Shuang Daqin Comparison, No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 101 The Imperial Examination Ends, The Number One Scholar Enters Xianyang, And The Remnants

After preparation.

Seventy thousand people were numbered.

Then the 70,000 numbers were pulled to the counties by the eunuchs in a carriage.

The examinees who heard the news all lined up to receive their number plates, and were told that they must keep their numbers secret and not let anyone know, otherwise, there was a risk of being swapped or even cheated.

Candidates agree.

Said that the number plate will never be disclosed to anyone.

at last.

Daqin notified the specific time of the exam on the announcement notice.

exam location.

In the county government of each county.

70,000 people took the exam in more than 1,000 county offices, and each exam room only had about 70 people, which was fairly spacious.

Candidates are very excited.

On the day of the exam, he rushed to the county office to check the list of exams.


Everyone waited excitedly in the examination room.


A eunuch came and announced the exam questions in front of the examiners and candidates.

The little eunuch said with a sharp voice: "There is no theme for this exam, and all candidates are free to use it freely. What do you think Qin has done wrong and can be improved, or what you think is good and worthy of promotion, can be included in the answer sheet." have a chat.

"Everyone, you can speak freely in the answer sheet."

Speaking of which.

The little eunuch pinched the orchid finger very solemnly and reminded.

"But remember it!"

"This is the only chance for you to get in touch with the eldest son and the first emperor. You must make good use of it. If you answer well, your answer sheet will be sent to the eldest son and the first emperor.

"If you are favored by those high officials, you can be recommended to the eldest son and the first emperor, and have a chat with them face to face."

hear this.

Candidates are looking forward to it.

The eldest son who personally led troops to unify the six kingdoms?

There is also the first emperor who is more than ten thousand?


If you can see them, you will die without regret!


Candidates immediately began to answer the questions.

Four hours later.

All candidates have completed their answers.

Then the little eunuch took away the test papers, messed them up, and finally handed them over to the county magistrate.


It is the county magistrates who review the examination papers.

Ying Zheng gave them a month, which was ample time.

Several leaders in the county commented on the examination papers day and night.

most of the time.

Several people were frowning, thinking that this kind of answer sheet was too spicy, and it was wrong!

Seventy answer sheets.

There is only one piece that can make them feel worthy.

The remaining sixty-nine copies are completely nonsense.

The talk is cloudy and unrealistic.

The examiners who commented on the answer sheets even doubted whether these people had read books.


Divide the answer sheets into excellent and inferior, and pack them up and send them to the sheriff's office.

Then a few leaders in the county began to review.

Another month.

The county guards picked out some that they thought were not bad from the inferior answer sheets, and put them in the excellent answer sheets.

They kept some more, and they couldn't judge whether they were good or bad, and regarded them as inferior.

Most superior and few inferior.

Packed and sent to Xianyang.

The rest of the answer sheets were directly burned for heating.

Seeing the truckload of answer sheets, the San Gong and Jiu Qing almost fainted: This is too much!


They are still patient and read every answer sheet.

After layers of screening.

a month later.

In the end, there were 27 excellent answer sheets that received unanimous praise, and 89 excellent answer sheets.

The rest of the test papers were burned directly.

A total of 116 answer sheets were sent to the hands of the princes.

Zhao Ze, Hu Hai, and the sixteen-year-old prince all had to read these answer sheets within a month and write comments.

at last.

Then it's all in the hands of Ying Zheng.

Let Ying Zheng and the Sangong Jiuqing discuss together.

Until half a year later.

Exam results are out.

A total of 32 answers were favored, of which 22 were excellent and 10 were inferior.

Ying Zheng was very excited.

Because these people's answers all have merits, and some people's answers are simply perfect, their words are wonderful, and they have great wisdom in governing the country!

Ying Zheng couldn't wait, and announced the list of the thirty-two people all over the country.

and ordered.

These people must be given the best possible protection and nothing can go wrong.


On the way to escort them to Xianyang, an accident occurred to them. The person in charge of the guards would be demoted from the official position at least, or beheaded at worst!


Those thirty-two candidates got news all over the country.

Everyone was beaming with excitement.

Pack your luggage and prepare to go to Xianyang.

Knowing that in the county he manages, there are candidates who have been selected and want to go to Xianyang.

Under the orders of Ying Zheng, county captains from all over the country attached great importance to it.

Every examinee needs a hundred guards to escort them to Xianyang.

for a while.

At the place where the candidates are, all the people come to see them off, and it is extremely lively.


It also strengthened the determination of many parents to let their children go to school.

In the past, brief books were very expensive.

They can't afford it.

But rough paper is very cheap, buy it for children, and let them copy books, so they can learn by themselves.

A total of thirty-two teams.

In a mighty manner, they rushed to Xianyang from all over the country.


Many candidates were assassinated by the remnants of the Six Kingdoms, but fortunately they were all killed by the guards of the Qin Kingdom.

The candidates were terrified.

"Why did they assassinate me, I'm just a commoner"[!"

The captain of the guard smiled and replied: "Mr. is a commoner now, but after seeing His Majesty the First Emperor, he will become an official, and in the future he will even serve Qin.

"This group of remnants of the Six Kingdoms naturally despise their own talents and are loyal to the First Emperor."

"I will definitely come to assassinate you."

After listening to the explanation of the captain of the guard.

This group of candidates also suddenly realized.

I see!

No wonder I, a commoner, will encounter assassins!

"I was originally from Chu, but now the First Emperor and the eldest son appreciate me and let me benefit the people. The old nobles of Chu actually want to assassinate me, a Chu!"

"From now on, although I am from Chu, I will only be loyal to Qin!"

In this day and age.

All literati are waiting for a chance to make their mark.

Qin Guo gave it.

But the people of his own country wanted to assassinate him.


Let this group of candidates who were assassinated make an oath angrily.

In this life, he is only loyal to Qin.

Absolutely do not do things for the remnants of the Six Kingdoms!

The original Daqin.

See the cumbersome imperial examination system.

A group of people are muttering.

: "This imperial examination system can really select smart people?"

: "Me! I saw me in another world! I'm one of the thirty-two people! I'm going to meet Emperor Shihuang and the eldest son in another world?"

: "No, then what do you do in our world?"

: "I'm a businessman!"

: "You are just a businessman, I don't believe you have any talents, it is probably luck that the first emperor of that world took a fancy to you.

: "I also doubt whether the imperial examination system is effective."


The common people don't know.


Li Si, who was an extremely human minister, could see the benefits of the imperial examination system.

[Li Si]: Imperial examination? This is a good way!

【Li Si】: If the imperial examination is promoted, we will be able to screen out the underappreciated literati from among the common people!

[Li Si]: This efficiency is comparable!

He was in shock.

Zhao Ze's brain is too smart!

It's just omnipotent....

[Fusu]: Only thirty-two courtiers were selected?

[Fusu]: It seems that the efficiency is not high.

Fusu shook his head.

In his impression, the recommendation system can recommend far more capable people than thirty-two people.

if you need.

In a short period of time, recommending a hundred people can do it.

But the imperial examination system has been busy for more than half a year, but only 32 people have been selected.

[Chun Yuyue]: Eldest son, although the efficiency is low, the people selected are all talented and learned!

Chunyu Yue exclaimed in amazement.

Although it is Confucianism who advocates the recommendation system.

But Chunyu Yue couldn't help being surprised by Zhao Ze's idea.

Who must this be!

Can't think of such a perfect way!

[Ying Zheng]: I want to see whether the recommendation system is strong or the imperial examination is better.

[Ying Zheng]: I hope Zhao Ze's imperial examination will not disappoint me.

The original Daqin.

The screen lights up.

I see.

Above the main hall.

Many people are already standing.

They are all people who have been recommended and passed the inspection.

And here.

More than half of them are relatives and friends of the courtiers.

But Ying Zheng didn't mind either.

after all.

This has been done since ancient times.


Ying Zheng chatted with this group of people, and the rest of the courtiers also took this opportunity to communicate and let them show off their knowledge.

have to say.

Although these courtiers all recommend their own people.

But the people who are recommended have more or less two brushes, and they are not the kind with mediocre qualifications.


Half of them satisfied Ying Zheng.

at last.

Ying Zheng smiled and ordered: "You people, go to Baiyue and govern the local people.

"I believe there are talents like you."

"Baiyue will become as prosperous as the Central Plains soon!"

This group of courtiers who were elected were all frowning.

What a pain!

I live well in my hometown in the Central Plains.

With a word from the first emperor, he sent himself to the southernmost Baiyue. How could people live in that ghostly place?

Even if you don't want to.

But everyone didn't dare to disobey, so they could only kneel down and kowtow to thank them.

These sixty or so people were assigned various duties and were all sent to Baiyue in one go.


Everyone is downcast.

Looking at the barren land, this group of people is ready to die.


to various cities.

After learning that this place can have a high degree of autonomy, a group of people were a little happy.


Baiyue and the Central Plains have no easy way to go.

Therefore, Ying Zheng asked Ren Xiao and Zhao Tuo to stay here in Baiyue, and if there was a mutiny, they would have full authority to deal with it.

The same is true of these sent officials.

Some local livelihood issues.

They can make their own decisions without reporting to Xianyang.


They are like emperors.

You don't have to be tied up in doing things, and you are afraid of wolves before you and tigers behind you.

Think about it.

A group of people finally feel better

Just started.

Everyone has just arrived, and they are still a little cautious in doing things, and they dare not let go of their hands and feet to do a big job.

After familiarization.

Everyone became more courageous.

Some things have been done, and there will be no psychological burden. After all, the things here are not clear in Xianyang.

As for the army?

Neither the military nor the government intervenes.

That is to say, generals like Ren Xiao and Zhao Tuo are only responsible for the garrison of the army.

As for things in town, they don't care.


This also gave many officials an opportunity to take advantage of.

Just one year later.

Xianyang Palace.

Ying Zheng, who was planning his second east tour, suddenly received news.

Said to be.

In Baiyue, the people who were governed by a group of officials were full of resentment.

For example, the land of the Central Plains people can pay less tax, but the land of the Baiyue people has to pay heavy taxes.


Some officials even forcibly occupied the fields of the Baiyue people.

What's more, even if the wife wants to be taken over, the Baiyue people will be beaten up if they try to reason.

Just a few days ago.

There was a man from Baiyue who, because his daughter was defiled by officers and soldiers, went to the county government to seek justice, and wanted the officials to help.

did not expect.

Officials shield officers and soldiers.

Instead, he looked down on the Baiyue people.

He casually said that the officer and soldier had already been dismissed and sent to prison, and he had already paid the price.

Let's close this matter.

After hearing this, the father and daughter were satisfied with the result and went back.

Unexpectedly, some days passed.

They actually saw the officer and soldier who violated their daughter on the street, and they were still patrolling the street swaggeringly!

Only then did the father and daughter realize that they had been cheated.

So he rushed into the county office again and asked why the county magistrate deceived them.

The magistrate was impatient.

Ready to blow the father and daughter away.

But did not expect.

The officers and soldiers struck too hard and accidentally beat the father to death, and the daughter cried until the night fell.

The officials concerned were terrified, so they put the daughter in prison to prevent her from going out and talking nonsense.


It is said that the father and daughter attacked officials.

The father was beheaded on the spot.

The daughter was imprisoned.

This incident aroused the anger of the Baiyue people, and the Baiyue people organized and began to confront the government.

And the official actually invited the army.

They ruthlessly suppressed this group of Baiyue people, killing and injuring two hundred Baiyue people.

Ying Zheng was furious.

I am preparing for my second eastward tour to promote the country's prestige, but Baiyue has caused such a big disturbance at this time!"


"Rush to Baiyue immediately, and thoroughly investigate this matter!"

Fusu was filled with indignation.

Immediately took people and rushed to Baiyue.

It's a long way.

Fusu finally rushed to the small town where the incident happened.

it's here.

Everyone in Baiyue was dejected and drooped their heads.

Even the land is deserted.

At least half of those extremely rare farmlands are uncultivated.

Fusu did not reveal her identity.

Not to mention asking the county government directly.


Visit the people and investigate people's sentiments.

On the way, seeing a few Baiyue people chatting, Fusu asked curiously: "Now is the busy season for farming, why don't you go farming?"

Those Baiyue people also looked at Fusu curiously.

"From your accent, are you from the Central Plains?"

Fusu nodded: "Yes, I am from Qin."

Hear Fusu's identity.

Several Baiyue people looked at Fusu with hostility.

"Why not farm?"

"We Baiyue people have worked so hard to plant the land for a year, and you Qin people took 70% of it. How can we live?"

"It's better not to plant it, and I won't let you take advantage of it!"

As a bloody Baiyue people.

It is simply unbearable to bear such oppression.

You can only express your dissatisfaction by not doing farming.

"Seventy percent?"

Fusu frowned and said: "The tax set by Qin State is one tenth tax, ten percent!"

Several Baiyue people sneered.

"Then we don't know. Anyway, the dog officer wants to charge us 70% of the tax! If we don't pay, they will send someone to beat us!"

hear this.

Fusu was startled.

Continue to visit various places.

He found.

One area is thriving.

In some areas, it seems depressed and poor.

The reason for such a contrast, Fusu has already guessed, it must be that some officials did not act.


Came to the place where the bloody suppression of the Baiyue people took place.

it's here.

The Baiyue people were forced to work by the officers and soldiers, busy in the fields.

the other side.

There is a caravan from the Central Plains, carrying a lot of grain and leaving Pang. .

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