Shuang Daqin Comparison, No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 104 Implement Military Reform! Qin Bing Should Be The Backbone Of The Country And The Pillar

"Military reform?"

Ying Zheng asked curiously.

Zhao Ze nodded.


In the current state of Qin, the military system has been relatively perfect, and there is not much room for improvement.

There are soldiers from the capital in Xianyang City.

The soldiers of the capital are stationed around Xianyang City, responsible for guarding Xianyang, and a small number of soldiers are stationed in various arteries of Xianyang City, responsible for maintaining law and order.

There are also local soldiers in every county and county.

Usually belong to the command of the county lieutenant and the county lieutenant, who is also responsible for guarding the city and maintaining law and order.

These two kinds of soldiers have an easy life.


In fact, it is the third type of soldiers, border guards.

Border guards need to be stationed in a difficult environment, and they will stay there for many years. Unless something special happens, they may not be able to return to their hometown for the rest of their lives.

It is clear.

The border guards that Wang An mentioned were the border guards.

There are frontier guards guarding the Huns in the north.

And Baiyue is here.

Although the soldiers are also stationed near the county seat, they can still go to the city for a stroll.


They are far from home.

Without the transfer order, it may be impossible to return to the Central Plains for a lifetime.

In nature, it is not much different from border guards.

Just as the criminal officer and soldier who had his ears and nose cut off by Wang An said.

"I left the Central Plains and left my wife and children for five years."

Just be a normal person.

Don't say five years.

Even if we don't see each other for a year, we will miss our family very much.


The Qin military system is obviously a little ruthless.

Zhao Ze believes that now that the world is stable, there is no need to treat soldiers so harshly.

Then he said: "I believe that soldiers lie in quality, not in numbers. Instead of recruiting troops on a large scale, it is better to recruit elite soldiers and train "Zero Three"

"Such a reduction in military expenditure can also strengthen the army."

Ying Zheng nodded.

That's right.

Now within the territory of Qin State, there are millions of troops!

These millions of troops do not farm or produce, but train every day, which consumes a lot for Qin.

"Ze'er, do you want to emulate Wei Wuzu?"

Wei Wu died.

It was once an army formed by Wu Qi, a famous general of Wei State.

It is also the first elite force that appeared in history.

The selection of Wei Wuzu is extremely strict.


Soldiers need to put on heavy metal armor that weighs more than ten kilograms, or even tens of kilograms.

You can hold a halberd with one hand, and you can hang a saber on your waist.

With a strong crossbow and 50 crossbow bolts on his back.

And carry food that can last for three days.

Soldiers who carry these equipments and can walk hundreds of miles a day can join Wei Wuzu and then undergo strict training.

Zhao Ze replied: "It is to imitate Wei Wuzu, but our Qin Ruishi should not only use infantry, but should have different training methods for different types of troops."

Wei Wuzu is also flawed.

At that time, Wu Qi only paid attention to the training of infantry.

However, the coordination of multiple arms is ignored.

Chariots, cavalry, etc.

Another important reason is that the cost of training Wei Wuzu is too high.

Later, Wei State's strategic mistakes seriously hurt its vitality, and there was no economic foundation to support these Wei soldiers, so the scale of Wei soldiers became smaller and smaller.

so that.

When Zhao Ze led his troops to attack Wei Wang's fake Daliang.

In the army defending the city, there are only more than 10,000 Wei soldiers.

Zhao Ze continued: "In addition to training elite soldiers, we also need to prepare soldiers for combat."

Ying Zheng frowned: "What do you mean by combat soldiers?"

Zhao Ze said: "From now on, men who reach the age of 18 every year must be registered to participate in the medical examination."

"Check whether the appearance is correct, whether the figure is tall, whether the eyesight is normal, and whether the physical fitness is qualified.

"Every year, only 100,000 people are selected from the passers to join the army."

"Those who are drawn need to be trained by veterans for two years."

"During these two years, the entire family of soldiers can be exempted from corvee and taxes.

"Ten years later, Great Qin will have millions of soldiers preparing for war. If there is a war, they can be summoned and an army of one million can be formed within ten days."

"And, abolish the system of exile of prisoners."

"In my great Qin army, every soldier should be the pride of the country, the pillar of the family, and should be respected wherever he goes."

"Putting prisoners into the army will make everyone look down on the army."

"It is disgraceful to think that the soldiers of the army are all prisoners."

"Furthermore, if the prisoners are forced to be exiled into the army, they will not be able to form combat power. Only those Qin Ruishi who have the will and faith to fight have unparalleled combat power.


This is the military system in a technological society.

Zhao Ze just asked Da Qin to copy it.

At present, there are more than 1,200 counties in Daqin, and each county only retains 100 elite soldiers, which is enough to play the role of security protection.

In the vicinity of Xianyang, it is enough to keep five thousand elite soldiers.

As for the frontier guards against the Huns, just keep tens of millions.

Count it down.

A total of less than 250,000 troops.

But each of them is an elite soldier, and its combat effectiveness will not be weaker than that of a million-strong army made of criminals and captives.

The reason why he dared to reduce his troops.

The main thing is Zhao Ze, who has seen the harmony of Daqin today.

The world has been unified for many years.

There was no sign of rebellion.

Why do you keep so many troops?

It is better to let them go home to farm and share the farm work with the family.

Ying Zheng understood Zhao Ze's meaning and asked, "Once every two years, the border guards will be able to go home and reunite with their families, which is considered to have fulfilled Chou'an's last wish."

Zhao Ze added: "As for the term of office of the generals like Ren Xiaotu, they have to change every four years."

"In order to prevent them from holding military power alone, it is best to transfer them to other armies to report on their duties as soon as their term of office is up. Not only can it prevent them from mutiny, but it can also allow these generals to understand the various terrains of Qin State and communicate with each other to train troops. experience."

Zhao Ze was eloquent.

Ying Zheng listened attentively.

He found.

Zhao Ze's military reform, you can try it!

at least!

It can help Qin to get rid of the heavy burden of millions of troops.

Raising more than 200,000 people is much easier than raising a million people.

More critically.

There are only more than 200,000 people on the surface.

But in fact, many domestic males are trained combat soldiers, and in an emergency, they can organize hundreds of thousands of troops!

"That's right, father."

Zhao Ze reminded: "Set up another military school."

Ying Zheng was startled again: "Military school?"

Everyone else is stupid.

What is this for?

Seeing Ying Zheng's bewildered face, Zhao Ze continued: "The military school is opened in Xianyang.

"In the future, officers who have performed well in the army can come to military schools, where veteran generals with great military exploits will explain tactics.

In this day and age.

The art of war is monopolized by military families.

Why was Wang Jian so powerful in marching and fighting?

Because the ancestors have fought for hundreds of years, and their combat experience has been recorded in Wang's military book. This is a secret that is not handed down, and only future generations can read it.

But in Zhao Ze's view.

If you want to strengthen your country, you want military talents to emerge in large numbers.

These veteran military families cannot be allowed to enjoy their combat experience to themselves.

It needs to be taken out and shared with younger generations.


It would be best if they wanted to.

If he didn't want to, Zhao Ze went to talk to Sui himself.

Modern people.

With thousands of years of war experience in history, I have been exposed to it on the Internet every day, looking through history books, watching TV series of the Three Kingdoms, and watching Sun Tzu's Art of War on the Internet at will.

There are quite a lot of military tactics in my mind.

Say nothing else.

Counter-measures, siege around points to fight for reinforcements, scheming against one's heart, suspecting soldiers to plot against the city, attacking east and west, aren't these all at your fingertips?

There are also some thoughts on governing the army.

And a big strategic layout.

If Zhao Ze is willing, it is absolutely no problem to be a tutor in the military academy.

Under a pass introduction.

Ying Zheng's eyes also began to light up.

"Imperial Examinations Invigorate Civil Officials!"

"A good general from the military academy!"

This imperial examination, a military academy, can continuously deliver fresh blood to Great Qin in both civil and military fields!


In the blink of an eye.

Yingzheng began to vigorously promote the military reform system.

Those prisoners who were exiled into the army were sent to build large-scale construction projects, and the captives who were exiled into the army were sent directly back to their hometowns, so that they could continue to work as farmers.

Then start the physical examination in the whole army.

Those who have excellent physical fitness are left behind, and the soldiers who fail the physical test are sent home to work in agriculture.

Immediately afterwards.

Recruit recruits across the country.


As Zhao Ze said.

Ordinary people can't be soldiers at all, they have to be tall, handsome, and have good physical fitness.


In the future, all men who have reached the age of eighteen must take part in the physical examination for conscription.

Just be a soldier.

The whole family can be exempted from corvee tax.

If one is selected but refuses to participate, the tax will be doubled as a punishment.


Army layoffs complete.

The recruits who have been screened are also sent to various places to participate in training.

For example Baiyue.

The group of soldiers who followed Zhao Ze, fought in Baiyue for several months, and stayed there for several years, all of them had completed their service and were sent back to their hometowns.

Filled by recruits.

the second year.

There will be new recruits coming.

The third year.

The first batch of recruits can also return to their hometown after their service period expires.


Not everyone wants to go home, either.

It is also possible if a soldier states that he is willing to stay in the army.


As long as the soldier is in the army for one year.

His whole family, old and young, can be exempted from corvee tax for one year.

When they learned that this policy had been implemented, the guards stationed on the border of the Xiongnu and Baiyue all shed tears of excitement.

They stand guard at the border.

But it's been around for years!

I thought I would never go home in this life.

did not expect.

There is still a chance to go home!

The guards of Baiyue are even more grateful to the dead Wang An.

after all.

It was Wang An who was sympathetic to the officers and soldiers of Baiyue, who had not been able to see his family for many years, so he wrote to the first emperor, hoping that the first emperor could accept his replacement every other year.


Wang An's last wish was fulfilled.

All soldiers can be replaced every other year without having to endure the pain of not being able to go home.

The original Daqin.

See that Zhao Ze has implemented military reform.

Soldiers can serve for two years and then go home to farm.

The people did not feel any change.


The Qin soldiers guarding the border are so excited!

: "Military reform has been done next door! We can definitely do military reform here!"

: "That's right, His Majesty will definitely follow Zhao Ze's example and implement military reforms, so that we have a chance to go home!"

: "I have guarded against the Huns in the north for six years, and my children must not know me anymore!"

: "I also miss my mother. My father died in battle a few years ago. I have never married and had no children. Only my mother and younger brother are left at home. They must miss me too!

Your Majesty! Please also carry out military reforms!"

: "Your Majesty, please change the military!"


It's too loud!

In front of the whole screen are the requests of the soldiers on the border.

Ying Zheng hesitated.


His Great Qin is not as rich as Zhao Ze's Great Qin...

The common people of Zhao Ze live a carefree life and will not rebel.

But in his Great Qin, the common people are under great pressure.

There are also the remnants of the Six Kingdoms.

Once the military reform is implemented.

Maybe those remnants of the Six Nations will take the opportunity to rise.


There is another very big resistance to the military reform!

That is the veteran nobleman of Qin State!

Those magnates!

To know.

For example, Wang's father and son, Meng brothers and so on.

They were all in the Qin State and started their careers through wars. If the military was reformed, generals would be promoted from grassroots soldiers, and Wang's father and son, Meng's brothers, would be allowed to share experience and give lectures.

Isn't this destroying the foundation of these old nobles?

after all.

Their 12.7 cuts the confidence.

It is their ancestral book of war...

Ying Zheng didn't consider this for the sake of the old aristocrats either.


He is thinking about his own state of Qin.

Just imagine.

You moved the interests of the old nobles, can they be willing?

Then I will definitely fight against you secretly, maybe it will cause war in Qin.

Promise to carry out the imperial examination.

In fact, the interests of civil servants and old nobles have been touched.


At this moment, the interests of the old aristocrats will be used again......

【Fu Su】: Father, carry out military reform and set up a military academy!

[Fusu]: This is a great achievement!

[Fusu]: Civil servants can pass the imperial examination to become an official, and generals who perform well can enter the military academy for further study!

[Fusu]: One article, one military, two reforms!

[Fu Su]: It will allow our Great Qin to select many capable people from the grassroots people to serve our Great Qin!

Fusu is too idealistic.

He only saw the benefits of Zhao Ze's military reform.

But did not consider.

Whether it is the reform of the political system or the reform of the military system, they are all touching the cake of the old nobles.

The old nobles of the Six Kingdoms need not be afraid.

After all, they were also the targets of Qin.


What about the veteran nobles of Qin?

It was also with their support that the Qin royal family allowed Qin to defeat the other six countries.

Zhao Gao saw Ying Zheng's thoughts.

Then answer instead.

[Zhao Gao]: Young Master, the matter of imperial examination and military reform is very good, but our Qin State has to take it step by step, and we can't rush it for a while.

[Zhao Gao]: Let’s talk about the imperial examination and military reform later.

[Zhao Gao]: I, Qin Kingdom I and II, are inexhaustible, and opportunities are plentiful. .

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