyang.

Heartbroken: "Father, these are the officials dealt with by my ministers, and the crimes they committed."

A large handful of bamboo slips was piled up in front of Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng opened it to read.

After reading a few.

His face became extremely gloomy.

After the most (cfeg).

He couldn't stand it anymore, he slapped the table and said angrily, "These bastards!"


"Investigate the property and family of these people immediately, and convict them!"

"The officials who elected these people at the beginning also investigated all of them and let them sit down!"

Fu Su nodded: "Yes, father!"


On the court.

Half of the courtiers were implicated by those beheaded officials.

Reduce salary slightly.

More serious ones will be directly deprived of titles and demoted.

Ying Zheng sat on top of the hall.

Looking down at the ministers, he said angrily: "When I am about to make my second eastward tour, the officials you elected have committed an unforgivable crime!"

"How dare I patrol the world to promote the country's prestige!"

"This is your lesson too!"

He has a headache.

Judging from the words of these recommended officials, it is impossible to speculate whether the other party is really talented.


Ying Zheng can only gamble on luck.

Bet on whether this person is talented.

Bet on whether this person is a good person...

It's okay to bet right.

If the bet is wrong...

That would hurt the people of one side!


In addition to recommending this method, it seems that there is no better way.

the other side.

Also in the main hall.

The thirty-two candidates who were selected all stood crampedly in the main hall.

They wanted to muster up the courage to look up at the first emperor.

But dare not.

Ying Zheng took out the thirty-two answer sheets.


Distribute the answer sheets.

Let these thirty two people read each other and make comments.


This group of people took other people's answer sheets and started to comment.

The surrounding courtiers waited quietly.



A candidate held an answer sheet and exclaimed.

next second.

Another examinee stared at the content of the answer sheet in shock, and said in shock: "This insight is really mysterious! It hits the nail on the head! It solved the problem that has plagued me for many years!"

In the eyes of the people of the two worlds.

this group of people.

Occasionally, there would be an exclamation.

From morning to evening.


This group of people completed their critique.


Ying Zheng asked with a smile, which test paper they were most impressed with.

Almost everyone answered this number.

"Grass people think!"

"The answer sheet numbered 37216 impressed Cao Min the most, because this person analyzed..."

"Caomin also thinks that the answer sheet of 37216 is unique. I think he..."

Ying Zheng was overjoyed.

Take out this answer sheet, and then look at one of the middle-aged men who are over forty years old.

"Your name is Wang An, the answer sheet of 37216 is yours?"

Wang An was flattered.

With a face full of joy, he said: "Your Majesty, this is indeed Cao Min's answer sheet!"

Ying Zheng asked again, "What do you do?"

Wang An replied: "Cao Min is a merchant from the Zhao Kingdom. He traveled all over the seven countries with his father at the age of twelve. Over the past thirty years, he has accumulated a lot of knowledge.


The examinees around all stared at Wang An with approving eyes.


Some of Wang An's unique insights made them all feel wonderful.

Ying Zheng couldn't be happier.

Looking at Wang An's expression, it was like looking at a piece of treasure.

Then asked again.

"Besides this answer sheet, is there another answer sheet that impresses you?"

Immediately afterwards.

This group of candidates voted for another three answer sheets.

There are four people in total.

The youngest was only twenty-one years old.

The eldest is Wang An, forty-three years old.


Some of them were businessmen, some were former retainers of the Six Kingdoms, and some were border guards of the Qin State. Anyway, their identities were different.

Answer sheets for the four of them.

Not only the four in the eyes of the candidates.


They are also the best four in the eyes of Sangong Jiuqing and Ying Zheng.

As for other answers.

They all answered well.


Ying Zheng decided to send all thirty-two people to Baiyue.

Let them help local people improve their livelihood.

"Don't be afraid."

"If you perform well, I will promote you back to the Central Plains. If you are good enough, you will have a place for these three princes and nine ministers in the future."

"But if you don't behave well, I will never forgive you!"

I heard that we are going to Baiyue.

Rare is.

None of the thirty-two people expressed dissatisfaction.

They are all eager to try, wishing to go immediately.

See their expectations.

Zhao Ze asked with a smile: "Do you know that Baiyue is a barren land, with a harsh environment and barren land, not as rich as the Central Plains?"

I saw Zhao Ze strike up a conversation.

A group of candidates are also full of admiration.

Wang An bowed and said, "Return to the eldest son!"

"Caomin are originally commoners. If it weren't for the appreciation of the imperial examination, I am afraid that the rest of their lives will only be in business, and they will not be able to display their ambitions.

"The grassroots are officials, and they just want to prove that their ideas are correct."

"As long as you can display your ambitions and make the Caomin's ideas come true, let alone go to Baiyue, even if the eldest son wants to send the Caomin to the Huns, the Caomin will be happy."

The rest of the candidates answered the same way.

They come to take exams and become officials, not to reach the sky in one step.

just want to taste

try it.

See if your own ideas can be favored by Emperor Shihuang, so that you can get the opportunity to display your ambitions.

Just like modern young people.

When I was young, I hoped to be an honest official, a translator, a diplomat, or an astronaut or a scientist.

But grow up.

There is little chance of wish fulfillment.

Be a social animal, or start a business, or drive screws in a factory.

But this day.

Suddenly, the president summoned.

I said that I was very optimistic about him and hoped that he could be an excellent translator or astronaut. Tell him that this road is difficult and hard, will he accept it?


able to achieve the ideal.

No matter how hard or tired you are, it’s okay!

Isn't that the case with Wang An and the other 30 candidates?

Zhao Ze was also very happy, "In this case, you can pack your bags and prepare to go to Baiyue."

"If you want to bring your family with you, let me know.

"I will send someone to escort your family to you safely."

Wang An and the others bowed.

"Thank you, eldest son!"

A blink of an eye.

Wang An and the others, who had packed up properly, embarked on the road to Baiyue with a happy face under the protection of the guards.

on the way.

Encountered a beast attack.

Although more than thirty people were afraid, they continued on their way without complaining.

Over the mountain.

Everyone was also talking and laughing, wiping their sweat and imagining their future life.

Travel on board for two days and two nights.

Unfamiliar with water, they lay on the side of the boat and vomited profusely, but after wiping their mouths, they still puffed up their chests and sang while looking up at the green mountains and green waters.

"Going to Baiyue now, I want to benefit the people, achieve my ideals, and keep my name in history!"

They are smiling.

Enjoy the magnificent scenery of Baiyue.

Everyone in the original Daqin was dumbfounded by everyone's excited expressions...

: "No, why are they more than 30 people so happy?"

: "Traveling through mountains and rivers, vomiting and diarrhea, can't you be happy in the end?"

: "In our world, the officials sent to Baiyue are not as happy as they are, all of them drooping, as if the people have fixed their money.

: "If there is no comparison, there will be no harm!"

: "They are the good officials who are ready to show their talents! They are much better than the group of dog officials who are cursing and reluctant on the road!"

: "That's right!"

: "After all, in our world, the dog officials sent to Baiyue are used to being pampered, so of course they can't accept Baiyue's cruelty."

: "However, the officials selected by Zhao Ze are all from ordinary backgrounds and can endure hardships. When they went to Baiyue, they also went to realize their ideals. There is a difference in essence.


Someone pointed out the essential difference.

Li Si sighed.

[Li Si]: The common people are right, our election system, the officials elected are often relatives and friends of your courtiers, and come from noble backgrounds.

[Li Si]: They are used to rich clothes and fine food, so naturally they cannot bear the harshness of Baiyue.

【Li Si】: Moreover, they did not become officials to realize their ambitions, but to gain power.

[Li Si]: Like me, in order to realize the construction of the Lingqu and help the unification of Qin, I personally went to the border of Baiyue, took everyone to eat and sleep in the open, and built the Lingqu.

[Li Si]: I won't have any dissatisfaction, because my ideal is to help Qin conquer a large area of ​​land!

[Li Si]: No matter how hard or tired I am, I am willing!

At first.

In order to win Baiyue.

Li Si took a lot of people and lived outside for three years.

He showed no reluctance.

on the contrary.

Also happy to.

Because the purpose of Li Si's coming to Qin to serve Yingzheng is to strengthen the country!

Nothing else.

This is his ideal.

The construction of Lingqu was naturally Li Si's realization of his ideal.


Li Si identified.

There are more than 30 people in Wang Anna, all of whom are as ambitious as himself.

There was a sympathy in my heart.

See what Li Si said.

The rest of the courtiers dare not breathe in the weather.


How many of these courtiers really want to serve the people and become officials?

Not for the benefit of the family!

Earn more money, get more land!

Let them go to Baiyue.

It is tantamount to letting Wang Sicong go to be the mayor of northern Burma, that is really suffering!.

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