Shuang Daqin Comparison, No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 105 Ying Zheng: I Have A Psychological Shadow Over My Diners

See Zhao Gao's answer.

Li Si naturally guessed that this was to save Ying Zheng some face.

You can't let Ying Zheng say it.

I'm afraid of offending the old nobles of the Qin State. When the time comes, they will fight against me and start a war, right?

[Li Si]: What Zhao Zhongling said is right, my Daqin foundation is unstable.

[Li Si]: Many systems in another world cannot be copied, they are just castles in the air.

[Li Si]: We still have to follow up step by step, and wait until the time is right.

Seeing two courtiers he likes, he speaks for himself.

Ying Zheng also breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Si and Zhao Gao.

Still smart.

I saw my embarrassment.

[Ying Zheng]: I think what Li Si and Zhao Gao said are reasonable.

[Ying Zheng]: There is no need to rush the imperial examination and military reform. These things are suitable for Zhao Ze's Great Qin, but not necessarily suitable for our Great Qin.

I saw what Ying Zheng said.

The hearts of the old nobles of the Qin State were all relieved.

Good luck!

It seems.

Whether to carry out the imperial examination and military reform is still unknown.

To know.

Without the imperial examination, these three princes and nine ministers can support their sons and grandsons and continue to be high officials in Qin!

Can guarantee a lifetime of prosperity and wealth!


With imperial examinations!

Those businessmen and common people who they once looked down upon also have the opportunity to sit on an equal footing with them.

Why is the old noble not in a hurry?

The same goes for military reform.

Every military family is highly regarded by relying on their ancestral art of war.

If it is really military reform.

It doesn't matter if the two-year service period expires and the soldiers are sent home.


military academy?

This is their minefield!

Why should my ancestors have fought for hundreds of years, and the war experience they have fought, should be passed on to this group of small characters who have been promoted from the grassroots for free?

Church Apprentice!

Master starve to death!

Wang Jian, Mengtian and the others must not be happy.

After seeing Ying Zheng, he declined the immediate implementation of the imperial examination and military reform, and the two waves of old nobles breathed a sigh of relief.

at the same time.

They also sympathized with the old nobles under Zhao Ze.

I am afraid.

Zhao Ze implemented imperial examinations and military reforms.

It will definitely dissatisfy the old nobles there.

But they were dissatisfied and useless.

Because Zhao Ze's personal influence is too great. 25

Ying Zheng didn't even have to say or do anything, he pulled Hao Daer out and walked around in front of the old nobles.

The old nobles will be frightened into soft-legged shrimps.

The six countries were all beaten up in front of Zhao Ze, and they surrendered like grandchildren one by one.

They are old nobles.

If you dare to split...

Not even sending troops.

Zhao Ze alone can overthrow the old nobles of Qin.

It is not an exaggeration to say.

Zhao Ze's current influence in Qin State is no different from the teacher's influence in Long State.

The teacher just goes there.

The people are boiling!

People cry!

What American Emperor?

What a fart!

The same is true for Zhao Ze in Qin.

At that stop, the old aristocrats of the state of Qin were so frightened that they dared not fart.


The old nobles of Qin State in the two worlds are not in the same living environment at all.

If Zhao Ze does not exist.

But some people dare to propose such imperial examinations and military reforms?

The old aristocrats of the state of Qin jumped their feet a long time ago!

Who dares to demand reform?

Are you cutting off my money?

It's like killing my parents!

I must kill you!

If Yingzheng really dared to implement it, it would be no problem for the old nobleman of Qin to assassinate Yingzheng secretly and appoint the weak and obedient Hu Hai as the superior.


Zhao Ze exists...

That's why Ying Zheng talked about promoting imperial examinations and pushing for military reform.

The old nobleman of the state of Qin secretly glanced at the tall and tall Zhao Ze, he didn't even dare to say a word, and kept nodding like a chick.

"Good good!"

"The imperial examination is good!"

"Military reform is also good!"

"We definitely support the eldest son's reform!"

There is Zhao Ze, the mountain.

Enjoying hereditary titles and being able to annex land, the nobles of the Qin State naturally dare not overstep.


Fusu said to carry out military reform.

In the eyes of his father, many troubles will arise.


A new comparison screen appears.

The original Daqin.

After dealing with Baiyue's troubles.

Yingzheng set off and took his courtiers on a second tour of the world.

en route.

When passing through the downtown area of ​​Korea.

On the street, suddenly a man knelt down and shouted: "His Majesty the First Emperor! Please avenge the grassroots!"

hear this.

The nearby guards rushed over immediately and picked up the man.

Going to throw it out.


Zhao Gao walked out of the carriage, looked at the man and said, "Wait a minute! Bring this man here."

The guards froze for a moment.

"Zhao Zhongling, this person may be an assassin.

Zhao Gaobai glanced at him and said: "It's okay, let him come over, Your Majesty wants to hear what he has to ask.

When the guards heard this, they had to let go of the man.

The man came over gratefully.

Did not dare to approach.

Instead, he cried to the carriage: "Your Majesty, please make decisions for the grassroots!"

"Caomin's family has 20 acres of fertile land. A few days ago, it was bought by Zuo Shuzhang's servant!"

"Grass people don't want to sell their fields!"

"They beat the grassroots!"

"Cao Min's father went to stop him, but was beaten to death by Zuo Shuzhang's servants!"

"My father, he used to be a soldier under Chief Zuo Shu!"

"Caomin took his father's body and went to the county government office to complain. The county magistrate and the county magistrate heard that the servant of Zuo Shuzhang did it, so they didn't dare to intervene in this matter. They advised the grassroots to let it go!"

In the state of Qin.

A 20-level military title system is implemented.

That is the well-known military merit system.

Kill more enemies.

You can get more titles.

Titles can be hereditary and can be bought and sold.

One liter per liter.

You can get more fields, and even rewards such as houses, cattle, and servants.


The way to do meritorious service is not just to kill the enemy.

Can offer good advice.

It is also a credit.

And the Zuo Shuchang in the man's mouth is the tenth rank of the title among the twentieth ranks.

The former Shang Yang.

It is Zuo Shuchang.


It was Li Si who served as the head of Zuoshu.


Li Si, who was in the same car as Ying Zheng, panicked instantly when he heard the man suing Zuo Shuzhang.

The wine glass in his hand was put back on the table with a guilty conscience.

Then he lowered his head, not daring to meet Ying Zheng's eyes.

Ying Zheng finished his glass of wine.

Get up and get out of the carriage, looking down at the man.

"I, let you confront Zuo Shuzhang face to face."

Say it.

Li Si walked out embarrassedly.

Then he looked at the man and asked, "Why didn't I know this happened?"

The man saw that it was Li Si.

He was even more excited and said: "The grass people don't know, they only know that they beat my father's slaves and clamored that their master is the son of Zuo Shuzhang!"

"My son Li You?"

Li Si panicked even more.


Pit father ah you!

How can I be a virtuous minister? As my son, you allow your servants to forcefully buy other people's farmland?

Li Si panicked and didn't know how to deal with it.

"This may be someone else's nonsense. My son is far away in Xianyang, not in South Korea."

The man said again: "The county magistrate and the county magistrate can testify for me!"

Ying Zheng was expressionless: "The local magistrate and county magistrate, come and explain."

The county magistrate and county magistrate who has been following both sides of the convoy.

Hear the summons.

Come over immediately.

Ying Zheng said: "Truthfully speaking, you must not cheat for personal gain."

The two looked at each other.

He lowered his head helplessly, "Returning to Your Majesty, it is indeed Li Xiang's son and Li You's servant, but the money for buying the farmland has already been given to their father and son, and they don't want it."


Li Si said angrily: "Under the laws of Great Qin, how can we buy and sell by force?"

Say it.

Li Si turned to Ying Zheng and said, "Your Majesty, please punish severely!"

Ying Zheng glanced at Li Si.

Indifferently said: "I will punish you by returning the occupied farmland to this person, and then hang the servants who killed his father. Your son Li You is also guilty of this matter, and I will punish him by cutting his title." class."

Li Si cupped his fists: "Criminal Li Si, receive the punishment!"

Ying Zheng looked at the man again and asked, "Are you satisfied with my solution?"

The man kowtowed gratefully: "The grass people are satisfied!"

at last.

Yingzheng ordered the county magistrate and the county magistrate to say: "The return of the farmland and the death penalty of the servants will be handed over to you two governors."

The latter two bowed and said, "Yes, Your Majesty!"

Get this done.

The convoy continued on its way.

In the carriage.

Zhao Gao poured wine for Ying Zheng.

But at this moment, Li Si was no longer in the mood to drink, he fidgeted and said, "Your Majesty, I am the one who can't teach you well."

Ying Zheng drank a glass of wine.

He said indifferently: "Your son Li You just killed one person by mistake, the old nobles of Qin State are really insane.

"They raped the women of the people, forcibly bought fertile land, and connived at the domestic servants to commit crimes."

"I've heard it before."

"Just wait and see."

Seeing that the wine glass was filled by Zhao Gao, Ying Zheng continued: "In this parade, there are not a few similar lawsuits."

as expected.

On the second east tour.

Similar things are not uncommon.

Those soldiers who fought on the battlefield, won titles, farms, and servants, returned to their hometown after the war, and began to act recklessly.

They're still just playing around.

Like those who have made great military exploits, they are the ones who really cover the sky in the local area.

The existence of these old nobles.

It gave Yingzheng quite a headache.

The essential.

He has no reason to deal with the old nobleman.


The old aristocrats are the foundation of Qin's foothold.

Without this group of old nobles, Qin would not have achieved what it is today.

The key is.

The old aristocrat covered the sky with one hand, and even the county magistrate dared not offend him. He did something illegal and couldn't spread it at all.


Ying Zheng couldn't find evidence to deal with them.

When passing through Chu State.

Something that made everyone even more dumbfounded happened.

There was an aristocrat from the state of Qin, Shi Chujun Yingran, who took over the land with a radius of 30 miles as a reward.

He actually built his own palace!

Although the scale is far inferior to the palace of the king of a country.

But among officials.

Definitely an exaggeration!


Around the palace, Yingran also kept many followers, totaling more than 3,000 people!

Said to be a doorman.

In fact.

When the war came, these people transformed into three thousand dead soldiers!

Just like Lai Ai's former disciples.

You can arm yourself and help Lao Ai to conspire.


When Yingzheng was attracted by this senior and invited him to his new home as a guest.

Ying Zheng smiled on his face.

But in my heart I called my mother to sell batches!

"Your Majesty, you are the king and I am the minister.

"But in our private residence, I am your Majesty's uncle from the same clan, and we should be treated as generations.

Yingran said with a smile.

For a moment he got carried away.

Living in his own little palace for too long, and not seeing Ying Zheng's ruthlessness for too long, this is a bit insane.


Ying Zheng was angered.

Ying Zheng smiled on the surface, but in his heart he wanted to burn this guy and this small palace.

Stayed overnight and left.

Ying Zheng was sitting in the carriage compartment, smashing everything inside frantically.




Wine glasses, fruit plate.

Everything you see is doomed.


Zhao Gao and Li Si, who were riding horses, looked at each other with worried expressions.

Anyone knows.

The first emperor was angry with his uncle of the same clan.

317 That uncle made great contributions on the battlefield.

The title was promoted two levels in a row.

Then he gave him a large piece of land in Chu State.

He has no military power.

But it can recruit doormen.

And built such a luxurious palace.

If not passing by here.

Who in Xianyang knew that Yuan Ran was so brave?


Ying Zheng roared in the carriage.

Li Si quickly dismounted, trotted all the way to climb into the carriage, opened the door curtain and walked into the carriage.

"His Majesty!"

Ying Zhengqi's face was blood red.

"Let me think of a way, how can I take back the rewards of you nobles!"

"I want to take back the fields, mansions, servants, and titles I rewarded you!"

Li Si looked embarrassed.

I thought to myself, am I digging a hole for myself?

After all, I am also Haojue, with a hereditary title.

So Li Si persuaded: "Your Majesty, calm down. Qin established the country with the title of military meritorious service. This is the foundation of Qin's prosperity. If everyone is deprived of their awards and titles, it will be self-destructive."

"It chills the hearts of everyone who has made military exploits. In the future, Qin will be in trouble. Who will help?"

Ying Zheng sat on the edge of the bed angrily.

Gritting his teeth, he said, "The rewards and titles must all be taken back. My Great Qin only needs officials who are able to live there, and no titles passed down from generation to generation!"

"Otherwise, there are some nobles who overwhelm the sky in the local area!"

"It will definitely threaten Qin's rule!"

Li Si was in a dilemma.

He naturally also saw that some Haojue was going too far.


Haojue was not allowed to organize an army.

Interference in government affairs is also not allowed.


Some Haojue are too powerful!

For example, Li Si's son, after disregarding human life, the county magistrate and county magistrate were afraid of offending Li Si, so they dared not stand up for justice.

And Yingran's disciples.

Said to be a doorman.

Aren't they just unarmed soldiers?

Today you have three thousand customers.

Tomorrow you will have 30,000 customers!

The doormen!

Will turn into a rebel army at any moment!

Today only one hundred mu of fertile land will be granted to you, tomorrow you will forcefully buy five hundred acres, and the day after tomorrow you will forcefully buy one thousand acres!

Three years and five years later!

You have 100,000 mu of fertile land, so what is the difference from ten thousand miles of fiefdom?

Although he understands the potential threat of Haojue.


Li Si himself is Haojue.


He really has no good way to help Ying Zheng get the rewards back.

Li Si said helplessly.

"His Majesty."

"The world has only been established for a few years, and the remnants of the six kingdoms are still at work."

"The Huns are raging in the north."

"The remnants of Baiyue are harassing us in the south."

"In the future, we will still count on this group of nobles to contribute to help us fight against the enemy."

"If this group of lords are upset, then they will treat my Qin State in a negative way, unwilling to contribute, or even oppose my Qin State, and my Qin State will be in danger!"

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