Shuang Daqin Comparison, No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 99 Changing Rice Into Mulberry Is Zhao Ze? Is It Zhao Ze Who Built The Lingqu? Steal My Crys

The Qin army ambushing nearby all pushed open the door of the house, opened the window, hid inside, and pointed their crossbow arrows at the coalition army.

Both sides of the street.

Countless arrows flew towards the coalition forces.

Just a face to face.

The coalition suffered heavy losses.

Wait until the arrow runs out.

The Qin army raised their spears and rushed into the enemy army and began to slaughter.

Because of the excellent equipment and the large number of coalition forces, they were trapped in the narrow streets and could not disperse.


They could only watch helplessly as the outermost soldiers were slaughtered.

among the crowd.

Yiyu Song and the other leaders were all too crowded by the crowd to move.


"The Qin army only has a few thousand people, and the counterattack can win!"

far away.

Tu Sui walked out wearing armor, touching the saber in his waist.

Looking at the besieged coalition forces.

He sneered contemptuously.

"Stupid Nanman, do you really think that just tens of thousands of guys wearing straw sandals can deal with my thousands of well-trained Great Qin warriors who have fought for many years?"

"There are no deep mountains and old forests."

"What else can you rely on to fight the Qin army?"


He called a soldier and ordered: "Go, report to the eldest son that the coalition forces were surrounded by Tu Sui in Pocheng, please come quickly.

"Yes! General!"

The scuffle continued from morning until late at night.

To Tu Sui's surprise.

The Baiyue coalition forces suffered heavy casualties, and none of them surrendered!

To know.

Under this battle loss ratio.

If it were placed in the seven countries of the Central Plains, I am afraid that they would have dropped their weapons and surrendered long ago.


The tip of Qin Jun's gun was broken, and the horizontal knife slashed and curled the blade.


The coalition forces are still fighting.

It's just a massacre, the Qin army is exhausted...

Tu Sui was also shocked.

"The people of Baiyue are not afraid of death, and their will to fight is stronger than that of the Chu army and the Zhao army?"

he knows.

"Four Eight Three" was when the eldest son, Zhao Ze, led troops to conquer the six kingdoms.

Only Zhao Jun and Chu Jun's fighting will was very strong, but they still couldn't bear to surrender in the end.

But these Baiyue people.

Looks like he's ready to fight to the last man.

He was shocked.

"If the soldiers of the six countries are like this, even if Qin has the eldest son, he will not be able to defeat him..."

"If the descendants of future generations are like this, our country of Qin will not be oppressed by foreign barbarians."


From morning to midnight.

Zhao Ze rushed over single-handedly, and before entering the city, he smelled the smell of blood wafting from the city.

Push open the city gate and enter.

I see.

on the street.

Covered with three layers of corpses!

Zhao Ze couldn't count how many floors there were. Anyway, the corpses of the coalition army were the most, and the corpses of the Qin army were rare.


In the city square.

There were also many shouts of killing.

Zhao Ze rode a horse and followed the sound to the square.

Turn the corner.


The soldiers of the Qin army were still fighting with the coalition forces.

"Eldest son!"

Tu Sui rushed over, cupped his fists and said, "These southern barbarians would rather die than surrender."

Nodding his head, Zhao Ze walked towards the battlefield.

Just glanced at it.

There were only about 2,000 Qin soldiers left.

The coalition soldiers are still alive like a thousand people.

A fight down.

Both sides suffered heavy losses.


The leader of the coalition forces, Yi Yu Song, and other chiefs are still alive and fighting to the death.

Zhao Ze ordered: "Retreat the troops."

After killing the opponent, only a thousand people remained.

Whether they are willing to surrender or not does not make much difference.


Someone was beating the drums.

Signal to withdraw troops.

The red-eyed Qin army backed out when he heard the sound of the drum, giving the coalition army a chance to breathe.

The allied troops collapsed to the ground exhausted.

See Zhao Ze appear.

The group of leaders asked out of breath, "Zhao Ze, who are you?"

Tu Sui said angrily at the side: "How dare the barbarians call me the eldest son of the Great Qin by his name? Are you courting death?!"

Zhao Ze waved his hand.

Walked over with a smile.

"Great kings, I haven't seen you for almost a year, I miss you very much."

Translator Song frowned.

"Are you the eldest son of Qin, the son of the first emperor?"

hear this.

The rest of the chiefs were startled.

"The first emperor who unified the Central Plains?"

"Zhao Ze is the son of the First Emperor? So, the future Central Plains will belong to Zhao Ze?"

Translator Song smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect Emperor Shi Huang to have such a brave son like you. Before I die, I only have a few questions for you."

Zhao Ze nodded: "Ask, the dead are the greatest."

Translating and calling on Song to relax his mind.

Ask word for word.

"Changing rice into mulberry, who came up with the idea?"

Zhao Ze frowned: "It's me."

Translator Song was taken aback.

He asked again: "Then, who came up with the idea of ​​building the Lingqu?"

The corner of Zhao Ze's mouth rose: "It's still me.

Translator Song was stunned.

He asked again: "Is it your idea to stick to it and wait for the coalition army to pay?"

Zhao Ze nodded: "Yes, what's wrong?"

The translation is called Song Ma!

Everyone is numb!

Riding on horses!

All these schemes were all thought up by this one person?

What a genius!

Translator Song smiled bitterly: "With such a powerful enemy as you, Baiyue's defeat is not unexpected, nor is it a pity."

"I can fight against someone as powerful as you, and I am content to die."


He looked up at the moon and sighed: "Central Plains, outstanding people, a nest of dragons and phoenixes...

The voice fell, and a bloodstain was gently drawn on the neck with the sword.

The poison on the sword is along the bloody water.

Immediately paralyzed the heart.

In front of everyone, Yi called on Song to commit suicide.


"The leader committed suicide!"

At this time.

The other leaders looked at Zhao Ze: "Is our child still alive?"

Zhao Ze nodded.

"I'm ruthless, but I'm not so ruthless that I kill my own women. Don't worry, they are all living in Xianyang.

"It's worse than my wife and children."

hear this.

A group of leaders breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then, are you going to kill us?"

Zhao Ze nodded, acquiescing.

Several chiefs blushed.

"Then you come!"

They roared.

He raised his weapon again, led the soldiers, and launched a counterattack against the surrounding Qin army.

Zhao Ze frowned.

He pulled out the horizontal knife casually and walked towards the enemy calmly.

After midnight.

Zhao Ze wiped off the hot and humid blood on his face, threw away the broken horizontal knife, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's really bloody, there is only one person left who will not surrender.


Tu Sui's eyes popped out.

Who would believe it.

With his own strength, Zhao Ze hacked from the first half of the night to the second half of the night. It was almost dawn, and he killed all the coalition forces of one thousand people...

A person's combat power.

Up to a thousand people...

"Young master, you are really a god of war..."


Confirm that Baiyue's main force is all wiped out.

Zhao Ze finally breathed a sigh of relief.


The South China Sea, Guilin, and Xiangjun were directly set up.

Tu Sui was left behind as the East Captain of the South China Sea.

Ren Xiao served as the West Captain of the South China Sea.

The two are east and west.

Possesses military power.

That is to say, when the Baiyue people rebelled, there was no need to travel long distances to send messages to Xianyang and ask for instructions.

how to respond.

It just needs to be negotiated between the two of them.

This can speed up the response speed of the Qin army and reduce losses. Of course, the arbitrariness of military power may also allow the two to establish a country and proclaim themselves emperors, and get rid of the rule of the Qin Empire.


Zhao Ze also appointed Zhao Tuo to stay in Baiyue as the governor of the three counties.

Although he is no longer in charge of military affairs.

But you can monitor the movements of Tu Sui and Ren Xiao, and report to Xianyang at any time.

The reason for this.


It was also Zhao Ze who learned the lessons of history.

During the uprising at the end of Qin Dynasty.

Zhao Tuo did not send troops back to rescue, but stayed in Baiyue to take the opportunity to establish a country and proclaim himself emperor.

As for what some people said, it was all rumors that the first emperor asked Zhao Tuo to stay in Baiyue and town Huaxia.

The population of Baiyue is less than one million.

After being punished by the first emperor, Baiyue didn't even have an army. After being ruled by the Qin army for more than ten years, it was almost naturalized a long time ago.

At this time, you are still suppressing a hair in this deep mountain and old forest.

Thirty thousand troops remained.

You can call the other 200,000 people back.


Zhao Tuo this person.

Just ambitious and rebellious.


In order to better control Baiyue.

Let Baiyue better integrate into the Central Plains, into Huaxia, and become a family.

Qin Guo ordered again.

Those who live alone can go to Baiyue and intermarry with the locals.

Baiyue men marry Central Plains women.

A Baiyue girl marries a Central Plains man.

Just intermarry.

The Qin Empire will reward them with land and money.

Three years of planning.

Stationed for half a year.

Three months of fighting.

With the result of 7,000 people killed in battle, 50,000 enemies were killed, and Lingnan was included in the territory of Qin State.

Compared with the nearly 300,000 casualties of the original Daqin, it is simply incomparable for the six-year confrontation!

The original Daqin.

Seeing that the Qin army won an all-round victory so easily.

Everyone has mixed tastes.

[Li Si]: Wonderful, really wonderful! It took Zhao Ze less than four years to win Baiyue easily.

[Li Si]: But we have fought hard for five years......

【Li Si】: What's even more outrageous is that we brought people to repair this Lingqu, but Zhao Ze asked people from Baiyue to repair it......

The appearance of Lingqu.

The comparison between the two worlds has already made the winner...

Their world was dug out by Li Si and 100,000 people in three years in the face of obstacles from the Baiyue people.

How many people died.

how much did you spend.

How much suffering has been experienced.

Statistics do not come.

But for Zhao Ze, there is no need to send people or money to cultivate Lingqu.


And let the group of Baiyue people, foolishly, repair it by themselves, no one came to obstruct it, and the construction period was not delayed...

【Zhao Tuo】: More than Lingqu?

【Zhao Tuo】: Changing rice into mulberry is also called heaven!

[Zhao Tuo]: Although Zhao Ze spent a lot of money for this, it is still much better than our 300,000 deaths in battle.


After all, no one matters.

after all.

The money can eventually flow back to the treasury.

But the army that has been cultivated with huge sums of money will not be able to make up for it in a short time.

Zhao Ze used the strategy of changing rice into mulberry.

Successfully made the Baiyue people unable to eat, and fought against the Qin army on an empty stomach. It would be strange to win!

[Fusu]: More than 300,000 people died in battle?

【Fu Su】: Our army lost the general Tu Sui!

[Fu Su]: Brother Zhao Ze only lost a few thousand people. Compared with the two, we lost a complete defeat!

It is also fighting against Baiyue.

The team led by Zhao Ze won easily.

And they...

It can be said to have suffered a lot!

Struggling in the deep mountains and old forests for five years

The soldiers who died of illness are all measured in tens of thousands!

[Ying Zheng]: Genius!

[Ying Zheng]: With such a small price, the entire land of Baiyue has been won!

【Ying Zheng】: Zhao Ze, you are really a genius!

After reading the comparison.

Ying Zheng's face turned red with excitement.

At first.

In order to capture Baiyue, Yingzheng paid a heavy price.

The expenditure of half a million troops!

what a horror!

This is a giant gold-swallowing beast that has been dormant in Baiyue for five years!

The key is.

Of the 500,000 troops conscripted, 300,000 were eaten by 50,000!

Another heavy blow to Qin!

And build Lingqu.

He forced criminals and common people to practice Lingqu.

To pay for the daily rations of 100,000 people.

In three years, 10,000 died of exhaustion and 10,000 died of illness, which aroused the people's resentment.

all of these.

It gave Ying Zheng a headache.

But these tough questions.

Even in front of Zhao Ze, it doesn't seem to be a problem...

can only say!


Fight with your brain!

Much better than hitting with the head indeed!

Become a big Qin.

See the horrors of another world.

Tu Sui and the others were terrified to death.

[Tu Sui]: Fortunately, I have a eldest son, otherwise, I would have died in Baiyue too, and was dismembered by the Baiyue people!

In the hearts of the ancients, the body, hair and skin are the parents.

I usually don't want to have my hair cut.

Not to mention.

Tu Sui of the former Daqin was dismembered by the locals.


The eunuch was also just cut off the basket.

But as a great general, Tu Sui ended up worse than the eunuch, this is really heartbreaking!


Tu Sui was very grateful for the existence of Zhao Ze, who indirectly saved him.

[Ying Zheng]: Fortunately, Ze'er!

[Ying Zheng]: In the future, the territory of the Great Qin will be even wider, and the territory that can be left to future generations will be even bigger!

[Ying Zheng]: From the second generation to the third generation, all descendants can live in Baiyue!


the other side.

Although the comparison lost again.

But Yuan Yingzheng is not to be outdone.

[Ying Zheng]: Although my war against Baiyue was not as smooth as yours.

[Ying Zheng]: But!

[Ying Zheng]: I have also laid down a large piece of land for future generations!

[Ying Zheng]: Qin's second, third, and ten thousand descendants will also be able to be active in this new land!

The strength is not enough, the atmosphere comes together.

Seeing Ying Zheng's temperament, Zhao Gao hastily flattered him.

[Zhao Gao]: Your majesty is holy! Great Qin will be able to live forever!

conversation room.

A new comparison screen appears.

The people of the two worlds quickly held their breath and watched carefully.

The original Daqin.

After taking the land of Baiyue.

Qin State hibernates again and recovers its strength.

Because of the addition of a Baiyue territory, new problems emerged.

On the main hall.

Ying Zheng looked down at the ministers.

"Everyone, Baiyue is a barren land, and it needs capable people to develop it."

"Do you have any good candidates to recommend?"

Baiyue is located in a remote place.

The Baiyue people there are relatively primitive and need people to govern.

for example.

People are needed to count the number of people, people are needed to lead everyone to reclaim wasteland, and people are needed to manage the local people.

It is equivalent to the educated youth going to the countryside, and the grassroots exercise under the leadership.


The officials below were silent.

If it was before.

They must have rushed to speak, recommending people they think are suitable, and introducing them to Emperor Shihuang.

This time it was uncharacteristically.


They in the hall are all transparent people.

Ying Zheng frowned slightly.

Feeling a little unhappy.

"Why don't you talk, do you think that the land of Baiyue is not as rich as the Central Plains?".

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