Shuang Daqin Comparison, No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 100 Recommendation Vs. Imperial Examination? National Large-Scale Examinations To Select Tal

Ying Zheng is not a fool.

Otherwise, it is impossible to rule the world.

He is very clear in his heart.

The Central Plains has four distinct seasons, mostly plains, and rich products.

Everyone's relatives, friends and clans are also in the Central Plains.

Few people are willing to leave their homes.


In the eyes of these pampered ministers, Baiyue's living environment is extremely harsh, and it is not suitable for human beings to live at all.


Will be silent.

Why recommend people you know to go to Baiyue to suffer.

Can stay in the Central Plains where the humanities gather.

Why go to the wild?

With that in mind.

Ying Zheng sighed and said, "Forget it, we'll talk about Baiyue's election later."


"It's better to fill all the vacant official positions in the Central Plains first."

The voice just fell.

The eyes of the courtiers below all lit up.

As if two bright LED bulbs were installed, staring at Ying Zheng at the top.

Before the Sui Dynasty.

All civil servants and generals are sent to the emperors through the recommendation system.

For example.

There is an official vacancy.

Li Si can recommend his son, friend, or subordinate.

Explain to Ying Zheng where they are excellent.

After inspection, it is found that the other party is indeed talented, so he can be hired as an official.

The advantage of this is.

The emperor selected talents in a wider range.

Capable people can easily meet the emperor and display their talents.

But the disadvantages are also great.


The recommended officials will only recommend people of interest to the emperor.

Assume that Li Si's son has mediocre qualifications and no real talents.

But it was recommended by Li Si.

Then find a few good colleagues, such as Zhao Gao, to speak kindly in the ear of the first emperor, and fool the emperor.

If the emperor believed it.

He would really entrust Li Si's son with a heavy responsibility.

in return.

Assuming that Zhao Gao has a son who wants to be an official, Zhao Gao also recommends his son to the first emperor.


Li Si was helped by Zhao Gao, so that his son had the opportunity to become an official.

Naturally, Li Si also wanted to help brag about Zhao Gao's son, and help the other party's son also become a Shangguan.

Under the disadvantages of this kind of 25 appointments as relatives.


People who have no real ability use this to get to the top.

What's more terrible.

This group of people will form an interest group.

Recommending all those who are close to him as officials can threaten the emperor's rule.

after all.

Behind the emperor there is only the royal family.

But above the court.

All the courtiers belong to the same interest group, so they will naturally work together to fight against the emperor.


Li Si Renxian as a relative.

Twenty years later, no matter whether it was the left prime minister or the right prime minister, or the left concubine made by Daliang, they were all relatives and friends picked up by Li Si single-handedly.

Who will they be intimate with?

Liz of course!

Without Li Si's recommendation, they would not have achieved what they are today!

All it takes is a word from Li Si, and they can immediately join hands to kill the king and seize the throne!


The advantages and disadvantages of recommendation are obvious.

When it was learned that Ying Zheng was going to fill the official vacancy in the Central Plains.

Many courtiers are eager to stand up, wanting to leave the fattest official post to their own people.

"His Majesty!"

"I have a nephew who has been..."


The next courtier stood up again and said, "Your Majesty! I have a student who once..."

Even Li Si couldn't help but come out.

"Your Majesty, I have a good friend who was in Zhao State..."

Looking at everyone's scrambling to recommend.

Ying Zheng nodded in satisfaction.

Then he said: "Yes, the people you mentioned sound like talents."

"Okay, I'll send someone to investigate them and see if they really have the talent as you said."

"If you really have talent."

"Then send them to Baiyue to govern the area.

"If you have no talent, you will also be punished."


The referral system also has an insurance mechanism.

In order to prevent his courtiers from recommending indiscriminately, the emperor also recommended some scum as officials.


Officials who are recommended to be officials, if they do wrong things in the future, such as killing innocent people indiscriminately, taking bribes, and seizing civilian women.

Once identified.

The recommended officials also bear half of the responsibility.

after all.

This scum was originally recommended by you.

You boasted about him, because he is such a smart person, but in the end he did something that both people and gods hate.

Of course you can't escape.

Hearing what Ying Zheng said, everyone was taken aback for a moment.

Someone asked embarrassingly: "Your Majesty, didn't you say that the vacancies in the Central Plains should be filled first?"

The courtiers are not stupid.

Who wants their own people to be sent to suffer in that backward and barren place of Baiyue?

It must be to let them stay in the Central Plains, that's fine.

Yingzheng smiled slyly, "I asked you to recommend officials to Baiyue, but you all kept silent; when I said I wanted to recommend officials to fill the vacancies in the Central Plains, you all fought over each other

"I know what you're thinking."

"Of course I want to cure you."

"Needless to say, I have memorized all the people you mentioned before, and I will send them all to Baiyue to govern the local area at that time!"

Ying Zheng finished speaking.

A group of courtiers all complained in their hearts.


Was tricked by the first emperor!

Accidentally sold out teammates!

At the same time.

Become a big Qin.

Due to the inclusion of Baiyue in the territory.


Yingzheng also needs capable people who can govern one side, and go to Baiyue to help Daqin manage the local aborigines.

this matter.

It is about the future generations!

It is definitely not enough to rely on Ren Xiao and his group of big bosses who are marching and fighting.

For professional matters, you still need to find professional people.

On the main hall.

Ying Zheng also put forward his own ideas.


I heard that people need to go to Baiyue.

Immediately, the courtiers did not dare to fart.

Seeing that no one is willing to recommend talents, Ying Zheng is a little disappointed.

But Zhao Ze walked out at this time.

I see.

Zhao Ze stood up and looked at the courtiers around him.

He asked curiously: "Ministers, is it true that there is no sage around you to recommend to my father?"

The courtiers lowered their heads and did not answer.

Zhao Ze asked again: "No one? In Baiyue, there is an urgent need for capable people to govern!"

The courtiers remained silent.

They are not stupid.

How could it be possible to send someone who is close to him to that bird place to suffer?

Anyway, pretend to be transparent.

I love it!

Seeing that they were unwilling to cooperate, Zhao Ze grinned and continued to play tricks.

He pretended to sigh sadly: "Alas! My Great Qin is full of civil and military affairs, but there is no one to grasp?"

Ying Zheng was even more disappointed.

When I was about to speak.

Zhao Ze suddenly changed the topic.

Taking advantage of the situation, he said: "It seems that the method of recommending to be an official is useless, father, we need to change a method."

Ying Zheng asked curiously: "Ze'er, how can I change the method?"

at this time.

The courtiers all pricked up their ears to listen.

I can't help but feel a little nervous...

I don't know what the eldest son can do.

Whether this method will harm their existing interests.

Zhao Ze continued: "Since the recommendation is not enough, then we will use the imperial examination!"

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone froze for a moment.

Imperial examination?

What is this?

Ying Zheng was also quite curious.

Zhao Ze introduced them.

"Daqin is in the whole country, posting notices."

"It is said that Daqin lacks capable people who can govern one side, and I hope that people from all over the country who are interested in becoming officials can go to the local county government to apply.

"Wait until the registration is over and the number of people is established, and they will be reported to Xianyang."

"Then, differentiate these people by numbers."

"Through these numbers, the eunuchs in Xianyang personally delivered them to the examinees in various places, so that they could remember their own numbers and inform them of the exam date.

"Stay until the day of the test."

"Xianyang publishes the exam questions, asks the candidates to answer, and writes their own number on the answer sheet."

"Finally, the papers will be collected uniformly."

"Let the county magistrates, county magistrates, and county lieutenants in each county check the examination papers, and each official must leave comments on the examination papers."

"Afterwards, hand in all the examination papers to the county."

"If you think the answer sheet is excellent, let the county guard and the county lieutenant comment on whether it is good or bad."

"Answer papers that don't make sense are asked by the county magistrate and the censor of the county to comment on whether they are good or bad. If they think there are merits, they will keep them. If they think they are really nonsense, they will be burned.

"Then hand over the remaining answer sheets to Xianyang."

"Let the Sangong Jiuqing read and comment on all the answer sheets one by one, and write down the comments."

"Answer papers deemed useless by the Sangong and Jiuqing shall be directly burned."

"Answer papers that are recognized as excellent works will be handed over to the princes who have reached the age of sixteen, and let the princes comment and write comments.

"Finally hand it over to the emperor for review."

"It is decided by the emperor and the three princes to divide these answer sheets into three, six, and nine grades, and rank them."

"Finally, those candidates with excellent answers will be summoned to Xianyang to chat with courtiers, princes, and emperors in the hall, and let the candidates get to know each other."

"Those who perform well can be appointed as officials on the spot."

"Those who perform poorly will be used as reserve officials. They will not be allowed to be officials, but they can be allowed to return to their hometowns and serve as the county magistrate's secretary. In the future, they will be promoted or not based on their performance."

Zhao Ze talked endlessly and said a lot.


For the courtiers with superior wisdom.

It's easy to understand.

That is to say, let people all over the world, who are interested in being an official, take the exam.


Answer sheets were screened layer by layer.

Throw away the bad ones.

The answer sheets that were considered good were evaluated and sent to the emperor for his decision.

Numbering is used to prevent people from cheating for personal gain.

Layers of comments are to prevent powerful people from being accidentally misjudged by officials and losing their future.

after all.

technological society.

Even the teacher who was about to collapse the Wan Building was looked down upon by scholars in the early years, thinking that he was a country bumpkin with an accent who dreamed every day.

On the way to the grass.

It is even questioned by many people that he has no real knowledge and talents.


It was a group of bigwigs who saved him from death.

Only then can the teacher's talents continue to be displayed, and finally lead the team to victory, and the Dragon Kingdom rises accordingly.

Teachers were almost covered in dust when they were young.

What about ancient societies?


The courtiers were all shocked.

I think Zhao Ze's selection system is perfect!


It is only perfect in the ancient context.

But this.

Also cut off their referral system!

Let them, these courtiers, have no way to be nepotism...

Li Si's eyes lit up.

"Your Majesty! The eldest son's method is very good!"

"We can follow suit and try, maybe it will have a miraculous effect!

Li Si was born as a Legalist.

Is the favorite of these advanced gadgets.

As long as they can reform and promote the strength of the country, they will fully support it!

But the other courtiers were all sad.

Zhao Ze's method.

Undoubtedly, it broke their last thought!

In the future, if their children are promising, they may be appreciated and become officials, but if they are not, they may not even be able to pass the 913 county magistrate...

What's more terrible.

Answer sheets are still in the form of digital codes.

The officials who reviewed the papers had no idea who the numbers represented, so it was difficult to cover them up.

Even if you know it's your own.

I want to send it up as a masterpiece, but the examiner himself has to comment on this article and tell why he thinks this answer sheet is good.

If you can't say it, it's easy to be exposed.


It is too difficult to operate!

Unless the county magistrate, county guard, and Sangong Jiuqing are all their own people!

There is a possibility of cheating!

Yingzheng naturally discovered the benefits of the imperial examination.

I'm a little excited right now.

"Li Si is right, Ze'er's method is very good! You can select talented people from all over the world, and you don't need to rely on other people's recommendation!"

at the moment.

It is time to employ people.

Ying Zheng urged: "Li Si, I have ordered you to take full responsibility for this matter!"

Li Si was flattered and said: "Yes! Your Majesty!"

A blink of an eye.

Zhao Ze's imperial examination method was popularized in all parts of Qin State.


The Qin army stationed in Baiyue, or the local people of Baiyue, can also sign up for the exam if they are interested.

When I heard that I passed the exam and could be an official.

Many people are eager to try!


Most people ran to the local area to sign up with the idea that there would be no disadvantages if they tried.


When the official in charge of registration asks the other party to write down his or her name.

Ninety percent of people.

I can't even write my own name...

They are all farmers, illiterate, just want to try their luck, and never thought that they would not even be able to pass the registration.

Most people can only leave angrily.

Only 10% of people can write their own names.


The information of these people was sent to the county, then to the county, and finally to Xianyang.

After checking.

Li Sihui reported: "Your Majesty! Young Master!"

"Qin State, the old land of the Six Kingdoms, Baiyue in the south of the Lingnan Mountains, a million Qin troops, a total of 70,000 applicants!"

Hear the number.

Both father and son were a little surprised.

To know.

The total population of Qin is only 30 million.

Elderly people over fifty and children under sixteen are excluded.

There are only seventeen million people left.


For every twenty people, there is only one person who can read, so there are 850,000 people who can read.

Among these people, there are 70,000 applicants.

About every twelve scholars, one person signed up and wanted to be an official.

Zhao Ze smiled wryly and said: "There are a lot of people, it should be to experience a novelty, or feel that you have some skills and want to give it a go.

"Wait until the future registration, there won't be so many people."

Ying Zheng smiled happily: "I don't believe it, among the 70,000 scholars, I can't even find ten great talents!",

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